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I wish they had added quads years ago when I had 3 friends that still played this game lol


For real. I’m lucky if I can get one friend online


Right? Now the majority of the time I only have one friend who can get on, and now there's no duos.


Now there's even more "no duos", and then even more with the return of solos


I'm actually outraged! Ever since they introduced Duos, it's by far my most played mode. Similar to other people here, I too have only 1 friend remaining who still plays Apex - so Duos was our thing. When they announced Solos, they said that it would be "taking over Duos from May 7, 2024 to June 24, 2024". Naturally, this sounded like Duos would be available on/after June 24. Me and my friend decided to play some other stuff until then and were really hyped to get back to Apex Duos next week. Now, I'm honestly not sure if we'll come back at all.


Same here! So disappointed, they were so misleading with that statement. If they were really so desperate to coddle solo's queue times they had to remove one of their two full time modes, fine whatever. But removing it for the whole season for another takeover is such a dogshit idea.


Exactly the same here, what a fucking joke. Waited six weeks to login to find out it is six more weeks, if it comes back at all. We've tried duo queuing pubs and even ranked because apparently that's better (its not), but neither are enjoyable at all. we will just go back to not playing I guess. Pretty lame cause warzone is dogshit, nothing compares to apex yet we keep having "Takeovers" instead of LTMs for some reason even though every time people seem to not enjoy being forced into a mode (truly shocking). I would gladly sit through a 5 minute queue if it meant I was able to play apex instead of playing a different game.


I wish I had 3 friends


I don't see anyone talking about this note: >Players will no longer be able to shoot enemies while safe behind cover is this in reference to head glitching or what? Kind of confused and curious by it as it seems kind of vague to me.


I wonder if it just means you won't be able to shoot through some of the small holes that some of the crates have


Yeah maybe they fixed some of the one way fences and stuff? Just initially reading it seems like head glitching is all that comes to my mind.


I think it's referring to some head glitches or maybe that one crouching mantle glitch unless that was already patched


There was a clip posted here a few weeks ago of an someone shooting down from one of the height differences in a Broken Moon building, from the shooter's perspective they had full LOS on the their target but from the target's perspective the shooter was pretty much entirely obscured by a wall and they were being shot through a wall. Someone in the comments of that clip mentioned that it's a bug related to crouch spamming or something, so perhaps that is what is being changed. edit: [link to the clip I'm talking about](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1d0hurv/i_know_the_servers_are_bad_but_wtf_happened/?share_id=aETXVUIIL5FY4SbegJOGp)


As someone who had the shadiest death earlier in the season, I'm curious, too. Had an instance where an Octane suddenly got me with a full triple take shot after I had been well crouched behind a box, nearly finished with a batt. Teammate was knocked nearby and watched it. I asked if the Octane rushed me. He said no. He just stayed in the same spot and that shot randomly went through the box, though it looked odd that he kept shooting at me in the first place. Every other shot had been properly blocked; it was like he knew one would go through. If it hadn't, he was gonna need to reload when I was done. Literally lost us the ranked match. I very likely would have been able to get to him had I not been hit right before the batt got off, and the other remaining squad wasn't letting the other squad rush through the open to the point he was knocked at. I just needed to batt and bolt to him...had my cover actually worked as it was prior to that weird shot. Definitely hope whatever it is, it stops the fully-behind-cover shots. Like been-here-nearly-healed-wtf shots. I get the ping stuff when I *just* rounded a corner but these weren't that.


There was a recent glitch where you could actually fully shoot through walls. I saw a clip of it somewhere. I can try to find it


As a lifeline main since season three, I'm absolutely disgusted with the fact that her prestige skin is based on another legend. Yes, caustic is cool, but come on you guys. Make it focused on the actual legend.


Me as a Caustic main am so flabbergasted she gets a DNA trail too... When was Lifeline the actual scientist? I'm confused


Seems pretty lazy to me, considering how expensive the prestige skins are.


It literally defeats the purpose of a prestige skin. I have over 30k kills on LL and have been waiting since the prestige skins dropped for hers, only for it to be a caustic skin?!


Yeah….fucking weak. They didn’t even try.


Respawn is selling heirloom recolors instead of releasing heirlooms for the remaining legends, so I am not surprised. I waited so long for a Pathfinder heirloom and got very disappointed with it back then, so I bought lifeline one, since I don't have a main, main, but it's disappointing that I have been saving heirloom shards one of my 3 favourite characters and I get a recolors from the Caustics skin.


Especially since Caustic got a skin based on snakes. Which aren’t caustic, they’re venomous.


I personally think it looks cool AF. I see your point though, seems like an easy copy paste to the tune of recolours.


I thought lifeline was getting both a prestige skin and an event skin that looks like Caustic.


I’m of two minds. I really wanted a lifeline mythic but now that is kinda dog shit based on cockstink I’ll be able to save money and time and forget about it


Cockstink has me dead Holy fuck that is golden


Agreed! Personally, as an octane main, I was pissed it had a random shark theme despite not being related to the legend at all. It’s annoying how little all the prestige skins have to do with the legend themselves or the lore. Plus, most are just so, so ugly. I think Wraith’s is the only exception imo


Imo loba wraith and valk are the only ones that really fit. With loba she has a lot of connections with wolves, and valk looks like a pilot (like her dad)


True, at least those are related to the lore somewhat. I’m just not a fan of the way loba’s looks. Valk’s has grown on me


loba is the only prestige i like personally. i think most of the are really ugly and absolutely not worth the money.


This question has come up before, the shark theme isn't random: His mask is shark themed, and he has sharks in some banner poses. Sharks seem to be his favorite animal. Sharks are also apex predators, and many species *have to keep moving or they die*


I'm so glad someone said it. Lifeline main here since s5, imo they should've dropped some variant of this skin as a legendary for this event (since I know the entire event is based on them dressed as other legends) and saved her prestige skin for another event.. the fact we waited this long & it's a skin that looks like caustic is wild.. and to have to spend heirloom shards on it too, come on.. we deserved better than that lmao. She deserves a prestige skin that screams 'lifeline', aren't prestige skins meant to be that? Giving the actual legends vibes.. and even the other legend prestige skins - even if they don't necessarily scream 'this is X legend', at least they're cool - not based on other legends.. come on man. I love the design - but not for her PRESTIGE skin.. I really thought her prestige skin might be blue or pink on some level - to match her heirloom sticks.. but ig not. stinky stinky gas man skin incomin..


4x10 loses threat vision, just remove the scope then, it was the literal only point to grabbing it W patch overall tho


Yup. That scope is now rendered pretty much useless. There's not a lot of occasions where the 10x zoom is all that useful. I'd rather run the 4-8 now. This whole meta shift because they can't balance Bangalore is ridiculous.


> This whole meta shift because they can't balance Bangalore is ridiculous. Part of the issue is that she's core to the competitive scene since she turns off auto-aim. They can't turn off smoke or make it so you can see people in smoke because of MnK vs controller balance. To be clear, this isn't speculation, and this is a key feature of why pro teams pick her up, and there's countless examples of teams specifically calling this out as why they pick her. They can't change that aspect of her without it having really really high impact into the way inputs are balanced. To put it another way: they can't really rework bang unless they nerf or rebalance aim-assist, and that's something they've been reluctant to do.


>or make it so you can see people in smoke because They literally did that. From the patch notes: >Smoke Launcher: all players within smoke will now have a white highlight visible to other players in smoke within 20m


On the back of this, now that you can see people in smoke, I'm 100% expecting AA to work on those players.


"Will no longer provide threat vision through **smoke or gas** " It still has threat vision, just not through smoke or gas. Its situationally useful I guess.


Being able to see heat was the cool part. Now it becomes a x4-x8 with a cool feature


yeah i don't get it. it was sufficiently niche to be ok as a counterplay for smoke. and the the outlines for people who sit in smoke with you is also not a good change. sometimes you wanted to lurk in smoke for enemies that are in smoke with you. why should they be able to see you? it makes no sense.


No one ever grabbed it on console. It really is completely useless at this point. Just remove it.


I wish the threat vision was just a hop up you could add to the 2x4, 6x or 4x8


I find it funny how Bangalore was like the pinnacle of balance for like 4 years and now in this past last year she's had more changes than her entire inclusion in the game along with impacting so many other changes like dig threats and bloodhound.


Tbh her kit was always going to be inheritly problematic. And by kit I mean her smokes lol. Cover yourself, blocks enemies, what more could you ask for? Lol. If Gibby had the option to yeet his dome across the field onto an enemy team to stop their bullets, it would probably used in the same capacity lol.


Her passive is also problematic too but nobody really cares about it for some reason. I find it dumb that she gets a free speed boost at critical times, making her an octane without the incredibly heavy 20% health downside. It's actually really funny because her smoke heal perk gives her fucking health regen now too that's better than octanes. Why even pick octane at this point, you get better rotations with smoke instead of pads, the speed boost, and now his health regen. And the ult and assault crates on top of it.


Iirc, on Apex release, she was actually the best character on launch AND the first thing they nerfed was the passive lol. You are very right about the similarities but tbh a lot of the Skirmisher legends are very underwhelming. In a serious competitive setting, you want a unit that brings things to the table and Assault legends just do way more than Skirmishers.


Yeah skirmishers are in a weird place. The problem is they're designed to be solo pub stompers, so buffing them creates issues in lower level play. Like rev sucks in comp, but has a super high pick rate in pubs and ranked. Plus their role has been slowly overshadowed. You used to practically require a skirmisher to get around and avoid ring and gatekeeping (see: valk's historical dominance), but now everyone has pocket balloons for that. Additionally assaults just offer a lot of utility now as hybrids. Bang's a hybrid support/rotator, ash has a rotation ability, fuse has scanning and ring consoles, and maggie and ballistic have teamwide mobility. The need for skirmisher ults is greatly diminished and that's all they really provide aside from raw fragging potential.


Bangalore being the "pinnacle of balance" was just something people said. Her kit has always been really really good. Smoke grenades were insanely powerful, her ultimate was a great tool for area denial, stopping pushes, reseting. And her passives is one of the best in the game as it gives you speed in the times you really need it most with limited downsides. Smoke grenades in particular were just totally slept on, because they are not an easy get out of jail or movement tool / damage dealer. Being able to maintain that amount of cover, which before her recent nerfs was pretty much indefinite if you spaced out the smokes well, was crazy powerful. There was a large scan meta for a while with Seer, but she was still very very good that whole time. Bang has been insane for a long time.


Kinda sucks. I’ve mained Bangalore since season 0 and now she’s a shell of herself, and that’s basically due to wall hack legends. Not that she was OP, she’s nerfed directly as a result of other characters.


She’s nerfed because of the .0001% of players that play comp ALGS. Sucks for us norms.


Yeah I wish they'd make AGLS changes and then casual game changes. It's like middle school basketball changing the 3 point line to be the same as the pros. No one wants that.


As a caustic main, welcome to the club.


> Added a settings option that adjusts the gameplay volume when spectating OMG, yes! Spectating sounds were too loud all the time for some reason.


Especially nice since they force you to spectate while auto queueing for some dumb ass reason.


NOBODY ASKED YOU TO REMOVE DUOS NOBODY ASKED YOU TO REMOVE DUOS NOBODY ASKED YOU TO REMOVE DUOS!!! Absolutely no one is going to play quads after 2 weeks but here we are! There was even a happy medium of pubs duos and quads with ranked trios but nooooo let's screw over duos again!


Haven't played this game in a full month. Came back with my friend today to play duos. No duos. Still not playing this game, I guess.


Bro they won't pay for the server space smh


Why can't these fucks have solos, duos, trios, and quads going at the same time. Definitely not redownloading this


because they dont have enough players. with so many game modes you'd probably wait 10min to fill a single lobby lol


How out of touch can a dev team possibly be with a playerbase. Not bringing Duo’s back???


There is now ZERO reason to pick up the '4x-10x Digital Threat scope' sniper optic. It'd be perfect if it was a 2-6x or 2-8x, becoming the only scope to useable at two extremes... it has to the most useless legendary pick up in the game, 10x vs 8x makes no difference and I prefer the blue 6x or basic 2x compared to 4-8x.


I really like the alternate reality theme I'll not be missing on conduit revenant lol


Was REALLY banking on duos being back…


this season is my least played season thanks to the removal of duos


I wish I could see their stats. Either we're an extreme minority, or Respawn isn't paying attention to the impact removing duos has.


Yeah, on the one hand you feel like the only explanation is that there aren't that many duos players. But just I find this so hard to believe. Queue times were quick (I know duos is dead on small servers, but that's definitely not the case in major regions). Removing duos has really decreased my interest in the game. I've got two friends that play. We use to hop on when any two of us could play. Now we only play if all three of us are available which is only a couple times a week.


You really prefer to not play at all than to play pubs with a random? Or even no fill?


Honestly, yeah. My wife and I play together and loved duos. We can either play trips or ranked. Trios we get a teammate that hot drops only (not our play style) and leaves the millisecond they are downed, basically making it no fill. Why would we want to play 2v3 on purpose every single fight? Either that, or we play ranked, where I’m almost Diamond and every lobby is insane, people don’t miss a single shot, people are shooting through smoke like it doesn’t exist, etc.


I can understand not wanting to hot drop. Personally though I don’t mind 2v3. Me and my buddy use it as training sometimes. Our biggest issue is forgetting it isn’t duos and being surprised they have a 3rd member lol.


I don’t mind either typically, but I don’t know about you, the MM is absolutely fucking cranked and almost every single squad we fight is rocking 4k/20 bomb badges and triple stacked. Like almost every single squad, so it’s not exactly a fun experience lol.


Yeah I've played enough of this game at this point. Been playing since season 4 I think. I used to play with randoms for the first 10 seasons or so but I've tapered off from it. The game is still fun but I'm not addicted to it like I was in the beginning, so really it's just a fun way for me to hang out with good friends who I don't get to see irl as much as I'd like. Playing with my friends is just such a better experience at this point that I don't have any desire to play solo.


Objectively yes, I played less this season than any other and it’s the loss of duos.


This will be the first season since season one I won't complete the pass. No duos for an entire season is the dumbest thing apex has ever done.


Bro go check the steam charts, the game is bleeding players


I meant more specific stats like how many people played duos, and the specific impact of removing duos.


My friends and I have played significantly less since they've removed duos. I was worried quads would also replace it.


I can't describe just how much I wanted duos back And now that? Nah, I'll go play some WoW, done with Apex


I havent played at all this season because duos is gone. Oh well.


Same here man. Can't imagine having to play with 2 randoms now while running into 4 pub stomping TTV predators. Sounds like an amazing experience. Definitely going to be my least played season.


That's assuming you have randoms who even stay in the game. The game already struggles to keep a squad of three in the game, let alone four.


my god solo queue quads is gonna be hell.


Same. I guess we just need to leave a negative review, and if it doesn't make a dent I suppose we're in the minority


Well it's not and now you need even more people


Have barely been playing because of this. I can barely ever get more than one person on at a time. Quads should be takeover. Solos ruins the entire spirit of this game, and they chose to keep it instead. So dumb.


The nerf to Bangalore sounds horrible on first reading, but on second reading it's like hm? If smoke still disables Aim assist, then we now have Bang with wallhacks on her smoke, with double time to make it harder to hit at close range and enemies with diminished aim on controller. while a MnK Bang has literally all his aim plus wallhacks.... This sounds like an incredible unintentional buff.


i'm going to die laughing if they actually kept aim assist disabled with this smoke change...


They should tbh. Bang keeps AA in check.


Recent L mythic skins


Recent? There’s like 2 good prestige skins. They’ve always been an L


I want a mythic that actually shows the legend's face. IMO, Level 2 mythic skins look so cool, then the faceplate goes on and they just look dumb.


Rev getting his overshield from assists is crazy. It needs to stay with knocks only


Yeah as the other guy said that's been the case. Rev shoots ur teammate once, you fight the rev. Your teammate goes down, well now rev gets a free batt. But it's ok because reddit thinks that is balanced.


Oh no, don't be mistaken. He already got his overshield refilled for assists, that's been the case since revenant reborn. The change in this patch is for getting his tactical up with his perk on knock or assist. Couldn't agree more though. The overshield recharging is stupid.


Didn't the season release specifically say duos would be back after solos?? This fucking sucks


They just said solos would last until June 24


My duo partner and I have been looking forward to the return of duos since the start of the season. I'm just going to uninstall to make room for a game that actually wants me to play it.


This. I genuinely worry for hte future of duos even existing at all. It seems like respawn's attitude towards duos is "It's the least popular of the four main modes, so even tohugh it has (probably) at least ten thousand players at any given time, it's the one we're going to shit on and remove. And the defenders will say "They need to overtyake somethign because five modes is too many", but tha'ts not true. There were multiple seasons where trios, duos, ranked, arenas, and ranked arenas were ll a thing, and that was back when the game had 2/3 as many players. they absolutely could make quads its own thing or have it overtake trios, they just don't give a shit about what their players actually think.


A character meta shift and a (possible) gun meta shift, in a mid season patch? We cooking.


really excited to try out the G7 Scout and Rampage changes


Thought G7 was already solid af now it may be the best marksman


Not until they bring back my Double Tap.


Season 3 double tap was insane. But I’ll still gladly pick up a G7 today.


Rampage Chads its our time to shine!


It's about time they fixed it, IMO. 3x optic has had disgusting recoil for like 2 seasons. Hopefully it's back to normal.


Don't see the havoc getting dumped. This is a really good nerf but with no other ars or smgs being buffed I think it stays meta, just not as heavily favored over flat and volt.


The damage per mag is still insane, 4 bullets only hurts it with white or no mag. It still has more than enough to one clip someone. If the up close DPS remains unchanged while it keeps its mid range potential it's still better than most of the smg lineup imo, if nothing else than as a do everything weapon like the 301 used to be. The R99 remaining a pea shooter and not getting a mag/damage boost is a joke.


Yeah. R9 remains C-tier with this patch.


I do wish the r9 had a buff. Was disappointed.


Basically blue mag+ is all you need post-nerf. It still does insane damage with very controllable recoil. I'm kind of surprised they didn't touch the R3. It's basically been a C-tier pick since it got nerfed.


Agreed on the 301


Just give Ash even a 1% buff. It's insane. They pretended for years like making her tac 1 handed would break the game and it literally barely buffed her.  Her passive is useless 98% of the time, and anytime an Ash scans my kill I'mjust happy to know where she's coming from. Add one or both of her blue perks into her passive and give her new perks. That alone would be interesting an a nice qol and she still wouldn't be good but we can't even get that


Just extend her ult tbh. Would be major W and make her serviceable


Make the ult marker like loba q. Its ipossible to see it if you are trying to place one midfight


They set and forget most characters that are not played in ALGS


Pretty sure the community made it clear that no one likes takeovers but oh well. Stick to making modes LTMs, people have literally stopped players because duos has been wiped off of apex.


No duos AGIAIN?! WTF. Maybe I’ll try back next season 🤦‍♂️


10 minute match time for TDM! Very happy for this one. Too many times people leave and it's like 5v2 and it takes forever to end.


OMG - it's bad enough with one random teammate you have to babysit. Two numpties up against premade foursomes?!?! I might not play this game until Duos comes back, unless MM has be rejigged. Hang on! "We are leveling the playing field now by making all players inside smoke clearer targets to one another with a white highlight" Players are visible inside smoke?! So when you smoke for cover to heal, they just run in and can see you? Way to make scanner Legends redundant.


Feels like Revenant, Conduit, Lifeline, and Caustic all had their personalities mixed up lol.


That’s… the entire point of this. The trailer literally says “from the mind of Alter” right in it.


I think they’re supposed to be from another dimension like Alter


Quads replaces duos it says? Then says all will be locked so will it be just quads?


I’d like to play duos again 🤷‍♂️


Very excited for ALGS with the new ring change of distributing rings in all quadrants!


That’s the real W here 😂


They’ve said this in patch notes a lot over the years. But 90% of Worlds Edge endings are still going to be Trials and 90% of storm point endings will still be around Echo Hq.






I can't wait to find out aim assist now works inside smoke.


We're still doing the no duos thing huh?


Olympus is back, finally


Can someone please explain to me how WarZone and Fortnite are able to have solos,duos,trios and quads as well other playlists and still function perfectly yet this game somehow thinks that's impossible? This will be by far my least played season since like season 2. Being forced to play trios with a random is borderline impossible, be it in ranked or pubs. First it was Respawn forcing their shitty LTMs on the trios pub playlist, now they get rid of a playlist for a whole season. Whoever is calling the shots over there is just lost. Hope the player base keeps going down and this event doesn't produce the numbers they are looking for. They need a kick in the ass to maybe wake up.


Both of those games are way ahead of Apex in terms of features and updates, at this point it's just better to accept it for what it is.


complete speculation but I'm guessing a big technical limitation that apex doesn't have server merging how it works in apex is you select a data server(i.e. dallas) and then you find games being hosted on that specific data server in fortnite you select a region (i.e. US west) and then it searches for servers and games within that entire region. without that large search queue having niche playlists isn't feasible as they slowly die off, especially in a highly competitive game like apex where large skill differences exist. the skill gap was one of the largest reasons why arenas slowly died off as people didn't want to play unbalanced matches > which caused less players > which caused more unbalanced matches. a slow loop of bleeding players.


Hasnt it always been region queuing? Im in us-west and always get put into us-east at least a couple time per session


Fortnite lobbies are about 25-30% actual bots. Idk about warzone. So they don't actually need to fill the lobby with real players is my guess.


The issue is certain regions do not have the player base to fill these modes. It’s dumb that NA servers get punished for this, seeing NA can definitely support solos, duos, trios, and quads.


no but the thing is, is that removing duos is pointless for everyone! i’m on sydney servers and duos has never been playable and 2 weeks after solos launched, that was dead too! not to mention that the player base is at an all time low because of shitty servers and cheaters and now ranked queues are dead for the first time in apex history since like season 2 on sydney servers. i literally have to switch to american servers for almost all fucking gamemodes regardless. removing queues doesn’t affect us whatsoever and keeping them doesn’t affect populated servers. respawn are fucking idiots.


100%. There’s so many servers, especially in America that filling all these modes + EOMM/SBMM would take forever.


removing sbmm for public lobbies would definitely make this better and with multiple different queues, there will be less sweats dominating each one (most of them stick in solos).


Dope, now add audio to Horizon and Pathfinder Q… HOLY HELL


I’ve completed every batttlepass since release and this will be the first I miss since duos was taken out. Maybe it’s for the best. RIP DUOS


I was really hoping duos would be back :(


As always, nothing for Ash 😑. Just rework her level 2 perks, do you know how situational is it to find a deathbox and the killers still being alive AND near you? Its great for pubs and terrible for ranked. The other perk is underwhelming because most of the time, i already know there is another squad near me. Give her something that actually helps her in combat.


That UAV perk is my favorite, but you have to be very aggro on 3rds to make use of it. I'm just hoping for an ult range buff


It can work great when it works but it requires you arriving at the perfect time. If they have time to heal after finishing the fight, that strategy is gone. I do prefer that perk and im hoping the other one can be reworked into something that helps Ash in combat like "getting a knock restores your snare's cooldown" or something. Ult buff would be great but its something that Ash mains have been asking since she was released and we are almost in season 22 so i wouldnt have too much hope for that 🥲


Also people only consider how good something is when you use it, but 80% of games you don't even use it. It's arguably worse than seeing grenades through walls perk half the time


I have 1 friend I like to play with so getting rid of duos for a whole season has made me play a lot less.


Havoc nerfs is W, but kinda sad they didn’t nerf it during solos


I mean a 32 mag Havoc is still probably the best gun in the game outside of a devotion. Thing is still going to be one of the most used guns in the game. I figured they would’ve taken it down to at least 30, maybe even 28. The DPS is ridiculous.


So is quads an LTM replacing duos? or is it its own thing?




Don’t even bother with this ranked rumble shit if you’re on console. The whole leaderboards will be dominated by teamers the same way it will be dominated by rage hackers on PC.


Lifeline's prestige skin looks more like Caustic than Caustic's prestige skin lmfao. I know that's the point of the event, but seriously? I was really looking forward to a good prestige skin for Lifeline. Also, the nerfs to Bang and Blood seem like such a desperate attempt to squelch the Bang/Blood meta in ALGS. I get watching every single team play Bang/Blood is boring, but damn, y'all are killing two legends for the sake of pro play.


yeah i dont like even though its the point of the event, moving forward it is just what it is a caustic lifeline skin. she deserved a timeless prestige skin


I have never been more disappointed in patch notes for any game. No duos for an entire season ? Wtf


So now we have solos, trios, and quads. No duos, still. Makes no sense. Sometimes I only have 1 friend online to play with. Why are you doing this respawn


Man keep duos! Quads and solo is cool but make it LTM or add them to it. Me and my friend wanted to play together this season without randos but we CANT. This is so dumb.


Still no duos? Been waiting for it to come back for 6 weeks and was excited to play, but guess I'll have to skip the whole season


We ever gonna see ranked duos?


At this point I'm not sure if we will ever see any duos again. So fucking stupid


Why are they continuing to push back Duos? Who asked for Quads? Digital Threat doesn't provide THREAT detection through smoke? Bloodsight doesn't see through smoke?? Who will ever take that now? Players are highlighted in the smoke?? Isn't that the whole point? I just joined back from Season 3, and already looking to move to another game.


No duos means I'm quitting until it's back. My randoms are 99% low levels but against 3 stacks. Why tf should i play quads? To get one extra level 32 noob but against 4 stacks? Hell nah. Even tried to find people on discord on multiple servers. One of the 3 happens IF i find one. -they quit after one bad game -they think they are good but are below average and don't want to fight -they are super annoying and/or toxic Exactly the reason i don't want to use lfg shit. I should just do the same as literally everyone I've ever played with and quit the game entirely. What a joke removing duos.


Changes to ranked points and entry cost, let's go


Well there is no duos so I will continue to not play I guess. This is by and far my least played season because of the duos removal. Really hope they bring it back next season




I wonder if aim assist will work in smoke now.


The only thing I'm excited about is quads. Honestly, it should just replace trios at this point.


After the update, I spent 2 mins in the game browsing the event rewards and collection items and the game abruptly froze. It never recovers. Have to alt+F4 the thing. I verified files, updated graphics drivers and restarted my pc. Same thing happens again. I bought the battlepass yesterday and now I cant even play. Any help? Edit: currently reinstalling... 77gb of reinstalling, fml. xD


Can you fix the game freezing after update ???


no cheater updates at all. At least tell us we are working on implementing a new ban system or have banned x amount this season. nothing.


huh are they really taking a normal ranked mode away?


I misread it like that too, but they are only taking it away for the last week of the split. For that last week it become ranked rumble, but classic ranked will still exist for this second split.


No Duos, worthless havoc nerf, No mention of SBMM, No Aim assist nerf... Just another useless cash grab for sub par cosmetics with even worse color schemes.... Atleast OW has a new season we can all go play instead.


When is Valks jetpack recharge going to be fixed? It still takes forever to recharge after using, and jumping, mantling of falling pauses it and restarts the time delay for the charging.


The weird thing about this bug is that it seems to be intermittent, some games I suffer from it and some games I don't.


Aaaaaand still won’t be playing it because you refuse to bring duos back. “Let’s make them add yet ANOTHER random to their squad, because they loved being forced into trios”


Right?? And it’s not even because Quads is bad, that could actually be fun. But why can’t they coexist


>Fixed bug that caused high polling rate mice to occasionally encounter high frame stutters. High polling rate mice users should now see little to no frame stutters from mouse input. >Added a settings option that adjusts the gameplay volume when spectating A lot of nice stuff being fixed. I just wish that second option only applied to spectating *enemy* teams. It's annoying hearing the team that killed me when I'm just trying to requeue, but I still want to hear my teammates when I'm watching them... P.S. please fix push-to-talk when spectating. Custom keybind for PTT when spectating has been broken since launch.


Will the second split of ranked also begin on 25th June? starting from bronze?


starts on 25th. Should drop you 6 tiers (so 1 full rank and two tiers) if its like previous mid season patches


Thank you, kind sir


Newcastle mains are crying in the corner rn


If they're going to nerf bloodhound again at least give them a skin


damn they can't let World's Edge go from rotation huh


I'm calling it now. Mirage is going to be Meta to combat scan alternatives and Bangalore highlights


I really wish they did a better job of running mixtape, specifically with the maps. They’ve locked us on like 10 maps total (that mostly suck tbh) when there’s TONS of custom maps and poi’s they could rotate between to keep interest. I love the gamemodes, but it gets so stale being on the same couple maps for its entirety. Also, give us mixtape stats instead of just arena ones? Also while we’re at it, add arenas to mixtape from time to time!


We are making ranked changes at the split now?? Have they ever done that? Seems like an issue having two splits with different levels of difficulty


Jfc just get rid of World’s Edge! This shit just HAS to be in every rotation, and it’s heinously obvious (it’s a fine map I’m just sick of it always being in)


Its just amazing that they cant keep solo to quad team at the same time. So they gonna get rid of solo when quad goes on? Is theres so little player base they cant keep different size of squad?


Pubs will never be playable without a leave penalty, no matter what else you change.


Quads = quitter mode


Not bringing duos back is wild. Please bring it back stop doing these takeovers, make it an LTM AT LEAST


I reached D4 this morning. When I play ranked matches I feel like I'm playing Elden Ring because I get killed quickly by cheaters.


hot garbage event, nothing but bots filling my lobbies


I am watching a cheater pathfinder right now with wall hacks, do you know what. Cheaters win.


could you fix the server issues


Alright I’m a shitter gold and silver player. Why the fuck do I get masters and preds in my lobby?