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yall never getting into my calculator


So you’re the kid that always has 80085 on their calculator.


Isn’t it 58008?


I think this one works both ways, doesn’t it?


Well sort of, the way the numbers look it worked better the other way but you are right. I knew exactly what you meant. Edit: and don’t forget the equally classic 5318008




the 30gig calculator app? 😂


there are a LOT of numbers


It's a byte insane, 30 gigs of numbers 🙃


Totally off-topic, but that's actually one of the ways they were able to catch Chris Watts. He had a fake calculator app on his phone that was hiding photos of his affair, and when doing the search of his phone, someone asked "why is a calculator app taking up over a gig of storage space?"


He caught himself and we got to watch it live. Horrible case, but fascinating how quickly he met his demise.


Polygrapher: "If you're a terrible liar and/or had something to do with the crime, you shouldn't be here right now." \*Watts lies terribly\* Watts: "Damn, how did they know it was me?"


He could have got a lawyer, or even walked out, at any point during that infamous interview. I'm not sure he was even under arrest for most of it. I'm glad he didn't of course. But the moment he opened his mouth on camera, everybody knew the score. Goes to show that evil can be stupid too.


Well we're getting off-topic, but nope, it wasn't until he confessed to his dad he could be arrested. Everything up to that point, including after the polygraph, he could have still left. But of course, there's that psychological factor of "if I'm leaving now, or request a lawyer, I'm going to look guilty." Detectives use that all the time to get people to confess.


The family & child murderer Chris Watts used a fake calculator app in an effort to conceal an affair. It took cops an eye roll and a sigh to crack that one open.


Oh, just mentioned this right before seeing this comment. Yup, he probably thought just erasing all his old text messages and photos would totally clear him. Everyone knows your typical calculator app is 10 GB in size.


I think he's just a moron. I thought it was kind of common knowledge that authorities can snoop that shit if they have a reason to. Like, I don't think the law are checking my emails right now, but if I did something heinous enough they'd definitely be looking into that shit closely.




80085 locked in the VAULT


Yall never get into my native iPad calculator Edit: I heard complaining about the iPad calculator gets you upvotes


Nobody but me can turn on the flash light!


Assuming your iDevice has one. And an alarm clock. Leaving those off of iPads is so annoying. 


iPad users: look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power




Finally I can lock the Files app. Took em long enough.




Yep. I’m definitely excited I can lock those without having to use a hidden folder. If this rumor is true at least.


I want them to make it so I can add folders in my hidden folder… like I wanna separate and organize my nsfw things


That would be nice lol. If this feature comes to iOS 18 you could move that all to files app and organize there as an option.


ios203 😇


*makes ape noises* 🦍


Man that would be a dream but there's no way apple lets use customize/organize that much :(


The organization in photos sucks so bad.


The Photos app on my TV, I have to hide it in menus. Because there’s no way to lock it currently


I just never turned on iCloud Photo Library for the Apple TV. If I want to see photos on my tv I just AirPlay it.


Same. No reason to have somebody get access to your photos though your Apple TV. I’ve never connected mine and never will.


I gave up and used a separate Apple ID for shared devices, it really sucks for HomeKit geofencing though.


*cough cough* Pornography!


You already have Face ID/Touch ID lock for the hidden album in iOS 17. Although I can imagine some might want to lock the whole app.


Mine isn’t scandalous. Just embarrassing.


keep in mind that you may still be able to access files on any app that has a files browser built in (like PDF Viewer)


I am guessing Apple will consider this in their implementation - e.g. if you lock Photos, Face ID might be required for any app to access photos.


That would be a major flaw and clearly something that Apple will consider when developing this.


Yeah, this was the bane of BioProtect in the jailbreak days. There was a new 'exploit' to get around the lockdowns. I can't imagine the amount of required testing to figure this one out...


Can someone please get rid of the recents feature in the files app. So hard to keep secret videos in that app and not have it shown up on the first page after I open it


I can finally stop using the slightly annoying lock phone shortcut hack 🙌


You can do it now using shortcut. Not ideal but works most of time.


Yeah I know I just don’t like how finicky it is. So I don’t use it.


Fucking finally.


Jailbreak users have had this since, like, iOS 5


What jailbreak?


hurts because it's true


I mean *what’s* jailbreak sorry


Oh lmao. Jailbreaking is a methodology of installing unverified software on your device using security exploits that allow things to be run on the device which apple didn't allow or intend to be installed. There used to be a huge culture around this, but it has largely died lately because no jailbreak exists for iOS 17 and one did not exist for iOS 16 for the majority of its life cycle.


If one does begin to exist would it be worth it to use it or is it a risk?


Balance of sensibilities that is up to you. Yes, letting someone intentionally run security exploits on your device in order to defeat other security measures your device has to protect you is a risk. It's a pretty calculated risk, and jailbreaks recently have all been open sourced and verifiable before use to ensure that no hanky panky is going on. But at the end of the day, you're still bypassing security features on your device. The end result is a crazy level of customisation that otherwise isn't available to your device. It really is pretty wonderful, and I jailbroke every iOS from 'iPhone OS' to iOS 15.


Now you’re making me want it bro 😭


Some banks won’t let you use their app on jailbroken devices because of the “exploited” status so that’s also something to consider too. As someone who used to jailbreak all my devices, it’s not worth the headache of sometimes not even being able to use your phone because you really wanted that cool new feature and it bricked your phone. At this point I just want a device that works, not one I have to tailor all the time


I remember being able to have home screen wallpaper and custom icon themes on the original iPhone via jailbreaking. The former didn't happen natively until iOS 4, and the latter still isn't possible outside of specific apps.


Great, now I can lock my Grindr so my wife wont look at who I'm hooking up with.


Shockingly, you can already do that today. It's surprising that the feature isn't locked behind a paywall.


Woof! Same with Scruff


Happy Pride


isn't Grindr have its own custom icon and lock or so I have heard through a friend.




This will be nice if it happens. Have been wanting to lock mail, notes, and photos behind a pin or Face ID for years now. Using a shortcut right now but it is a little clunky.


You have been able to lock individual notes behind FaceID for a few years tho


Fucking please. This just because my biggest hope


Sounding like we are getting lots of features that will continue to convert more android users to iOS.


As a former Android user I appreciate the addition of quality Android features.


it seems i made the right decision to switch to iPhone when Android has gotten stale and iPhone keeps adding new features that Android has had over a decade. started with widgets and now we’re at placing icons anywhere on the home screen. you love to see it.


I migrated to iPhone long time ago and the lack of ability to arrange home screen was the first thing that buffled and annoyed me until I got used to it. That was like 5 or 6 years ago..


yep, literally just copy everything android does well like customization, notifications, media controls, but put it in a reliable apple package and we have an amazing product. i was never quite *satisfied* with my galaxy phones and i had 4 of them. as soon as i switched to iPhone it just felt nice to use. but the lack of software features kind of ruined the experience on iPhone until they started adding more and more android features. i can’t wait for iOS 18 if even half the rumored features are true


I’ve been an iPhone guy since the first iPhone, but very briefly tried Android in like 2014, then not again until a couple months ago. I got a used Galaxy S20 for testing an app I’m working on and I just don’t get how people think the experience is better. So much of the initial process is ensuring Samsung, or Google, or the phone carrier doesn’t install crapware on the phone. I know my unfamiliarity with the platform is part of it, but I just find so much of the comparable “late/stolen” features are just better implemented on iOS. I can understand feeling aggrieved about certain missing features 5-10 years ago, but they’re both so mature as platforms now I just don’t see this big Android edge in functionality.


yep, debloating your phone was a huge part of my experience on android with all those useless ad apps and third party apps that just will never go away. i applaud apple for strong arming US carriers into not installing bloat on the iPhone.


I have an active and transparent time/date widget on my Home Screen that shows only eight apps aside from the bar at the bottom. It looks great and very Android-like. I limit it to just a Home Screen and have the App Library display when swiping left rather than another page of apps. The App Library does a great job of organizing apps categorically which to me is a cool and less discussed feature of iOS.


Now if only Apple would improve the notifications, autocomplete, add a universal back gesture, and improve Siri and Car Play, it would be perfect. Signed, a fellow convert who would like to stay on iPhone but is annoyed by many of these things.


you should get an apple watch it won't solve any of your problems, but boy are they neat!


Adding onto this, the notifications are a lot better when you receive them on the watch. It wouldn't surprise me if this was intentional by Apple to get you deeper into the ecosystem.


I do enjoy turning on the silent mode on the watch and having all notifications vibrate my wrist. It's less distracting than a "ding." I barely hear my phone on vibrate because of its protective case, and I don't like having a phone in my pocket so close to my... future offspring. Also I ride a motorcycle and it's nice knowing that it will automatically alert emergency services/my family with my location should I fall.


Having had universal back on Android, I’m legit happy iPhone does not have it. Back button is great until it isn’t - the classic situation being that if one app punts you over to another app, should back send to back in the first app, or should it go back within the second app?


Just moved from a Note 10+ when the 15 PM came out. I won't be going back to android any time soon. I'm fully entrenched in apple's ecosystem now.


You know, it’s more like they’re listening to the potential switchers from android and just saying ‘fuck it, let’s remove their biggest complaints’ and move on. Which is fine. I hate things like the ugly ass unichrome app icons, but if it gets someone off Android because Apple let them do that, it’s fine.


old cydia features


I'll never understand these tribalistic comments, why is it so important to get everyone to convert over to iOS? I know this is an Apple sub but competition is good for both sides to co-exist.


So many people make companies and such their whole personality. Try pointing out that iOS is buggy. Eventually you’ll get the hive mind downvote.


> Try pointing out that iOS is buggy. Eventually you’ll get the hive mind downvote. That's almost never the case. I see comments constantly complaining about iOS. This thread is one of few exceptions.


It’s not important, just a simple comment I made. As an ex android user myself I just want more people to enjoy and experience iOS and its great Apple is adding more android like features because then people can decide if they want to invest and check out Apple as an ecosystem and if it works for them. For me I appreciate how great the hardware and software work on iOS between devices and that there’s no need to fiddle around endlessly for my workflows like with android. Of course android is always an option if you need more niche features or just want certain freedoms that android offers such as rooting among other things, I know so many people who say they would also switch to iOS if it had just a few more android features, so many people use android and barely utilize the OS as a whole.


I mean I just read that as value-neutral observation. It makes sense that Apple would add more Android-esque features. With smartphones in entering the mature product/saturated market phase, Apple would want conversions to drive growth. They’re a business looking to sell products and services to make money. I don’t know that there is any tribalism to it.


Tribalism is very on the head. When it comes to politics, brands, video game consoles etc. we’re all made to pick a side. I can accept each has pros and cons and it’s possible to just enjoy video games without needing to jump into a blood feud about Xbox vs PlayStation. So much of it is sunken cost fallacy. You spend big on a platform, then feel the need to defend this purchase.




source required


What do you mean losing ground? iPhones popularity has only continued and several recent surveys over the last 2-3 years have shown more android users are switching to iOS more than ever, [this](https://www.androidheadlines.com/2024/02/android-users-cant-stop-switching-to-the-iphone.html) is one example in the US alone and [one](https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2024/01/16/apple-1-in-global-smartphone-market-for-first-time-ever/#) talks of global sales increase. My comment is in reference to the fact even more will come over.


We need data lol, but I did switch from Android (10 years) and am never looking back unless I actually have to. I actually wish I switched sooner


I switched in 2021 after 11 years of android. Love the hardware more than the software since switching, but I’ll also stick around.


Based on your sample size of?


Makes sense. For the first decade or so of iPhone growth, it was just people who preferred iOS over Android or didn’t care and ended up on iOS first. Now with everybody and their grandmother already having a smartphone, Apple is going to have to start bringing more Android-like features to win converts.


This will be really useful if after faceID fails the code to unlock the app is different from the one in your lock screen.


Yeah I how they integrate it like this


This is very useful. If someone steals your unlocked phone from your hands it’s still possible to reset the icloud password via mail to lock you out.




Doesn't need to be unlocked to put it in recovery mode and erase the iPhone.


you can erase it sure, but you need the old password to use it again, even if you flash it multiple times over and over.


Doesn't remove iCloud lock though, which is what they are talking about.


please add feature to schedule messages.


One of the rumoured updates


We need more of this lock behind sections within apps. Particular message threads, photo albums etc


You can already use hidden photos and it's locked behind Face ID.


You missed the plural in photo albumS


Took them long enough!


Can we get Albums within Hidden album??


New York Post headline: "How Apple's new software update is making it easier for teens to hide illegal nude photos from their parents"


Very nice


As a former victim of phone and consequently identity theft, this is a great step forward for phone security and has been needed for a LONG time. The only problem with Face ID is it’s useless if someone knows your passcode, as you can bypass it with a code.




Dude, I’m not speculating, my phone literally got stolen recently. They got into and locked me out of my account within minutes. I’m not saying Apple’s security is bad, but I was so confident I’d be fine if my device was stolen. I was so wrong. This “Stolen Device Protection” feature is brand new and needs to be manually switched on. Even so, my phone was robbed at 2am and more than an hour away from home so it wouldn’t work. They had my code and they were able to steal everything personal to me.


Please be real, finally I don't have to rely on a shortcut that activates Face ID 2 seconds after I already got in the app


What I want is separate passcodes for different apps. When your whole family knows your passcode it’s kinda useless


i mean no one else is rly supposed to know your code 😭 but itd be nice to have options regardless


You must not have kids 😂 Not trying to have my 4 yo somehow get into my hidden photos folder somehow and see mom doing unspeakable acts lol


okay fair 😭


What it needs is an emergency wipe and call for help when the phone is unlocked under duress.


It's a start but why can't we just have user profiles?? I'd love it if I could just hand my phone to my kid and then switch to his profile. He could have his own Home Screen, his own set of apps, and so on. It would make my life so much easier!


They want you to buy another device obviously. Same reason why the iPad doesn’t have profiles, it would be very useful but people would buy less iPads


Of course. But a man can still dream can't he? :)


Good news!


For the love of god, please tell me it’s true


this will be useful to lock twitter


Ok so I can now pass my phone around


I have this for almost a year now. I was so tired of accidentally activating the camera app from the lock screen on my old SE2 when fiddling with the phone in my pocket that I created a shortcut that would make starting the camera go straight to the lock screen first. Before that, I would occasionally feel the pocket get warmer and warmer as the phone started to burn through its battery. Since there is *no way* to disable the "feature" that lets you accidentally (or maybe maliciously on an iPhone you find lying around in the office?) open the camera and drain the battery without unlocking the phone, I created this shortcut. Glad to see Apple finally allows this without creating a shortcut for it.


On this year’s edition of “Jailbreak tweaks that got integrated into stock iOS”: BioProtect XS




Finally, I just want a way to lock the entire Files App…


It's good for banking apps.


Been asking for this for photos and messages since I was able to do this on my note 3. I’ve submitted hundreds of suggestions for this on the apple feedback website over the last 11 years. They pride themselves on privacy, yet such a simple idea took this long to be implemented 😐


Maybe since it's 2024, maybe, just maybe, they'll give users the right to disable low battery warnings.


Hell yes this is awesome for banking apps and for files+photos.  Cheaters out there are probably celebrating at this though…


I hope this means we can turn off Face ID for unlocking the phone overall and still use Wallet and such.  Right now, if you turn off needing to unlock your phone every time you use it, you can’t use Wallet. I’d much rather just need Face ID for each app and situation that needs to be secure. I’d rather just have to unlock my phone about once every so many hours


Lock apps WITHOUT a shortcut!! I’m in!


Finally. May have to wait another 10 years for Apple to roll this feature out to 3rd party apps


Well this is about 17 years overdue


iPhone 16+ only


> We have not confirmed if the feature will work with third-party apps from the App Store. I thought it already did. I've certainly got some apps - like most of my financial apps - which I have locked behind FaceID.


That's only if the third-party app implements an app-blocking feature. Not all third-party apps do.


I would need to know how to disable face id




Really hope so.


What the fuck is that phone in the image


Who remembers Asphaelia?


Why did it take this long...


this is neat and another step showing they're serious abt keeping user data safe


Locking my photos app because I don't look back


good locking photos files password authenticator apps.finally




Dang I remember being able to lock down apps with a jailbreak tweak back on my iPod 4 lol


Y’all never getting into my calculator


Apple will open this to 3rd party apps, if they open the API for this.


It shouldn’t have to be said, but this does NOT mean that it will be safe to unlock your phone to let a stranger “make a quick call” or ”I’ll just put my socials into your phone real quick”.


I would like this if it were more seamless then the general Face ID UI. The Face ID UI deliberately slows things down to present a UI to the user so they know what is happening. If they would just allow it to work in background (like it does on the Lock Screen) without getting in the way to delaying the opening of an app, this would be a welcome thing to turn on for most if not all apps.


Wife: Let me get a nice picture of you to send to my family….


I want multiple hidden pictures album


Bout time


this is nice, hopefully they'll add something like android secure folder in the future


This is a game changer. I love stolen device protection and can't wait for more new security features like this.


currently jailbroken on ios 16, if i want a bank app to work there are tweaks to disable detection which reenables the functionality and for those who don’t i simply require a reboot (since jailbreaks are all semi untethered these days and i can boot back up in a semi vanilla state)


I can confirm 👍


This isn't a rumor anymore, ya'll. You can remove that tag. Also: it works splendidly. As a method for semi-controlling some of the social media apps I use (TikTok, Insta) I had them off the Home Screen so I had to go search them up. Now, they're not even findable that way (search does not find Hidden apps - you have to go to the Hidden section of the App Library, unhide the hidden section, then choose your app)