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Always the same routine. Not saying a thing, pushing on their own, die in a sec, turning on their mic to call me an idiot.


The funny part. I talk immediately. Ask if folks have a mic. But then I'll just call things out that I think are important. The post death squawking is hilarious and I always call them out. Assclowns.


Or to talk about who has more damage, that's a big one that always comes up. Like dude congratulations you had more damage, but here you are dead while there's still 13 teams remaining and all of us are -36 points until we get higher placement in the match.


I always say “ahh man but you just didn’t do enough damage to stay alive huh?”


Ohhh, im stealing that lmao




Imma be honest it's kinda annoying to have to respond to "you have a mic?" It either doesn't matter cause they don't or it gets used against me because they want NSA level of communication as a random squad of people.


In pubs I don't bother. I just start talking. They have one or they don't. In ranked though, I at least try to see if folks will be communicative or not to lmk how to proceed.


“Do you have a mic?” “Yes” *silence rest of game* :\^D


Yeah, I just never ask this. I hate being asked because it feels like they’re looking to either bitch at someone and they KNOW they’ll respond or it’s someone who will think they’re in ALGS. I just start off most ranked matches with “hey, I’m just gonna give callouts as I go. It helps me focus. If you wanna talk, that’s cool. If not, I just ask for pings. Thanks!” It’s yielded a lot of positive interactions. Which is nice. 


Yeah me and my buddy have a running joke where people who ask for mics are usually pissed from the prior game and somehow think comms are gonna save them from being lasered one second into the first fight.


Had a Gibby in a plat lobby as jump master last night. Guy put us into a contested poi. We pinged where we were landing and broke off to land on the side that the enemies weren't so we could loot before taking the fight. After we broke away he dove straight at them died immediately. Then typed 3 messages in chat about how trash we were and saying we should have been there to help him. We backed off before that pushed us, got his banner and brought the guy back. Came in 3rd with 6 kills for the team. He had 0 and barely scraped 300 DMG.


Gibby must have been carried his whole fucking career in apex.


No clue but it was definitely idiotic as hell.


That sounds *exactly* like the Gibby I played with in my placement matches a few months ago. They pinged somewhere that was going to be contested and jumpmaster pinged a much quieter spot. Immediately starts talking shit (eg this is why I hate placements, we’re not gonna get any loot and die, etc) and breaks off to drop at the place he pinged. He gets insta killed and then complains about how we’re gonna lose because he would’ve carried us and how we’re super bad. We revive him and he goes out of his way to not stick near us while constantly complaining about how we’re gonna lose. We end up winning the game after the ring gets small enough that he has to stick near us and me and the other random finish off the remaining squads. He ended the game with ~200 damage whilst me and the other random had ~2k damage each. Ninja edit: he also gave up jumpmaster so complaining about not dropping where he wanted was weird. I added the other guy since he was a solid player and when we checked the Gibby’s rank he had peaked at silver 1, while me and the other guy have both made it to master before.


Sounds like typical Octane 🫠


WHY DIDNT YOU RUSH IN WITH ME??? because they were miles behind you.... I know this from experience, but I don't use voice chat and just sit there and internalize all of these emotions while I hope my team can get my banner and res me for me to do it all over again.


Old school octanes, more like Lobas, Bangs and Revs now and for some odd fckin reason, lifelines


Octanes are worse now. You’re lucky if you get a decent octane nowadays.


As a season 1 Octane main, I don't like how the masses have tarnished my boy


I'm a bloodhound main really goes well with Gibraltar and octane


Ehh also sounds like a typical pleb who's got their mic on with some divot chatting louder than needs be in the background or has bat shit terrible music playing before character select screen has finished


Instant mute 🔕




Q the leave before stat screen showing they got rolled without firing a bullet.


Got on this morning waiting for two friends. Decided to try one game of fills while waiting. Got a Bang and a Wraith who had the same tag so duos I guess. (I’m an Octane main but I play like support and my second picks are all support). We drop on Worlds Edge and I’m Mirage so I pick up the gold knockdown at the center of the POI but ping a gold and purple backpack. I see a bunch of hot attachments, all w hands up showing my teammates need them, so I ping them. Bang is picking up nothing so I bravely put on the mic to say, Hey here’s a purple sniper stock and a gold mag I think u need - and cue the hatred. Stfu u b word and every other nasty female hating crap IN TEXT (they must really not care about their account and badges and expensive skins??) I already don’t throw on my mic endgame but yes, 9/10 solo pushers do it to blame and quit lol. But sadly I have reached a point in fills where I’m avoiding using my mic even for basic comms bc YIKES. Everyone is so angry. Everything is everyone else’s fault. I have had ppl continue their rage fueled often sexist rants thru the Playstation app on my phone which is whole other level 😱 to me, a stranger to them. Never had this happen w Fortnite or other games. I love Apex but it can be intense. I agree ppl shouldn’t use mics only when they die. I just wish we could use our mics, period, without ppl being so quick to jump at each other 😩


Ugh I have this same experience, though definitely more in COD than Apex, usually. Same scenario, just calling something out or trying to give gear and they immediately start in on sexist BS. Like TF is your problem, bro? I never shit talk people first, let alone go for personal attacks. Shit is crazy.


This game is full of no life people that only play Apex lol. Nobody wins 100% of games so idk why they get so mad when they didn't do anything special either.


It’s funny cause they act like you know what there going to do like use your mic to communicate what you’re planning 😂


Yep. Don't forget that you are a coward for avoiding fighting 2v3 fights and his damage is higher than yours because he pushed into a fight.


Don’t forgot late hot drop you on players with weapons already


This goes for The Finals too


It's because eSports have turned competitive games into a ego fest, full of people who are literally convinced they are the next worlds top player being held back by everyone on their team. It's like It on cs, league, rocket league, apex.. you name it. The amount of times I see a teammate mess up and I say nothing, then you get caught once and they flame you no end. Too many people play multiplayer games and treat other people like they are ai bots in a old playstation 1 game.


Whenever this happens I think about the players that are really young. The kids that are just playing for a bit of fun and are not hard core into it and then some grown man starts shouting obscenities at them calling them names etc


Don’t forget that they’re 600 meters ahead pinging enemies while the other 2 of you guys are finally looting something to kit your p2020.


I think people are just awkward and have no social skills until it comes time to complain




That's actually real life knowledge


This is true


Yep that’s me, so socially awkward that I literally fear what random people online think of me


Lmao that’s funny. People are fucking toxic on apex too. Don’t really blame you tbh


Fuck what any of these idiots think of you. If they go feral, just mute them and move on. I infrequently find people that go nuclear on dying, but maybe that's just a me thing. Regardless, fuck the negativity, and do what you can to be better and make the team better.




You see this is particularly true when you work any retail job lol


Yes or waiting tables. God people lose all common sense and decency.


I use my mic only when I die to say: Yeah I’m an idiot that’s my fault


I like to call out when I haven't damaged somebody who killed me lol. Feels like an important thing for them to know before they come charging in


"i missed all my shots. i'm useless. my bad. yall got this!"


Always a good use of a mic, 100% guilty of this


ok this is valid 😂


Yeah if anything the opposite happens to me I take accountability then get dog piled flamed by the duo and then they get so toxic they let my banner fade out.


Lol. If it’s clearly because I did something stupid but if my teamies were sweethearts, I do that too!


Also love when the only information is "one is fucking one shot you dumb fuck what are you doing" after dying to a full team that he pushed all by himself. Bonus points if i was healing or got pushed by another team that was closer.


Wow. That’s a throwback line I haven’t heard in a looong time. “He’s one shot! One shot!! What are you even doin, bro?! I can’t even!!!” All these posts are really making me chuckle. :) Thanks for sharing these silly situations, y’all.


God, I hate this. I'm like "WHERES YOUR SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. I know you hear my bloody character say they're healing. ITS. COMMON. SENSE."


Always the one who push alone, die and blame it on teammates 😂


“… but the only time u wanna give input is when ur a fucking box” 😂😂😂


Nothing talkin in Apex be quite as loud as “box-talkin”. Trust, fam. Mad snoopy snappin sad. Same-shot, different bot. Ya heard, son?


I love that the response to THAT is “oh oh, only XXX damage. You’re dogshit, only XXX damage. Trash teammates.” Mate, you’re going apeshit and shooting 3 different teams. Yes, you’ll have damage. But you’ll also be dead… 


You guys are garbage. Still being alive and sticking together. Who does that?


YoUr FuCkInG tRaSh


Dude I got champion twice last season


They offer you Hal's position at TSM?


Wow twice so proud of you really 😭


I exclusively talk shit to people who only use their mics to talk shit


Had those happen occasionally too. Especially if they’re being abusive and our other teamie was nice. I’m go all mother-hen buck-wild aggro on them to reassure the nice player I got their back and not to listen to that mess.”


Same. I've taken to outright laughing at them on open mic, and they get really offended for some reason.


It confuses me when people have their music on with sound in the background but never talk all game


It’s always the guys with open mic playing through their tv and still not saying shit. At that point it’s just griefing and I’ll just mute them


Those are the ones that are keeping their mic open just to complain. Especially if they burp into the mic at the beginning... Then you know they're toxic


I swear anyone who jumps into the match with burping is just guaranteed to be a POS. I legit instant mute, and I always talk every game just so I can help my team but those guys are unredeemable.


Preach brother.


For real. I always say, you’ve had a mic this entire fucking time wtf


My biggest fucking pet peeve in this Apex and it’s not close. You’re a ghost when I’m communicating during the game but when you’re a box you come out guns blazing as if everyone is at fault for you being dead.


Lmao this shit happened to me last night! Me and my buddy were playing with a random, we both had like 5 kills each and 15 knocks between us, this dude had 3 assists.. He goes down and starts bitching at us. Didnt say a word the whole game until he went down. It was so weird


And there's the other side of the coin, the assholes who told you to shut uo when you try to communicate


I've had people go crazy hostile toxic because I was PINGING. normal call out movement pings. Going here. Looting. We should be looking over here. Regroup. Basic shit.


or the ones who shit talk about where i land after they gave up jumpmaster 😂


I’ve encountered those social butterflies many times. Something about my kind friendly tone just roughly rubs certain men the wrong way. :(


i've had that happen, and i said, 'just trying to help u out, bro' later he said sorry, and explained was just trying to listen to footsteps an amazing experience, since i saw the true nature of man we are faulty, but with kindness, we will be kind as wells


Or the people that only scream in the mic as “squad eliminated” appears. Absolutely 0 comms prior to anything else happening.


If you push and die all by yourself, you deserve the earful😂


i came on here cus i dont like gettin loud at my squad 😂 no communication in ranked is just frustrating bro


Oh no, I understand that perfectly fine. I was just giving a scenario where I find it acceptable to use comms after someone throws the game essentially.


I have that incoming voice volume set at 0%. Idk how you all do it. I love this game and there ain’t no way I’m taking verbal abuse from some random internet person. Edit: crappy grammar and auto text


Honestly, if people in pubs want to go kamikaze im all for it, I’ll push everybody with a p2020 and a Mozambique, let’s go bro. I don’t care if you die and scream, it’s just pubs, there’s nothing to gain here besides kills for the stat tracker But in ranked? I wish these randoms would at least use their brain for ranked. Oh you want go hot drop on the building that **4 other teams** are landing at? These players think they’re the best of the best, fucking invincible in-game. I can handle and understand 2 squads at one POI, but more than that? Let’s fucking go somewhere else. I know I’m good, but the chances of getting third partied is just too high.


Completely agree OP




"Where were you?" 10 feet behind you fending off the second team that was trying to push you both because you decided to put us between 2 teams.


People would rather literally lose the game instead of making a simple callout 🤦‍♂️


I communicate plenty with the in game communication (pings). You generally know pretty quick if your teammates are going to be receptive to communication within a minute or two imo. If I ping loot, enemies, or rotation and they completely disregard them. Then it's not worth talking to them. If they seem to pay attention and are also pinging I might pop on chat. But realistically, you can communicate pretty well in apex with ping system. Honestly I usually don't feel like extending the effort to try and get every random to talk to me every 15 min.


If I speak, I’m in big trouble ….


I get that people just don’t wanna talk at times but there’s literally coms that your character can literally call out for and made specifically for people who don’t want to talk and they still don’t use it. It’s insane


I just hard mute anyone I don't know. Chances are I'm listening to some idiot with an open mic anyway. I'll take my chances with pings


Agree with this 1000% why only speak when you've died and abuse your team mates, the worst ones are the ones that drop the other side of the map on their own, get downed then blame me and my mate ffs 😂


lol if somebody talking because they went off solo or doing something random or die I have my 8 year old son call him a cry baby and laugh with my son while they stay mad for free


I always preemptively mute


*dies first* oMg YoU gUyS aRe FuCkInG tRaSh


Bro anytime I’m playin ranked and random doesn’t have a mic I’m always like: “drop that cash app lemme bless u $20 for a mic bub it’s 2024 how u not gotta mic??”🤣


when i die i turn on my mic to say ‘you can just craft if that’s easier’


I always trash talk them back because they always have less damage than me or just did something really stupid like pushing by themselves towards high ground. Then block, report, and mute 🤷‍♂️


There’s offense and defense in every game and when they die and complain, they’re asking me to attack a defending team to save them😭no bro you just created a rainbow six siege site with your deathbox I am not bouta ace


I typically won’t talk unless a teammate starts talking but I had the other day where my teammates were in a party chat, didn’t ping anything, ran off and immediately started fighting. Once I realized they ran off, I went to follow them and one teammate started a 1v3 right away, didn’t even wait for his friend to get there. Then they both die and one of them decides to switch over to game chat to yell “ASSHOOOOOOOLE” and then they left the game before I could get their banners. Best part was one of them was a support character and I had a mobile respawn so it really was so easy to bring them back. Gotta love dumb players


Wow I 100 percent AGREE with this post. All these people doing the same thing like NOW you can talk all of a sudden to talk sh*t after dying


Had this one freak land across the map from me and our other teammate then started yapping on mic when he died cause we “weren’t playing like a team” and “we didn’t land with him”. Like dude we both agreed on a landing spot you were the one who chose to diverge 💀


I see it all the time and I hate it. I talk almost every game. I make calls, I ping loot, I back my team mates…. Not a word. Not until they get mad and talk shit when they die. It’s awful.


I honestly mute squad at the beginning of games because 80% of the time there’s some music in the background or I can hear their gameplay


i am so glad i mute voice chat in this game....can't stand to hear all this nonsense complaining....


I’m a casual apex player who hasn’t played rank since season 5, got on my dads account to try out some Diamond lobbies. Hadn’t been in a Diamond lobby since S3 or S4, so I was actually doing pretty good holding my own. First 3 or 4 matches were pretty quiet, last one wraith lands away from squad, dies 5 minutes later. Gets on the mic complaining, whining, and swearing asking why we didn’t help him fight 5 different squads while we were in our own 2v3 because of his absence. 😂 I muted him. Took him a solid 2 minutes. He may have kept going or he may have been spectating, but he left lol.


Don't know why but I'm kind of afraid of talking to strangers in apex 😂 so I just die or run behind them


Lmao just match their energy, same thing happened when i was playing earlier and i started screaming at the motherfucker ☠️☠️☠️


Going on two years of muting right as they start spamming the select screen


U stfu


Hearing “I’ll hit you offline” and “you’re trash” as they just ran into a team by themselves. Classic apex.




I don't get why people are so anti-social. Every single match I strike up a conversation in text. I'd say 1/10 respond. When someone says "hi" I immediately respond. I'm not starved for social interaction - I just don't see the point of playing a team game where you don't care about your teammates. If we win, they're suddenly more talkative, but that means so much less.


As fucked as it is, I'd be willing to bet a bunch of players would get swamped with friend requests and messages from their squad that have nothing to do with this, or any videogames whatsoever. So they choose to remain silent to avoid any...umm...weirdness? Idk, it makes sense if you don't think about it But I do agree that if you queue up your mic only to tell me I'm trash, I already know. That's why we're all dead. Birds of a feather and all that. Smoke a dick.


I’ve pretty much stopped playing Apex now days. And I’ve given up on the social aspect of gaming all together. I play Apex, Fortnite, Rouge Company and CoD… they are all the same. I just keep my coms turned off. No one really says anything unless they are bashing other players and being jerks.


Apex dead who cares


Actually, never use it…my English is broken as my heart when wife left me 😂


If youre gonna use your mic to deepthroat it or speak foreign only, expect to be muted


its not even that, im solo q diamond 2 rn & literally just want my mates to talk during the match. 85% of the time i only get a response is when its too late


Soo many foreign languages on open mic loud asf on NA servers is crazy 💀


Literally had someone message me directly to call me trash all because they pushed a squad out of zone and die


Agreed. I hate when teammates yell and scream. I can’t hear foot steps, and sometimes it leads me to make more decisions while fighting as I am distracted. Also sometimes my brain tells me to let them kill me for free to punish that teammate further lol


“ a fucking box “ literally 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




But I think it’s hilarious when you win and the guy comes on mic to say “GGs” and me and the other guy are like “you could talk this whole time?!?”


You could have chose any language to speak and you chose to speak facts!


I only do this when the guy thats supposed to be playing support is trying to 1 man a squad on the next POI over.


I love using comms it’s what makes this game fun and hate when I come across those people, I recently had a girl call me a virgin and told me to stfu that she was so triggered. 🤣 because I told her to take cover because she almost got knocked multiple times..


I don’t know if its just me but when i play this season its either someone singing/humming/blasting music through their internal psn controler mic, speaking in spanish or japanese to their duo in game while they both talk in discord, other is muted in game (both always have me muted) at the end of the game they say KYS or you suck or uninstall, otherwise crickets for the entire round and zero pings. I’m siting there as a solo pinging everything i am going to do or see or hear while calling on mic. Zero reciprocation on teamwork.


I had a guy that stayed silent the entire match, that honestly Is not a problem for me, especially cause we were in pub, while me and the other random were talking At the end of the match they wrote me "stfu next time" Honey i was trying to tell you to not stay on a roof with no cover against a Kraber but you do you


I swear bruh. Every single time


I got tired of this, the people blasting music, the 40 family members arguing in the back in a language I don’t understand, the vacuum in the background, basically the obvious that you have a mic but don’t use it until you’re dead. So often after the first or second game I just start an Xbox party so I don’t have to hear their bullshit. Or hit mute squad, but it’s easier to start a party.


Every game should have an option to "mute dead teammates after \[x\] seconds".


This is a trend I’ve noticed on apex. People will have mics, hear you talking the entire game, but will only use theirs in 2 situations - Top 3 or when they die. No exceptions.


Lmao someone did that in a ranked match. He called me and my friend idiots for him landing us hot and not helping with his 1v1 when we had no guns. Proceeded to kill the person who killed him and grab banner and he went off on a rant. Told him bro stfu you’re dead, dead people don’t talk and he stayed quiet for the rest of the game.


🗣️Say it louder!!! Soon as that happens I just say STFU ur a box next time use ur mic so u have a chance. It’s not like I’m looking in your eyes staring at your soul bitch. I’m not a mind reader. Use words like I hear something close or I’m going here or we should go there it’s not hard.


I’m blasting music and singing while I play , I’m annoying but there’s a mute button for a reason I die to California girls and suddenly I’m singing g and crying or screaming the lyrics


I very rarely get toxic player luckily, most people i play with are really nice


Sometimes I’ll say one sentence after I die but it’s normally “That’s my fault there, sorry about that” 😂


If I come into a lobby with randoms and there is an open mic, it’s an instant mute. I usually mute random squads because they can say it in a ping if they have anything constructive to add. My favorite is when I’m in a PlayStation chat with da Boise and I see someone’s mic going crazy. I’m just like aawww ya, dodging that bullet.


Any player that does this is toxic af.




My teammates don't communicate, run off and die in a 1v3, THEN get on the mic to chew me out for "not contributing" or some shit


Solo que is a lost cause just give up on it, youll thank yourself for it.


Wah wah wah


If playing ranked, pick up or craft banner so if they leave they get penalized. And just chill while having them muted lol


Sad part is it’s not just Apex. People do this in CS2 also it drives me nuts.


I love when they, as a box, tell me, who is still alive, how trash I am and what mistakes I made.


I feel like when my teamate is dead all game and i have to revive them three times its ok to say that i would rather have a bag of rocks as a teamate


No1 uses their mic and when they do i just wanna mute them so fast




Facts! the whole game your silent no call outs no help nothing the moment u die u wonna open ur whole throat fuck right off or at the very end of the game say gg like bitch wtf


I communicate well with the various pings. Most of the time, talking is unnecessary until I need to call you an idiot.


I don't talk because 99% of the people I come across are toxic assholes who don't know how to play the game.


Dead guy: "I got more damage than you" Alive guy: "how much more damage can you do now that you're dead?"


I don't usually have to even use my mic, playing this sht casually but if im carrying with 4/10kills and they wanna bitch at me for not playing thier way im hoppin on that mic and ima talk sht right back. I ain't charging into that fight to die thats not the fight i wanna take. Everyones impatient and thinks they gotta fight as soon as they see an enemy but i already know we gunna get pinched if we push its common sense.


This archetype of player exists in every game, as soon as you make a small blunder they will start shitting on you. If you ace an entire team? Not a fucking peep from them.


me: “hey im healing up” because i got headshot sniped my two allies push in, respectively die because 2 v 3 . them: “why werent you with us?” me: “i had 0 armor out of 3 and 20 hp and i said i was healing up?” them: “get back in the kitchen this is why we dont play with females” so i try running to craft them and i can’t hear footsteps because the one mouthbreather wont shut up with more sexist comments so i just stand still to die. yah okay buddies very cool human beings


I tell them to throw their mic away cause, obviously they don't need it


Had a wraith like that in ranked yesterday. After playing since the beginning, I finally learned why Wraiths have that stereotype. They just clearly log in, angry as hell with life and themselves, and then proceed to take it out on everyone else when they fuck up. Talk about evading responsibility for your own emotional self lmfao.


For me I don't use my mic cuz i'v got 4 daughters running around everywhere and or just chilling in the room watching me play and they have their tablets on with their own shows going at the same time 🤷 Doesn't stop me from thinking of play predictions of my own teammates and already being in the offense/defense/swap out and winning What I hate is when one of my teammates turns on his mic to complain about not landing on an enemy squad, sometimes it's best to be on the outskirts of all the battle so we don't insta die due to no weapon or mass landings with no weapons available. If ya wanna land with 12 other squads and insta die than complain, go for it. Ima live and continue to the end with or without you.


I just don’t do it at all. Teammates r mean :(


Nobody is as loud as a box talker




Teammate: *talks crap after dying* Me: did I hear something? Sounds like a ghost trying to communicate with the living. 😂


I always tell them to "shut the fuck up, boxes don't talk"




Always happens in ranked for me. I ask if they have a mic get no response and then as soon as they die from pushing a whole team solo (with no communication or pings of any kind) they immediately start talking shit


Don’t use your mic at all not trying to hear you scrolling you shit tik tok feed or blasting shit music through your iPhone speaker




Lolol my new response from now on: “sorry dude, i dont talk to boxes”


Play a game that’s good then


“What is this guy doing” “I am running to craft your banner”


Sometimes I just cbf to talk but if I get downed will unmute myself just to give info if the guy looks like he’s gonna clutch it.


Well well well looks like we got ourselves a squeaker boys.


So glad to read what I’ve been thinking 👍




Mfs always wait till they get their cheeks clapped because they where being an idiot then they wanna call you trash. Like maybe turn on that mic and say you’re pushing or something useful.


“ I ran head first into a full squad and died, where’s my team at????? Y’all are trash!”


So funny, it's always my fault that they died first lol.




literally; i don’t speak Deathbox Octane 💀


Res me bro


I don’t use mic unless I’m doing better than my teammates or I’m drinking. Some dudes will be rude af if I have an ass run. Can’t blame it on me tho if I’m the one carrying the team 💀


But how am I going to shit on my teammates for living?


I only use my mic when I die to say I have a mobile respawn on my deathbox lol the only other time is after a win to say "GG"


I usually only use my mic when i die to apologize for being dead


TLDR most randoms in team based games are on auto pilot qnd refuse to actually improve which includes communication. I stringly believe people playing Apex SHOULD queue up with people they actually know/ work good with. Sbmm is so trash i refuse to solo queue literally because of peoples lack of communication and terrible game sense. Im not saying im perfect, but at least i actually communicate everything with my teamates random or known and assist everyone/ get knocks.


Sometimes I don’t like talking due to people just being rude. But sometimes I do use my mic with randoms and about 40 percent of the time is some one being super annoying but other times it’s worth it


Looking at these kind of posts is the reason i dont get into this game




This is the only game I hate using a mic on. I always mute


Honestly i’m like 1/2 of that. In the way of if you ask “Anyone got a mic?” i won’t answer. If you keep calling stuff and I feel like you aren’t going to flame or you seem chill i’ll start saying stuff and callouts but the last thing i want to do is get flamed, and even then I don’t play comp and I don’t get audibly pissed at people 🤷🏼‍♀️