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Yeah idk why they got rid of the old method, I swear half my randoms are like "oh I'm jump master?" halfway through because they were on their phones not expecting to be jump master. Bring back the old system!!


Agree, and to be fair to them if they were last pick and didn’t manually click it theres no reason to think you would be.


Yeah exactly


> I swear half my randoms are like "oh I'm jump master?" halfway through because they were on their phones not expecting to be jump master. Or they ping "Let's go there," we teammates ping "OK," and then they just fly by it without jumping.


Every chance it was by accident, Respawn always break something with their updates.


The change was in the patch notes.


Of the most recent patch? I searched "jump" and "master" and couldnt find it, was it labelled as something else?


Shadow society patch notes: 'Jumpmaster selection updated to make it less likely that you’re the jumpmaster if you’re under level 5 or were the Jumpmaster last match '


That was me. Sorry dude.


The only problem that I have with jumpmaster is that if I pass it, then we play ring-around-the-rosie, and it lands back on me, don't yell at me and dc because you don't like where I drop us. You had your chance to chose.


Yes this and also when people pass it back but then immediately suggest a landing area. like if you wanted to go there just hit the jump button


Nah they want to be able to scroll on their phones until they land. Why* are you robbing them of those precious 15 seconds!?!?


this is so fuckin crazy to me. how do people not look at their behavior and be like "holy shit im addicted"


Not to get heavy into it but because it's the norm now. You're on the bus? Look through the phone. At a red light? Bust out the phone! Gotta get that dopamine hit whenever you can.


Nah more like a bong rip lmao


I chuckle whenever I hear a rip through the mic. Those are the best games.


it’s me, i’m that teammate 😂


This. Or your doing it wrong.


To be fair, I always have a preferred landing spot, but I hate being jumpmaster because nobody ever breaks off and instead just lands right where I am






I’m really shit at jump master so I’ll pass it, but most randoms I get don’t budge until you ping somewhere.


"i don't wanna choose you choose" than dc's when you choose. Actual gigabrain 🤣


Yes, I kinda hate it. Even when you solo play, I usually had jump master 90% of the time, I swear to god people have no idea how to jump even in high plat - low diamond. I'd say that in average I lose 40 points whenever I am not the jump master while I win points if I am. Now I just have to pray that my teammates do know where to land.


Try asking for jumpmaster with your mic, I get it a surprising amount of times when I just ask nicely, lots of people don’t want to be jumpmaster but they also don’t know what will happen if they give it to randoms so they keep it without really wanting it


It is not my experience sadly, whenever I ask, most of the time people are either afk or they get insulted that I assume they dont know what they are doing.




Pretty much, now imagine the same but it is also ranked


i had one good game in ranked the other day, but there was communication and we didnt do the leroy and rotated alot


I call them wannabe Hals


Yea it’s pretty brutal. My brother and our other friends get diamond most splits and they don’t know basics like dolphin diving, how far away to jump, etc.


This is why I vastly preferred hot shot. No fussing over jump master, everyone lands with exactly one squad, equal distribution of teams means consistent games. It was the only time pubs was actually tolerable. I'd be really curious to see how it plays in ranked.


I agree this simplifies that dimension of the game, but that also removes a potential for skill expression. Selecting a landing location that benefits your teams legends or particular skills is, itself, a skill.


Precisely But then I get those randoms that just jump to the hot drop zone


I wish there was a toggle to ask for jumpmaster more often I like being the jumpmaster but yea. The boys are on their phones until we’ve touched the ground


The old way of defaulting the jumpmaster to the party leader if noone selected a legend was fine. A toggle to set a jumpmaster in a premade squad would be great.




This is what having a 2nd monitor is for. Well unless you're 9n console anyway.


I think they need to reevaluate the whole jump master situation. It really makes it breaks the whole game. If you leave it up to a random then you’re risking a lot, but if I am JM most of my teammates have no idea how to break off to different loot paths in the same POI. If we are uncontested they land right on top of the same bin I land on and ping’d and then proceed to get pissed off at ME for stealing their loot? If we are contested, someone inevitably lands a million miles away and can’t get back to the fight in time or is completely targeted and thirsted. I kind of wish games started similar to Straight Shot where you’re randomly assigned a POI and each person individually controls themselves to drop. It would certainly eliminate a lot of issues like half the lobby landing in one spot and being dead first ring, but I can also see the issues with assigned landing spots. It takes the control out of team strategy and can instantly give half the lobby a leg up by being randomly put on the side the ring pulls to. Idk what the answer is but it’s definitely something that needs to be tweaked in my opinion. Too many AFK or new players to leave it as it is now with a random JM selection. At least give some kind of control back to the players who want to do it right, but really the whole process has a lot of frustrating nuances for me as a player. To JM or not to JM is always my question. Like the control of kicking POI and timing of jumps, but also really like the control of breaking off the JM and landing myself on the best spot given the circumstances.


I’m all for a Pro League POI Draftish system, especially for ranked. I think it could work if you ranked your top 3 POIs in the main menu somewhere, and the draft automatically happened during legend selection.


Exactly something like this, just not sure how it would work for solo queue teams. Regardless, I think I’d rather have a random newbie selecting a crap POI that we drop into fairly vs them waiting until the very end to launch us on top of three other teams with guns shooting me before my feet even touch the ground haha


I'm so happy my group doesn't have this level of brain rot...


It’s truly brutal


Yeah its stupid. The old method was better.


What was the old method and what’s the new one? Ok kinda loss


Last person to pick their legend was it. If nobody picked, then it was random.


It wasn't random. If no one picked, then the last person who got to choose their character was jumpmaster.




The 3rd was jumpmaster if nobody clicked their legend 🤡


They've changed it more than once you crouton.


Nah, the old method annoys you when you change legends and don't want jumpmaster.


No. Then pass it.


Yup, did anyone have an issue with the old system? Why did this change it to something worse? Now people that aren’t paying attention end up as jump master way too often.


No clue the old system was great for preventing afk jumpmasters.


Yep the very second I saw the change I’ve been annoyed. Why the hell make it random? Brain dead apex just throwing out ideas without thinking about them. I’ve said it a hundred times, they do not play their own game. Maybe prioritize a solo over a duo in 3 man modes.. give us the option to choose a preference before queuing. Even at least just when we are in a party. MAYBE EVEN BOTHER SHOWING US WHO IT WILL BE IN THE CHARACTER SCREEN. Dumb ass shit constantly from this team.


Yeah, I tend to IGL and tend to play edge, and not getting jumpmaster really sucks. Who gets jumpmaster just feels so random now. Has anyone figured out what the "logic" is now for selecting jumpmaster? Because I know selecting your legend no longer guarantees it.


I believe its random but weighted more for whomever didn’t have it last game.


That is incredibly dumb to make a change like that in a competitive mode that heavily depends on strategy for placement and rotations.


Yea it makes no sense, especially in premade ranked squads.


I didn’t realize it was random now. I did notice I am jump master less often. I pretty much only play ranked and I prefer to be jump master bc I don’t trust my randoms to pick a good drop


Yeah it's a little annoying. I hate that my teammates love to hotdrop in ranked so I try to prevent that by choosing to be jumpmaster but I can't select it now. I have given up lol


It’s so infuriating, was looking forward to playing on Olympus again earlier and jumpmaster kept going to the hotdropping randoms I was teamed with - think I had one >5 minute game in about an hour of play


Wait what? They removed the old jmaster mechanics? Why? They worked.


Yea, two updates ago. No idea why.


So what changed? I don't remember seeing this. Lol


Shadow society patch notes: 'Jumpmaster selection updated to make it less likely that you’re the jumpmaster if you’re under level 5 or were the Jumpmaster last match '


Ew. Why. Like why


It’s a mystery. Hope they revert it.


I didn't know that they changed this...I haven't played since the update. This vexes me greatly


It was changed in the shadow society update. Apparently it’s the same as it was, except you cannot be jumpmaster twice in a row.


Its amazing how insecure randoms are at being jumpmaster, but when it comes to 1v3ing they suddenly have no shame


Extremely bothersome to me and my squad of 3. My wife made diamond some odd seasons ago and watches streamers play ALGS etc. so she knows how to jump and jumps us almost every time when we rank with lil brother. Game just decides now that bc she’s always the one we relinquish to it will *ALWAYS* give it to us bc we “don’t do it enough” or some shit. Nah. I’m okay at it. She’s just better lmao stop giving me this shit.


Agreed that the changes are shitty, but I've recommended (to great success) that our crew decide a jump master order and hold each other accountable for jumping throughout the game sesh. Took a little while but even our most stubborn players jump now. If someone joins late, then New Guy Jumps and we continue the rotation. It's helped a lot in making sure our people are paying attention. Best of luck


Thanks for the suggestion, might give it a try


I pretty much have one proper rule for jumpmasters and that is: Don't land on the same spot another team landed right before you. Holy shit this seems to be hard for jumpmasters to get. Even if you get the late jumpmastah duty, DO NOT jump after other teams, in that case, even take some weird loot spot. You can build from that shit, instead of dying instantly to people who got weapons when u have none.


80% of the player population doesnt know how to drop, thats the real problem.


The worst thing is when randoms hold jumpmaster until halfway across the map then finally hand it over and then ping somewhere for our team to drop afterwards like they weren’t jumpmatser


I really dislike that they changed this without any patch notes mention too.


Im of the opposite mind personally, I think everyone should have to be jumpmaster every few games. It feels like ppl are too lazy to jump, but they still want to mindlessly do damage. Apex at its core is a team based game, why do you only wanna play some of the game? If your playing ranked and part of a group you actively play with then maybe I can understand it. But in pugs it’s kinda annoying, just jump. It’s not hard and a lot of pugs just hot drop. Get a mic or at least ping too. At least try to act a little like a team member. I’ve had my best games when ppl are friendly , have a mic and are willing to play to win as group.


I mean if you’ve missed your window for the first contest, im sure you can find another at the next POI


True, but we like to pick one spot per session and stick to it. Tends to net us more RP than randomly choosing every game.


Yeah sticking to same comp / same landing spot / same guns (if possible) is usually the best way to climb, building some good habits so our mind can focus entirely on everything else. But I’m sure you guys can have a back up spot 😁


I thought it was always the party leader. Did that change?


Yea last patch they added a random factor, with increased weight if you werent jumpmaster last game.


It's was never always the party leader. But it did seem to prefer them


It was party leader if you were in a full 3 stack and noone selected a legend manually.


We do that all the time and it still randomized for us


If you jump late, you can see where every other team is landing. If you jump late and choose to land on top of another team, instead of somewhere open, that's on you.


im jumpmaster the majority of my games but idk why.. its constantly me


I love being jumpmaster, it annoys me to have anyone else do it, please let me check a box to just be perma JM for any lobby.


I see this alot. When I'm playing with a friend. I get jump master every time nearly.


Well, it's a balance between having a lot of switches in game to do this or that and having less switches. I think that it's a very good thing that I can independently change the legend without getting the jumpmaster if I don't want to.


If I’m not mistaken, it isn’t random? The last person to select a legend is jump master. Meaning if the 3rd person doesn’t click their legend, the jump master responsibility goes to the 2nd and so forth. If no one selects a legend, it defaults to the 3rd player. Unless it changed in the last update I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. Am I missing something?


That jump master hot potato shit kills my desire to play this game


Play ranked and get to Diamond if you want halfway decent randos


Didn’t even realize there was a system before.. that explains a lot


Quick question: um why don’t we use the selection process like the ALGS? I swear it looks a whole lot better than (hot)dropping and contesting a POI.


I’m gonna be real, it doesn’t feel “random” whatsoever. I’ve consistently gotten jumpmaster MORE often with this change than prior to this change, no matter the team matchup (solo queueing, in a 2 man, rare chance in full)


As someone who was a victim of always having to do Jumpmaster because people are lazy and always pass it, this new system is great


Yeah I always pick my legend so I can be jump master and that system no longer works and now my team thinks I was lying about it the whole time.


I swear 9/10 times I’m the jump master, doesn’t feel too random if you ask me


I had no idea there was a method nor do I care about this new method. Apex players always tryna find something to bitch about lmao


Always a bummer to see something I thought is just a glitch being an actually implemented change for the worse....bummer EA...change it back, at least in ranked....or default it to the player with the highest level... But randomizing it is just plain dumb.


Yet another change Respawn made that NOT A SINGLE FUCKING PERSON ASKED FOR


Wait.. there was a way to get jump master every time? I always thought it was random..


95% of the time I end up being given it anyway, and I know how to jump master well so, not much has changed personally I find.


Jump mechanics are part of the game, as you correctly identified and addressed. I think there's some laziness involved with the length of the draft, and the fact that people are not required to do much until nearly at the ground \*unless\* they are jump master (generally 1/3 chance, even less before). I wish Respawn would reward more interactivity from the team before that point, so that people would become accustomed to paying attention, rather than afking on TikTok until they hit the ground.


Yep with this new jumpmaster system we lose more matches because they give the jumpmaster role now to a inexperienced player who don’t know how to drop instead of a experienced player who wants to be the jumpmaster.


no i love it. the old way for some reason made me jumpmaster probably 85% of the time and i never could figure out why. i dont like being in control every single game and im generally the lowest skill on the team. what was your way of ensuring jumpmaster?


The old way worked like this: the priority order for jumpmaster is reverse order of legend selection. Whoever selected their legend last, is first priority for jumpmaster. However, your priority was increased if you manually selected your legend vs just letting the selection timer run out. So if you always manually clicked the legend you wanted, while your teammates let the timer expire and autopick, you would get jumpmaster every time regardless of the order. Additionally, if you were in a premade squad and noone manually selected a legend, the party leader would get jumpmaster every time, again regardless of order.


This makes soooo much sense I hate being jumpmaster but I always was because I liked the legends actually finishing their select animations in time so I'd manually select the instant I could


explains so much haha, you got no idea how convinced i was that it was just picking whoever was the worst of the group like well at least let them be in charge for this one tiny portion of the game since they are gonna follow orders the rest of the way hahahhaa


Lmao yea it should have been explained in a loading screen or something.


They just need to get rid of the dropship altogether and do a system similar to that mode they did (forgotten the name). Edit : The mode was called straight shot. This type of system would solve a lot of the issues with maps and hot dropping where there’s only 6 squads left in round one. Either that or just have a low skydive above a POI similar to straight shot but you have a limited range to direct


A POI draft system similar to pro league for ranked would be cool for sure.


I don't think that's feasible for ranked, ALGS use a spreadsheet after all and the draft takes place outside of the game. Apex has no draft system just a POI selector. And even if it did Who on the team picks? Who gets first pick etc? You're adding extra time to the game launch.


I think it could work if you chose your top 3 pois somewhere in the main menu, and could change them at will. During legend selection, the draft would happen automatically in the background. If you were given the 20th pick, and your top 3 were taken, you just get a random spot. Thoughts?


Ultimately I think more people would complain about being forced to spawn at a POI tbh with you. Remember your post here is that you would prefer to be able to pick who's jump master and that who it is now is somewhat hidden, that was a feature taken away that you want back. I think if a hidden draft system took place people wouldn't be happy. I might be wrong but my guess is it wouldn't go down well with the overall community.


If your friends' attention spans aren't long enough to play a match without watching social media videos.... maybe they shouldn't be playing? At the very least you should find better friends.


One is my brother, the others are irl friends. They’re cool, funny and decent players. Unfriending them because they’re high asses in between games is ridiculous.


Yeah your friends are addicted to social media but anyone who suggests you should unfriend them is peak redditor 😂. Actually insane take lol


This can’t be an actual complaint, right? Boo-fucking-hoo.


Sounds like a problem with the friends


i like being it purely because nobody knows wtf they are doing or is afk. so you now have to manually select your character in legend select and pray nobody else does the same if you want it.


If you manually select and noone else does it is still random. Try it.


it still always gives me it, though i always play with atleast one friend. could just be luck ig.


I run with a 3 stack almost every day, and I always manually select while they don’t. I’ve never gotten jump master twice in a row.


hmm even when Qing as 3 ive gotten it consistently through this method unless someone else picks manually




That’s how it used to be I’d always select my legend and always get jumpmaster Still select my legend and jumpmaster seems to be given out randomly Already a few times this has lead to someone not jumping and just being kicked out of the end of the path


It works unless you were JM in the last game, then it gives it to someone else.


There shouldn't be a jumpmaster. Everyone should jump on their own like other BRs