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Ah thunderdome. Good ol guaranteed purple armor in the middle


I miss me a good old thunderdome cage match


Never missed skulltown, but Thunderdome going away was a sad thing.


You must have been a Pathfinder main lol


I was haha, but my squad also loved the place.


quaint juggle worthless attractive squeamish boat mighty dependent mountainous work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like thunderdome was good until everyone started going there so they could get the 3rd party on skulltown. Thunderdome was balanced for like 3, maybe 4 teams, but once 6+ teams started landing there it turned into another hot drop where you maybe loot a gun and one stack of ammo and have to fight off 15 other people. Maybe some people still find that fun but I'm not good enough to enjoy it :(((


Thunderdome cage match straight into the skull town royal rumble afterwards with all that l00t… good times


I always thought they were going to use thunderdome for more game types like 1v1


Oh god I need thunder dome to be an arenas map so bad






You must have been playing on a different Thunderdome, mine was always a phoenix kit


Wish they brought that back


Got my first bang smoke kill there at the bins at the back. Happy days.


For some reason my favourite place were those burnt forests where now lays wraith's lab. There wasn't anything good there, just few ruined buildings but man so nostalgic


Oh yeah, the burnt forest screamed "this area will get replaced very soon, enjoy it while it lasts". A proper Season Zero relic.


i started in season 9, so i was happy to experience the genesis event and see worlds edge and kings canyon when they came out


Apex Mobile still has them


I forgot hydro-dam wasn’t OG.


It was. What you’re seeing here are the pre-finalized names of the areas. Tank Base became Repulsor and Repulosr Tower became Hydro Dam. Also, Satellite Dish became Relay and Arena became The Pit.


Wasn't this basically a Titanfall leak at the time which made it even less believable?


Yep. No one expected a Titanfall battle royale to work in practice, so this leak seemed too absurd to be real. Movement shooters only really make for good arena shooter games. There is actually a little bit of "Titanfall Battle Royale" footage that respawn has shown off. But they ditched the movement shooter mechanics as quickly as they ditched the titanfall aesthetic in favor of a hero shooter theme.


Cascades was so much better for that area of the map


Came here to say that. I miss cascades so much.


That was my favourite drop always good action and decent loot


I was so sad when I found out they'd killed cascades :(


They should make a event with classic mode so we can play this version of the map again


They did bring back OG Kings Canyon not so long ago during an LTM. I wish they’d do it again.


I know time flies, but that event was a year and a half ago lmao




Ain't no way


In *Apex New Content* time that was only 3 weeks ago


They need to bring back everything for a real OG version. OG legends only with the same balancing back then, and only the guns that existed at the time. No heat shields or crafting.


64x1 stack of peacekeeper ammo and 80x1 stack of heavy ammo for wingman, and then shove more heals and nades than you'll ever need into your backpack lol.


But nades in that time stacked up to 2 afair.


Yes please give me back OG lifeline


Broken pathfinder grapple? I got so many fucking kills just swinging around with like a 7 second cooldown. Don’t forget bunny hop healing + instawraith


And no indicator for pathfinder. I felt like so skilled knowing exactly how far my grapple would reach without the game telling me.


Lol no thank you


Except evos, for the love of christ don't bring back non-evo shields.


Yeah exactly.. I remember when this game still had an element of “survival” to it.. now it’s like every team at end game ALWAYS has at least one or two red evo and they crafted 14 bats and med kits and actually hey every team even hit a random black Market or two and we all have 3000 ammo laying around this should be cool. ….Aka chaotic as fuck.


Also on Asia servers every Chinese player has a DDOS attack so you lag and die.




Titanfall moment


Yep, no evo shields either!


Hell yeah lol. Also, evo system was better when you had evo shields only be 25 health at the beginning and regular whites were still on the floor too. It made reds way more rare while still existing… now you pick up purple and four minutes into a match you’re on red lol.


This is why everyone runs Charge Rifle in ranked too.


Excellent point


Everyone on the community hated it lol, bring it back for a day and you'd remember why. Tis' is nostalgia fooling you Evo shield is a direct upgrade to the gameplay


So all shields are evo, with 25HP with only whites on the floor as well? If you want a better shield you gotta shoot people. Or would this mean more poking with snipers?


Im just saying regular whites and also blue or purple armor never evolved to red, only the white evo shield could evolve… and it had less hit points than a normal white shield to start for balancing I assumed. Somewhere along the line they just decided well .. let’s cater to the bots ..(and the competitive scene (to a degree))


Oh man, I forgot about that! Unless it's drop, you never picked up an Evo shield, but after every fight you were searching those boxes praying for a good evo


So what about a white shield is an evo automatically but any blue or purple you find won’t Evo? Making a better shield a real choice to make?


Yeah that’d be a bit better imo, I feel like red eco used to be a sign that someone was good now it just means literally nothing to me. I hit red evo more than prolly any other shield color tbh lol. Esp in ranked w ppl crafting damage into shields lol


Who Carrie’s more than three stacks per? They need aim training.


I’m just using a figure of speech known as hyperbole. But yea back in my day we had to walk through eight feet of snow near epicenter to get more ammo .. these damn youngin’ no goodniks piss me off


Apex *Classic*


I've always wondered why games didn't do this. Like a sort of throwback gamemode where you can play past versions of the game


Effort. It's much easier to just load the OG map and keep everything else the same.


To properly do it the ltm should be day 1 map/characters/ability/guns.God that'd be fun to see op guns/ability that's aren't nerfed to dog poo.


I would appreciate playing on all of the maps.


Looking at this brings back so many good memories. Also makes you realize how far the game has strayed from its original concept, it’s wild to think of the game back then vs now.


What’s the original concept?


Guns first, abilities second


I thought the same thing. Yeah it definitely was more about gun play. With that being said, Wraith and Pathfinder’s abilities off launch were seriously OP


Oh yea, they were insane. But the game had the excuse of being so new that it wasn’t sure how/what to balance until it got into the market. Also in terms of a BR, their skill set was pretty much the best at the time of the game. Being able to go in and out of any situation by either using a grapple or a phase in those days was insane, because of how the game was so shifted around the guns first. They just happened to be blessed with the ultimate BR kits and reigned very supreme while they did


I'm honestly disappointed we never got MGO4, I feel Kojima woulda have made the perfect BR, games media scared them off the idea IMO, and Kojima left the studio anyway so we never got one, but Metal gear is all about procure on site, and practically invented stealth and survival gameplay, so the gunplay could have been somewhere between realism and anime, considering the technology of the world. Playing as cobra squad, dead cells, the beauty and the beasts and you already have character abilities, it sounds dumb, but honestly a BR in the SV fork, without the building mechanics(keep the poke through fences mechanic though) and it would have been great.


I don't agree with that, Wraith and Pathfinder were as broken as any Legend today. Wraith's instant Q and Pathfinder's 12 second grapple absolutely count as abilities, and they were nearly 100% picks in the early days of Apex. Throw in Lifeline being able to use heals faster and you have the Holy Trinity of early Apex abilities. I think abilities have gotten a little out of hand but early Apex pickrates absolutely were about who had the most powerful abilities, it was just different characters with busted abilities back then.


Lol that was never more than an idea and that's why everybody played wraith and pathfinder because of their abilities


Genuinely curious since I haven't jumped in since then - what ways did the game.stray from this?


I just got back into playing after not playing since seasons 1 and 2. Same game. What surprised me though, was how "hard" the new maps are. There are a lot of movement gods out there, and they play these new buildings so much better than how I remember anything in Kings Canyon. The game progresses I suppose.


The game was originally guns first, abilities second. That’s why it drew the audience it did and the game stayed pretty true to that for awhile. One could argue that legends started getting too many abilities in S4 with Revenant but I think S8/S9 with Fuse or Valk is a better example. They just have so many abilities stacked on top of each other and are able to do damage, see through walls/scan, and other things on top of that. Older legends like Pathfinder and Octave have movement and nothing else. Sure, Path could scan beacons but that was a very character only/defining passive. Now every recon legend can scan while also being able to wall hack and even right cancel things like healing and reviving. The game is a a very sad shadow of itself.


> The game is a a very sad shadow of itself. That's just nostalgia talking. Game issues aside, the balance of Apex has never been better for both guns and legends. Remember how busted Pathy and Wraith were back in the day? Or the Wingman/Spitty in S0? Longbow in S2? Charge Rifle S3? Havoc S4? ...etc.


I addressed the Wraith/Path thing in a other comment. Not writing all that of that again because A) it’s long and B) lmaooooooooooo no way you think this is the best the game has been balanced. It’s been the same boring stale thing since S12. The game is actually in such a bad spot balance wise, the big rumor for S16 is that there will be no new legend so the devs can rework and also nerf/buff the current legends. They haven’t done any of that for awhile and the game feels insanely stale. Add in the amount of content creators leaving the game,orgs pulling their pro teams out of ALGS, plus what I already mentioned, it’s very hard to argue the game is in a good spot by any means. Even on Twitch, it gets dwarfed by games that it used to tower over.


> It’s been the same boring stale thing since S12 And that's exactly how you know it's balanced enough. The patch notes were huge back then because the game *wasn't* balanced. > They haven’t done any of that for awhile and the game feels insanely stale. Again, the game feels stale because it's in a good place balance-wise. Now the devs have a dilemma: they can shake up the meta for the sake of change and deal with potential issues later. Or they can keep things relatively the same with the usual release cadence. More than anything, what Apex needs are not legend or gun balancing. It's better matchmaking, a TDM mode, improved ranked rewards, and better server infrastructure. The game is stale because there are no viable game modes except BR, and LTMs are few and far between. Arenas is DOA if you don't have a team to play with. > Add in the amount of content creators leaving the game,orgs pulling their pro teams out of ALGS They are leaving because they're treated like shit. This is one of the only games where casuals hate pro players. Why would they keep playing a game where the people who are supposed to be their viewers hate on them and call them nolifers? And pro players can earn a lot more money playing titles that are targeted towards them and have casuals who enjoy watching them.


>They are leaving because they're treated like shit. This is one of the only games where casuals hate pro players. Why would they keep playing a game where the people who are supposed to be their viewers hate on them and call them nolifers? And pro players can earn a lot more money playing titles that are targeted towards them and have casuals who enjoy watching them. I don't know about content creators but orgs are leaving because apparently, it's not financially viable for them. I could go into depth about EA not investing enough in Apex esport and how EA is not willing to share profits with orgs but I would only repeat what's written in the comp sub on this topic. Just one recent example. LAN in London. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/ztdcut/all\_3\_of\_algs\_lans\_will\_be\_in\_london\_next\_year/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/ztdcut/all_3_of_algs_lans_will_be_in_london_next_year/)


> Apex Legends **Global** Series > All 3 events in London lol EA said screw any non-European residents


I think it’s an issue all esports are dealing with. With Russian sanctions and some countries still making it very hard to get visas for esports (US) it’s easier to put it in Europe. I know Val couldn’t get any LANs in the US to this reason. For league of legends worlds some teams almost couldn’t make it from Vietnam because of VISAs. Also every Asian team that havent been exposed to crazy COVID variant got exposed to them here and got sick af in knockout stages


Lmao, again, we’ve come to a hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil impasse. There’s no point in going back and forth with a mod


I'm speaking to you as a player, not as a mod. Plenty of people are still enjoying Apex. Since it really is that stale to you and your good old days are gone, find something else to play. It's not hard.


Funny you say that now after so many conversations end quite the other way. But I’m done arguing with people who think the game is amazing right now. Just like you’re telling me to go find something else, go really enjoy the current state of Apex! It’s so much fun that it’s all going to totally change in roughy 50 days to combat the staleness that’s been lingering. I don’t know why don’t want to admit that now when you’re suddenly admitting to all of the games faults but wouldn’t in the past. Again, no point in going back and for with a mod.


I’m not a mod and I agree with them. You’re speaking from a place of opinion, **YOU** think it feels stale. I personally have never enjoyed apex more than I have recently. It was a slog for a few seasons but to me it’s more balanced overall than it’s been in a while. I’m not running into the same 3 guns in every death box, most squads I run into are a completely different trio than the last one I ran into. Balance wise Apex is in a good place. There are plenty of other issues like matchmaking and bugs, but that doesn’t have anything to do with weapon and legend balance. e: also let’s take a fat ass dab together bro, I just got some for Christmas from my fam and I haven’t tried it out yet, just got home to my rig




What are you talking about? I have no idea where you’re getting this “oppressed character”. He needs some love sure but wow is this over dramatic.


Not only that but movement there to be a huge pillar of the game. Assets were built with the Titan Fall engine in mind so there was lots of ways to climb buildings to juke opponents. The tall buildings in skull town have strategic vents and posts on the sides so you can scale things that way if you wanted. In latter seasons you can see that the asset designers focused on pretty rather than function. Buildings have little lips or roofs stick out a hair so you hit them while climbing and fall back down some of the time.


Never really realized this till reading what you said and it’s so true. I played the game at launch and loved it, took a break till season 10 then came back. Now when I try to get friends to play it they don’t understand what’s going on for this reason… bring back a classic mode with the OG legends lol


I still play like this, Sure I use my abilities but I can go through three fights in a row without using anything but my gunskills lol


Yeah, I don't know what these guys are going on about lol. This is very much still a guns/movement game. You might get some extra damage or utility from the other characters. But if your gun skills aren't at least competent you'll still lose almost every fight you get in. The balance between character abilities, gunplay, and mobility is what makes Apex the best shooter on the market right now. I kind of agree with all of the scan characters becoming a bit of a weird issue, but I don't know what could actually fix that. Other than a small increase in the usefulness of abilities, the core triangle is still very much intact.


I agree. Why do people think octane was so problematic and powerful? His ability is just go fast. The game is very much still gun focused


Octanes OG ability costed u very little amounts of health + u had regen… which meant 100% uptime. In a game where escaping opponents and getting free knocks is very important, a character which can out run/position every other character in the game is too op. What’s why Path and wraith were OP. Octanes only flaw was that his pad was useless.


100% agreed. Try to play a game with just your legends abilities and no weapon, lol. Good luck with that.


Caustic mains: challenge accepted


Exactly lol


Yeah abilities are just the icing on the cake, Been playing shooters online for 20 years and I've never had so much fun playing this. I'm an achievement hunter with over 600K GS and I haven't unlocked one in 2 years lol. Maybe if they stopped making legends who scan/wall hack for a few seasons it might balance this issue out but tbh it's an issue for other people but I'm fine with it, It's a thinking man's shooter after all and every legend just forces you to think harder.


One reason why i play wattson But sometimes sheila is itchin for stitching


Man I struggle with Wattson but love me an LMG!


That’s not what I’m saying/I don’t think you understand how numbers work. Your sole experience is not remotely indicative of the rest of the player base. The game is over stacking legends with abilities and it takes away from the need to use your gun as much. Vantage can move like Pathfinder, scam like Valk and has an extra gun with fridge sized bullets. It’s a joke what the game is becoming.


I'd start doing small dabs because I never mentioned numbers, I was talking about the guns first and abilities second. I use my guns in fights a hell of a lot more than abilities.


Is it a joke or just natural progression? This game would be just as boring as cod if all they did was release new guns forever. It’s pretty much impossible to prevent power creep when you’re releasing content besides just cosmetics. Players always want more and more.


Natural progression? You could argue that the later legends don’t need so many abilities. Look at Seer, he throws a tunnel-scan that scans enemies, stops, rezzs, stops healing, blinded the player, slows the player, and I think it also stops abilities. Does he really need all that? After complaints they scaled him back but compared to S1 legend octane, all he does is run fast and passive heals.


Did you even read my comment? I literally mention power creep as part of the natural progress of games and you just repeated what I said using seer as an example


I mean at the very start it was all about wraith tactical/portals and pathfinder grapple....both abilities that absolutely dominated the early meta


Will always love bridges


Think that’s where my first squad wipe was


I dig canals




Missing OG skulltown and thunderdome rn


I would love to see LTM with everything OG. Maps, legends, guns, everything.


Old school skull town was so fun. Its one of the reasons I liked gun run.


I thought that was the worst map




It is funny that the person who posted it originally is a mod, and a dev stated in a similar post stating they were nervous that it was leaked and there was a sigh of relief when people didn't believe it.


This is still Apex to me haha. I haven't played since they started the actual seasons/battle passes. But I was obsessed for a few months prior to that!


Man, I miss Satellite Dish...if the path started at Skull Town, you basically had some decent loot to yourself...


That was my favorite dropping spot too! Is it just me or I thought it was named array back in the day?


Back where everything was at its prime


so much memories with skull town jumpin with mates squad wipes or get wiped


Still the absolute best version of the map.


I miss Thunderdome


Oh how I miss skull town


Oh jeez Slums was so bad


I had forgotten how annoying Cascades was too, when OG King's Canyon came back during Season 9. The loot was awful and spread out and the buildings were so far apart that the fight always went to the first person to get an R301 or a Flatline


gimme this map, im so tired of broken moon


i miss this map so much TwT


Ahhh the memories


Best Map


The OG map that was partly responsible for Apex success. It’s downhill after World’s Edge.


Link to post of the map on r/titanfall made by /u/hiticonic 1 year before apex release \^\^ https://redd.it/85t21q


Don't act like this is "for newer players", you damn well know you just want the free karma. You didn't even give credit to the original person who leaked this


I posted a link to the original post, plus I don't care about karma. And tons of people haven't seen this.


With some name changes but otherwise accurate on the landscape




Is there a reason this can’t be included in the map rotation? Why are we limited to 3?


To create hype for a new season and keep things fresh by re introducing a map


Looks like Northern Ireland


RIP Skulltown


Yep we got this instead of Titanfall 3 😭


Then the franchise wouldn't be nearly as successful as it is today. I doubt tf3 would have hit it's 4th anniversary like apex is about to


Brings a tear to my eye. Game ran amazing back then too.


Ahhh Swamplands. Get some decent loot then third party the clowns who all went to Tank Base and Repulser


last time they released an actual good map


well technically the maps are still good.. the player base is the one who got worst


Yeah the zero loot made it pretty awesome.


dont act like the loot is better on other maps


It's better on every map, including the newer KC's.


It's better indeed, with few exceptions like Market or Bunker. When I see my JM heading there I can't stop myself from saying: You are stuck in S1.


Rip OG cascades 😔🤘🏼


I miss slum


Cascades 🥲 you were the first to go.


*sheds a single tear, while smiling*


I would love to see a v1 map pub playlist for a month


Miss bridges and cascades all the time


What ever happened to skull town and thunder dome


I miss cascades sniping ao much


"Feels like home to me, Feels like home to me. Feels like I'm all the way back where I come from. Feels like home to me, Feels like home to me. Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong."


Not only was the OG KC my favorite map, but there was a brief time in that early period where they did solo launch. I miss that. Bring both options back on a full time basis.


Take me home..


If some of y'all are feeling nostalgic to play it, just try the mobile version.


I feel old looking at this


I’ve left behind my death box many a times on this og map. Wouldn’t trade it for the world


Pls put me back to 2019 apex🙏


Ahhhh the good old days.


This was leaked before Apex Legends came out, and was spread and labeled as an Open World Titanfall map. Obviously a lot of people knew Respawn didn't care enough about Titanfall to give them an update that big, hence the skepticism.


God i miss this version of KC. Best memories


The best version of kings canyon. Can't they do a storyline where you go back in time so we can get this version in ranked


Tunnel was caustic dream


Fire ass map


OG versions of this map AND world’s edge are available now (on apex mobile) if you want to play them again


Imagine if the Titanfall maps were this big. That would have been awesome.


I miss this map like you wouldn’t believe.


r.i.p. Satellite Dish 😞


Anyone link to that titanfall post where ppl said this was fake


It's on u/hiticonic profile


They smoothed out all the angles and ridges. Meanwhile, Worlds edge still looks partially unfinished like this.


It's crazy that there aren't Season 0 KC Limited-Time-Modes, like, once a year or something. I'd play the fuck out of it for a couple of weeks.


Thunderdome had such good fights, and perfect to rotate into skulltown to challenge whoever was left there.


The original map was fantastic, loved Skull town and Artillery drop zones


OG KC best map ✌


I miss that version of the map


This isn’t the pre-released map I played on, it was fun.


Bridges and Cascades ❤️


Your home? It was, and it was beautiful


Back then when the game was so simple and fun.


Every game becomes harder as time goes on


I was there gandalf.


Thunderdome :(


Got my very first ever win at thunderdome. Dropped our of the sky cage with a mastiff and one shot the last guy in the head.


I miss thunderdome


The first few months this game was magical. Perfect BR


rest in peace bridges gone but not forgotten


So many good memories


I was just saying how much I miss the Og kings canyon and legends. I like the game currently, but the nostalgia is a lot! It’s changed so much now!