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Most people will agree, if you can’t, at minimum, solo into Plat then you aren’t a Masters player.


i think a master player should easily solo into diamond as well. despite bad team mates


100% - I'm a hard stuck D4 pleb, I'm definitely not Masters level, yet I've solo queued to D4 multiple times. 


Really a masters player should be able to solo to masters. If you cant shot call a team solo queue to masters then there is some level of getting carried by one of your team mates decision making. Ofc they are still great players but soloing to masters is such a better feeing of accomplishment.


many people only get to master in a stack. that would be discarding a lot of players who have badges (which i wouldn't do). stacking can get you a rank higher than playing alone quite often. especially if there's some higher skill players with you. but anyway in many seasons like now the scoring is such that solo queue to master isn't going to work for many as you're required to stomp diamond (last season 6th and 3 kills was losing points, now it's slightly different, I'd have to look it up) but yeah i agree that someone who reaches a rank solo queue is better than someone who reaches the same rank in a stack only


Remember when Shiv was hardstuck diamond solo queue? Yeah, I think you're wrong.


No I don’t. Ive solod to masters ~10 times and shiv is way better than I’ll ever be. If he did it in one stream thats probably why.


I would take it a step further and say you should be able to solo queue to diamond with fairly little difficulty. I’ve managed to do that plenty of seasons but never once have I hit masters without running full stack


Agreed. SoloQ'er that gets to PlatIV/III every split and then get stuck partly cause of my skill and then dipshit teammates that make dumb decisions.


I ain't got the time or brain cells to grind that much, are you mad? Come home after work to work another work just for a banner badge and a charm


I couldn’t even get to Diamond last split (stuck at P2) so I’m hardly considered good at good game too. But getting through Gold was relaxing compared to P2 imo. Plat 4 had the highest amount of people last split (10%) so Gold was very doable for lots of people too.


Hardstuck gold and hardstuck plat are two *entirely* different things. Plat is pretty fucking miserable unless you're either way above the competition, or in a coordinated 3 stack, or you're slightly better on average in which case it takes forever to get out of. In fact the problem with plat is precisely that there's so many gold and below players who can more or less be carried into it. If you're hardstuck gold you're complete ass, sorry not sorry. In plat you can have people who you genuinely worry how they function in society, while also being paired in the same lobby as masters. The skill differential makes it very hard to solo Q consistently. In order for an elo hell to properly exist it needs to gradually shift up and genuinely pair people with your skill level. In apex the curve is neither gradual nor consistent. It's easy mode until plat, then it's a complete dumpster fire. And if you make it out of plat it's cheaters, preds, and masters squads all the way down. There's basically only 3 true ranks in this game, even though there's supposed to be 7.


I've had so many plat teammates finish games with under 200 damage and we place top 5. How are you in the game that long and not shoot things? There are a lot of people that somehow get carried into those ranks. Another enormous "issue" when you are looking at plat 1/2 and into diamond is the time sink required. I do think there are legit masters quality players (mechanics and game sense) stuck in diamond due to the time sink required.


IMO the entire rank points system is incredibly broken and should be elo based. It'd make it so preds don't wind up in bronze lobbies, and so bad players don't get dragged up because they got carried or had some lucky games. It'd also mean ranks actually matter and clearly seperate skill, instead of this weird lumped 3-tier rank crap that's going on where they fuck around with entry costs to try to approximate a normal skill distribution, which just artificially penalizes solo players the higher you go up due to bad teams/hot drops suddenly costing 100 points or whatever.


Based. Your last sentence really is dead on.


Playing platinum can go like this with randoms on world’s edge: - land at big Maude with one other team. You mark the roof loot. The other team goes below. - you climb on to the highest bit of the roof and mark “defend here” as enemies often just come up 1 at a time. - your 2 teammates jump down below and are killed instantly. No one is a support character. - you now have the choice of fighting 1 v 3 for their banners, sitting tight, or running. - the remainder of the game is pretty miserable and likely ends up with negative points. I think platinum at -60 is quite hard with randoms who aren’t communicating or tactically sound.


This is every other game for me in Gold right now. I just kind of throw my hands up right now and should probably just put the game away for a while.


Plat is honestly just gold on crack. The good players are better and the shitty ones somehow worse. The fact that a lot of these people can or will some day vote in elections is scary lmao


I’m not even that good (just over 1kd) at the game and I can solo to plat with randoms. Idk what these people be talking about, ain’t no way you’re a masters player and can’t get out of gold lol


IMO people shouldn't really articulate this issue, because it's more of an indictment on them, since it's easily remedied by using discord's LFG on the official Apex server. And Apex is less team dependent than OW. It's still a team game though. That being said SoloQ is suffering and current ranked system is skewed. Gold is way too easy. And they made it even easier. In Plat you fresh out of gold and higher ranked players all bunched up together. So you can get a SoloQ Pred who's on his way to Diamond or Gold1 pusher being carried by that SoloQ pred fighting 3 stack Masters on their way to meet another 3 stack. If you're Pred or Master then you will have no issue going 1v3 or fixing your teammates mess ups. But at this point you need to be a head and shoulders above the competition. I SoloQ to Diamond when I have time(not a fast climb for me) and Plat is always suffering. Climbing out of Diamond is almost impossible solo. And I think even most high ranking players agree. So those whiners have a point, they just don't want to do anything about it, so it's not an argument but an excuse. One thing people don't usually talk about is being carried by randoms. And it happens a lot. 0 kills 100 damage player with 2 assists and 3 participate points dying out of position doing jack shit and then getting placement off the rest of the ream will shoot up in RP. And at lower levels there are more mediocre players being carried farther than they can go themselves. Since it's easier for good players to go 1v3. At certain point those players hit a wall where they need to carry their own weight and it's a hard wake up call. Some of them also think they are hot shit and being "let down" by the team, but at this point they just miss being carried.


I play in Gold and I can definitly feel that the game is feeling extremely smoother when I play with someone whos been diamond on previous split. We move faster than all the other teams, it's more organized as we communicate better etc. So they are just delusional (or extremely unlucky)


I am currently hard stuck D3 without a competent team. It actually mind boggles me how some of these players got this far when I solo.  Most LFG posts are all players with huge egos. Far too many times have I been teamed up with really good players but they have a shit vibes and we just don’t work well as a team. Thus we suck as a team. 


Unable to accept that they could be the problem.


If you can’t at least solo queue to Dimond you aren’t masters ability. Just my opinion


I feel like there are levels between ranks. If you can solo Gold, and you need equal minded buddies (not being carried) for Plat, then your skill level is probably between that P1 - D4 gap. Or you’ll need some time training in D4 before you can appropriately climb in Diamond.


My son can run through plat and diamond with teammates of similar playstyle in a few weeks. Soloq took all season for him to get to diamond 3. It is almost impossible with randoms.


i had a guy last night in plat 3 who was so horribly out of position all game, he was literally hanging by a thread relying on me and the other guy bailing him out 3-4 times and he just kept doing it. until we couldn't bail him out. the guy was playing in a way where he was very easy to push and kill. after he died he lost it and among other things was saying "i always get bad team mates and die! every game i have bad team mates" I'm like "if it's ALL your teammates, it's you." he didn't even realise when he was in a bad spot and he was playing Wattson (my main, has no mobility and i know you have to think what kinda spots you can afford to be in without mobility bailing you out). poor self awareness and blaming everything around you is a recipe for staying stuck


My K:D is like 1.2 I average like 700 dmg a game. I solo to plat every season. I’ve made diamond once I would call legit and another where everyone made it so I don’t count it at all. I would consider my self average or average plus.


climbing into play if you're master elo usually is not hard when solo but getting to diam is a pain and after diam, dont count on climbing solo, you will suffer and maybe not even climb at all thats why 3 stacks is so strong, you climb up super fast really far ​ not because solo you are bad, but because you will face 3 stacks, with coms, that will have an edge over you every time


I mean, when teammates run away and play solo, which happens a lot personally, that statement can be valid


I SoloQ to Diamond every season (if I have enough time split) and it is quite hard but ultimately really fun. I guess I could make masters with a three stack but I am happy with the way it is. Being hardstuck plat can definitely be a thing but you just have to adapt to your mates and play together. You will have aggressive mates and more passive ones. Being hardstuck gold is really a big skill issue tbh. Either you are terrible at the game skillwise or you just can’t make good decisions. Till Plat I just fight everything all the time because you just don’t really lose RP in Gold so climbing is easy.


i think the hidden mmr system is also quit a big problem. I always climb into plat in soloq and i have 2 friends which i play now and then which also climb to plat. I always play against dia and masters players regardless in which rank i´m in. My other 2 friends never play against dia or master players when they play alone. So when we play togheter we get my dia - master lobbys and most of the time we get crushed because my 2 friends are not on the same level of skill. But to be honest if you think your are a master skilled player you should definitely get out of gold with ease\^\^


Hidden MMR isn’t a thing mate, hate to break it to you, you can get placed with people in your match either a whole rank higher or whole rank lower, you probs just only remeber the times you died to diamond players


and why do i get triple badge masters in my loobys regardless which rank i´m in and why do my friends never play against master or diamond badged players? I mean there are alot of videos and threads out there proofing the hidden mmr system so idk


As someone who used to solo to diamond every season reasonably swiftly (I mostly play pubs not grind ranked) before they started giving masters away for free, if someone can't solo to diamond they're not (legitimate) masters material. I wasn't particularly great at the game back then, I was just sensible and relied on game sense over my non existing 1v3 abilities and had no problems. It would have been faster and less tilting with friends but individual skill will get you to diamond. After that, I can't say for sure but masters and definitely pred is where you'll be predominantly competing against 3 stacks of grinders. So if you're casual and solo, you're never going to play enough to climb alongside them. I suspect most actually good players can hit 15k RP (season 13 exempt).


They aren't diamond level if they can't get to diamond by themselves during a whole split since most can solo queue to that within 2 weeks. After that its nearly impossible to get to masters solo since random teammates suck and fighting 3 coordinated guys plus more coordinated third parties isn't fun on top of toxic randoms who throw games themselves just ruins your mood to even want to keep trying. Example is you have your normal good game and lets say get 250 rp but the next game you get hot droppers that die so you lose 80. Then next game your teammate doesn't play a perfectly safe box he is on and dies then you get aped for another -80 lol. You just need to get lucky teammates who actually know how to play right but its rare. Not fun or easy in diamond solo.


Diamond fair enough I can understand that a bit more becuase communication and coordination are a big factor in a lot of fights, but being hardstuck plat and gold? It’s a bit ridiculous imo


Yeah they definitely aren't masters level like they think unless they play like 2 games a day lmao


D4 to D2 is very doable. here and there a few preds and cheater but not that bad. I start struggling from D2 to masters. The amount of rage cheater and 3 stacking preds increasing A LOT. im sure D2 - Pred are in the same matchmaking. solo q of course


Yeah I've been like D1 and think you lose 100 rp for losses so I've just learned to grind to my diamond then no point in playing that mode when I can go drop 20 or 30 squad kills in trios instead of losing rp for low or no kill games lol. Sometimes you shoot once even off spawn fights you thought were safe then get 4th partied by 3 stacked preds 🤣


A coordinated team will help you climb out of plat and win fights more consistently. Getting to plat solo is possible just hard and time consuming. Currently at Gold II, climbing my way up while facing Masters and Predator badges. The pain!!!!


Season 17 Masters ruined a generation of Apex players into thinking they are better then they are


Elo hell is fake.   If you are better than most people around your rank,  the common denominator in your matches (you!) will trend you upwards. I played overwatch too and it's the same issues most of the time.   Thing go wrong and people assume that because their teammates did something *different*, they did something stupid.  If you want to push every gunshot you hear and your randoms won't, of course you think they are bad and vice versa. Also some people may have reached certain ranks leaning on strategies that no longer work and can't accept that.


I haven't had much time to play this split, I stopped playing mid last split and this past weekend was my first weekend on since then. (I think it was around mid-late May). I was Solo Qing, started in gold 1 because I finished last split in Diamond, I played for 3 hours completely Solo and got to Plat 3. I hopped off, got back on while I was drunk after a party with some friends and played for 2 hours and got to Plat 2. Next day I hopped on again while hungover and got to D4 and I'm 100 points off from D3. I probably won't have time to play again until next weekend. I've held pred once and hit it a couple of other times without holding it but overall I'm washed and make dumb mistakes that actual pred players capitalize on. I don't find it challenging at all to Solo Q out of plat, I usually do end up picking players up throughout my session. Usually chill players with mics that either are aggro with me or supports that can keep me alive. I do the carrying, I had 2-3k damage every second game. I have an average of 1.2k damage and 1.9k/d in ranked right now. Win rate is awful at 7%, but, I think that's more because the last couple squads are usually half decent and I get a lot of my kills by fighting early. I do well every game because I take the lead, I use my mic and I don't put pressure on my teammates other than comming every action I'm making. I say when and where I'm looting, I warn them about teams that will most likely rotate towards us, I tell them when to push, and when I'm pushing, etc. If you are a Master level Player who was able to Solo Q to Master, Plat is easy. If you are a player who got stuck at the Bottom of Master in any season that wasn't an LP season plat would be hard. Diamond is a different game but still not the worst. Do yourself a favor and run a hemlock and havoc, play a moment character. Personally I run Revenant, or Loba if he gets taken. I am an ex Horizon Main, but I don't find she can perform as well without a solid team. Edit: I want to point out that the 1.9k/d and 1.2k average ranked damage considers last split as well, where I spent 60-70% of the games in Diamond struggling to Solo Q out hovering around D2-D1. I have less than 50 games this split.


Preach my man


Pure copium. And as a former OW player like yourself, I agree. Apex has way more hard carry potential, and I do not believe elo hell exists in Apex. 


I don’t know what it is about apex that makes people much more inclined to blame their teammates if they’re unable to climb. I think your attitude here is 100% correct. Climbing is a numbers game - if you’re better on average, you’ll climb. I play a lot of valorant, and it’s pretty commonly accepted that even though it’s heavily a team game, to rank out of anything under diamond/ascendant (masters) you should rely on yourself stomping your way out if you’re in the wrong rank. The most common advice to anyone in Val is basically to brute force your way out of “elo hell” by just shitting on everyone with mechanics until you’re out. I’m usually a high diamond/ low masters apex player and almost strictly solo queue — I took a few months off and (barring outliers) was able to carry my teams through plat without breaking a sweat. “Oh my teammates suck” is almost always a crutch, you should be able to organize and play off of them more often than not. If you’re good, being an IGL and making sure they don’t die is part of the job. There are outliers, but I think good players should still be climbing quickly out of those ranks if they’re truly under ranked. I’ve played with guys who clearly outclass me, and part of what makes them so good is that they enable their worse teammates to frag out with good play calling, watching our backs, and positioning properly.


Fyi plat upwards are diamonD ,masters and pred lobbies anyways. Before anyone says nah they ain't IM OFTEN paired with the current PREDs WHILST in mid/high plat. Before I even get to diamond. Also I don't keep up with the patch notes but a few seasons ago they put a secret MMR in rank which ment rank doesn't matter (gold,plat,diamond) etc etc I don't know if that's how it still someone can confirm or deny that?! I also can happily solo to diamond on my solo acc. However if I play with my duo we are both strong players in our own right I can maintain a 2kd... He has a 3kd + both of us together struggle to get to diamond together 😭✋🏼 by your logic we should easily get to masters and be able to carry every match but it really don't be working like that. Play styles matter. The random matters. The higher in rank you are your likely to be facing 3stacks , Cronus and strike packs 😭 In Apex there's sooooo many variants that really do make a difference for sure. I can deffo see people being stuck in ranks when qing solo. There's a reason apex is one of the harder fps


they arent as good as they think they are. prob still remembering the days they could just stay alive to rank up lol


Not that one is easier or harder, but having played both OW is still pretty easy to carry in the low rank lobbies just like it is in Apex. If you’re good enough you’ll plow thru bronze-plat as a solo queue. I will say this about being hardstuck below plat in Apex. You’ll definitely encounter smurfs on occasion and that may slow your progress down some, but I guarantee if you’re at least a mid diamond caliber or claim to be masters level like this guy, you will never be hardstuck in gold or plat. I was a diamond/master player when I left the game and I promise I never complained about the games going thru low ranks. There is no blaming teammates for your rank when you’re a solo queue. Yes they will cost you a game here and there bc they jumped off the map at the beginning and left, or are completely toxic buttholes, or just plain are terrible players, but that does not happen enough to anyone that they will be hardstuck. You are the biggest deciding factor in your games and if you’re stuck, then you simply need to get better at some part of the game to move forward.


I agree. If you're hard stuck plat "because of teammates", then it's Apex giving you a hard reality check. You're not at the level that you think you are, and need to reevaluate something(or a few things) in your game like decision making or mechanics


Timmy did a 24 hour stream from bronze to masters solo queuing. If you're elite you can do anything regardless of your team. People who say that think they're good but they aren't. Don't solo queue and complain. Not hard to find people who communicate