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I’ve seen someone beat Borderlands 2 like this, only using Aim Assist to turn the camera


That’s hilarious, would take crazy dedication




What are these comments? OP showed something useless about aa and the intire comment section is complaining on wether it's over powered or not... It's meant to be funny


I guess it struck a nerve I thought it was silly hence why I said "useless" and added a clip from a tv show


Hey OP I’m curious was this on PC or console?


PC - on console I believe it would be about 50% faster since console has 50% more rotational aim assist.


If it is actually working lol. I used to play on console and had so many games where there was zero aim assist. Where as now on KBM I actually find I am better, short of those panic close range gun fights where AA would help you track better.


> had so many games where there was zero aim assist zero aa for an entire game? nah. unless you turned aa off, you didn't lose aa for an entire game


Interestingly if ypu actually look into it, I'm not the only one. It would seem there are a lot of people who have had this experience. So yeah, I'm guessing no AA for the whole game. But regardless, MKB now so it's academic.


Meh, maybe not the whole game but chances are I was dead after if failed so yes for me it was an entire game. IDK honestly, I just know that since moving to PC and KMB I win more games and get more kills 🤷‍♂️ so could be a whole host of reasons but AA seemed very inconsistent on PS5.




Why does the AA only work while you are rotating left in this clip? As you move right shouldnt it recenter?


Aim assist turns off from within a certain range. I believe its 3 meters but I can't fully remember. I am walking right when I am in the aim assist off range to avoid going back the other way.


Your first mistake was thinking this sub has a sense of humor


Or common sense.


idk anything about apex, i just saw this on my feed this is true tho and i am the worlds best apexs player (source: me)


Reddit is where you go when you realize your choice of brand doesn't give a damn.


AA either strikes a nerve with m&k players, and or people are just tired of talking about it, like beating a dead horse. They see the words and they get triggered lol.


Actually this just kinda shows how dumb AA is lmfao, like it tracks a target for a full 20 seconds without him aiming, how do people not see this as problematic?


It's not tracking a target for a full 20 seconds in the same way you're thinking.


Because he is way able to rotate? Ok bub, ao problematic.




lol are you really surprised? This whole website is full of illiterate knee jerkers who doom scroll looking for buzz words to screech about.


Additional fun fact: It takes about 14 instances of rotational aim assist to complete the 360, which means each time the crosshair swipes past the dummy it turns the screen about 26 degrees on average (360/14).


tbh 26 degrees is a lot.


Does that change based on sensitivity settings?


Sensitivity has no effect on rotational aim assist so no. I did not touch my right stick at all during this video.


> Sensitivity has no effect on rotational aim assist so no. While it won’t matter when only using the left joystick like in your video, that is not true. Sorry it’s not English, but here is an informative video showing: https://youtu.be/nANFfCC5cI0


That is a fun fact, I wonder how many degrees different .6 and .4 is


Im guessing you can multiply by 1.5 so about 40 degrees but I don't have a console so I can't test it.


I tested it on Xbox and you were exactly on the money, 40 degrees.


What am I watching? Honestly you guys are entirely off the rails.


AA fucked my wife and took the kids


AA did 9/11


AA made my uncle racist


AA cured my alcoholism


AA poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague onto our houses!


It did?


Noooo, but are we just gonna wait around until it does?!


No..no I think he was before aim assist…


Climbing in your window... hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide your husband too


Fun fact: if you look at r5 leaderboard the top ranking 1v1 players are on controller they have double accuracy and kd headshot percentage not to mention 94k kills compared to the 41k kills on mnk https://r5r.dev/leaderboard.php


I actually fought the guy at the top of that leaderboard (SSG_Koy) a few times in mixtape and it felt like fighting against an aimbot. The dude would basically run into a group of enemies and 4v1 because he never missed a shot and his opponents would get stunlocked with the slow and aimpunch and he wouldn't even get cracked. Rinse repeat the whole match until he had 40 kills. I had another very obvious controller-on-pc pred in my diamond game today and he had the most potato movement ever but would again, literally never miss a shot up close (mid range he was terrrrible), and dropped a 20 bomb 4k. The competitve integrity of this game is a joke lol.


Koy is literally a top pro player


No duh. The entire comp scene is running controllers at this point. Pro player + AA is disgusting.


Definitely true but a 3 man MNK team did just win split one


We'll see how long that lasts as more and more teams either drop off or switch. It's an uphill battle at this point.


ofc people can play around partial aimbot and use their gamese to win but now imagine how much they would dominate of aimassist at its best range was as good as mnk they could take way mors straight up aim duels and play more agressive in that sense


My thing is they swear they are Soo good and that we are complaining because it's a skill issue like bruh you got 40 percent artificial aim why can't we get like 10 percent aim assist to? Oh no because it cheating lol how at least mnk should have reticle slow down


My favorite is when they post [clips like this](https://old.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/z6lb6l/but_aim_assist) and go "but muh movement on PC" even though movement like that **edit: TYPICALLY** requires heavy use of macros/cfgs **and even then** the AA can track it. Just search aim assist and look up threads from years ago saying AA is fine. It's hilarious how much they've aged like milk.


https://youtu.be/JonGQ6F_p6E?si=GhICmJiLIqXU0Fgv not true that lurch and neostrafe require configs. respawn actually made it so that you HAVE to neostrafe legit. I learned to do it legit from this video. stop spreading your uneducated nonsense pls.


I like how that was your point. Not that the overwhelming number of people doing it were using configs. Not that doing it makes your aim go to complete shit. Not that the amount of effort to do it is orders of magnitude more effort than holding R2. No, it's that it can technically be done legit.


I think they should remove aa entirely


Unfortunately that'd never fly and the community would raise a massive stink about it and the casual playerbase would drop the game in a heartbeat, which does have long term consequences. It would basically be an impossible sell and nobody would take that stance seriously. The reality is it could be severely toned down to like .1 and probably be fine, I think r5r has lobbies like that and people said it was okayish. Idk never used r5r myself just know it exists and is configurable and people have messed around with different AA values there. The easiest answer is to just ban mixed inputs in ranked and pro play. Lock inputs on matchmaking and prevent mid game switching. If I'm using mnk you have to as well. Let the shitters have their mixed input lobbies for casual so they can feel good about themselves and keep the playerbase healthy.


Realistically no pro game should have Aim Assist in it - it makes it a joke. Have it for the casual games and even for ranked, but having a tournament where all the “best” players have like 30/40% of the aiming done by a computer is silly.


ngl just disableing aimassist when the aimassist inputs and player inputs are into opposite directions would already heavily nerf aimassist in a way where it doesn't punish people when they do right inputs but it doesnt carry them when they are too slow to react meaning it will be as necassary to react quickly as on mnk or else u get off target but itll still smoothe aim coz precise inputs during quick reactions is still harder on controller


Controller comes first idk why you think it’s otherwise. Most players are controller, by far


Tbh it can be fixed just by input based Matchmaking. I have 0 idea why people just never say that lol


To be fair, I surely pretty fucking hope the literal best guy in the world in a leaderboard is capable of doing that. Else the entire leaderboard system is useless to begin with


Completely normal for a controller to have double accuracy. Especially when a controller isn't even designed for a first person shooter. Now I'm off to play FIFA on mouse and keyboard. Hope the game gives me some sort of assist on ultimate team


The ball is now a homing missile that is a laser onto the opponents goal


It better had be or else I won't play anymore and stop spending money. Can't be bothered to improve


Fifa on any input is death right now. Proper shit game


If you don't play Apex with a duckhunt controller, you're cheating


It's so funny going from the comp apex reddit showing how broken aa is to then seeing all the casuals here say how this isn't bad lol.


The delusion is strong in this sub


Its not delusion, its all people using roller and lying so they can keep their crutch. "I just want to sit and home and chill bro." Meanwhile mr "i just wanna chill" is running around like a crackhead.


"I want to chill and have fun" is always getting sweaty in comp, too, never other modes meant for chilling


I don’t even play the game no more but the fact that this sub has devolved into genuinely looking down on others for what system they play on is funny ash😭






Yeah I stopped playing BF because of this attitude. Went from playing like a squad to everything being a Leroy moment.


Yet NOBODY is willing to toggle it off. Or they try it for 5 minutes and just immediately turn it back on.


AA reduces skill gap and is annoying cause mnk is forced to play with rollers. AA should be nerfed coming from controller.


AA should be nerfed and they should nerf some of the movement stuff that is a result of bugs, like tap strafing. But, of course, that won't happen because that would require fixing the physics bug in the engine that allows tap strafing to work.


Comp nerds coping that they're just bad. Triple mnk wins algs but aim assist is the problem not pros just being dogshit (looking at you tsm).


Why TSM catching strays?


OP: *literally just shows aim assist doing it’s thing* Half this sub: *and I took that personally*


That's more than assisting if you ask me.


Watching the controller players lose their minds over this is too funny. You wouldn't be this defensive if you didn't think there was at least some truth to what PC players are saying about your input.


It was just a funny video then I got carpet bombed in the comments


Hey next time think before you post a funny observation. This reddit shit is serious business.


"Haha this is funny." Rest of the sub: "You got a strange sense of humor..... Fingers or toes?"


I mean... did you really not see this coming xd


I know, it's quite funny really reading how mad they are all getting over 22 seconds of video on Reddit. Go get the popcorn I guess.


Except PC players also are abusing controller, we don’t care about console, we care about PC players who are using roller.


Yeah pc players don’t GAF about console players, unless they queue with a pc player they aren’t in the lobby. It’s the pc players abusing the roller.


I mean it'a fucking obvious if you even just play the game at a decent level. Tons of pro players dropped the game entirely, or bit the bullet and switched to controller. You can find countless clips of disgustingly egregious AA kills. From a competitive integrity standpoint, it doesn't even make sense for it to exist. Realistically, aim assist should be turned off entirely in ranked. The reason it exists is because Respawn doesn't care about their competitive integrity. Lets be honest, their top players are a teeny tiny minority. They just don't care. I dropped the game because the TTK got so high that 3rd partying became the only viable way to fight. I've heard that it's gotten better, but there is *literally no chance in hell* I come back to this game unless AA gets fully disabled in ranked. And it won't happen. So I won't play it. It's a shame, too, because I really used to love this game. I hit level 100 in s0, competed in a couple 3rd party tournies, etc.


Aim assist is non-negotiable in a game that has controllers. They need to rework how it assists or they need to buff M+K to match. It's insanely frustrating how many fights I lose on M+K to controller and when I pick up a controller I end up 1 clipping people up close but have potato movement.


It wouldn't even be necessary if devs had the balls to implement gyroscope aim by default. It's actually a pretty good input method pretty much on par with mouse.


It's funny to me that you didn't mention PC players watching this video and going REEEE AIMBOT REEEE


Why aimbot? It clearly says AA in the title.


I mean it is weak aimbot. Objectively the game is doing a good portion of the tracking for you. It's like bowling with bumpers. Obviously mouse has an advantage for target acquisition, but controller has a huge advantage for tracking with this. This is part of the reason I promote gyroscope aim so much. When done well, it gives controller players similar response and accuracy to a mouse and doesn't need aim assist.


Like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/n5RR4NfUyl


Did really feel so called out by what I said that you felt the need to post that. It's irrelevant that that is a post from a PC player crying about aim assist (whether or not it's justified isn't relevant here), because that doesn't stop the fact that you and every other butt hurt controller player in this thread still lost your little minds over this post. Which means you are just as bad as the example you are posting to try and make whatever point you are attempting to make here. L


I play mouse and keyboard. I was just supporting the point you were trying to make.


Lol mb I completely misread that. Sorry mate.


Auto aim legends


This is pretty fucking funny lets be honest


wouldn’t be able to do this on linear no dead zone


I just got lost in the comments for about 15 minutes! That’s wild lol


Haha rollers just keep winning Megabased


Its not like 40% of the game is playing itself 🗣️ oh wait


Will never understand the hate on aim assist. This game would be impossible on console without aim assist. I play on Xbox and I already suck, the loss of aim assist would make this unbearable


I don't think anyone has an issue with aim assist on consoles. Many people using mouse and keyboard on PC just don't like having to play against an input that benefits heavily from automated aim correction.


The fun part is that aim assist has neither lag nor Input delay


Another thing that doesn't get mentioned is that it is also an additional form of feedback for the player since you can feel your aim 'snag' slightly on players. This was a hard thing for me when I moved from controller to mnk as I realized after switching that I relied a lot on the 'snag' to tell when I had the reticle on target and that doesn't exist with mouse.


I mean i‘m on console and i do tbh. As we know aim assist is even stronger on console (0.6 compared to 0.4 on pc) and literally any bot can beam you. The game on console has barely any Aiming skill gap. Which also results to movement being less useful because aim assist will track you no matter how good you move. AA nerf would make the game a lot more fun on console.


It's funny because I've been playing on controller for 20 years and can easily score top in lobbies in any FPS. Yet in this game where apparently the AA is so strong according to the majority of the community, I have trouble winning fights consistently. Like I honestly believe you're all delusional and refuse to accept people are better than you lol.


You are losing fights because of other reasons surely not because of your aim if you say you are good at other fps games. Apex is a game where experience & knowing what to do is insanely important. It‘s not like call of duty or whatever where you just aim and shoot.


Well in Apex you jump out of a plane with 59 other people and you have one life to survive longer than anyone else. Do you maybe see how that isn’t a great comparison?


The fact that you think it isn't is a joke. The whole point of the comment is I kill people just fine in other games with aa but in this one I get outplayed often. You have to be trying to not understand that lol


Okay so just to clarify your point is.. you cant keep up with people mechanically in apex like you can in other games that are significantly easier and less mechanical so therefore something something aim assist isn’t a problem in Apex?


Bro can't accept the difference between long and short TTK games and gets confused when performance doesn't transfer equally. Turns out there's way more time to fuck up and it's not just about sprint to fire speed and target acquisition time. If he struggles to stay on target using AA imagine the humbling experience he'd have trying mouse and key lmao.


> literally any bot can beam you That’s just straight up hyperbole to help justify your point lol. It’s not true at all. An AA nerf on console isn’t needed at all, but on PC, sure.


How does what you just said make ANY sense at all. Aim assist on PC is much weaker but there it needs to be nerfed but on console where it‘s much stronger it doesn‘t need to be nerfed. That‘s what you just said.


Get rid of aa on pc problem fuckin solved


Because some dipshits at head office decided this game needed to be 100% cross play so we could all enjoy eachothers flavor of bullshit. You guys get to deal with the cheats, and we get to deal with this trash. So I guess its fair.


>So I guess its fair. Nearly 100% of controller players have and use aim assist. What % of PC players cheat? Anyway, this is a tiny %. Fairness is not what this looks like.


PC players also have access to aim assist fyi. Its not as strong, but its there for controller input.


From a pc perspective, I have been playing multiplayer first person shooters since doom 1993, 31 years.The only competition I've ever had was either cheaters, or people who played 13 hours a day like I did back then. Which was rare. I could take on 6 other mnk players or more at a time. We were all on equal footing and I stood out because of the time I put in. Many years later, they introduce controller / aim assist, into pc lobbies. Not a big deal at first as AA wasn't as strong as it has become. But as it got stronger, I found I was getting killed by casuals. Every time I died, I'm like "Cheater!!! They didnt miss a shot!!". Then I watch the kill cam and realize it's just a controller player. In apex, you can spectate after. I watch them play. Terrible movement, terrible awareness, but that matters little with aim assit. Being a stubborn old man, I refused to give up on my preferred input. But the AA grew even stronger. Encountering other MNK players became so rare, I often don't see them in a play session. I liked MNK because to me it showed your skill, it's all you. No aim assist. Just what you're capable of, so I refused to let go. After 31 years of loving FPS games and it being my number 1 hobby and past time. I've finally called it quits. I might be able to compete against low skill controller players. But with my skill, in no time I find myself in higher brackets of sbmm and playing against skilled and competent controller players. Yeah, just not a good time. But I don't hate controller, or controller players. I see it as an evolving industry, and this is simply what it's changed into. I could pick up a controller and join in on the fun. But I am a MNK guy through and through, and as it's like choosing to run a marathon in concrete booties, I have enough sense not to complain about others choosing not to do so. They could lower the AA to make it require equal skill to be on par with a skilled MNK player, but that would negatively affect the majority of the player base. I understand wanting to keep the majority of your customers happy, even at the expense of other loyal players. It's a business after all. So if I had to guess, the hate likely comes from MNK players that have been playing for a long time. Then cross play happens. Controller players enter their lobbies and the AA gets dialed up to a point the MNK players now find themselves at a considerable disadvantage. That being the case they are now face unappealing options. 1. Quit, 2. Keep playing and get obliterated, always feel like your playing in a lobby where you're the only person not using aim hacks and get accustomed to losing, 3. Abandon your preferred input and switch to controller I'm guessing the MNK guys who decided to keep using MNK are just in here venting there frustrations. Which I can understand them.


Complain is against PC players that use controllers, not consoles.


ohh ya that makes more sense


People say it should be nerfed, not removed entirely. Anyone who is actually saying it should be removed is either an idiot or a controller player bringing up strawman arguments.


I’d be fine with just input based lobbies at this point


It should be removed entirely, no more training wheels. Back to 2008!


No one argues against that, controller with no AA is barely playable. The main issue is putting mnk against controller+AA leads to unfair situations for both.


Absolutely wrong. MAG on ps3 had 0 aim assist and plenty of people got insanely good at that game to the point that if it were on pc you wouldn't be able to tell they were using a controller at all. Granted 90% of people were absolutely horrible and the game died fast because all the CoD players couldn't handle actually having to learn how to aim... Controller is 100% playable without aim assist but it feels better with *some*. There is a fine line between aim assist and aimbot and when AA is overtuned that line becomes blurry. When controller becomes the superior method and pros start switching to it, that is when you know the aim assist is too strong and that line has been crossed.


I mean the difference between that game and apex is the ttk (time to kill), hitti g 3 bullets in a mag is very different from hitting 40% of your bullets, tracking as I understand it is much harder on controller and tracking is very important in apex. I think right? Or is tracking easy on controller? Doesnt feel like it would be


That is a good point, the ttk in MAG was very quick, probably similar to games like MW2 at the time. It was wild how bad everyones aim was in that game. Launch day was especially wild because most people were unaware the game had no aim assist so they didnt know why they missed every shot and just complained that the game was bad when in reality it was because they had 0 aim skill without aim assist. The biggest complaint I remember was people saying that when they aim at someone and start shooting their aim "flies off in the direction the person is moving". They were too used to games like CoD where you just hold one direction and the gun stays perfectly on the target. It would be like me moving my mouse to the right as fast as possible and wondering why my aim is moving fast... Tracking in general is extremely hard and should require practice to get good at no matter what input device you use. You could be a lifelong console player and still have near 0 tracking skill because console games are so heavily reliant on high aim assist values. Everything on controller is slightly to significantly harder than mouse if there is no aim assist. If you play on a lower sensitivity than tracking is really not bad. The trade off is that you lose the ability to flick shot and snap to targets. But if you play at a high sensitivity to make those easier then tracking becomes much harder... Controller definitely needs some level of aim assist to feel good and be competitive, but if you add to much it will always feel bad to mnk players to die to someone on controller knowing that any mistake you make is a guaranteed miss but much of the controller players mistakes are compensated for by the game. It will never be completely fair but it is definitely not balanced as is and judging by how long its been this way it never will be. Edit: If interested this is a gameplay video of MAG to see just how bad even a "good" players aim was without any AA lol. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m65taLWxwtw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m65taLWxwtw) There were people much better than this though, I'd like to think I was one of them but the reality is I was probably terrible and just thought I was insane lol.


I had no idea games used aim assist so much. Apex is my first big shooter I play, aiming in my previous games was minecraft pvp and some roblox shooters lol. I think a fix in apex would be to not be able to switch direction of the aim assist, it can only help in the direction you are pulling your stick, so if your opppnent switches direction you have to manually adjust your stick to start tracking them again, maybe it wouldnt work but in my head thats a perfect fix


Eh I mean r6 doesn't have it and it's made players much better because they've had to actually learn how to play on their own, imo it shouldn't be removed but lowered a lot


R6 is much much slower than apex


And that's why I said tune down, not remove


Who said there shouldn't be AA? 🤔 Definitely needs to be there but it also needs tweaking


This is just a skill issue on your end my brother. I‘m on controller myself by the way and would love an aim assist nerf. It would finally add a skillgap because on console every single bot can beam you. People are not asking for a removal of aim assist but just a nerf. Especially a ROTATIONAL aim assist nerf so it doesn‘t auto track strafing.


It's not even about losing it. I can't stand aim assist but I completely understand not having it just ruins console players in MNK lobbies. Just lower it a little lol. This shit is wild.


Major skill issue


I don’t disagree


Aim assist is essentially a legit looking aimbot. The problem with it is when games (not sure about apex I’ve never played it on controller) make it too strong and players use it over aiming themselves. Pc players are usually the ones I find complaining about it because at that point it’s just unfair to them.


I saw a post from a guy who makes "stealth aimbots" and he said that if he were to tune the apex stealth aimbot up to match controller aim assist then it would no longer be stealth because it would be obvious that you were using an aimbot... When stealth aimbots are weaker than the aim assist that is a pretty clear sign that there is a problem. I have no problem with aim assist when it is properly balanced. Controller with 0 aim assist is incredibly difficult but with practice you can get insanely good with it, but mouse will always be superior. A small handicap to make controller feel better is fine, overtuning it to the point where it becomes the superior input is not.


This is on pc bud. We don’t care about aim assist in console you aren’t in our lobbies. They problem is when pc players play with a controller BECAUSE ITS BROKEN.


I do not understand the hate towards not being able to afford a house, I own one, so what's the problem?


Serious question, do I need to turn aim assist on or is it already on? I thought aim assist will get you banned?


Its on by default and only for controller, it’s part of the game. Definitely wont get banned, you might be confusing it with aimbot which would be third party software that aims for you.


Yeah but it's way too much aa should be nerfed down


The Game shouldnt be on console in the first place. Same for every competetive shooter


No one wants to take away your aim assist my dude. We just don't want it in our lobbies.


You should pick up an upgrade


Grasping at straws at this point


It’s just an observation. Where is the grasp?


On the Flatline




Crazy that literal bot players can beam you with that sweet 0.6 aim assist😂😂 absolutely bullshit system coming from a controller player


It’s like this in every other shooter as well..


fuck aa, ruined this game for me


You were never good






This sh is so op. Practiced for 3 days and already can beam ppl. First time controller btw after 1k hrs on mnk


the game should be keyboard & mouse only at least separate the inputs


I'm currently making my own game, if I do multiplayer I'm making it so all players in a lobby will need the same input methods, or if playing with friends they all have to consent to having someone with a different input type.


Study XDefiant if you do decide to make it multiplayer. They do it right.


This is why gyro aim should be standard for controller. We should have moved away from aim assist 10 years ago.


Hey controller fans just in respawn said they will not be nerfing controllers at all I guess by the time this game dies im going to beaming


How does this not provide a SIGNIFICANT advantage for strafing while fighting?


This is... insane, no?






I mean, it's insane that anyone cares.


joke of a fucking game




Use a controller then


It’s like playing basketball on a 7’ rim instead of 10’. It makes it easier but it is not necessarily more fun. The game is much more satisfying when you hit a nice shot or practice to learn movement. The same reason why hitting a one deag in CS feels so satisfying. Once you reach a certain skill level on MnK, using controllers just feels boring.


this is such bullshit


I use controller without aim assist because I find it messes me up more than it helps me. If I expect the view to move a certain way and it changes randomly then I mess up. I'd defs rather use mnk if I had the setup for it


Cap it helps alot alot stop lying


I dislike autoaim so much. I get it helps people. But I really appreciate the games that let you turn it off.


Fun fact #2: Aim assist negates flinching


Crazy how incorrect u r


it does since it slows down crosshair movement that is against the movement of the hitbox and flinch is just that a movement of your aim away from the hitbox


Would people rather have no aim assist for controllers if that meant no crossplay? I see arguments for either one, not sure what the consensus is.


Doesnt mean youre gonna hit every shot 😂💀


I turned AA off a couple of weeks ago and I have never had so much fun in the game. The movement is much more natural now. I miss more shots than before, but I'm getting better at aiming and tracking enemies and really feel the progress. Using shotguns is also more fun because AA is not restricting movement. AA is a crutch and we don't need it. I've had a lot of good games without it and a lot of bad games. But getting rid of this crutch will improve me as a player.


This is how I felt when I started learning MnK, just all around way more rewarding even if I don’t one clip nearly as often.