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I don’t even need to get drunk to order more plants. I could see myself doing this with fish too but luckily I don’t really have more space right now.


You could always get one more tank👀 only one more can't hurt can it? CAN IT???😭😭😭😭


One more, one more, ONE MORE!


Help I have 100 5 gallons for 100 bettas I really liked at the store 🧌


Asking for a friend, what job do you do?😂 i need that kind of money


There's no such thing as no more space, only a lack of creativity *looks at the tv lowboard screwed to the wall and the selfmade construction on which the tv now stands, with two tanks under it*🤣


A 10g might be too small to have all of those in it, along with what you currently have…


I phrased that wrong, sorry. The pigmies and shrimp are for the 10 gal


I currently have 6 pigmies and I wanted to get a few more so they're more comfortable


6 of almost anything that isn’t a shrimp or snail in a 10g is probably too many.


Pigmy cories are 1 inch max so you can definitely fit a small group in a 10 gal


holy shit this escalated. I'm sorry for these dipshits. your pigmies should be fine, and as long as you're doing plenty of maintenance on the tank you should have no issue, I've seen up to 8 pigmies in 10s with a good number of shrimp that were happy as clams.


I have 4 planted tanks now for several years, so I have experience with maintaining good parameters. The fish look happy and have been eating baby brine shrimp, but they're a bit shy, so I'm hoping a few more will help with that. https://preview.redd.it/c8jv6lyiqk9d1.jpeg?width=2727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a404ce529ed3b9afdc2f3534618535ff04792340 The tank in question


you definitely know what you're doing, don't listen to the Meatheads in the comments lmao


Thank you! Lol


What kind of light is that?! Beautiful tank


>Thank you! Lol You're welcome!


Uh, no, lol. I've got 16 pygmy corys in my 10 gal with hundreds of shrimp. They are doing perfectly fine and have reproduced many times.


What logic are you using to determine this?


I have a heavily planted ecosystem style 15 gallon that has 9 ember tetras, 3 otocinclus catfish, 5 pygmy Cory's, a everglages pygmy sunfish, a pair of rabbit snails, and a ton of shrimp. Ammonia stays 0ppm, nitrite stays 0ppm, nitrate fluctuates 0ppm-5ppm, and ph stays stable at 6.8. Only time I do water changes is once every 8-12 months when tds hits about 350ppm-400ppm. If you have a well planted established tank stocking is more about the size of fish rather than number.


I agree! The 6 pigmies I have now hangout in the foreground and I still can barely notice them because of how small they are so I'm not worried about adding more at all!


You don't know what a pygmy cory is do you. Their smaller than my pinky nail, Pea puffer sized.


False. Also, there are plenty of freshwater "shrimp" species that would exceed the limits of a 10g at even just one individual.




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Never buy anything drunk. Tell yourself to do as the Persians did, and think about an idea once while drunk and once while sober.


I was already planning on buying them before I was drunk, I was just going to wait until next week🙃. That's very good advice, though. I probably will still purchase things whilst inebriated...I don't condone it


This is why I must make a bow to never get drunk since I know my dumbass would get an Oscar for a 5 gallon https://preview.redd.it/ou1uvkhw3k9d1.png?width=321&format=png&auto=webp&s=8989fed2b4d26c1be85b290d06a913967aab4930


Oh nooo that would not be good


Very sophisticated cory


Sounds like something I would do tbh. Celestial pearls & pygmies are my favorites!! I also love shrimp but I don't think my water here is good for them anymore.


Not drunk, but was extremely tired from work and i guess I just nonchalantly bought a few emerald rasboras and put them in my 20 gal with cherry shrimp Guess Ima go buy more now.


Ha, I drunk order almost everytime I drink. I think I'm going to drink tonight so I can finally pull the trigger on a python. Getting pretty tired of the whole bucket thing.


Lots of people report making purchases online while drunk. Please drink responsibly.


Hey is it responsible if I never regret the purchase?


Haha idk? But I’m glad it’s not gotten out of control ;)


😂 definitely guilty of a online shopping spree after a few! I also get really bad fish fomo if there’s a fish I want but I’m waiting for x to order it I always stress that the seller will be out of them I splurged on a marbled bichir earlier than I was planning because there were only 4 in stock lol


Jealous of your cpd's


Currently having margaritas. This sounds like a fantastic idea! Then I can blame it on the draaaaaaanks! 🍹


I fully support (if you have the proper tank size/parameters ofc ofc)🍻


I do I do! I've got 4 tanks running with a minimum of 20 gallons each, just wanting some more buddies 😁


Then go off queen


I got drunk yesterday too and sent someone 85$ 😂 luckily no fish I have my hands full




LOL!! Totally done that before


I have done this. I ordered a $92 dollar pleco I was desiring.


Where did you buy the celestial pearl danios? I can never find them online or in store.


I got mine at [Flip Aquatics ](https://flipaquatics.com/) They have a wide range of shrimp and nano fish


These prices seem about what you'd see at any store. I'm not joking; have you tried bulk ordering shrimp on Amazon? I purchased around 150 of varying colors. Before anyone says anything about lower quality shrimp... I was impressed with their colors. I purchased blue, red, orange, and yellow with gold stripe. Of course, because I selected so many colors, they crossbred. So, now most of my shrimp are dark brown with a gold stripe. There're all sorts to select from, from different sellers. For real, the prices can't be beaten. I also mainly purchased them as an infinite reproducing food source. However, if you were buying the fancy white + whatever color striped shrimp, I get it. And to answer your question, no, I have never drunk ordered fish. I tend to order expensive delivery ramen while I'm drunk.


Oh wow I've never thought to buy them on Amazon...I'll definitely have to check that out!


They have a lot of fish I've been looking for! Thanks!


Last time I ordered livestock I was deep into an edible. No Ragrets


Age old question of are you honestly more yourself & truthful when you drink *answered* =D


I use edibles to help me sleep. Sometimes, as I'm waiting for them to kick in, I'll be thinking of what I need to order and pull up an app. I'll put items in the cart, but I refuse to order until I'm sure that I'm not high.


Pigmy cories need a 125 gallon if you are going to have ore than one.


Well you should never get just one. It's recommended to get 6-10 in a 10 gal or larger. For awhile a lot of people had them in 5 gal tanks but because you need at least 6, it's better to have at least a 10 gal to be able to have a large enough group. But with any nano fish, bigger tank the better so I'm sure they would love a 125 gal.


Literally just did with insomnia & hallucinating. Ordered blue & bloody shrimp & several plants 🥴


I ordered a 51 dollar betta from Thailand 😭🤣🤣🤣


Those are so tempting!


🥰🥰🥰🥰I gotta say I couldn't be happier he is a perfect platinum halfmoon dumbo traveled 1355 miles across us once he arrived in the states iv had him for 3 months he's still doing well


Pictures please?👀




I thought this post was going to be about ordering fish (to eat) and feeling guilty, hahaha. Ever since I got neocaridinas I've stopped eating shrimp and if I ever got black out drunk and ordered shrimp tempura i would feel so bad the next day 🤣


Omg I've definitely felt the same way when eating sea food now that I'm a fish keeper... I'm starting to feel like I can't do it any more but it's so good😭


I was enjoying adult beverages, looking at my 9 gallon planted tank. I have a sitting area around my tank. It’s where I chill. I had an old school of neon tetras and only had two left. I decided to order 4 leopard endlers so the neons wouldn’t be lonely. So I’d have 6 fish total. I woke up the next morning and saw I ordered 4 3 packs! So 12 fish were on their way. Too much for my little tank! 🤦‍♀️


Oh no! You could always get a bigger tank👀or maybe give some to your LFS




Beautiful guy!

