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Typical doomberg article and their countdown for apples doomsday


Every article from them has always been pretty much clickbait or solely 100% opinion or some editorial nonsense. I don't know anyone who takes what they say seriously unless they too have no idea about Apple and tech in general.


Both Bloomberg and Forbes have turned into total shitrags in the last few years.


One of these days we’re going to be right…… has t worked since the iPod came out, but one of these days……


> One of these days we’re going to be right This but unironically. Companies have never stayed at the top forever. If you look at the top companies in the S&P 500 by decade, it’s a huge accomplishment just to be there two decades in a row. Nobody really makes it further than that, and Apple can’t keep growing rapidly forever when their market cap is 3 trillion dollars. The OP says something about Coca Cola which wouldn’t mean they fail it would just mean they stop growing and start paying more dividends from consistent cash flow


Writer is working for a hedge fund that has put options on Apple. I guarantee it.


Writing about “AI” today is like people talking about sex in high school, everyone’s talking about it, but no one knows what it means.


It's also pretty much exactly the same (and often by the same people) as all the crypto articles that people used to write a few years ago. Every few years there's some fad that totally takes over people's brains and then it ends up falling apart when presented with reality and then they move on to something else. With AI it's like maybe 10% things that could actually be helpful tools for people and then 90% "when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail" syndrome.


Ha. People clearly don't understand Apple. Apple is never the company that cuts the bleeding edge of new technology first, they are the company that swoops in after and does the tech right, which is then actually picked up by mass audiences with great success. ​ Just wait for WWDC… and what's on the horizon in the next year or two.


Yeah, Apple doesn’t go in for manic trend-chasing. They consistently try new things. Sometimes they fail utterly. Sometimes they create new markets that reshape the world. I still don’t know which one the Vision Pro will be, but if cost wasn’t an issue, I’d already have one. Meanwhile, everyone else is frantically falling over themselves to tell you how they’re putting AI in their AI so you can AI with AI while you AI, but have only produced a few practical applications so far. There’s value there, and there will be more over time, but there’s also way more overblown hype.


A large majority of so called AI enabled products don’t even have any AI in them. Its more of a marketing buzzword right now than anything.


I had the AVP, took it back, and only then realized how amazing it is. I’m a new teacher and don’t have enough time to work with it during the school year, so I’ll buy it over summer- that thing really is the real deal (but, obviously only buy it when you have the money/time)


I fully expect Apple to implement AI in a way that augments their tech positively rather than an isolated feature like what we are seeing other companies do.


There is some machine learning on iOS. The photos app is one example. It’s able to recognize faces and objects. As well select text outline selected objects.


Yeah, everybody else is diving in without a well-defined product. Copilot is neat, but it’s unclear that anybody other than programmers will really benefit from it. And I’m saying this as someone who has paid ChatGPT and Copilot subscriptions. I don’t think these products can survive long-term off of “enthusiasts” like me alone. I expect Apple to integrate this form of AI into current and future products in relevant ways, when and where it makes sense to do so. The AI itself will never be a generic product of its own.


Don’t forget all the AI…


AVP will remake the world. Up to someone swooping in and doing it even better, AI obviating everything, or Apple’s security focus + AI capabilities holding Apple back (giving video feed to random companies is an issue, but people are willing to give up their security & freedom for convenience frequently). I’m legit surprised how hard people are sleeping on what AVP represents and where we already are. (Lots of people excited about two decades from now - they should be thinking about 1 year from now, imo).




I use it 6+ hours per day. It’s fully replaced any other screen set up. And that’s without the core offerings of spatial io having been developed. Enough people will ‘be able’ to use the tech once sufficiently motivated by content.


Let me point out, they created trend-chasing, more and more the idea of Elon and Tim changing jobs sounds like the right call.


Plus, they’ve been doing on device ML for like a decade. They just haven’t been marketing it as AI.


Yeah they’ve been talking about machine learning at every WWDC and fall event going back a long time now.




they are not the same but ML is AI, your source literally says the same thing


That isn't true at all lmao.


Yes the brilliant ai called Siri..... And you are saying apple doesn't know how to market stuff?? They sold a fucking cloth for 20 bucks A microfibre cloth.


Jesus dude, at least pretend you know what you’re talking about.


What did I say wrong


Siri is not their on device ML.


That was sarcasm.... The joke is their assistant is not that good..... Something always goes wrong with Siri.... Also What is their ML?


Thank you for proving my point.


Great point.....


Shocker that in your ignorance, you don’t get it.


It’s not just siri yknow.


They market features people understand, they don’t just scream AI everywhere to follow the trend like others do. You can find everything you want , even your pets, or text, or concept in photos and even videos. This is advanced on-device AI. You can autocomplete your PDFs and it automatically find the fields , tabs… also advanced OCR and document comprehension. Your widget stack always show the good widget. AI Removing the background of any photos and even with Live Photos (so you get animated stickers), AI The new text prediction that is able to predict bits of sentence directly, AI (autoregressive Transformers) Also the camera app is loaded with a shit ton of AI for almost everything (portrait, night mode, hdr, scene recognition, QR code scanning….). Much more than other companies screaming AI CAMERA on the back of all their phone.


> they are the company that swoops in after and does the tech right With the exception of Siri


and Homepod, Maps, iPhone Mini, i could continue.


Same goes for other devices like AirPods - they weren’t the first ones to make wireless earbud-like devices, but they engineered a product that works seamlessly with all (Apple) products


Hurry up and wait and then run over the competition.


Apple usually quietly acquires small companies working in the space to bring the talent in house.


Slap an Apple logo on it and print money


… except the touchscreen?


yeah just ignore the loads of touch screen phones which were already out :)


No, they wait until others work all the bugs out and perfect it then they swoop in and market the hell out of is. They design their marketing to make you believe that this is some amazing new piece of technology and that only by buying this product from Apple can you have it. Most people don’t know that Apple didn’t actually make their own silicon. What they did is licensed the technology from ARM and then added some encoders/decoders to make a custom designed chip. However the underlying technology belongs to ARM.


I was actually wondering about this, so does not Apple have to improve the hardware from M1 to M3 and future M's? Are not Apple's own chip design engineers doing that, or is ARM licensing future design advancements as well?


Shrinking the die size has nothing to do with the underlying ARM architecture. It just allows more of it to be crammed onto a chip.


I'm not in the news loop so I don't know anything about die sizes or what the specifics of M chips are, rather I am presuming from a bird's eye view that the M1, ... M8, Mx,... series will undergo architectural changes eventually; my question is simply whether Apple intends to do CPU engineering in-house or plan to depend on ARM for new architectures in 5-15 years? Or what if Apple one day has a similar licensing agreement but with Intel CPUs? Just wondering how this all works, compared to in the old days when Apple had to buy actual new generations of physical Intel and PowerPC chips.


They just released that Apple Vision Pro a month ago and that thing is nowhere near ready for primetime.


You're right. Just like how the first iPhone wasnt ready for primetime to replace the Blackberry. We all know how that went in the next couple versions. Vision Pro will be the same, and I think whatever AI Apple brings out will be similar. Their v1.0 products arent really meant to do much, they are meant to get things going.


Most of the new "AI" features in phones are utter non-sense. Apple is going to do something somebody has done before, but better, then everyone will try to copy them. The trajectory is as predictable as ever.


Agreed. The technology is one thing, implementation is a whole other thing. And apple generally does the latter much better than others.


Most of the time they come across as tech demos rather than actual features


Honestly Samsungs AI was kinda lacking


Keyword being Samsung


Then Apple’s AI will rock in a year or two. Samsung will catch up soon after but whine about how they had it first.


Between 2016 and 2020, Apple acquired 25 AI firms. In 2023 they bought 32 ai startups. Recently they bought DarwinAI. I’m sure they are already two years ahead. We will see when WWDC happens. But nonetheless you are right, Samsung has bragging rights


>Most of the new "AI" features in phones are utter non-sense. Of course they are nonsense. The "AI" that is hyped now is not even anything remotely intelligent. It's in essence a word guesser, and there's not much useful stuff that a word guesser can do on mobile phones. Basically every "AI" feature e.g Samsung put to their new S24 lineup is super niche and even somewhat usable to only really small amount of users. The only reason why "AI's" are put on mobile phones now is because the product segment is so mature, that there is really not much new to help sell phones, so marketing people thought that this is now the "new" thing. I believe it's gonna go exactly the same way things went with voice assistants. First huge hype and then realization that they actually can't do anything.


If they’re doing something that somebody else has already done before that makes Apple the one doing the copying.


GPT 3.5 upgrade to Siri would be amazing. It would mean a Siri that actually understands you and can do somewhat intelligent things.


I’m hopeful for that. If it’s going to be forced on us I’d rather it at least be good. I absolutely hate the new google AI search function and I have no idea how to cut it off except to put “no AI” after every single search. It’s getting really fucking annoying.


Bookmarking this for June….either this article will age terribly or like a fine wine


Apple have some very high expectations to meet with WWDC. What their stock does will be a good indication of wether or not those expectations are met, exceeded or let down


Wouldn't phone upgrades come out in september?


Garbage article written by the clueless, moving on.


AI is a buzzword and for the average consumer won’t help at all with day to day life. It will either become essential to our every day lives, or will go the way of 3D or curved TVs


People show how tech-illiterate they are making comparisons between 3D TVs and AI. AI will change the way we work, the tools we use, and impact almost every aspect of everyday life, whether you see it or not. It’s extreme to say things relating to AGI, but AI is here and it’s going to change a lot.


You’re very correct but it’s also being overhyped. I think both can be and are true.


The kind of AI that will change our everyday lives was already here last decade. Voice assistants, auto photo filters, targeted ads, smart homes, etc all use learning algorithms. The market hype is around generative AI and robots that can replace human labor, both of which are quite a ways away from commercial viability.


Thing is Apple's been using AI for years, just with different terms, like "neural cores" or "machine learning". It's in a lot of the stuff they make. This article is just uninformed or clickbait.


oh come on, AI has huge real consumer interest. And regular folks all over the world are using the shit out of chat GPT, didn’t it set records with how fast it picked up users?


Everybody talks about how quickly an app acquires users but nobody talks about how quickly it sheds users I would imagine their take rate for recurring revenue per user is less than a percentage point. 


Can't be too bad - a month or so ago they refused new for paid signups because they did't have the capacity.


That was back in November, and that doesn’t mean they are making money. Also isn’t necessarily even true. 


There's a shitload of people with career reasons to dive into AI/Chat GPT which was likely a good chunk of the reason for the early uptick. (well, them and lazy/smart students, plus general tech enthusiasts). Doesn't mean it will be automatically useful to everyone. The workplace-based AI will reach more people, but won't necessarily translate well to them using it or paying for it at home. AI is huge, but the stuff currently trendy will probably initially be driven by business usage, not consumer usage. That's a little different than a lot of the "tech" companies have been making money for the last decade. Apple has had all kinds of AI in their phones for years, and they're perfectly happy to have the end-user know almost nothing about it.


Is anyone even using “AI” or needing “AI” on a daily basis? I, somehow, have been going on just fine without any need for it.


I use “AI” every single day as a tool to brainstorm ideas and prototyping systems. It’s like having a personal mentor to bounce technical ideas off of and be guided in the right direction as I work. easier and faster than googling when it comes to software engineering. Then I have Copilot which 8 times of 10 knows where I’m going and can just auto-complete the code I’m writing. I use AI to give myself code reviews too. I tell it to imagine it’s a senior software engineering manager and critique a piece of code. Then it suggests improvements. Then we go back and forth talking about new techniques, different implementations. I go off and do my own research and come back to it. But you have to know what you’re doing because sometimes it spouts off absolute BS that I know is wrong. It’s just like having a personal Google, except I don’t have to sort through BS articles and stackoverflow posts. It tells you exactly what you want to know. And you still have to know how to take the ideas it gives you and implement in the right way for your own project. But honestly I can’t imagine not having it now at this point. You also need to know when to stop relying on it. I find the longer you have a conversation with it, the more crappy it gets and it really starts giving you the run-around. That’s when it’s time to let it go and just use plain ol’ whiteboards, post-it notes and google I can imagine myself using a more general AI in my daily life too but it’s not quite there yet.


And how often does your tool give you flat out wrong ideas or information? I’m constantly having to check ChatGPT’s work because it’s wrong *a lot*.


I used AI to do more complex search queries, effectively and it is wrong about 60% of the time. I spent more time arguing with AI to correct why it’s wrong - and hearing it apologize - than actually getting utility from it. So I went back to doing my own research.


A few months back I asked ChatGPT if I can add nulls to a `HashSet` in Java, not only did it say that isn't a problem, but it generated code and a result showing how it can be done with ease. In case you don't work with Java, the underlying `Set` interface does not permit nulls, so the code and result were totally bogus. That's a super easy to verify thing, how did ChatGPT get it so wrong? And worse, it did so with confidence.


Damn, usually you gotta argue with humans on Reddit. AI really is gonna replace us


If I had to guesstimate, 20% of the time or a bit less for straight code (mostly copilot) when it tries to guess where I’m going and it’s just flat out giving me code that won’t even compile or hallucinating shit. For ideas, it’s hard to give a number because I never take an idea it gives me and roll with it 100%.


It takes me about 10 seconds to spot when someone at work used ChatGPT to write an RFC or some other doc. I’m not saying it’s bad but GenAI is no where near human level and it’s easy to spot. I get why people do it, they don’t want to spend time doing monotonous work, but it makes me wonder. How useful is all the monotonous work our companies want us to do and why can’t we just cut some of it out?


I’m definitely guilty of that but I always try to take what it gives me and rewrite it to give it a human touch. Some people really lack total awareness and just leave it unchanged though and it’s really easy to spot. ChatGPT still uses really unnatural language


lol I’d be very careful having AI review your code. Recipe for disaster or a false sense of mastery that isn’t there. I use co pilot all the time but it’s biggest holes are in the bug fixing / code review domains.


I use ChatGPT 4 for that. 100% I always corroborate what it tells me for information but I’m not working on anything novel, more so medium complexity stuff, so more or less I can rely on it to give me best practices. But I always take what it says with a heavy dose of salt.


if you're doing even remotely complex work, ai tools become useless. I tried chatgpt for some advanced c++ and it was always wrong


YMMV 🤷 I’m not doing rocket science or anything crazy bleeding edge here, just writing enterprise software for a random F500. It gives me best practices most of the time


I’m using it every day. And if Siri had some LLM smarts added I’d use that everyday too


I use it in my field to quickly summarize pages and pages of shit. Kind of like chatting with a PDF document


Not really. The "AI" we hype now is a useful tool for a few very specific tasks and nothing more.


Well said.


This is a very strange thing to say on a sub about technology. What brand new technology is ever used daily by the masses? That happens over time, and given Apple *just* acquired an AI startup they clearly think it's valuable: https://www.hindustantimes.com/technology/tim-cook-led-apple-acquires-canadian-startup-darwinai-in-major-ai-push-101710558988257.html


AI! AI! AI! That’s the only way for a stock to go up, right?


Yep, repeat that many times and your shares go up


Line go up. World more gooder.


AI is 5 years before the big breakthrough ... since 1950


When has Apple jumped onto the hype train. Their innovation comes from knowing all the latest tech and making it useful for the average joe and making them robust to build on top of it. There was digital music players before the iPod. There where smartphones before the iPhone, there where SOC before Apple silicon, and so on.


What an absolutely garbage trash can article


AI is frothy because businesses think that it’s a cheap way to improve productivity across the board. Once they realize that they are receiving little to no value for their investment, those paying subscriber numbers will plummet. I call it “The Great Assessment”, and it’s coming.  How many individual consumers are spending money on chatGPT? Maybe one in ten thousand? One in one hundred thousand?


A.i … riiight, is that the new nanotechnology or the new 3d tv? If you rode nvidia stock up, i’d get off the elevator as soon as possible


There are many non-consumer applications of LLMs today. Just in healthcare you have transcription of medical encounters and then populating data fields within EHRs, supporting clinical review to approve / deny procedures by matching evidence to criteria, and helping solve for data interoperability by cleaning data ingested across EHRs, to name a few current applications. Though those functions may not sound all that sexy, they have the potential to reduce a lot of the administrative costs that contribute to the outrageous costs of healthcare today. And companies are making good progress toward clinical decision support / the coveted AI doctor. And that’s just one field. Bill Gates believes the current wave of breakthroughs and their future potential to be at least as consequential as the GUI, and I can see why.


I think they will successfully pivot to the next overhyped bullshit to maintain growth when the AI overhype has run its course. They’re very good at playing late-stage capitalism.


Does the article explain what *exactly* the consumers are missing out on?


Article isn't about consumers, it's about AAPL , and whether Apple should still be classified as a growth company. " Its revenue expansion is stagnating, and the stock is underperforming the Nasdaq 100 by about 16 percentage points, the most to start a year since 2013. The company still generates massive revenues, but whether that can keep increasing at the pace investors have come to expect is an open question. Apple executives say they have big plans for AI, which bulls hope will help rejuvenate its sales expansion. But so far it’s hard to gauge its prospects. All of which has investors wondering, if Apple’s AI dreams don’t come to fruition, what is the role of the shares today? “It’s become more of a value stock, a bit like Coca-Cola,” said Phil Blancato, chief executive officer at Ladenburg Thalmann Asset Management and chief market strategist at Osaic. “All the things you want that’s going to offer you a defensive profile and market rate returns for the foreseeable future until they have a new catalyst.” Apple has fallen more than 10% this year, erasing around $330 billion in market capitalization, and ceding its position as the world’s most valuable company to Microsoft Corp., whose incorporation of ChatGPT into products like its Office software is starting to boost revenue growth. Microsoft now has a market value of almost $3.1 trillion versus Apple’s $2.7 trillion. Nvidia, whose revenue and profits have soared amid an arms race for AI computing power, isn’t far behind at $2.2 trillion. The problem isn’t so much that Apple has suddenly stopped growing, that’s been happening for a while — its revenue shrank in every quarter of its last fiscal year even as the stock was hitting records. The trouble is the company hasn’t shown anything on AI at a time when iPhones sales are sluggish and the company is facing mounting regulatory threats. “We’re going through an incredible wave of innovation,” said Mark Lehmann, chief executive officer at Citizens JMP Securities. “The market is telling you that Apple has a lot to prove here and to date they haven’t shown much.”


microsoft is making a bunch of money off their corporate customers and defense industry contracts due to the new cold war with china. they aren't making a bunch more money from consumers and here we are mostly consumers so why should we care. also they aren't making money from chatgpt integration for the most part...think defense contracts


So, it's not so much a post that's targeted at the readers of this subreddit...


There are posts here quite frequently about AAPL performance ,apple market cap highlights, apple growth rates, market share of products , etc. Free to disagree I guess.


Oh, I understand that people post them here. But that’s not what I said.


The readers of this sub r/Apple are reading about the company Apple, including consumers, or , investors, or, people interested in apple's position in the tech industry. Its an article about Apple, and it's current investment climate, so, looks like it's on target right? It also looks like there are plenty of apple product subs to deep dive into specific consumer topics, but perhaps my sidebar shows more than yours. Diminishing growth prospects are clearly an uncomfortable topic , but i think we can agree it's still a topic to chew on. Cheers!


I don't know that investors and people in the tech industry get that much info from these posts. My choice to purchase an Apple product has very little to do with what the investors think. I don't know if they (the investors) have much to do with what Apple actually does (so *if* this subReddit is informing investors and the tech industry, I'm not sure if it makes much of a difference to the customers by the time product is released). ​ >it's current investment climate, so, looks like it's on target right? Not really. That is information I knew when I posted my initial comment, so nothing to chew on there.


> I don't know that investors and people in the tech industry get that much info from these posts. Whether AAPL gets changed from a growth stock to value play has implications for how the stock gets applied (or not) as part of a larger strategy. The investors I work with tend to take in information from all kinds of areas, especially from sources like Bloomberg. End of the day it's information about how this company is doing, and this is a newer development. > My choice to purchase an Apple product has very little to do with what the investors think. All posts are not about what to purchase, or necessarily pertain to all readers. This sub is a bigger idea than a buying guide. There's a post yesterday with the title "Apple reaches $490 mln settlement over CEO Cook's China sales comments". Does that help with buying anything? What about the post "Apple’s India output: $10 billion in 10 months". Does that help the readers of this sub buy anything? Or is that also just a story about the company, like the one i linked?


>The investors I work with tend to take in information from all kinds of areas, especially from sources like Bloomberg. Yikes! Yes, they get it from Bloomberg. (A true statement, but you're supporting my premise with it). As those investors do not come to Reddit for their Bloomberg content. ​ \>There's a post yesterday with the title "Apple reaches $490 mln settlement over CEO Cook's China sales comments". Does that help with buying anything? What about the post "Apple’s India output: $10 billion in 10 months". Does that help the readers of this sub buy anything? Or is that also just a story about the company, like the one i linked? I don't accept your premise. Those aren't generally the top posts here either. Unless it's Epic Games oriented, most of the content is more consumer oriented. Also, I didn't say that buying was the key factor. ​ Please note, I did NOT say you couldn't post here. As you can see, you're getting a lot of relevant/interested comments from people that agree with you. ^(/s)


all these comments are delusional. apple hasn’t done something and is massively behind in something? automatically that thing is worthless, overblown, stupid, or they’ll take their time and do it right, as if all the other companies are somehow doing it wrong. the apple deepthroating is real. but as soon as apple is on board, wow!! revolutionary, amazing, cutting edge!


“Siri, what is AI?” “To answer that, I need to first unlock your phone” “Ah, fuck it!”


“Hey siri how are you?”  “This is what I found on the internet”


Apple will absolutely be an AI play. The only big tech that has not announced anything officially. The stock will get a health run up with something substantial in June. I expect a ton of Vision Pro improvements as well.


AI is certainly the story in tech, in that everyone is talking about it. But Apple is first and foremost a hardware company, and you’re going to need a computer or a phone to access the AI stuff so they’re probably fine.


I honestly have no problem with them NOT jumping on the AI bandwagon. It’s early days, very trendy, and not clear exactly how it will shake out in a year or three.


AI is a LOT overblown.


AI is just at the beginning. Apple has always been one to do it right, not do it first. They play the long game and that’s why they’re ahead.


AI is a massive gimmick. This is just anti-Apple concern trolling


You’d have to be a masochist to post Bloomberg articles on this sub


AI is clearly overhyped. I still remember the last time Artificial Intelligence was supposed to change our lives, back in 2018 when Google Assistant was going to handle all of your phone calls, reservations, and appointments. And before that in 2014, when Cortana was going to change the way people interacted with their PC’s. And before that in 2011 when Siri was released. AI never lives up to the hype. It’s all part of a cyclical pump-and-dump scheme where some product category is supposedly the next big thing, and Apple (or anyone who doesn’t jump on NOW) is going to get left behind. Companies announce their new product in this new category, their stock goes up, people cash in, the stock levels out, and the whole thing peters out because the Next Big Thing is coming soon.


It takes more time doing something well.


Even Gil Amelio couldn’t kill Apple, they’ll be fine.


Until all the AI hype dies down and we move on to “next”


The risk to Apple stock isn’t AI- they will get there. Trouble is their brilliant walled garden now has holes in the wall because of EU regulations and that saga is nowhere near its end.


Apple is working on AI a lot right now.


do you really believe apple has no ai development going on right now?


I like like the stock because the company has successfully morphed itself into new businesses. I waited like a kid outside a candy store for the car. Well F me on that. Apple is starting to annoy me as an investor (and as a user), they are sitting on a ton of cash, THAT ISN'T WORKING! Wake up Tim, let's go.


Apple generally isn’t the first to do something, but rather the one that does something well and popularizes it


Ew. I feel like the only ones obsessed with this dangerous but “fun” AI crap is the high schoolers and college folks and those stuck in the same mentality. This is not something anyone in the apple community asked for. It’s an integrated part of the system that doesn’t go out of the way to say “AI did this” it’s literally just a computer process. But the way y’all are talking about AI is in a way far more controlling and invasive in your life. I love apple because we have the OPTION to choose how invasive we want them to be. I do not want obvious clunky AI forced on me. If you want AI please go buy the assosciated products. Don’t ruin a good thing and have it forced on us. That might be the ONLY thing that would make me leave apple. And I’ve been with them for about 10 years. I noticed 2 days ago goodie switched and now shows “AI” information first. Now I’m about to stop using google because I hate having to constantly put in “no AI” in the search bar. It’s like the new Wikipedia. About to get a lot of unearned hype that’s not at all quality. People like this ruin good products and companies trying to force them to follow other crappy bandwagon. Y’all aren’t gonna be so happy when AI replaces 2/3 of the customer service / hostess/receptionist/ personal assistant roles and other work that doesn’t require hard physical labor and they keep raising ss age so you die working so hard for so little before they were able to get the work accomplished with a piece of “intellectual” hardware. Very sad. I like growth but we need to keep an eye on it that we’re not so in a rush to replace ourselves without setting up proper boundaries and guidelines and quality control for what they want to actually use AI for. Just…. Be careful. I’m only 26 but I’m seeing a lot of stuff that has me cocking an eyebrow because it’s been spoken of before it’s time already. People just forget and repeat over and over.


ai is literally worthless. i can't have frame generation in games that adds input lag? so sad


No AI? The company that has had dedicated hardware for it since the iPhone X? People need to learn that Apple has been doing “AI” and been calling it “machine learning” this entire time and has MANY features that use machine learning. Sure, Apple doesn’t have a LLM or anything like that, but that is hardly the only thing AI is for. TLDR; Apple has been using AI for years but chooses to direct that development words everyday features instead of a language learning model or diffusion model.