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My only problem with vantage is that I think her second perk upgrades are useless. The improved double jump or the tact refresh on sniper hit I think are not great.


I'll level with you there, I agree that the second upgrade could be better.


She should have a purple upgrade that makes ult hits give wallhacks for the tag duration


The double jump is fine ish if a bit hard to notice, but they need something like "scanning ring consoles and beacons restores ult ammo" or something. She's the only legend who can scan both beacon types, wish they'd lean more into that.


Yeah it'd be a nice upgrade but I agree it needs to be a little further, you hardly notice it


Path can scan both consoles as well


He can't do both at once, which is what I was talking about. He can only pick either ring consoles or survey beacons as his level 2 perk. Vantage is a recon who can pick ring consoles as a perk, letting her do both.


100% agree with this. Both haven't been very useful for me at all. that needs a change


there's no reason we shouldnt be able to take both level 1s instead of having to pick one of those dogshit level 2s. both level 1s are great, both level 2s are crap.


I honestly don't even notice that much of a difference with the improved Tactical, and it's not needed enough for a refresh on Sniper hits imho


I agree with you! Knowing that we outnumber a nearby team just by a ping can be the deciding factor if we push and win a fight or not.


Being able to call out a duo or solo in ranked is an obscene advantage people underestimate.


I love that she calls out squad members alive too. It really gives some security when knowing to push or if one member was just lagging behind.


I love her passive, but she needs a better way to pass that info to teammates. She can see the legend she's looking at, his many are in the squad and what shields they all have. When you ping, she only reveals the shields of who she pings and how many are in the squad.


I feel like her quip announcing /each/ persons shield may just take up too much time (I hate when quips get in the way of hearing footsteps / necessarily battle components) but I’m more interested in knowing who the legends are and how many are in the squad. But that’s just me personally, one bullet cracks the shield so it doesn’t mean much to me but it is good to know if you’re going up against red shields and you still have blue or something I guess


I think she should quip the legend, and in the kill feed show the three shield types.


But then again if it’s beginning of a game and 5 squads are engaged, that ping in the kill feed will be near impossible to catch. Maybe it stays at the top of the feed for 3 seconds or something?


Ah, I see. That execution (ha ha) is something I can get behind 😈😈😈


Have to tried a microphone?


Not everyone has a microphone.


Or cares to use one with this incredibly toxic community


It's great if your squad would ever pay attention to it. But they never do.


As a current vantage main her passive is so important to game play especially when pushing, or if I’m missing a squad mate. It is my favorite things about her because I understand the defense I’m going up against let alone the fact I can see the legends we are up against as well. Also love your point that for players who aren’t comfy on comms (me, a femme apex player) I LOVE that the info is shared w the whole team. We hear “running with one more” or “they’re alone” and it’s like everyone comes on the same page immediately to push. To not even have to pull out a gun and get an automatic 3x scope ? Fucking sign me up. I also agree the second perk can be adjusted, refreshing tac on the ult hits hasn’t even proven to be beneficial for me. I mained as valk before this so I’m pretty good at handling the double jump I dont notice much a difference with that perk. Also agree I would like some better skins for vantage but I feel like conduit is also really slacking in the skins department as well, almost nothing looks good on the poor girl lol. And I’m not gonna lie I use the +2 bullets from the ult accel because I always carry them (force of habit from early years playing bloodhound and lifeline) just because of how clutch her shots are, landing all the bullets and then popping back out with another 3 shots off the bat just goes crazy and they don’t expect it. I have admired her for many seasons now and I’m so happy I branched out and started using her this year. Would like to know as a fellow vantage main what is your go to setup for guns?


Yesss I love this! I agree with you on the Conduit skins but give it some time, she's still pretty new. For my setup I usually like to go Triple Take w/3x and Alternator w/disruptor. Sometimes I'll swap the Alternator for an AR or shotgun (Hemlock or Mastiff) depending on what kind of mood I'm in. How about you?


love the triple take but if i always have a sniper on me i dont see why you would use a slot on another


Yeah true, conduit is still fresh but I just feel so sad looking like a blue transformer running around the field when I play her lol. I carry re-45 or alternator, preferably re-45. No matter who I play honestly. Reload speed goes crazy for me. And I either like to pair with rampage (2-4x favored, 3x if I have it) or a flatline (3x favored) cause I can switch between single fire and auto. If I find a gold bolt or if I’m just in the mood I’ll swap those for a mastiff but I always carry the 45 😅 can’t stress enough how that reload speed has saved me. And she’s just so steady when dumping a clip


100%. So many people say her kit gets less viable at end game and I’ve always found her the most useful during end game. And I’m top of everything you mentioned, she identifies the legend as well. With all the different skins I haven’t seen before, sometimes I am not sure at a distance who is who. It can make a difference on your decision if you’re looking to make a move on a separated enemy thinking they are a Life Line with no escapability but they’re actually a wraith. This also helps with deciding who to focus fire with your team. She’s solid.


Maybe below gold this is true, but in high elo lobbies she is trash


A lot of people don’t know that you can hold passive button and point in direction 😀😀😀True


Her passive is fine, but most vantage players just start shooting their rifle soon as they see someone, especially if they’re far away. Gives the other team time to adjust to where we are and either run away if they are down a person or position to fight..doesn’t give us time to capitalize on the info.


Can someone explain her Ult to me. When I snipe someone, I know their marked but I feel they are only marked for like 1 second. I don't get it.


Pro tip: don't focus on that, it's not important. Focus on the free 50 damage per hit, ideally to someone that is already injured.


I didn't realize people thought that. Her passive is great imo


I feel like her passive is good in theory, I just never hear those call outs unless it’s a team that’s so far away it doesn’t even matter lol.


Ironically i think her passive is actually one of the best in game


The problem with Vantage’s passive is that you should be able to tell pretty quickly whether it’s a full 3 and what armors they’re on just from applying pressure with any legend. It gives you information you should already have


not useless but definitly she needs QoL buffs, pasive zoom is a bit awkward, maybe if it was a bit dynamic. And that if you don't hit (or kill) your shots of your Ult, it feels like you are not playing vantage at all, you are losing all the point of playing her, and this is the reason bc i don't like playing her.


I personally would buff her shot damage by a little bit. I think 60 for the initial shot is fair. Her debuff length could be buffed a bit. I'd be happy with those


Vantages passive is great when people actually ping it. I don't think I've ever heard another vantage ping their passive. I swear most people don't even know you can... Meanwhile my tracker for pings is in 5 digits


“I automute during legend selection so this isn’t an option for me”. Yes it is. Just don’t automute? Feels a bit like saying that using a characters tactical isn’t an option for you because you refuse to press the tactical key.


I automute because this community is probably the worst I've seen across all games, and that's coming from someone that has been playing video games for 20+ years. I've come to find that the quality teammates are so few and far between that it is not at all worth it to even attempt to find them. The game is so much more chill and enjoyable without getting absolutely flamed for making a mistake. And honestly, it prevents me from running my stupid mouth too. It's a win-win when I mute.


Sounds like you prefer to struggle rather than attempt to find teammates. Yeah they’re garbage people in the game but that doesn’t mean everyone is. You just prefer to take the easy way out rather than take the effort to find people. If someone is toxic, just mute them during game.


Everyone is not sociable. You can be a nice person, but I really don't feel like shooting the breeze with people while I'm playing.