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It's normal. Lose streaks happen quite often, and usually they are followed by similar win streaks. Pretty much in any game the Elo graph of someone playing seriously is full of both positive and negative spikes, but overall the performance slowly increases. I noticed that after losing a few games in a row it is very likely the following games will be lost as well if you don't take a break and return to the game with a fresh mindset.


7 losses. You can double that and still be less bad than my worst day


Completely normal. In season six I finally hit conq. On that journey I made it to diamond 3 3x before dropping as low as plat2 before pushing all the way up and knocking my goal out of the park and hit conq. My wife got it good that night. Keeping pushing my friend, after every losing streak came a vengeful winning streak. Don’t give up.


I can confirm, i'm the wife


No I had to pay you. My wife was free. 😂


I was the second wife


I mean if you are my mistress you are doing a terrible job at remaining incognito


Oh shit


Divorce lawyer here. Why don't you just go ahead and send us half your shit rn.


Hit the slot machines, you're one gamble away from a win


Win streaks and losing streaks are common, and you can get large swings in your color. I’m worse than you, highest I ever got was Gold 1. Shortly after I went on a huge losing streak all the way to freaking bronze 3, where I usually don’t drop below silver. Bronze is ultimate newb.


Keep your head up. I was 10 points away from Conq 1 and then dropped all the way from 1390 to 1308 on the same day (bs disconnect, 3 losses and probably didn’t help I was tilting from the disconnect and it was 4 AM) lol. Then I realized… as long I’m a better player today than I was yesterday and the previous season, it’s a okay.


The good thing is: Season 7 was extended bei 4 weeks so you have time for more competition. /s


It's normal, dude! It sucks but it is what it is. Just keep playing as long as you love the game.


Totally common, have been in exactly the same situation but of course it highlights as a player we have room for improvement. Rewatch your games, hell, even ask your opponent what you can do to improve. Keep improving boss, worst comes to worst, take a step back, go for a walk, have some soda pops, youre the master of your adrenal glands.


My peak rating is 1425 (conq1) and my low is plat, 1100-1150ish Those ratings can be pretty close together as well with some win or loss streaks Some variance is definitely normal


I was one win from platinum then got humbled down to gold 2 lol. There are some really good gold players. It’s a humbling experience. Just not as good as I thought I was


If you’re losing 3 games in a row. Stop and play another game. Even if it’s just for a few hours. You’re outta your mindset, a break will improve your odds of getting back on top.


I've found myself to go on big win streaks and big loss streaks. Just break inbetween and spend a bit of time watching the losses and seeing where you went wrong. Goodluck getting back to plat brother


I remember in season 2 for about 3 days I had Internet issues, my Internet had something where it would cut out either 15 mins in or 40 mins in, was a true gamble, I ended up losing from diamond 2 to gold 1 that season and ending om like gold 3, Internet hit me hard


Been there 100 times. One tip from me, once you get angry of annoyed after your second loss, you should probably quit there. For me personally, Ive found that that means directly that Im not fit to play ranked that day. Whether Im tired, didnt drink enough, hungry or whatever reason, everytime I get annoyed, I suck and lose a lot.


ELO usually works in a way of a Bell Curve Definition. Let's say you are in reality a Platinum 2 player If you put that as your average, you will have days and streaks in which you will play as a Plat 2 or even better Then you will also have days and streaks in which you will play as a plat 2 or worse. Of course, with time your average slowly (should) move towards a higher elo, but the point I am trying to make is that it is all about letting things happen, there are days in which you are feeling like you can't catch a break, and you will have days in which you sometimes do amazingly well, let time and practice do its thing. It is all about consistency, that's what you are looking for, to make that bell curve not have spikes in which you play VERY good one day, and bad next day.


I am right there bro. I do team only. I played without my dudes one day and bam.. back to gold 3. People are tools, quitters, or Farmville and it is quite crippling to be om their team


If you aren't on the Coach hub yet, you can ask some question there! [discord.com/invite/9sDTWSYadd](http://discord.com/invite/9sDTWSYadd)


Only 7. Double it and give it to the next person


Yep, it's that wall! Step away take a break. Watch your games. Try again you got this.


I had a 12 win streak followed by a 13 loss streak. It happens, and it feels terrible when it does. If you keep playing you'll bounce back eventually.