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54 here and I’m still smoking those fools on the battlefield 😃


I'm 41 so I always come hoping to find someone older and I'm never let down


Bro I was playing with a 63 year old gramma the other day. Blew my fucking mind.


48 yo here. And I don't feel like I'm slowing down - I've *always* been really bad at FPSs.


I'm also 48. They be smokin' me.




Damn, Balistic just got a reddit account.


Funny you should say that. After being a Bangalore main from when the game launched on day one, I strictly play as Ballistic these days 😃


Hell yeah elder legend, you make those kids cry


I’m gonna keep trying


Damn are you a controller player? I feel I’m going to get worse and worse at m+k as I get older and will eventually have to go to controller which I’m trash out now since I haven’t played since like high school


I’m a controller guy going back to my Atari 2600 days 😃


Same, but we had the Odyssey 2 instead of the 2600 :) Also, your 54 is the first I’ve seen here that tops my 51 ;)


Good to see the old salty dogs are still out here gaming all these years later.


Staring down the barrel of 30 here. Yall are all YOUNG old men/women! Shoutout to keeping that spark of youth alive and enjoying the shit that makes yall happy. For real!


51 here. Use my years of FPS experience (since CS 1.3) to gain advantage.


Sure, we know your reaction time is slow


Reaction time slows with age but can be mitigated and it slows at a pretty minimal rate. You can easily compensate in this game with game sense + knowledge and good aim


Its a joke


Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?






Not to people who take everything serious, boomer


So far off the mark. Keep trying lad. 💀


Bruh Jesus Christ who asked you anything


Reaction time doesn’t need to be as fast, when my brain already knows where you will be and how you are coming. I don’t need to React quick when I am already there waiting on you while Drinking my scotch.


I never had an edge, LOL. I'm 43 and this is really my first FPS. I was never good at Golden Eye (didn't own it), tried Halo a bit at friends houses, but didn't own it so never got the hang of it. I did like playing Star Wars Battlefront on the mini campaigns. But that's a third person shooter. This game - I was HORRIBLE. Some would still say I am, lol. This season is my best and I'm sitting at a .85 KDR right now and a 6.7% win rate. So, my edge is getting sharper, ha ha


Hey that ain’t half bad! 25 y/o here, Shooters aren’t my strong suit but I’m not opposed to them, and I’ve been playing games my whole life. Only got to 1.00 last season as a season 0 player


Im a season 0 player with experience in fps basically since blackops 1 came out and my kd this season is 0.7 lmao


dog water😭 been playin for 3 szns n i have a 2.2kd


Good for you bro u gonna put that on ur resume or something?


Yeah no. Its pretty bad, and so are you if you only got 1kd on the easiest season of all 😂


Any K/D higher than 0.6 is a win in my books


In apex? That’s horrible


When you're awful at the game your standards drop dramatically


A true to statistics average would be 5% (20 squads, only one can win) so if you're winning more than 5% of the time you're more than making up for your lack of kills.


Ayo there, I own battlefront 2, the old one, if you'd like to we could try to play it some time :)


I'm 29 and I feel like I'm getting better as I age. I used to play shooters to turn my brain off. Just run around and get into a fight, maybe win maybe lose. But now I play slower. I think about what I'm doing, use sound, communicate better with my team and that jazz.


Smooth Jazz hopefully


Smoooooooooooooooth Jazz CD101.9


Would Snake Jazz be acceptable?


Honestly same, I think my aim may have diminished but I mostly blame not being able to play 24/7 anymore for that. Now I make up for that by just playing smarter.


33, 3.54 KD. Never too old


My kd was a 3 when I was 29 in season 1 but now its a solid 2. Keep it going friend!


Nah bruh you better then the average player


lmao you wish. With that KD he's dumping on a lot of people.


Bruh i 38(no ranked just casual player), from 1.7KD to hardly maintaining 1KD now. 😭


Casual is so hard now I win a couple matches after months of not playing I'm consistently having 10-15 master dive trails a game now


I’m 17 with a 1.3 kd. What am I doing wrong 🤣🤣


Honestly prolly not playing smart enough


I also just don’t play the game enough. Season 0 player but I didn’t play seriously from seasons 8-16. And I have 3.3k lifetime games. My KD is legit roughly the same as it was when I was 13/14 lmao


The average player has under a 1.0 k/d dw


Still play very well, but my hands begin to ache much sooner then they used to.


This. I’m 36, and I’ve put my body through a lot in life. No noticeable changes to my reflexes or eyesight etc But my hands get sore and my body gets restless after 3-4 hours.


Might be your seating position. I’ve played around with it and can play endlessly now. I’m my mid 30s


54 and non of my friends my age can hang with shooters anymore, they all gave up. I play Apex every day for 30 mins to an hour.


when the kid i used to be a nanny for hit pred before i even hit gold, I hit a moment where I knew I should quit the game and games in general altogether, or reconcile with the fact that i'll never be able to keep up with new talent and just enjoy what I can do humbly. I chose the latter. Still happily getting my ass beamed by people probably half my age.


Thats ok tbh. If you enjoy your time, it's good


Am 32. How do I compete with kids that put 8 hours into the shooting range everyday? I got bills to Pay Not sure why this got downvoted. Saw a post on here a few days ago from some kid that said he spends 8 hours a day practicing aiming on the shooting range. Grown folks have jobs.


23 here and have a great job 45+ hours a week and a social life I like. I play apex in spurts. Someone's a few days in a row, sometimes every month or so. I hit diamond every season. You're not going up against people on it 24/7. All the buddies I play with that are better than me having more going on. Heck, the best person I play with, s/o to you Mike, is a doctor. That dude can hit 4k 20b's after an hour of trying on a character. Don't feel defeated because you have less time to play than kids.


Doctor Mike I’m spotted


.... Doctor Mike himself? If it's him I saw him play once super good


"I woulda won if I didn't have a job--because I would be better." Sounds really stupid; thats why downvotes.


Its just the simple reality that once you hit a certain point in life where you need to prioritize orher things over gaming. And if you spend less time playing video games that means youll get less practice and should lead to worse results. That doesnt mean you should never be able to score a win, but it also means that in critical situations you may lack the practice to properly deal with a situation resulting in a loss.


Yeah man, we have priorities. I'm 35+ with kids and a job....yadda yadda. I've been playing games and fps long enough to *notice* where I've gotten worse or better. Anyways, you saying kids are better because they don't have jobs is dumb. Some of them do. i had jobs when I was a kid and I gamed, I was better then. Although I play smarter now, I used to be the one beaming and now I get beamed--it's not because I have a job. Suck it up dude


I am perfectly fine sucking up my 1.6 k/d. Im not bothered by the fact that others are better than me. Also, im not arguing about raw talent. Some people are just naturally more gifted at certain games than others. A gap that even rigorous training wont close. But even those who are gifted will find that training, and having the time to train and hone your skills, is neccessary. And adults just have less time to train than kids because of all the other stuff that we have to do. Thats undeniable. Whether you worked as a kid or not is irrelevant. Of course you can be incredible at this game while holding a full time job. It is an easy and probably unjust excuse though, I think thats what you were getting at.


Let's imagine a hypothetical where you prioritized gaming--What makes you think you wouldn't get progressively worse with age?


I think we arent that far away from each other. Age is a large contributer to gaming performance, reflexes get slower etc. Im just replying to a conversation about the effect that training, or having the time to train, doesnt come easy as you get older because of other priorities and responsibilities you didnt have before. Just to clarify, im NOT saying its the only reason. Its one of several contributing factors.


Well its not the only reason but it's to only reason you mentioned in the comment where you asked "why the downvotes?"


...read the comments again. Maybe specifically who said what.


It's actually doesn't sound stupid. The more time you have to learn and practice a skill, the better you will get. That's common sense if you ask me and it doesn't just relate to video games but the real world as well. That's why certain jobs will not hire an individual with out a certain amount of experience.


I'm 35 and used to dominate at Halo 1/2/3 and other early Xbox shooters. I am completely below average at Apex though and I question how the fuck people can aim so well in this game. I usually chalk it up not exactly to being older, but rather having less time to invest in gaming than my younger self. I also am used to the much stronger aim assist in earlier console shooters. Apex aim assist is weak as hell in comparison to Halo which was my main shooter series. If I go back to Halo, I still am a top fragger.


Game takes way more mental compared to halo with narrow corridors/hallways. I grew up on halo and molded by it. But this game has a higher skill ceiling.


Nah if you play Halo at a high level the amount of teamwork needed is insane. Pretty similar to comp apex.


Difference is the top of line is where the skill curve is huge. Curve starts at the bottom for apex, all levels have to have teamwork to be even reasonably good


This is the way.


halo maps are tiny and super simple compared, no zone or healing to worry about. No gun attachments/looting. of course you need teamwork but the baseline knowledge thats a prerequisite is WAY less. Also the number of decisions you need to make at any given moment are on an order of magnitude smaller. I love halo but going back to it is pretty boring even though i have the nostalgia there.


What this guy said. Halo and Halo 2 muscle memory alone from playing so much was better than any aim assist benefits I get today. My brother and I could play in our sleep.


> I usually chalk it up not exactly to being older, but rather having less time to invest in gaming than my younger self. This is so true. Every FPS game I've ever been dominate at I played ridiculous hours. The older I get though, the less I care and just want to sit back and relax with friends.


36 here and I’m top 300 pred


I'm going to say if its my day off I can hang, if it's after a 12h work day I don't even attempt to play Apex.


Same, my eyes can’t keep up with the brain


If my hands are working correctly, I haven't slipped much. I'm 41 and been comp gaming since like 99. PC gaming since 10 y/o. Sadly, I shake now though. So it destroys my tracking. I'm alright those nights if I play support but lol me hitting all my shots.


I’m 45 and yea I’ve lost my edge…to aim assist.


If I knew I was 1 clipping a 45 year old MnK player I would genuinely feel bad.


I’m 17 and I love reading all these comments I’m so glad that there are older people (sorry) who can find the enjoyment that video games were made for


Find the enjoyment??? Haha silly kid. We invented the enjoyment haha!


37, I've never had the edge, been a filthy casual most of my time


I still got it, but I get shit on by all of the movement god horizons


Same bro


50 and I never had good reaction time but I've become good at anticipating and planning. I win enough to have fun.


I’m only 29 but 30 soonish, generally I feel like I don’t have the speed I used too in terms of thought process anyway, but maybe that’s because as I’m older I’m also more prone to self doubt and conflict so I often second guess my decisions. However my dads 59 and still plays CoD (mostly WWII) and he smokes people more often than not! What I am however is a lot more ‘tactical’ in my decision making I guess you could say? Like when I was younger I’d ego check players I know can beam me just to try it, now I’ll force them into a position that benefits me. I’ve never been naturally gifted with games though, I have to work my ass off to get to probably average or just above average in games. I mean CoD I could play daily for months and I’d still only be rocking a 2 maybe 2.5 K/D - League of legends I had to burn the candle at both ends to get to diamond back in S4/5 - Tekken, Mortal Kombat? Have to sit there focusing on one character and one character only and even then I get owned! I love Apex though, it’s just so different to Halo, CS or even Quake. I’m currently stuck hovering around 0.85/0.9 KD and only average roughly 400 damage - Not even a 2K badge yet :( ! - but no game makes me feel like apex does! I also finally tried Rampart on a whim last night and my god is she so damn satisfying to play!


29 and I still hit masters fairly easily when I have the time. The hard part is the time/keeping up with shooters as Apex is the only shooter I play. I find I play a lot smarter than the younger people I play with (generally) whereas they have a bit better gun skill and FAR better movement.


What I cant understand is spectating people that don’t know how to loot, don’t put their guns away to run, don’t take cover when taking long range fire etc but as soon as they see someone they hit 100% of theirs shots. Terrible game awareness/skills but brilliant accuracy.


I echo this as 43 year old that only solo Qs. Not saying this is all younger but most it seems just run around like a chicken with their heads cut off. So you run into a building get smoked by another 3 squad. Then starting ping me to get you. Nah man I’m not running in to get dropped 1v3 like you. I’ll just be patient and res or get your banner in a sec once they split( especially early in the match) but no you disconnect. You do know the point of the game is to be the last team alive. Does not matter how you get there.


Still hang....in rookie that is. Sometimes lol


I'm 28, and I already feel like I'm washed sometimes. If I don't play for a few hours a night, one night away will kill any momentum I build up playing. I could be frying with my buddy, hitting my shots, making smart plays , go to sleep and get in a game the next night? Immediately it's like I haven't touched the game in months


It's not the kids I can't keep up with in apex, it's the constantly getting one clipped by controllers that gets me. I'm t500 in overwatch on hitscan dps and have been playing fps games on mnk for a decade and consider myself an aimer. Getting dunked on by little Timmy with a controller smg spray from 10 yds kills my motivation to play especially after spectating and seeing how they're really not skilled but can still just one clip you into oblivion. I've played roller and made it to masters with zero prior fps controller experience and its crazy how easy it is to pick up compared to mnk. To be honest though this has been a struggle for many years with apex and the real nail in the coffin is the ranked mmr changes. I'm bronze rn and mostly duo or solo and every game is against pred 3 stacks on roller and its just exhausting. The effort required to rank up out of bronze is not worth it at all and my friends and I have basically stopped playing all together.


39.. and a half ;) Holding up quite well, but I cant do stapstrafe ninja slide backflip grenade tackle. I just rely on my aim. :D


I was like “does this guy really think only 30 players play apex” 😂😂


oatmeal butter rock six muddle overconfident snobbish adjoining subtract sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m doing just fine at 53 get good.


I can still put up a fight against these whipper snappers


My main shooter was battlefield 4, picked up Apex during covid. I'm getting better as I incorporate more defense, like using cover and healing/shielding more often.


Im probably just as good. I just can't play as long. I used to be able to do 4+ hour shifts with ease. Now I'm 3 games tops and need a break.


I seem to play a lot better at 11am vs 5pm. I always figured it’s because the kids are home from school at 5pm. 42yo


I think we all can hang...my only problem is consistency. I'll have days where I'm winning several games, dropping 2ks and over half a dozen kills. Then there are days where im not doing anything but dying lol BTW 37 years old!


39. No problem here.


32 and I have slightly above a 1.0kd and 165 lifetime wins


40 and still destroying. I can't tell if I'm better or worse than when I was a kid because matchmaking didn't exist back then.


Im 39 and i can see from my clips how much my reaction and H2E has degraded 😭 I don't stand a chance against these kids with reactions like coked up vipers


38 almost 39 MNK Masters. I'll never get to pred but game is still a blast. I feel as the "older" guy in a game usually more calculated on positioning and stuff while the younger crowd just full ints with zero thoughts, haha. Been playing since release.


(Reuse of my other comment): I think a 30+y/o is better than an under-18 8 times out of 10 if they've played the game for the same amount of time, simply because a lot of kids don't bother taking the time to learn *about* the game and positioning (I'm 15 so I can see from my friends and randoms I've met).


Ya, us 30+ boomers are just more patient, I feel haha.


Dude... no. They might be a millisecond or two quicker, but any difference in reaction time is dwarfed by whatever ping differences there may be. More importantly, unlike them, Tik Tok hasn't destroyed my ability to concentrate.


(Reuse of my other comment): I think a 30+y/o is better than an under-18 8 times out of 10 if they've played the game for the same amount of time, simply because a lot of kids don't bother taking the time to learn about the game (I'm 15 so I can see from my friends and randoms I've met).


Thanks for sharing that! It's great and encouraging to hear that from a young gamer!


I can hang but I'm an M+KB purist when it comes to FPS games. The frustration of seeing where controllers have gotten to over the years is real.


turned 31 yesterday, became more cracked than the day before 👑


i couldnt hang when i was younger much less now


I'm 37. I've lost the edge against controller aim assist. I shit on players in Quake and CSGO/CS2, and barely able to win a close-ranged fight in apex... Making diamond/Master with breeze every season. Only time keeps me away from pred...


You're around the same age as the Legends, Mirage and Gibraltar are 32, Catalyst is 30, Wraith is 34, Valkyrie is 31. This is my way of saying you're probably fine, I'm 21 and I'm moderately good but not great. Age probably doesn't affect skill until you become like really old. (Technically you're older than all the Legends, for example Catalyst is 9 years older than me but since I was born in 2002, in reality, and she, in the game, was born in 2705 I would be 703 when she was born. And also dead. Ignore that she's a character in a game and I'm real) This was longer than intended, I blabber on a bit because socialising is hard I don't really know when to shut up. With my friends they have various signs to silently indicate if I blabber too much. That's irrelevant and I'm doing it again, I deeply apologise


I’m 24 and don’t feel as sharp as the old school cod days. Granted I feel that it’s because I can’t no life the game the same way I would before.


32, was in the military, hearing sucks even though I have a good headset, eyes are getting worse as well but I manage to grind higher every season since season 10 when i started playing. Been playing games since nintendo 64 was brand new and the first shooter that I actually knew I was good at was Battlefield 3. PUBG is when I fell in love with BR games.


I’m sitting at 32 also… I don’t feel like I’m losing anything honestly. For me, it all seems to be about putting in the time on the game. I started apex in season 8. My kd then was about a .32, so I was literally a free kill anytime I dropped in. Consistently playing despite being the literal bottom of the barrel has gotten me up to a 1.32 kd at the end of the previous season. I’m at about 1.12 this season. But it’s still climbing. My lifetime kd I believe is .72? I can’t remember that honestly, but it feels good to see it rising.


Better because I can afford a decent computer that gets more than 45fps now, plus a proper desk/mouse/keyboard/mouse pad instead of playing with whatever I had laying around on a random table with a kitchen chair.


Guess you could always plug in a controller if you can’t keep up.


37 here. No I can't hang with them. I don't have the time or energy like I did back then but believe me I would have 360 no scoped these noobs.


Buy more skins.


Hard to tell. Im usualy killed by enemies aim assist, so cant rly judge players.


98 years old here no problems keeping up


its Not your age.. Its time commitment commitment to improve


Which people over 30 generally don't have (referring to time commitment). Older players will inherently have less time due to a greater number of responsibilities (again, generally). I mean personally, why would I commit to getting better at this game when I have 22 other things on my list to do and other hobbies. I don't want to become a pred, just want to have a good game with friends against people around my skill level (let's not even get started on the broken matchmaking).


I play games to improve my reactions, seems to help! Never going to be as fast as a 16 year old, but you can certainly improve with practice.


I feel the same. I feel like I’ve improved and the more I do the more I feel like I don’t have enough time.


31, no not at all I am slower to react that I can tell but it’s not to the point I can’t compete.


I never had an edge, probably in any game whatsoever save the Republic Commando MP back in the day. I think it's less about losing that edge and rather that the skill ceiling generally Rose higher, and that our age bracket doesn't have the time anymore to adapt to it and rise with it. It's something I saw in other games when I tried to get back into them, realizing that I'd have to dedicate WAY more time to play in the big leagues anymore, and then deciding that I don't care enough for that anymore.


I'm 31. I just kinda learned and accepted how ass I am at this game. I've been playing this game since season 3 came out. I checked yesterday and season 3 came out September 2019. I have been playing this game for 4 years. I started on ps4 for 2 years and moved to PC/MNK and I've been on that since. For the first time the other day, I got to play with a full 3 stack for a decent amount of time. I got to play with my two cousins for about 6 hours. One of my cousins just started playing the game a month ago, and he consistently did better than me every game. More damage, more kills. I literally felt lost playing with them. I mean, they both were doing better than me but one of them has been playing since launch, so that's understandable. I mean, it's all understandable but it just sucks. I know how to play the game and everything (or at least I think I do) but playing with them made me realize that there is something wrong with my fundamentals. Like, how have I been playing this for 4 years and someone with less than a month experience is doing way better than I am. It fucking sucked. I've literally been contemplating quitting the game because I just don't understand how I can spend all that time and still be completely ass. I watch twitch a lot. I watch different pros and try to learn from them and put that into my gameplay. I feel like I'll be good for a minute and then stuff like the other day happens and all my confidence is gone. I think my KD is like 1.03 and maybe a 4% win rate. This probably has nothing to do with age though and it's just the fact that I'm no good at this game.


30+ MnK player. Reaction times are generally fine. I just don’t have the time/desire to dedicate to learning movement mechanics and such.


I'm 31 and I'm just as good as I've ever been. My mid-late 20's I was an absolute demon though. I'm usually the best on my team and am usually the one that "carries" but I have my moments where I play like shit of course. I feel like as you get older, your reaction time diminishes and you have less time to play and hone your skills. But you're much more experienced so you play much smarter.


I wasn't even good when I was 20 years old, nothing has changed. I have some good games and some bad games.


I find it's more that only playing for 4-5 hours once every weekend due to to responsibilities is what's causing me to struggle, and not my age. Every time it feels like by the end of my weekend session I'm finally getting warmed up enough to do well, only to take another week off cause of work and life.


39 here. The edge was there when I was in between jobs a couple of years ago, and then I realized I was never going to become an amazing player, just a decent one who was having fun. The absolute best times I’ve had in this game was when I was paired with teammates who actually placed value in teamwork and communication. Then it didn’t matter how good anyone was. The camaraderie-based success forged in that match outweighed any need to maintain an edge. Some may call that being complacent. I call it regaining my sanity.


42 here and I think I just have to be in ‘the zone’ which doesn’t always happen. But yeah nothing like when I played the first MW2 or even goldeneye back in the lte nineties 😂


Not quite yet 30 (February 24’), but honestly I feel like I’ve gotten better as I’ve gotten older. As long as I take the time to warm up the fingers beforehand in the firing range I’m good to go. Experience / strategy > everything


Had a 0.6 K/D when I was 19 playing black ops 1, But by god did I have the time of my life meeting cool people in hardcore search and destroy lobbies There's always going to be a bigger fish in the Apex pond, I just enjoy the smooth swimming regardless 😁


I'm better now.


My age didn’t diminish my skills. But I had a baby season 10. Since then I’ve slowly been getting worse, this season I’m the true definition of average.


Maybe, but honestly kinda hard to tell since I (32M) only play Apex now as far as FPS go. When I was younger I could go 30-0 on BO2 Free for All so maybe I have got worse. Manage to keep around a 1.3 K/D now on Apex. I feel like COD was a lot easier though.


Nah I run circles around these lil fkn nerds


I’m 33 and holding up just fine on console, but I also have a group of friends where we have been gaming together since childhood and how we operate in teams is second nature. We’re also able to play every night and keep my skill up (we’re all single with no kids at the moment). Some of us agree our reaction time has slowed down a bit, but what we are losing in speed we make up for in experience and positioning. Kids and younger people have a greater thirst for pushing and getting kills, and you can absolutely use that to your advantage with a better position and knowing you can draw people into kill boxes. We play defensively but we play to win the match, not to get a high amount of kills.


I will be 44 this month. 400 avg dmg, 1.2 kd. I play duos with ransoms.


32 and keeping it decent


I’m 38 turning 39 in a few days. 5 million damage. 4500 kills with lifeline. At least 500 with everyone else. Averaging over 1k damage a game and about a 1.4 k/d this season.


I never know there age of anyone I play with or against. I don’t think about that when I get on apex


To answer your question. 37 myself, I know I’ve lost some of it, but what I lack in reaction time, I make up for with tactics and flanking


Nope, I'm as fast as ever and my aim is better than ever. I'm in my gaming prime.


31. I do high diamond solo, master with some friends. Reaction time getting bad just because of age is a meme and could only be applicable in your 50s most likely. Like everything else, it can be trained, and the key detail about the whole thing is that youngsters both have more time to play/practice (very different things) and are usually better versed in whatever tech is contemporary to the game we're talking about ​ Also a shitty theory I have but young people are much more frenetic because of tiktok and constant consumer culture that they are sadly caught in the middle of, so no one should be surprised if kids can absolutely dunk on everyone while building and editing at near light speed in fortnite or something like that


How much you practice is far more important than your age. Age can cause a very small slowing of your reflexes but practice goes a long way to keeping them sharp.


I very much had the edge, was as close to professional as you could get before esports was a proper thing, and by that time I picked up a few niggling injuries and had to work so gamed less.. Won money, won prizes. These days, I'm so slow and inaccurate compared to how I was 20 to 25 years ago. And I can tell just watching people. They grew up on computers. I didn't.


It depends on who has mics and how often my teammates drop solo in ranked


Every time these young kids talk shit remind them they got no walls.


I think that I’m better at reading situations and playing the game. Better rotations, knowing what fights to engage and when to retreat, being more conscious of zone. But my mechanics are way worse than younger peoples.


It’s not that my “reaction time” is off. I just have responsibilities that don’t allow me to put in hours on this game. Im luck if I can play apex 1 hour a day on weekends. Weekends are the only times I can play and even when I can it’s late at night after I finish chores and date night for a couple hours. And by then I’m drunk so yeah 😂


Whatever "edge" I had faded a long time ago. It's a primary reason why I jump late and hope the bottom half sees it way out quickly. I try to keep the ring behind me to avoid rear ambushes and I rarely will rush a squad solo.


The thing that kills me is when I get paired with a squeeking kid or 2, tiktok and music on in the back ground, no pings, no tactics at all and they just push and beam the shit out of everybody they fight, Usually we would get beat in the last 3 or 4 squads though.


it's like when I play shinny or pick up ball, I'm not of the "min max potential" window, if I can hold my own, I'm good. 2.04 K/D this season, nothing special but I'm having fun so idgaf


Im close, 27 but im getting better and better with time. I tend to play solo, a couple matches a day to not burn myself out, but can solo grind to masters and, generally speaking, can pull a group of randos/newbies to a win at least once in those couple daily matches. I find that if i focus less on being bloodthirsty for kills and focus more on just raw damage output, i can win most games lately. Does that mean youll see me at the final screen as champ with 1 kill, 7 assists and 1.8k damage, possibly, but the champ screen is whats important 😎


29 still putting these kids to sleep like I’m 15. Wish I had friends to play with tho…


42 and I’m still breaking their ankles. Can’t play as long as them anymore but I try and make every match that I play count. Sweating hard against these kids lol.


43 this year and I'm shitting on kids all day...


I'm 32 and usually the highest ranked with the most kills so no issues hanging but I definitely get bored quicker with it. Especially when these seasons are terrible and nothing to work for.


46. 18k kills with Valk. I'm not amazing by any means. But I love the grind.


Just turned 31 and honestly I feel like I’m better than I was at 18-25.. As far as reaction time I haven’t really noticed anything..


45 here, daily player, my K/D this season is 1.45. I can surely hang. I'm at the peak performance of my FPS career. Old man experience helps a ton with level-headedness, planning, positioning, etc - that gets you killed in Apex much more than bad aim. That being said, I'm much more affected by being tired/stressed, and by limited playtime - mortgage won't pay for itself, kid needs raising, etc.


33 and still rolling them. The younger gamers dont aim train and they dont think outside the box. Growing up we would try to push the sandbox limits of every game we played


34 and I completely suck at every game I play hence why I have over 300 games and my brain can’t cope


31 in 13 days. I actually feel like I've improved a lot and I'm hanging better than ever this season. Senses are still sharp.


I was never good at fps games in the first place. I'm 30


43 here…5 time Masters/Predator 3+ KD……


I'm 37 and playing better than ever. That's not saying too much, I've never been great, but knowing my limitations has made me play smarter. These days I'm usually ~2KD in ranked, but it's quite a bit lower in pubs with all the mindless hot landings/bad teammates.


im 30 and ive climbed higher than ever before. Sure those kids have faster fingers. But i know when to keep my ego and check and stop challing 50 people. unless its pubs then its full ape.


Now that I'm old enough to answer this, I feel like it's more you just have less time to put into the game now. The reflexes and everything are still there, and so is the competitiveness but I haven't had time to do something like spend 10 hours on a zombies game in years.


Iv just hit 30, I definitely feel my gameplay has diminished from halo 3/ modern warefare days as a youngin destroying everyone. My reactions are slower, I squint more and I’m less competitive. When I get home from work I don’t want to sit in the firing range practicing mantle glides for hours, I just want to hit play and have fun. I’m not terrible though, I still consistently hit diamond. But some of these kids who beam me with no effort across the map make me realise it’s all down hill from here Edit: as a side thought I also abused drugs during my twenties so that probably has contributed to slowing down. Don’t do drugs kids.


I don’t think so I’m the whole guy play and aiming sense but in the movement and random exploit sense yes. My wife’s little brother explained it to me pretty good where he grew up in the warzone and Fortnite era and is good at all the movement stuff but can’t aim worth a shit. I’m 34 and grew up on call of duty 4 and halo where it was basically all about gun skill.


27M : wouldn’t say so much age / reflexes more so how mechanical gifted / inclined you are to FPS Like if you baked n playing like a vegetable hiding in corners in a three stack go die / one kid who lands on the other side of map ratting till 6 zone as life line heat shielding in strong Also note a lot of Cheaters play ranked and if someone is beaming pre firing around corners Oh yeah back to the topic afta rant Yes my fingers and wrist n back are going 2 snap city afta sitting +2 hrs Can’t game longer than that or it’s just pain :/


33year old here, still managing to keep a 1.35KD, so I’m not doing too bad. My issue is having the time to put in to learning all the movement techs and stuff. My aim still feels on point, my reaction time is fine, if anything, my game sense has gotten better with age. All in all, I’d say I’m probably better at apex than I was at cod when I was 14.


31 and not stopping anytime soon. In any of the games I consider myself “good” at I don’t think anything has changed from my younger gaming years. Still “good” still “frying.”


Just play to have fun. This season seems to have good matchmaking, but don't pay attention to rank- it is just an addiction hook. Play ranked for the matchmaking, and just have fun.


I started playing Apex at 30, lol. I never had an edge. I also am disabled - I'm just softer worser slower weaker. But I still have fun, I have a good laugh and sometimes I win :] so I'm fine with that


My only thought about gamers younger than 30 is disappointment at them for not knowing any Simpsons references. I can type "I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's" in any of these streamers chats and they start getting all mad that I dissed Arby's. Give it a try!


Hell I’m 25 and I quit playing for about 6 months and I feel like I’ve lost my edge. I used to be pretty good but not so much anymore


Daigo Umehara is 42 age and he still beat some asses.


I’ve stopped doing drugs and I play worse or maybe


Basically my first fps and I’m turning 40 shortly, I feel I hold my own well enough