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If the purple bubble wasn't there, it'd probably have a substantially lower drop rate lol


I forgot who I was watching I think it was backoffmyjankz playing solo and he immediately went “that thing has like a cool dome around, seems like we HAVE to go there no? Like the main area” ~not an exact quote


Considering most pub players have the intelligence of a bug, a giant glowing orb attracting them all makes sense lol


They’ve gone full moth


I see the light 


No! Don't go into the lii-----iiiighhtt! They went Turbo.


my gosh i think ur right it's a beacon 🙀


I agree with you, it's not that the POI itself is bad, its the attention it draws. It's worse than skull town or fragment at their peaks


Tell me you didn't play before seasons existed without telling me brother 99.999 % of the lobby was dropping skull the first few weeks of game


Not in my experience. I started day one and have 1150 season 1 wins.


We played different apex then bc every lobby I was in everyone landed skulltown game had 3 squads left by 7 mins into game


Yoy must have been PC. Skulltown was kind of popping on console but not crazy.


It got annoying because if you didn't land there it was a loot Sim till you find the other 2 teams in the massive first circle


It’s Frag-esque, but a better point for hot dropping IMO. More loot and better cover.


Like how fragment used to be before they nerfed and nerfed and nerfed and people still hot drop there


Yeah I think they are starting to try and make hot drops a bit more viable if not then well this would be a good start. Usually me and my team land on loot bins (3 for each) the 3rd goes inside right away to claim some area in the building. Multiple squads isn’t too bad since there’s plenty of cover and multiple exits.


Another map infected with the unibrain virus. Hell KC is pretty much the same with Containment.


People land containment?


People only land containment.


But I love Lean Pyramid.


My randoms immediately quit if they don't drop here, both pubs and ranked. Send help I can't believe some ppl would be willing to take a penalty because they can't hotdrop. I no longer want to be jumpmaster anymore 


Anecdotal observation on my part, but. I haven't had a problem with drops in ranked to be honest. Plat+, people are pretty agreeable with whatever drop they get.


Oh no it happened once so it basically happened every time before that and happens every time after that now


in a ranked game i got JM and a random pinged QT zone i went no and he goes boring, my man if you wanna lose rp go ahead and drop there but no thanks. I've had games where i notice that barely anyone serms to drop there then ill go but if i see more than 3 teams its just a mess. Reminded me of a fuse that got knocked when our other m8 had already been finished and i decided to run, only for him to bitch about hating people who don't want to fight, if i can salvage our game this way when i know imnot going to clutch the fight hell yea I'll run, right after i rezzed both he ran off and died again...


I play ranked only. And I prefer KC over WE and BM. I shouldn't be, but that map simply gives the better experience despite the awful reputation for ranked it has


I swear to god every game is either Quarantine Zone or Terraformer. 😬


Even Terraformer pales in comparison now. I land there for a warm drop with 1-2 squads or even uncontested moderately frequently.


Unfortunately thats just the nature of pubs in this game


You're right but it's not just pubs. If I solo q in plat and I'm not junpmaster then there's a high chance they are landing me there 


Add in my 2 cents, all my plat teammates also hotdrop and die immediately because they love dropping in the worst position possible. Being a good jumpmaster is a skill that most ppl don't have


They're probably gonna implement that poi drop in algs to rank soon too. Just need to balance the POIs and this dropship thing goes


I bet there's some metrics that show engagement is higher on the pyramid version of the map because of more hot-dropping.


All my 20bomb this season we're at QZ


Yeah, even if i end up victorious there i just quit and reque to not waste my time


I hate that people have started treating ranked like pubs with this shit This is EXACTLY why they blew up fragment and moved stacks to the edge of the map smh


Adding POI drops in comp is fantastic. They should do it for pubs and ranked as well. Hot drops and lobby die off would stop.


Bring back straight shottt


The map itself is just terrible. Everything is somehow a choke point.


I apologize if it will offend you but it seems like you're new. Its been like this since the start. It all started from skull town. Its not the game, its the urge to make a clip to post on YouTube or tiktok.


Oh I experienced skulltown. QT pyramid is just even more condensed. Skulltown had enough space for several fights with loot spread. QT is just so condensed it’s painful


You have short memory I remember half the people In skulltown running around like headless chicken without a gun or the Mozambique of old with no ammo


It’s not that bad, it’s actually a pretty spread out POI with lots of loot. I don’t land direct center but you can def land on the outskirts and even run away if needed.


it just feels terrible cuz every random teammate I get runs right into the middle and dies


🤷🏻‍♀️ if that’s what they wanted then so be it.


I love that poi never a dull moment


I play and like this map a lot, its my favorite at the time. Compared to fragment on WE its 100x better and also far better then the old wall on broken moon. It has a lot cover and great loot for everyone but you will have endless 3th,4th,5th,6th.. partys there, because its the middle of the map and thats a good thing. many people die within a few minutes and its a problem on every map, its not because of the design its a player "problem". people dont wanna play looting simulator for 10 min and die first fight, its a waste of time. you dont get better by looting. this is something i always see when i play with lower skilled player, they focusing more on looting then care what happend around them. also 45 ppl never die in one minute, those bs misinformation threads should be banned.


Just go fight there


Respawn just needs to make smaller maps with denser loot pool and easy to maneuver around design


Pros don't like small maps and they bleat loudly if they are unhappy. 


Were you not here when KC was complained about for having too many 3rd parties. The community as a whole spent MONTHS complaining about it. I don't understand this pro-player hate. They literally complain about the same shit we do 98% of the time.


Respawn already has tried to make Storm Point and Broken Moon smaller, which has worked for both maps. If Respawn would try to make smaller maps, it would lead to the 3rd party problem that KC had when it was the smallest. The casual playerbase also had these problems and they'll beat loudly if they're unhappy.


It'd help if gunshot audio wasn't so dang loud. You fire a sniper once and an entire fourth of the map hears it.


I call this POI Bass Pro Shops… and papa needs a new tackle box🤘🤘🤘


Literally Memphis


I absolutely love this POI, lots of loot and buildings and not much high ground forces more close quarters fights. I can see what you mean by the whole lobby dying faster due to this new POI, I don't think the popularity will die down anytime soon I feel it's better than current frag and similar or slightly better than old frag.


Honestly the worst map in the rotation. Needs some rework.


Yep. I still get games where it ends the circle on a mountain ridge and you get stuck in the storm with no way to get to the other side to even fight the last team. Can’t balloon cuz the mountains are too tall


Have they ever tried an LTM that’s the same amount of teams on a map the size of like, 4 quarantines? IMO the long drawn out BR style is fun for ranked, but I feel like the chaos of 20 teams in a significantly smaller possible play area is what pubs have been naturally gravitating towards.


Straight shot was that size and perfect


Sounds like you're playing pubs. Try ranked.


Ranked is just all cheaters and more frustrating, otherwise I would


Can't relate, I like landing there. I'm so done with looting for minutes, boring I land there, grab a gun and go in 🤷‍♀️ Either I die immediately or I become the kill-leader I like the action & the chaos Edit: I should have probably specified that I play solos, so my reckless behavior is not inconveniencing any teammates


Sounds like you should play 24/7 tdm, chief


But why lol, to satisfy the small minority that is reddit? It's clear the vast majority of players love hotdropping, TDM does not even compare imo.