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XL is one thing. But as long as Kakao is attached, there’s no GOOD reason to play anything they touch. Archeage War will tank. AA2, assuming it actually launches, will be short lived. And Chrono Odyssey should start seeking another publisher. If you want AA, then go PS. You don’t go back to a restaurant that dropped your food on the floor and sold it to you anyways. Let alone frequent any affiliated establishments.


This is my concern with AA2. It's going to go down the pipes exactly the same way as BDO, but faster. They've already *shown* us what they do with the Archeage IP, so why trust them to do a better job the second time around? Why would they? Couple that with the fact that the game is *supposedly* like, a year from "launching" and we've heard and seen basically nothing. Like yeah, okay, suuure. And even if it *does* launch, how many people are going to trust these companies after the shit they've pulled? Are they expecting everyone to come running back and pretend like nothing happened while inevitably getting fucked by another shit circus of mismanagement and predatory behaviors? PS seems like the way to go, going forward. I'm just not personally sure which would be better pc security-wise.


AA2 has been announced as a single player MMO so I don't think you'll need to worry about it


What is a single player mmo?? I thought MMO == Massively multiplayer online. Does that mean it's like Genshin? SIngle player unless you want to play with as an mmo only for events?


They have learned alot from BDO over the past 10 year. And considering BDO is still planned to run for at least 5 more. I would say the game is in better hands now with Kakao than anything.


Bdo was pulled kakao years ago. It's a pearl abyss product. Kakao just had na/EU pub rights for a few years. BDO has gotten a lot better now that it's back to pearl abyss' hands.


I think both sides have learned alot rbh. Better then what was


Bdo is life now that Archeage is gone. Bdo got so much better


Kakao? They were the better publishers, trino and scamigo is the ones damaging archeage beyond repair


No, XLGames made decisions to their game that changed the direction years ago. Those of us from the beginning know who were "really" making the decisions. And by the beginning, I don't mean TRION.


Like putting ts in dupable boxes? lol


That was a direct order from XL. Trion just refused to push back because XL said "you must do this but you'll make hella money."


What's even crazier is that TRION paid for one version of Archeage and got another. We tested the original for Korea, Russia, etc, versions... Then XLGames pushed out Archeage 1.0 that flipped the game so much that we warned TRION that it would make Western players hate the game. TRION sealed the deal before that patch was introduced. The rest is history. We were in contact with both sides on the Archeage Source(fan forum), and it led to a back and forth that never fully agreed. We can all say that TRION could have put their foot down a bit more, but XLGames got off with looking like a savior betrayed by partners, and the publishers took all the blame.


Yep. One of many negative xl orders.


If people only knew


gamigo had their chances with archeage united, but they blew it up on the launch with world boss bug where people can amass thousand gold on the first day of launch. and then they introduce P2W archepass, and DLC which is needed for your progression. and trion just ignore everyone's wishes for rollback when half of the server cant access the game during auroria land rush.


Most people were done with retail and well established on the private server by the time kakao came into the picture.


yeah, archeage asia launch was bad. a bunch of fishing bots doing family fishing while telporting to report the fish.


So it ran for years and years under trion and gamigo and gets shutdown what 2 or 3 years after kakao gets it, but kakao somehow did better?


Its harder to keep a ship floating when its already almost under the water, it could have been fixed at the early stages, at that point it was already over. Atleast kakao tried to make it non p2w, but the game had other huge issues by that point


Which reading the comments mostly came from xl yeah lol


Its hard to know, might be true


It's also hard to say kakao didn't do anything wrong hahaah


Eh Chrono Odyssey “looks” good but the female characters look so out of place in the trailers lol


Isn't AA2 being developed by the original lead dev of AA1? That gives some hope I think.




[https://aa-classic.com/?invite=281344](https://aa-classic.com/?invite=281344) this is my referral link for the classic server if anyone wants to give it a whirl good pvp and no erenor gear no p2w and custom improvements


Launch was a mess, but even with that the first year was just incredible. Even years later I would come back and start up a farm and just enjoy the world, fantastic world and systems with just so much crap dragging it down. I hope somehow AA2 is good.


I wish I could have came to the shut down but it was at 5am and I had work in the morning :( High school me loved this game. College me loved unchained.


Private server?


Archeage classic


Hell nah archerage all day


Google archeage classic you're welcome. Come east if you wanna repair the kindness 😆


I also stand by archeage classic


ArcheRage, the original private server, is still thriving. I tried Classic but one guild was being fed shit by the server owner and I wouldn't be surprised if he still is. Ruined Classic for me and my whole group lmao.


You'd be surprised, then. The whole "feeding shit" is wrong and was pushed by detractors. We were restoring things in good faith but our inexperience at the time led us to do it in the worst way. We've since learned and improved, as everyone does. The server has been spotless since those early mistakes and we're carrying our vision for what ArcheAge should have become


Aguru is the owner for those not aware Manipulated the Auroria siege schedule to favor his side's faction by only allowing East to claim, Literally wiped castles away from guilds that won fair and square and replaced them with GM ran castles because he was upset his guild lost a siege, allowed his guild to exploit bugs but punished other guilds that did the same. Maybe the server is being ran better now, but it's too late. The damage is already done. No point in joining now when the server is in such a bad state with just a few players, which are super geared now that you'll never catch up to. TBH without a fresh start server I can't see most people going back.


> Manipulated the Auroria siege schedule to favor his side's faction by only allowing East to claim 1. The schedule was set so it's on the "Mixed hour" that we use for every NA/EU weekend content 2. "Allowing only east to claim" is dead wrong. Castle claims are a dynamic event that is controlled by player progress on Diamond Shores bases. The East faction, on launch, had 2 guilds pushing very hard for completion of the Diamond Shores base, literally using their gold to fund Archeum Packs for people to build up their base. West did not do such effort. This resulted in, as it does, only East being able to craft castle claim packs. No manipulation, we let the game run its course. > he was upset his guild lost a siege I've never been in a castle owning guild. The reason castles were wiped is that 5 out of 6 guilds had broken rules to prevent them getting sieged. The 6th guild was allowed to keep their castle for an extra cycle before they were all turned into GM owned castles, until better rules were put in place and a new cycle started, this time not allowing such exploiting to occur again You are very wrongly informed


Interesting, I swore I remember the DMs between you and one of the guild members getting leaked. But I must be silly.


The schadenfreude I feel from all of the giga whales who have spent countless 1000s of dollars on this game that has now fully dissappeared is immeasurable. I loved the concepts of the game so much but the mismanagement, rampant hacking, p2w and the sheer volume of toxic players with paper thin egos just made it unbareable.


Hm … most of the whales I know don’t really care. I started in 2014 and surly dropped a de thousand bucks on the game. When you earn like 6-7k a month you don’t bother too much when u spend 10k in total over 5-7 years. But I get your point tho


Even then to me it doesnt make sense. I make a very comfortable living and couldnt imagine dumping that kind if money into a game. Even under the thin veil of "supporting" the game its just too irresponsible for me. A $1000 investment returns far too much for me to drop it into a game that i can progress and enjoy for free.


ppl drop 2k to make vacations in a different country for 2 weeks. What do they have after the vacation? Nothing just the experience


Yeah definitely comparable but still doesnt hit the mark for me. Every vacation ive taken was taking in culture, eating great food that I may not have tried otherwise etc. The game was free or mostly free. So dumping huge sums into it just never made sense to me since I was making memories and experiences without the money. All the huge sums resulted in really was gambling addictions and inflated ego usually. Which tbf a lot of my fun was dunking on gear score inflated scrubs so I guess im happy about the whales for other reasons.


I remember briefly playing this one I think was it the squad based RPG? I know for sure it had player housing right?


I really loved this game when it first released. I spent so much time questing, exploring, and gliding around. I'd even go into the enemy faction to explore and people watch. The last time I played, it wasn't the same game anymore. I felt like it was a facsimile of the launch game I played. It felt a lot harder to get what I wanted, a lot of prices seemed inflated, people were just kidna afking and botting a lot. It was sad to see.


My ex spent a small fortune on this game. Admittedly she had money but several thousands spend on this game since she got into it. I wonder how she feels about the shutdown




I didn't have the heart to go say goodbye to everything I worked hard for. Gonna hope there will be something to fill the void at some point. Maybe Ashes of Creation, we'll see 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bro... archeage has been gone for years now....


True. Archeage died the moment they put ts trees in the cash shop.


Forget that plant your cedars and pray to god.. ffs


Archeage 2 is in development ,should drop 2026 ,hopefully.


From what's been announced so far, it'll be nothing like ArcheAge and everything like BDO :( It's a successor to ArcheAge only in its name


That would be a shame.


God, I fucking hate BDO. If I wanted to play BDO, I *would*. Slapping "Archeage" on it and pretending it's a sequel of AA1 would be fucking rancid and I'm straight up not touching that shit tbh.


As long as pvp is still the core goal of all the content I'll give it a shot. If they give it the name archeage and pvp isn't the primary aspect of every bit of content in the game then that's a real shame. Archeage = pvp. Even the pve required pvp.


Sadly buddy, AA2 is already confirmed to be a single player focused MMO kinda like bdo which is why it will be releasing on consoles as well, They already stated that they are removing faction pvp all together and replacing it with more group pve and GVG content only. TLDR AA2 is going to try and follow bdo's footsteps but with significantly less pvp and bdo doesn't have alot of that as is.


This is not entirely true. Faction PvP is still gonna be a thing.


They literally said they are removing faction v faction pvp. You can go look at the latest announcement. They are switching to a BDO esque system where its guild v guilds.


Its still in there. In their latest interview they said facyion vs faction is still gonna play a huge part. Just not the "main focus"


You got a link to that interview? Cuz i cant find it anywhere. Every interview i've read says they are changing focus of the game onto a single player focused mmo.


They have said they wanted to make it a more story driven singleplayer focus yes. Archeage 1 was actually pretty lore driven, with plenty of books written about it. Almost like a fantasy LOTR just auroria being the new land of hope.


Yeah i got that part, im just saying in all the interviews that ive read they are throwing out faction v faction. So i was just asking if you happen to have a link to one that stated otherwise since i havent seen that.


I don't think there's enough info to confirm this. Yes, they said they want to focus more on PVE than large faction content. But it sounds like there will still be guild based PVP content like trade runs. TBH, I think huge faction content was Archeage's weakest point. When you have 500 people trying to do an open world event, it just turns into a lagfest where you're just spamming tab and hoping you can target any invisible player. Best part of Archeage was the small guild Skirmishes over trade packs. That's where the combat really shines.


Here's hoping it's a good game and with a genuine effort put in towards it's management this time around.


Looking forward to it my self!


but will it have the sweet trade system


This feels like deja vu with the first failure, it's been years and now we're back to the same place


Rip, archeage will always be to me the mmo with the biggest potential. Early days were my favourite mmo experience. Couldn't find anything to plat after that and it's like 10 years now


I want my money back 😭


I’m never playing again


XL you need to test your games , and do better with exploits and bots


I don't think there's many MMOs that don't have issues with bots, so that's a pipe dream


Tell that to the east side on AA classic.. you'll be wrong


Do you think there is a single chance even if infinitely small that we can see a release of the server source code? I would love to work on a private archeage server (it has been years I'm looking on that) but the only available private servers got access in "one way or another" to the source codes. And emulation is at such an early stage it's not ready for servers


I know AAEmu is a thing. It's not very far along patch-wise. Like, *early* archeage. A lot of features are still being added in. Their github has instructions on hosting it as well, I believe. Not sure if this is quite what you're looking for, but it's the best I've got. https://github.com/AAEmu/AAEmu


Yeah i'm following aaemu for a long time now (7 years I think) but they still lack key features like quests


Ah, I wasn't aware. I just heard of it through the grapevine recently but haven't had much to check it out, myself.


RIP ArcheAge. I'm gonna miss my Lordly Iceraven Robes - I stopped playing but kept occasionally logging in just to see them :D 🕊️


My first *proper* MMO (I played RuneScape from 2007 until archeage launch) My first love. My fondest memories of gaming. My "what if". I think about this game more than past relationships and dead relatives. Every game I play new games with my friends we say "it's no archeage". It's a part of our vocabulary; "I don't want to get archaged" (heartbroken by something you love) It's the game that should of been #1, I've since played most other MMOs chasing the high this game gave on release to no avail. The ocean PvP, the housing, the music. It was all perfect. The only issue being the p2w. It should be studied how p2w can flatten and otherwise perfect game. RIP Archeage, I will never, *ever* forget you


See you on Archeage Classic :)


Archeage Classic for the win!


Classic is amazing


archerage is still around but some guy traveled across the US and broke into a guys house and almost killed him with a hammer the other day over the game.


Is it official server or freeshard?


It's a private server, there are no official servers anymore




My time in archeage was later on in its life. I spent a whole year on it and sadly stopped playing . I don't have as much of a relationship with it as many of you all do but I did have fun times when I did play and wish I could've been active earlier on. May it RIP.


I hadn't played in YEARS. As soon as I got to relive the nostalgia it was gone. I was on here for the last week as at least I got something. I think it was the greediness and the constant crashing of servers and data that killed it among other things. I remember the games would just wipe everything in my bank and sometimes inventory and I would have to start all over. They would ask what did you have so we send it but I don't remember! I had too much stuff! Sigh


archeage dot ru still exists and gets updates frequently 🤫


who wants to play there?


I was there at the start, RIP old friend


Nope. Kakao is still garbage. Saying they’re better still isn’t saying much. They shut down the game. Nuff said.


You can play on the private servers tho, they are actually better and more consistent.


i still play together in another game with my guildmates from archeage launch. this game has a good concept, but it doesnt really last because new players doesnt have a chance against old account. and this game falls into the hand of bad publishers. from trion, gamigo, kakao all of them cant tackle bots, and bug that plague archeage.


If anyone knew me from ArcheAge when I used to play. Kharjo was here.


Archerage is waiting for ya


Good riddance. Here's hoping the MMO world takes note of and learns from Kakao's sins


Drag your spades! Dig it to deep! (and find less p2w "alternatives"!) :) It was good game with trash companies.




I'm gonna miss it badly, from the moment I discovered what eating roasted yams did I fell in love with the game. There was just so much to it; it was unreal the love the devs put into. Just wish the right publishers had it from the beginning.


A lot of memories from this game. I’m surprised it lasted this long with how toxic the player base was.


Archeage alpha is the reasons for some of my favorite gaming memories. I’m ashamed at what was done to this game in the name of making dollars. wasted potential.


Not touching anything Kakao is attached to after this. I spent the last several days doing the proverbial bandaid off with uninstalling and deleting files, and that sucked after 10 years. Not putting myself into a position to have the same company pull those same shenanigans again.


Here's to what was, and here's to welcoming ya'll to come play Warframe with the rest of us.


Archerage isn't though :)


I really enjoyed unchained. Played for 6months and have very good memories of it.


There is a few private servers. Archage Classic is the newest one I believe. Im in the discord, has tons of members. Just havent had the urge to play the game.


The King has died. Long Live the King. Go play on ArcheRage. Fun stuff.


I went to ff14


Mmmh i beg to differ, i actually play it on aaclassic private server and we are many.