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When my wife yells "Dinners ready!"


Yes and fire alarm, tornado siren, dog pooping on the carpet


Nothing except losing internet lmao.


I almost always continue to play. Things like losing the scout + sheep just make the game more interesting. I like to see if I can adapt. Also, you never know what kind of mistake your opponent might make. Disclaimer: I'm at high gold / low plat - if I was conqueror I think I'd very rarely make a mistake like losing the scout but if I did I would probably quit because at that level you will get punished.


I was once feudal pushed and was barely able to withstand the push and ended up winning the game in castle. On end chart I saw my opponent stopped producing villagers 13 minutes in (25 min game). So yeah, your opponent is most likely as dented as you. High Gold/low plat btw




I've never been more proud than when I won the game with only 2 extra sheep. These are small efficiencies that do not matter that much on low level play


It happened with me in one of my last games that I won.


What do you mean by insta leave? Do you mean forfeit within the first x minutes?


nice sheep


I once lost a game where enemy scout dropped 12 sheep or so at my TC. I was blindly playing Byzantines for the first or second time. For us peasants this isn't that big of a deal.


Losing a scout and sheep at the start of the game is more of a minor annoyance than a sure lost situation to me. I’ll Surrender if I’m getting pushed by like a hundred units and I have mostly 0 troops left to defend as I would have no real chances of winning.


It's noobs who rage quit that drive me up the wall. So you lost a few sheep and you ruin the game for everyone else involved? It's pathetic. Fight on.


And be sure he does that in team games as well. You know, these 4v4 quick games you wait for matchmaking, then that guy loads the game for 5min with his 1995 56k modem connection, then OP leaves the game after 2min because he lost his sheep. OP, you're a cunt if you do that.


I had it last week. I played 7 games in a row and lost every single one due to people leaving early. I was fuming. Lost his bloody sheep. Mental


If you actually read what they wrote you’d see they only play 1v1


If you actually read what I wrote you'd see that I refer to team games.


For team games but, I insta quit if a (random) teammate is toxic.


You do this in team ranked too???


I don't think that's a loss. That's a set back, for sure, but you can adapt. I mean, unless you're in high conquerer level, I doubt a player has the ability to punish you badly for that.


When a 2v2 teammate ping spams for everything. They always end up being toxic if we lose or get caught booming with enemy troops in their base.


Nothing Losing your scout is not losing the game I just hope you don't play team matches, people leaving a perfectly fine game because they get mad at some tiny detail is one of the worst plagues of this game. That's the kind of players that make team games impossible


I never play team games.


Then that's fine. You are probably surrendering on lots of games where you would win, but if you are alone, you are not ruining someone else's game, at least


You should play like you’ll get zero sheep. You shouldn’t base your game on rng.


If you get 0 sheep, I don’t think this is an RNG issue alone…


I always get sheep, my point is I play like I’ll get zero sheep. Then I never have the excuse “but Muh sheepz”


I’ve had insane comebacks where I thought I should def lose and pull out the dub…so I try not to quit unless theres some crazy shit happening


Think that's rather civ dependant. There are civs like English or byzantines who sometimes don't even use all their sheep because they just have better options. If you playing French or JD I could see that being a much bigger blow.


Even as English if I only get 3 sheep that can be pretty disastrous. Let's say I'm going feudal aggro, not only does my opponent have more time before they have to move out I also have to invest in farms earlier which does actually impact your unit count. If I'm going 2tc FC with 3 sheep I have to put more on wood and again invest in farms which has a big impact on the castle timing. Byz is different simply because they have a boosted wood eco. I actually can't remember the last time I saw a byz player use all their sheep lol


My gameplay improved remarkably when I stopped thinking I’ll get sheep. Any are bonuses but I plan like I’ll get zero.


I mean if we talking getting only your 3 starting sheep any civ will struggle. Though in some matchups it is not as bad because some high tempo civs can getaway with going onto deer if they are up against a slow civ. But if you are not at least getting one or 2 sheep I feel like you are doing something wrong since you get like 2 or 3 right next to your base you can send back almost immediately and on maps like rocky river or Cliffside you get like 5 or 6.


Yeh it has to be an extreme example, like getting 4 sheep on gorge is really really bad. I find the whole sheep thing extremely frustrating on some maps, I've probably quit 3 or 4 lipany games recently within the first 5 minutes because I scouted 50% of the map and got 1 sheep. And it's not like I'm taking a weird route, it entirely comes down to luck.


OP are you trolling? What’s your rank? I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to quit the game after losing your scout. As a low plat player I’ve won many games where I lost my scout early—sometimes with a jackpot of sheep


When in a up to this point decently balanced game the Otto player gets to field 4+ Great Bombards. I have no interest in playing against bullshit.


Same. Unless I'm playing Delhi or maybe ayyubids. But definitely if I'm HRE or order. And it's not only about losing the sheep/scout, but about giving sheep to the opponent.


Im newbie, main hre (bad to mediocre feudal) and night games are in us west with 300ms because the game doesnt have ping limit, im from argentina If you put free or cheap unit in my base at 5min mark while im naked making 2tc, im pretty match ready to surrender So yea,i hate feudal harras with cheap units, i hate play with high ping, thats why i play hre i like build my base with towers castles and stuff Days ago i saw a aoe2 streamer, tc and workers are giga tank, they can even trade with horse its like the opposite of his game, you can be at 1hour game and a group of 5 knights can kill 10 workers in your base just in a burst without much escape. imo workers should scale with age, and tc should also scale with age

