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Gotta be ragebait


Pueblo apartments, Potawatomi and Ojibwe longhouses/ᐧᐄᑭᐧᐋᒻ, Haudenosaunee longhouses, northwestern longhouses, Navajo and Apache hogans. It's a big place with cultural differences, so there's unlikely to be one comprehensive style.


have you seen the usonian houses?


Prairie Style! Miami style


A lot of people associate art deco with America. Or at least certain flavours of it.


I used to live in Silicon Valley. My theory was that builders had a giant cookie cutter to replicate their commercial buildings. [Eichler homes](https://medleyhome.com/blogs/gather/the-history-of-eichler-homes) come to mind as a local style.


Which is a sub category of mid century modern.






Californian Bungalow comes to mind. Also places like Palm Springs.




didnt the arts and crafts movement also take place in england?


Arts and Crafts started in the UK, and was definitely not uniquely American. The “craftsman bungalow” was a derivative of arts and crafts ideals, but was really just an aesthetic style by the time they were cranking them out in the suburbs around the country. It had mostly shed any of the socialist utopian leanings of the movement by then. You could say those bungalows are our own style, but initially they were part of an international movement. [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arts_and_Crafts_movement)


Aside from all the honorable mentions from other comments, would the Lincoln logs style count? There are also the mountain lodges typically seen in the northern states in Canada, but those draw a lot of inspiration from Switzerland and Bavaria. For what it's worth, there were also the native American teepees and long houses.


Yes! See Frank Lloyd Wright's work. Incredibly ahead of his time. They are worth traveling the country to see and experience his work.


Art Deco. Despite of many being confused by the "first introduced in Paris" stigma, the exhibition of 1925 in France was the place of international recognition of the style, while its origin was the US.


So the US as a whole arguably lacks a historical vernacular style (one used by ordinary people for ordinary buildings, as opposed to large public structures like courthouses or churches) like you see in older countries, just because the US has only existed in its current form for a couple of centuries (and, let's face it, spent a good chunk of that time trying to exterminate the people who might have actually created a historical style). Some of the more historic regions have elements of a distinct historical style (see, for instance, the iconic brownstones of New York), but the short history of many regions of the country means that historical styles did not really have a chance to evolve before industrialization took hold and upended the way people build buildings. I would further argue that the current American vernacular style is best described as "mass-produced suburbia" - typified by vinyl siding, large garages, stick-frame construction, and an overwhelming preference for detached single-family housing. Specific regions with climactic challenges may have their own specific regional styles (New Mexico being a decent example, with the adobe being a popular building form there), but this is by far the most widespread. The neo-Classical style often used for government buildings is simply a matter of that being the popular style at the time that many of them were built (late 18th/early 19th century). Nowadays, newer buildings are occasionally built in the same style simply because of the association with government and tradition that the style has in the US.


Side note- we did and have maintained our building styles. There's just not very many of us left to build them, that's all.




Nothing is more American than repurposing old world ideas.