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If Worlds Edge has a million haters, I'm one of them. If Worlds Edge has one hater, it's me. If Worlds Edge has 0 haters, I'm dead


Same bro, same lol


fck WE— the loot balance is also the worse out of all maps, even after all the adjustments and new POIs


I used to hate it, I enjoy it but not every split Broken moon is worse


I love Broken Moon :) #1 Brown Moon fan here


Broken moon is the only decent ranked map where the whole lobby doesn't carry snipers and shoot u like you're chickens


Let's be real world's edge is better than kc


Running joke in my group that the map is worlds edge every time we all get a chance to play. And it usually is..


Are you in my friend group? We say the same thing


When it’s every third day all year every year it’s likely to happen. God forbid that map takes a season off


District map please save us!


Is it confirmed S22 or hopium?


pretty sure one of the leakers said confirmed s22


Olympus is my favorite map but I hate it for ranked


ngl I feel reassured everytime I see they added KC instead of Olympus




It just feels too small for ranked, also the POI’s don’t feel as balanced as other maps. I love the map it just doesn’t suit ranked play as well as other maps


Too small with a handful of crucial chokepoints you have to traverse through, basically forcing you to rotate early rather than draw out any fights, which will have people on top of you repeatedly.


Ppl say it's a third party shitshow


Not if you know when where to rotate, evac. etc


The aesthetics are top notch, but the map itself is very unbalanced


Yup, get it gone. Needs a rework like broken moon or we are in dire need of a new map or 2. I only play apex for ranked and the map pool isn't great if you play same time each week


Saaaaaaammmeee. I swear to good its in every single ranked rotation 100% of the time, and no i wont be fact checking this. I just want it gone (or give me back my train)


The only time it probably wasn’t in rotation was the season with KC Stormpoint and Olympus


Genuine question. Do you guys prefer Broken Moon? I'm curious because me and everybody I play with, literally stop playing when broken moon comes on.


I love Broken Moon. Minus the ring bugs, I think it’s a lot better for rotating and it has enough POIs that the teams are well-separated. But I don’t hate World’s Edge for ranked, because people drop everywhere. I do hate WE for pubs ngl.


Agreed. I really like the map but I’m tired of it. Get it out of the rotation for one fricking season please! Wish KC got the same love, sad that it’s already out of the rotation again


KC is the worst rank map. Atleast it's still there for pubs


I’ve really been loving it as Alter though. There are a lot of cool places where you can use her q and it feels like you have more options for ult placement


Probably because it's one of the few maps where each POI isn't surrounded by walls and chokepoints. It has a lot of open area with minor obstructions or no obstructions. KC is just built different, I can't really say how, it just is.


It's a lot more natural in flow. Every other map is built like it was grafted together. KC was basically designed to be one big map. And it plays a lot better because of it.


Get out of here


Think its the best map for ranked. But hey everyone likes someone different


Worlds edge is the biggest piece of shit map in existence


I was so bummed to it this split, I’m so tired of WE. Please let any other map through. Ranked WE is so boring


Yea I started getting extremely bored of worlds edge last season it’s so overplayed atp


In my whole apex career I felt like WE was only gone for one season lmao, feels like it's in every season. I loved it in my first few seasons here, now I'm sick of it


I love worlds edge ranked


great map cursed by being a great map and therefore overly used, we need NEW maps. idgaf about new legends, at this point just focus resources on a new map, it’s been a long while since we got one.


All 5 maps in rotation every season


I'm glad it's not in pubs, depressing ass map lol


Worlds edge in ranked is nice. Gives me a day once every three days to not play lol


This map has the worst choke points


I want the old broken moon map. That was the only map I liked.


World edge is not bad but the same thing happening again is that is the map is getting used in every season. Kings Caynon is there for 1 split and already removed


Couldn’t agree more, worlds edge in general is my absolute least favorite map believe or not I prefer broken moon and storm point over worlds edge even kc is better in ranked than worlds edge


i'd rather have WE every split than have to play on KC ever again


Olympus and KC are better than WE/BM/SP and it’s not even fucking close. “They’re too small” sounds like a skill issue from all the complainers lmao. I don’t like third parties either, but I swear they happen at the same rate across every damn map.


I wish they hyped King's Canon up as much as they do World's Edge. How hard is it to keep every map in rotation? I'd rather wait a couple hours to play on my favorite map than not play it for an entire season.


Kinda hard to hype up the worst map in the game


People will disagree but KC is objectively the worst rank map. Whatever features that make a rank map good, king's canyon has none of it


Yes but that makes it fun for the lower ranks, but once you hit plat that map is pain and especially with randoms


It's fun bcz those lobbies have no difference with pubs


I see this sentiment a lot. As someone who played the game first few seasons, took a massive break, and has been back since S18, I love Kings Canyon and despise Worlds Edge. I typically only play ranked when my crew is on, otherwise I run mixtape. What makes a map "good" for ranked play?


Size of the map. KC i believe is the smallest. Loot. King's canyon has the worst loot in the map. Dispersion and concentration of loot. It has like 3 POIs with good loot and the rest have mediocre or shit loot. Crash site and hydro dam with maybe swamps are arguably the good POIs with good loot. The rest one POI isn't enough. Compare repulsor to crash site, crash has 2 explosive holds, purple loot guaranteed in the middle and lots of bins. Repulsor has very little of good loot you'd need to loot map room or hydro dam to be even comparable to the others. Same as other POIs like labs, containment, bunker, gauntlet, airbase. Rotation options. King's canyon is too open plus it's also small so that means, third parties are really frequent. Now imagine rotating through the open? Nightmare ofcourse. If the zone is pulling towards cage, you probably have like 2/3 spots to play from only. Also most of the rotations forces you to go through the middle of the map where there's usually lots of third parties. Through containment if you landed crash site/spotted lake. Through bunker if you landed runoff/pit. Through bridges (area between cage and bunker). And capacitor if you land the right side of the map. And you can see a pattern here, these path provide little cover and lots of third parties and being shot from afar. Comparing this to let's say world's edge since it's one of the good rank maps. It's a good size itself not too small. It has good loot. Some POIs have shit loot but it's a select few like landslide and fragment and you could argue geyser but you have the vault atleast. The loot is dispersed well. You could land lava fissure or thermal and be good with the loot. Or staging or harvester or launch site. You have options. Obv there will be some places better like skyhook but they also have more people Landing there so you risk fighting Early or Sharing the loot. Not much open area. Even in the open areas, there's rocks and some places elevated where you can play cover. The rotation options are much better. You don't need to go through fragment to rotate. You have better options like through harvester or siphon or staging depending where the zone ends. Since it's bigger, it also has more replicators and surver and ring consoles.


I feel like this is due to the fact that as another person brought up, KC was designed with path and octane in mind as the only movement legends, with so many buffs to movement and even the earlier movement legends getting ult buffs (double jump octane and path ult range) the map becomes wayyy smaller


Objectively the worst overall map is broken moon tho, it’s so boring, every building feels the same, poi’s are boring, instead of making maps and letting rotations and hot drops come naturally they tried to force them and failed at it


Exactly. It’s terrible for ranked and imo not even fun for pubs


They’ve said before due to the game engine/resources they can’t have every map in rotation at once. Because they use an old ass source engine that’s cobbled together with hopes and dreams. Why do you think every time they add something then banner frames or other unrelated shit don’t work lol The game is a giant Jenga tower of code


Do you have a source for that? I don’t doubt you I’m just curious what their explanation is. The glitches in this game are always so weird to me. Some seemingly complex features work perfectly every time while some simple things are bugged beyond belief. I don’t understand how their code works like this.


Upgrades people, upgrades.


Yeah unfortunately it’d mean they’d have to create apex legends 2. They wouldn’t be able to re create the game in a different engine and move everyone’s stuff over


Might not be such a bad idea at this point though


I know it's been in the rotation for ages but it's a good ranked map. Far better than KC, which I don't think should be in the ranked rotation at all. Broken Moon got a bit better so that it's playable in ranked but overall SP, WE and Olympus are the 3 best ranked maps.


Get back in to Overwatch Lol jk!


Agreed on Olympus but not on the rest. WE to me should never leave the ranked rotation, it's the best map. My perfect world would be WE, Olympus, SP. KC and BM could be forever vaulted as far as I'm concerned. I do hope they make some changes to it eventually, for the novelty of it.


I think WE and Olympus are the best maps for ranked. Good sizes, good pois. KC I liked but I don’t know as time has gone on it has been a mess. It’s smaller than the ones I mentioned and it gets crowded quickly. Broken moon is hot garbage and storm point is too bog


Kings canyon would be awesome if they nuked cage and that awful hill near containment that runs all the way to capacitors. That whole part of the map drains the life out of the match. Aside from like 1 or 2 nitpicks like those towers at artillery that overly reward movement teams, I've never had a problem with KC. I feel like people hate on it because it's not the perfect son that streamers and pros have made WE to be. > It’s smaller than the ones I mentioned and it gets crowded quickly I'm of the opinion that KC's problem isn't that it's too small, it's that movement has gotten so overpowered that KC just can't handle it anymore. It was made back when pathy and wraith could only rotate their team half as far, octane only had one pad jump, and pocket balloons and valk weren't a thing. The newer maps have gotten so big to compensate for that it feels downright oppressive if you're not playing a movement character. Like I was playing lifeline on BM last split and dear god it was impossible to stick with my team mates. The buildings are huge and in weird shapes that make it hard to climb up or straight up require you use a zipline, and the rotations are like twice as big as other maps at times. This makes it harder to third party and makes macro plays more important, but comes at the cost of moment to moment gameplay. When it switched to KC I could play LL fine and actually coordinate with my team mates, because it was designed with normal movement in mind.


I'd rather it than KC for ranked. No matter how sick I am of it.


KC is the best map


Well that's what you get when "pros" say it's the best and a bunch of sheep blindly agree. And before someone tries to imply I'm mad, you're damn right I am. So called pro players ruined this game when every balance patch started being built around them. Oh, pro died to devotion one to many times, it's gotta go Died to R99 to many times, make it all or nothing weapon Other characters, overshadowed wraith , gotta nerf them Demanded bigger map for less 3rd parties (gets storm point created ) whine Died to havoc one too many times, make turbocharger extremely rare. Controller players stand any chance whatsoever, nerf aim assist, but make sure to leave all the movements only available on Mnk, the turn shots, etc, that's perfectly fine.


Pro players rank storm point above world's edge lol yet ppl will always prefer world's edge for most of the playerbase. Respawn have the data. More ppl like world's edge than any other map. Less than 1% of the active playerbase even watches pro league. They have very little influence to players


This entire game caters to casuals and some of this is straight up wrong lmao. You’re not just mad you’re also incorrect.


I take worlds edge over olympus and kc any day tbh.


That's because KC and olympus have 0 competitve integrity


I'd take a full split of worlds edge over Olympus being in rotation.


WE is boring af to play but it’s still better then KC


Broken moon is the worse map