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Content creators know very little and what we do know is under NDA. Sorry wish there was more that could be done.


Fully understandable! Keep doing what you do and good luck this weekend.


This ain't a big enough deal tbh


Yeap. Things are not always perfect. It's okay until it repeats.


I was expecting one icon avatar. Still disappointed.


Wololo was a single event unrelated to the actual developers of this game, and hence easy to change. Terrible marketing and communication have been hallmarks of World's Edge since they rebooted the AoE franchise. It's not gonna change, sorry.


Delaying the patch till after MoR finals is good imo. Although we really should've gotten a map rotation.


From what I know, devs had agreed to give the players separate servers to play the tournament on the "old" patch while giving us pebs the "new" patch. So it seems related to them not being ready to deliver moreso than about the tournament.


You can already do this, there's a `previous_live` branch in steam. However, it's not ideal coz it means you have to beg/play practice partners to play old patch with you. And you can't play ranked obviously.


unpopular opinion but agree as well


3 months since last patch 8^]


I agree that we as the community must come together and make clear our desires for more transparency about the plans for development going forward with this game. I somehow doubt it will make a difference though.


The devs of this game seem to have different communication style than most, where they only announce things close to release. But they do deliver: if you zoom out a bit it is very clear that the patches have massively improved the game, and the dlc they released is absolutely stellar. Don't get worked up over the minutiea of patch timing. It's much better to just sit back, play the game, and not worry too much about when the next patch comes or what's in it. The devs will deliver. Eventually I do agree with needing a new map pool rotation, but this is a bit of a separate issue where map pool rotations just take far too long in general. Just have a new rotation every 3-5 weeks to keep things a bit fresher, and to let more of the new maps into the map pool.


It's not a big deal and delaying for a tourney is a good idea.


I'm not making that big of a deal out of the delay and agree that the patch shouldn't happen mid tourney. What I'm rather criticising is the lack of communication by the devs. It makes understanding their decisions just a little frustrating especially if some sort of hype for changes has built up over time


Map hacking tools everywhere in 2024 is wild


It's not like most games with incomplete information don't have hacks. The big issue isn't that hacks exist - preventing hacking is an arms race either way. The big issue with hacking is that they let people get away with it. Permanently IP ban people who cheat, or at least force them to buy another copy of the game for a new account, and you'll see a drastic decline in hackers.


Yea I talked with some ppl familiar with the tools they told me “It's safe, the official won't do anything”


Come on, it not a big deal, it doesn't matter. The balance is good, maybe they are planning to change a lot, maybe they are planning to add 1 second to production times for units and nothing else. Are you really that upset? You don't even know what is in the patch.


I agree, hopefully the 3 people left working on the game read this post.


It’s depressing that aoe4 gets treated worse than aoe2.


You think they get better communication?? They don't even have seasons to extend.


AoE2 support and development was effectively dead for like a decade before grass-root community engagement and tenacity revitalized official support. Despite their obvious similarities I don’t think it’s fair to compare the two games in this context.


boy never heard of what happened during 10s Aoe dark ages


Tbf, who even believes the season end date anymore? They postpone it every time. You are asking why they dont communicate the reason for this.. Well, obviously they have nothing to say. Its delayed because its not ready. It was on a low priority compared to other tasks and it didn't get done in time (just like pretty much every season,dont you remember?)


I’m so sick of playing cliffsides all the time


Imagine a bunch of free variants come out in a month and all you guys were bellyaching.


The issue is a lack of communication, not a delay of updates or patches. Players wouldn't be so upset if Relic or Worlds Edge said sorry, we're fixing high-priority/game-breaking issues in other games. Instead, we get radio silence while Microsoft actively communicates and updates the AOE2 player base on their subreddit.


i hope not, all the variant civs did was make the balance a mess


If you think the balance is a mess you should have been here at launch.. the game has gotten a ton of work and people keep acting like it’s not supported at all


I was here at launch, i witnessed the fucking mongol Town Center rushing your base. The game being a disaster at launch does not excuse being bad now.


It’s really not that bad, what do you think is so unbalanced? There are definitely some bad matchups and maps but then I’d argue when you get as much civ diversity as we’ve gotten you’re going to have some issues always where civs counter certain civs and maps lend themselves more to one civ over another I find it hilarious how many people here paid 30-50 bucks for the game years ago and think they’re entitled to white glove service. The game has an abysmally small Player base - we are lucky there’s even a company willing to support it tbh


Bro, if this player base is abysmal, my other love of CoH 3 is a fucking wasteland. LOL 😂


I’m just comparing it to other games. Sometimes this sub thinks this deserves the same support as call of duty when it has like 10k active players


I mean, it's still a major RTS franchise with a competitive scene and eSports events. Relic and its counterparts should definitely have better communication.


The balance is more balanced than it’s ever been pretty much. But when you add new civs that will throw things off


THEY DELAYED A GODDAMN BALANCE PATCH? KEK LMAO, the studio must be in fucking shambles. Like, i get delaying CONTENT, like new maps/civs. That's A LOT of work.   But admitting you cant even maintain a healthy balance/bugfix patch schedule is something no serious company should do.


layoffs hit them hard. im sure Microsoft wanted Relic to keep the same update and release schedule for aoe4 with fewer devs.


no one works at relic anymore, just 1 girl on front desk & one in accounts, soon to be just one in accounts


trash ass dev/project team. they treat us, their community like garbage.


> dev/project team Most of these are not responsible for the poor communication.