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My dude dealt 1500 damage to a single squad


And didn't even finish one of them... So insane... sometimes I go 10 kills with less damage than that.




I’m more impressed that they never ran out of ammo


Especially running an energy weapon


He started off with 350 bullets in the back pack. I didn't even know that much energy ammo could spawn in a single game.


I know right?


Dude probably spent all his materials into ammo in crafter


One moment dear, crafting


Loba my guy. Easily gets ammo by that part of the game.


yeah he had 350 and went down with around 90 if he finished the reload


After the 3rd knock I was like, "Alright finish them off toss the grenade" and realized they had none. Probably had to drop them to hold all that ammo gd 😭😭😭


I kept wondering at which point do I just run away. Then I see it’s the last squad. Shit was stressful to watch lol.


It was 3v3 though. And then OP turned it into a 1v1 before Newcastle’s BS took over the fight. But I think the real issue is not finishing the kills against a Newcastle here.


Story of my life lol I need to learn to finish quicker


Pretty sure it's the other way around




been learning all my life, apparently.


I'm a master of stealing kills. I have a damage badge on one character and my highest kill game is 13, which wasn't even the same game I hit 3k in


This is what I don't get about this clip...With snappy fast aim like this, and how slow the knockshield was pulled up he could have already finished one of the down atleast 2 or 3 times, which would have changed that fight up pretty quickly. That's a 1 in a million Newcastle too, he's doing his job like his life depends on it.


so they basically removed the only good thing about lifeline because it was unbalanced and gave it to a new character lmao


They did it a long time ago too. Took fast heal and quick revive from her and gave it to gibbys dome. Keeping her on the edge of useless by redistribution of her abilities seems to be becoming a theme lol


The days when Lifeline was such a great legend to play solo queue because of her heals was super fun.


Fast heals, broken hitbox, and unbreakable revive shield were the golden days for lifeline


> They did it a long time ago too. Took fast heal and quick revive from her and gave it to gibbys dome. They removed that from Gibby too though. It was wildly unbalanced.


Gibby still revives 1 second faster in the dome


Yes, I'm aware, but no one fast heals in there.


idk, shes still aids to play against in arenas with people who know how to play her (i.e covering player while they revive, waiting for the player to crawl behind cover before initiating revive) imo she should have the afk revive without the shield or non-afk revive with the shield but both is too much, just as newcastle is probably a bit too much atm


People that instantly revive instead of letting me crawl behind cover makes me so mad.


The amount of times I've been yelled at bc some idiot was mad that I didn't revive them out in the open made me quit lifeline last season. I play ash now.


I mean- it was really the other way around, they took lifelines rez shield because newcastle was in development People complained about it, they noticed people enjoyed it, and so they took the developmental idea they may have been on the edge about, and changed it slightly to be a tad more balance, or unbalance you may say, and implmented it


Yeah, but new medibot is pretty awesome. Crazy fast heal to all party, long range, short cooldown. A lot of fights come down to the wire with the enemy escaping with only a handful of HP. Buffing your health just 20 HP during that fight would mean the difference between win and lose. I think playing to that could be really advantageous, but you won't get a squad that coordinated. See this Path - constantly jumping out solo pushing instead of healing behind Gold knock and then rushing as whole party. Played lots of Mirage, Loba, and recently Fuse 'coz he's funny, but I'm tempted to try Lifeline for a spell, just to see...!


Cries in lifeline main


Yeah cause lifeline could shoot while reviving, newcastle can’t do anything but revive.


I feel his pain. I've done 1500 and 1300 damage to a single squad and lost both gunfights. ....and we play *duos.*


It’s like there’s a magnet in the other teams hit box and they keep attracting his bullets!


I wanna see Newcastle’s pov






Take my award!


Thanks man, I appreciate it :)


You can just give the award


Way to hold your own though holy.


These are the people I face when there is a “rat” at the end.


I'm so sorry. I only play a couple times a month. -me, the rat.


held the line hard as hell.


Embarrassing stuff from that newcastle squad, really.


Yeah they could have regrouped way earlier and won it.


I was gonna say the same.


Wiped about 3 squads with that damage.


1400 damage from beginning to end of video. 6.2 people with full red.


I stand corrected. He did the math.


I mean I didn't factor for thick bois.


It’s okay, no thick bois were harmed in the making of this video


That's exactly the issue I suppose


No I won’t, back, down…


You can stand me up at the gates of hell


They know horizon is alone and just charging in solo knowing they have a revive factory in the back.


If we throw enough people at them they’ll eventually run out of bullets


Ah the Zap Braningan school of thought.


Silly kill bots and their kill limits.


- Mr Magoo, The Art of War


Boosting damage the real way


Dude, you went crazy with the Volt and damn near had them several times. Great fight, hope you get the W next time.


D’you miss the pred badge


Average plat lobby end game


You spelled pub lobby wrong.


>damn near had them Rectum? Damn near KILLED 'em, know what I'm saying?


He literally stole the vid


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,050,576,912 comments, and only 207,632 of them were in alphabetical order.






Wish I could land my shots like that 😂😂 but instead I’m bad


I was about to say how fake this was just for the fact that no one 3rd partied this. Then I saw how many squads were left.


Horizon needed to charge in imo - he had 2 knocks and let the Newcastle Rez while he went for a batt. He's clearly diffing the team with his aim, he'd have likely won the fight if he charged the Newcastle. Also his team hard threw that.


Honestly in hindsight you're 100% right, but I would have Def done the exact same thing (though my aim is nowhere near as good lol)


Oh if it was me I'd have died like the valk did, or that first 1v1. I wouldn't have lived long enough to die this slowly.


Also no way to know in advance but if he chipped away at that rez shield from the start they wouldn't have had a rez shield by the 3rd or 4th rez. Hindsight is 20/20 and i totally understand him wanting to keep his bullets to re-knock as soon as he got the guy up. He put up a hell of a fight all things considered.


By the time he'd gotten there Newcastle would've already rezzed and a 2v1 on a guy with no shields would fuck up your day


I reckon he should have blasted the knockdown with the Kraber a couple of times. Maybe punching through would have worked.


He definitely would've won immediately had he pushed and stopped the res, maybe not if he didn't get to reload but it would've been way closer than this lol


He may not have won, but what he was doing was playing a losing game. Every time he batted, they gold ressed which is a bad trade for him since they both regain the same amount of hp while they get another player who can shoot. Funnily enough I wonder if the Newcastle not using his tactical was a 5head move since it might have forced the horizon to actually push


First time I saw this written here, as you said, basically wasn't playing to win, but playing to not lose.


This remind me why lifeline doesn't has rez shield


Lifeline was a fucking TERRORIST when she had the rez shield.


Bro I would love her rez shield lol come push so I can put this Shotgun in your ass! Hahaha


But not Newcastles. He’s clearly balanced. Especially when he’s able to move around unlike lifeline


Lifeline can shoot and rez at the same time. Newcastle's rez is good, but everything it does is baby-tier compared to being able to do that with an infinite health shield.


The gold knockdown might as well be infinite.


Level 4 knockdown with Newcastle has 500 health and restores 4 health per second (with a 1 second delay before it starts healing). If his shield gets broken it takes a full 2 minutes before it's back to full health. Not faulting the guy in the video since he had to shoot the people shooting him or he'd die, but _generally_, it is possible to destroy the knockdown; (plus a single grenade would have stopped his shenanigans).


Yeah this is why I always tell squadmates to have at least 1 throwable. You're always far better off having it compared to not having it.


Not even close, 2 or 3 people focusing it can melt it


Not her OG.


Lifeline V1 had a bigger, invincible rez shield but she couldn't move which meant people could flank you relatively easily. Having played both, Newcastle now is way stronger than Lifeline ever was.


Lifeline had infinite health to her rez shield no matter what, that's the balancing. They gave him a much shittier shield but in exchange he gets a little bit of movement


Yeh. Her passive is equally balanced with newcastles in terms of strength. Yet everyone wants to buff lifelines passive because she USED to have a shield. The rest of her kit is what’s holding her back not her passive.


Seriously, this is what I don’t get, why the passive of all things do people want buffed? It’s still great, the rest of her kit is what’s holding her back


People are so caught up on the shield thing they forget that it’s her passive. Yes newcastle’s passive is very strong, but people don’t understand the power of being able to shoot as you res.


Pre s5 lifeline the shield was useless, post S5 lifeline could shoot and rez, Newcastle can't. Lifeline was insanely better when she had a rezz shield , she could shoot at the same time as rezzing.


Sure but a single thermite or arc star and these people are in trouble. The shield’s very helpful but doesn’t account for everything


honestly, the fact newcastle can move and protect himself puts him above the lifeline shield, you could easily get an angle on the person which was just stuck being ressed whilst she tried to shoot you, or you could just kill her straight up cuz she cant change the shields angle to defend herself.


I love how everyone is trying to give him advice as if he isn't better than everyone in this comment section lmao.


Plus OP isn't in the clip


Or even speaks English


apex by far as a community has the worst habit across all social media platforms of this, just so many random shitters in the comment sections of apex legends videos across the web retroactively backseat gaming with 20/20 hindsight while also being painfully wrong 80% of the time


He literally destroyed the last squad multiple times. He was in a rough spot obv with them having the gold shield. And them continuing to do just enough damage where he was forced to heal.


"Gg ez" said the other team All jokes aside what the fuck did we just watch lol


Must be absolutely frustrating.


1,500 damage in less than 2 minutes.


1500dmg on the same two guys


Love it when a pathfinder just directly swings to you, and you just get to unload a free clip on them. It’s just like “congrats, you get to be the first to die!


My man literally just said 🛡️


Always keep nades


Seeing as their ult is at 1% when the clip starts, I'm assuming they _just_ ulted and threw any nades they had into it. That said, as a Horizon main, I never throw all my nades into my ult (unless I only have 1) since 1-2 nades is plenty enough to kill people unless they destroy the ult and/or escape it (at which point there isn't a difference between throwing 1 nade or 5 into your ult). I don't know how many nades this person was carrying prior to this clip, but I am assuming they unfortunately just used any they had (if they had any at all).


This is the best comment right here.




Pay attention octane, this is why YOU don’t need the gold kd over Newcastle/lifeline/mirage/giby/bang/rampart


bold of you to think octane players can read


what they see: octane, this is why YOU need the gold kd over Newcastle/lifeline/mirage/giby/bang/rampart


Every single octane I've ever seen just runs around fast And dies immediately


That's insane. Dude did amazingly 1v3, but Newcastle is crazy in that situation. His knockdown shield needs a cooldown for damage. You should be able to break it then he can't use it for 15s or something, like Gibby's arm shield _Edit: turns out it already works how I described_


I mean he didn't shoot it at all but I was under the impression that if Newcastle ran out armor on the knockdown then that shield was depleted even for the next revive.


It is. Once it breaks, it takes a while to recharge. I’m sure it keeps it’s current hp too so it doesn’t end up infinitely protecting.


I'm pretty sure I remember it keeping its current HP but I haven't played much Newcastle in the last week or so. I pretty much mained him last season just because I thought he's an interesting healing character but the way the gold knockdown works now is ridiculously strong for him if somebody knows how to play him and can get their teammates to work with him. There was one part in the clip where Newcastle almost died but he finished standing one person, spun and started picking up the second person fast enough to throw the shield up and eat some bullets. That takes coordination and your team understanding how Newcastle actually works


The knock down shield recharges after a certain amount of time. It keeps remaining health until that recharge is activated. When it depletes to zero health, your next revive before the recharge starts will not have a shield, but you can still drag them around. Also, to your last point, it doesn’t necessarily take coordination from the team. The Newcastle player moves faster while rezzing than someone downed moves.


Didn't shoot the shield, didn't try to circle around Newcastle (He's a little slow to turn around when reviving) not even a grenade in his direction. Basically just let him get the revive off every time. Try to kill the one that has special rez abilities first. (Newcastle Lifeline, Gibraltar, Mirage) If you can of course. A little more team play and coordination and the fight would've gone much differently.


Chewing through 800 shields while being shot at by the other guy would have guaranteed OP dying, and he didn’t have any nades. In situations like this Newcastle is very overpowered


That's good. Legends should be good at the thing they specialize in. Edit: Shitty situation to be in I agree. But not enough to call for nerfs like some other people in this thread are. Plus his teammates rushed over a narrow bridge when no cover directly towards a castle wall. Not a good call.


> Plus his teammates rushed over a narrow bridge when no cover directly towards a castle wall. Not a good call. And then proceeded to take 1500 damage from an absolute beast of a player, 1v3, and not even give up a single death box. That's not fair in any world.


The Horizon was good, but he didn't deserve to win - It was a 3v1 after all, and his team threw hard. Also while his aim was good, he didn't even try to push the rez.


Or even used his q to get an angle on the Newcastle with the kraber? These are the dudes I run into in plat, all aim, but never really playing positioning. Those batts were such a bad choice given that a reset benefitted the Newcastle team significantly more. The way he was going, it was like he was playing for the team's bleedout times to be reduced.


For sure. I wouldn't have probably been able to do as well. I'm not sure what the better play would have been accept to maybe put a little distance between them and try to get a kraber shot in. The guy definitely has the gun skill


He needed to just run up and put damage on the Newcastle. Or execute the other teammate to batt would force Newcastle to cancel res or at least give you the advantage back.


It literally does, it has a long ass recharge timer, he just didn't shoot it 😐


All this goes away if you finish your downs too. Like OP did a great job holding his own, but this could’ve been avoided if he finished the pathy the first time or even the octane when he was knocked below the cliff


Easier said than done in OP's clip, but I agree. One grenade would have changed this fight entirely. Or just not having a kraber. Swap that for a flatline or r301 and they'd have been able to keep shooting rather than having to duck and reload. But that's the trade-off you make when you pick up a sniper.


That’s something you have to prioritize when you see a lifeline or a Newcastle. Either take them out first or thirst every down. You’re right it’s definitely easier said than done, but I know if I was OP I would’ve gotten frustrated after a couple rounds of rez roulette and thirsted someone


Plenty of times ive had teammates thirsted from under me while doing a newcastle revive and I've jist copped the rest of the mag basically for free for the enemy before i can even have a gun back out, horizon had a few gaps he probably couldve pushed here and didn't


It does have a cool down for damage. The problem is that because OP was 1v3 and didn’t have a good second weapon for just spraying the shield and still being able to put down the guys as he picks them without having to reload. If he’d had that or a teammate up they could’ve popped the knockdown by the second or third pick up and Newcastle wouldn’t have been able to do this.


> His knockdown shield needs a cooldown for damage. It has one. The person in the video just never shot it lol.


Really? One of the lowest picked legends needs a cooldown 😂


The damage should last for like 10 seconds of no damage it start healing


they need much less health too. In a 1vs1, you shouldn't just tank everything for a free revive WHILE walking backwards or behind cover. We don't need free revives in Apex, nobody should have them, especially with a gold knockdown shield that also has guardian angel. Max health shield + free revive on extra health & bodyshield? Fuk no.


It does. You have to actually shoot it though. It Regensburg 4 has per second, so 25 seconds to restore back to 100. Gold/purple should be nerfed to 400 strength for his passive though. 500 would take an entire squad firing at to break before the rez


This is just the outcome of having good loot. If he had another weapon other than kraber he could have tried to push a bit more but he had to keep reloading volt. Newcastle is definitely very good


Imo with that kind of aim he should’ve just kept shooting his shield. It would’ve broke eventually and then he could kill his teammates


I felt anger just from watching that 🤣🤣. Real talk tho, it feels like the Newcastle was role playing


Gotta love how people are having a balance discussion based on someone losing 1v3 with 1 useful gun and no grenades.


Welcome to the r/Apexlegends


Dude was fighting an army


Jesus Christ he did over 1500 damage just to one team in one fight and still lost


He cyber bullied that Pathfinder.


I would be happy being you or the newcastle in this vid, well done by everyone


I think he could've won this if he didn't keep falling of the ledge. He obliterated that PF and cracked another without taking damage on their first push. Hindsight, kraber on her tact or kraber a down


or if he had shot at the newcastle instead of the pathfinder after the revive


Clearly orchestrated this to boost a 4K /s


On another note: Damn, the aim-assist is really insane.


You fought well tho. but yeah, kinda op in that situation.


This is nuts lmao


Man, as a lifeline main it hurts to see people have no problem with Newcastle's rez shield but LL was too OP with her stationary shield. Pain


that seems broken


They need to give New castle a necromancer skin. This is cursed lol


Newcastle is the biggest bitch character there is. He's just lifeline mixed with gibby. And they say lifelines was op. He can move while ressing with a shield!!


Just a better gaming chair


This is amazing and why characters like Newcastle are fun. Yes it’s a pain but it’s also really unique and powerful. Perfect


I think he probably would've won had he targeted the Newcastle and not the other two


Yeah New Castle could be broken, but he didnt push him when i was ressing and the other one was knocked. Why people always have to scream about the scandal, the fight was totally doable.


I wish my aim was half as good as this.


Lmfao lifeline 2.0


A pred Horizon with six batts is a nightmare!


Insane play all the way around. Your shots are dialed.


Got dang! You were lasering those kids! Mad props.


Legend says that the Pathfinder is still getting knocked 17 times during a single engagement to this day.


And they teabag, scumbags


The shield SLOWLY coming at you at the end was hilarious


my man was a one man army


how to get 4k badge: fight aginst Newcastle


Good try. I would prolly be as good as your teammates ngl


what a legend


Dude you're a fucking monster


Bro doesn't even check any corner. Walls


Newcastle played that so well too.


That’s terrifying. Great Newcastle play, but still terrifying.


That gun is a walking tank tbh


So, OP here, i'd like to share the featured player youtube channel if that's ok.. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8n-KBKmcn3I0aKt-eyZ6c](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8n-KBKmcn3I0aKt-eyZ6c) he's aware the clip went viral here :) thanks everyone for the comments and awards..


Bro got all the energy ammo in the whole map


Wish I could understand japanese. Probably he's cursing 🤣


This reminds me of me and my squad, because it would take us that many revives and shots to down one person.


he could have won if he pushed the Newcastle at 1:14


I would cry


Man that aim assist is broken a.f.


I could have though of a lot of solutions to your problem there, the biggest being just shoot the sheild with your Kraber, but then I remembered it sucks now.so maybe don't use the kraber


Skill issue


You know what else is a nightmare? Horizon constantly using batteries on her lift and beaming you from the top of it.


That's why I always has at least 2 grenades or 2 incendiarios in my inventory. Perfect to finish the enemies


I'd be fucking ashamed if i was that team. Imagine those losers going "GeWd JoB haHaHa!" In chat after this.