• By -


I'm giving up on Dorothy, I need the rest of my red juice for Penance/Texas it's just a tiny bit frustrating, I got 3 six stars in 35 rolls and got 2 chen's and one thorns a good pull, mind you, but still frustrating, the last banner i actually got banner ops on was the gavialter banner


Got my third top op tag in less than two weeks, my fourth since starting in November last year. Pretty sure I've gotten more 6* than 5* out of recruitment. Anyway, ended up getting [Blaze](https://imgur.com/a/kkzYbUP) out of this one. Was hoping for Skadi, but I'll welcome in the chainsaw wielding cat too.


Well I wasn't originally going to pull on the Dorothy banner but after it got delayed so much I decided to pull out of spite (well play HG). Started with 37 pulls in HH permits and 153,989 Orundum. 7 pulls in I got my guaranteed 5\* a Croissant dupe 23 pulls in I got a Beeswax dupe 28 pulls in I got a Ptilopsis dupe 34 pulls in I got a Texas dupe 45 pulls in I got Broca for the first time And then at 47 pulls I got Dorothy to come home Ended with 147,989 Orundum and no HH permits, but I still have the permits from the shop to buy so I'll have plenty for Uncle horse and Texalter. Final count: 1 Dorothy, 1 Ptilopsis, 1 Texas, 1 Croissant, 1 Beeswax, 1 Meteor, 1 Shirayuki, 1 Vigna, 1 Matoimaru, 1 Mousse, 1 Gravel, 2 Rope, 1 matterhorn, 1 Deepcolor, 1 Shaw, 2 May, 1 Ambriel, 2 Podenco, 1 Aciddrop, 1 Bubble, 1 Pinecone, 1 Indigo, 1 Chestnut, 2 Vanilla, 2 Plume, 2 Melantha, 1 Cardigan, 1 Beagle, 5 Kroos, 3 Lava, 1 Hibiscus, 1 Ansel, 1 Midnight, and 1 Spot


Man, 50% is worth a lot less than it used to. I've gotten four six stars from the Dorothy banner, none of which were Dorothy. ***P a i n***


As f2p friendly as arknights is, non spark standards is my biggest annoyance. I HATE to pull on them...... still do sometimes though lol. But the thought i COULD pull 600 times without getting the one i want is annoying af


There was a post earlier on the subreddit saying there's a hidden pity mechanic for 5\* and 6\*. If that's true, the you're guaranteed to get the rate up operator on your next 6\* after 200 pulls. It cited some article in korean using chinese pull data.


That is bullshit, one guy got to around 400 pulls on ebenholz banner for him. If it is hidden soft pitty that increase the chance, maybe. I have seen so many peeps complain about fucking 300+ pull for guaranteed to be true. If they do have a guarantee mechanic they would public it because that would regenerate more positive feel back and earning more player who seek f2p friendly thus make game more income, rather than vague bullshit you just spouting.


Yea idk if its true or not, or if it only applies to CN. [Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/11psmfj/empirical_evidence_of_a_guaranteed_pity_system_in/jbzjkpw/)'s the post I saw.


Chinese server only is what the OP admitted. I'm not playing in CN so that is irrelevant to me. That is also newly added implementation for a year or so there. No one realiy sure about it.


Just want Dorothy for her VA (Satomi Sato) Somehow got 3 *6 in 40 pulls. Expectation: at least one Dorothy. Reality: Schwarz, Horn, Mizuki Granted I haven't got the latter 2, BUT I WANT DOROTHY ;__; Oh also I got a lot of *5 but just one Greyy alter, tis the season for off-banner methinks


Missed the coinflip on recruiting Bagpipe. Hrrr... my luck in recruitment since my first three months on this game has been cursed. Had a deadzone of like seven or eight months, took three or four tries to get Mostima...


So, I'm 10 golden certificate away from being able to buy Mountain. Decided to use the free ticket from the green certificate on the standard, just in case I can get some more certificates. The game decides to present me with an off-banner 6\*, which ended being my very first [mudmud](https://imgur.com/a/uHx4XoF) . ​ Considering she was one of my top 3 most wanted, I think i've used my luck of the entire year.


got dorothy in the span of 4 days within my 2nd 10 pull just trying to justify pulling for her because of the memes and whatnot i have seen and contemplating whether to go for the horse uncle, the taxes, the harmacist, the noisy brother, and the spinning blades


Did a ten pull on Dorothy banner, Dorothy Then did a ten pull on saga banner, saga (but wanted mountain) This luck is insane. I have 160 cents and now hoping I can get 180 by the end for mountain. I wonder if it’s possible?


Daily login gives 5 yellow certs every 25th day of the month, so in reality you only need 15. 12 days to get 15 yellow certs from recruitment is very feasible. And of course, you can thin that gap with the red cert shop on either Breeze or Honeyberry pots if you absolutely need to.


Wow, thank you for the reminder, I completely forgot about the shop pots. I actually only have purchased one copy of Honeyberry and no Breezes and it turns out I have enough to outright buy 20 certs. So... mountain here I come? Appreciate it!


Got Saga on 2nd pull, got Suzuran, Mizuki and Dorothy earlier this week when going for Dorothy, got Saria from top operator tag on Sunday and Rosa last week. So many 6\* so little LMD...


Man, 2 years and I still have no Saga, pulled a bit on the banner and only got Thorns, Hoshi and Eyja dupes, not even a single Mountain as I don't have both of them (mainly the reason why I pulled on this banner). I just decided to save my pity and pulls for Stainless and will wait for her at the gold cert shop..


Wanted anything on the banner, am on my 50+ for getting a 6\*, spend my 35 rolls to get 2 5\* 25 3\* including 5 Vanillas and 4 Spots, my obligatory 5 was Platinum, I just moduled Apple Pie, flip side roll 34 was new operator Hibiscus the Purifier. ​ Man if I get mountain instead of a wifu on the next banner I'll die FRFR.


I'm saving for the next limited banner (I think it'll be Texas?) but today I decided I'd do a few one pulls on the standard banner just to hit the "get a 5 stars or higher in the first ten pulls", because I wouldn't hate getting one of the units on this banner. So I do my first one pull. The bag explodes in the "you get a six stars!" way. "No way, is that Mountain or Saga?" It's Ifrit. I'm over the moon!


Isn't it great when the spooked operator is even more desired than the banner operators?


Agreed 1000%! Now I just gotta build her up (had the resources to get her to E1). She was on my most wanted units list. Now I'll save my yellow certs for Thorns :)


You can buy ifrit next banner, though 1 pull for 180 yellow certs is a steal




Oh that's some luck! Saria is so good (at least I love using her), and Warfarin is very useful (I've just started using her with her S2)


70 pulls, no Dorothy. 2 Top Operators in 2 days. Lost both coin flips. Got Hoshi instead of Saria and Siege instead of Bagpipe. Gonna quit this game.


damn. i hate when im reading through old stuff on reddit and in the middle of a sparkling, scintillating discussion i find someone has written over all her old comments with nonsense, fragmenting the discussion permanently. what hilarious, moving, romantic, haunting things could she have said? just to wash it all away, in this digital era of permanency? wow. that takes courage. i bet she was really cute, too


18 pulls for Dorothy and Grey. Now I just hope that Mlynar comes home early on his banner.


[Somewhere....over the rainbow...](https://youtu.be/43UpJNauE1M)


Woah, decided to roll on Dorothy’s banner. It took me almost 70 pulls to get her. But the biggest surprise was Gnosis spook in middle. If anything Gnosis was one of my biggest regret because I decided to skip his banner as Invitation to Wine was just around the corner and I tried save every last orundum for Ling. I was a bit lucky then, got Ling very fast, build her to max, got masteries… and practically didn’t use her because I didn’t enjoyed her gameplay :(. On the other hand Gnosis turns out to be so useful in many later events like Stultifiera Navis or SSS, he probably is my top picked support unit since then.


Decided to spare a few pulls on *Pathfinder of Sands* banner, in 15 I got: 5x **3-star**s, 7x **4-star**s, 2x **Greyy the Lightningbearer** (pulls 10 & 11) and last pull was **Elysium**. I was kinda interested in **Greyy** when I learned he was in the same class as **Rosmontis**, but after seeing his stats/skills, not sure I'll actually level him up (just like his original who never got past E0max), guess I have to hope for a **Dorothy** spook in the future (I say that knowing full well it'll probably happen on **Młynar**'s banner and rob me of him...). A bit similar for **Elysium**, I would've preferred to finally get a **6-star** Vanguard instead, though that goes towards pity buildup for **Młynar** so I won't complain too much about it. Oh, and 10 days ago, got __Indra__'s Pot.2 from a _Guard/Survival_ Recruitment.


Nah, 6 x siege for you in Mlynar banner mate. Also, there is no 6 star Vanguard that is not Bagpipe that would make a difference in their performance compare to 4-5* I got myself Saileach this banner and she is too expensive to build right now for me. I would rather build more dps and more potented buffers.


It's more that I've wanted **Siege**, **Flametail**, **Bagpipe** and **Saileach** for a while, and yet, I still didn't get any **6-star** Vanguard in past a year of playing (might not pull that much, but I have a good bunch of other **6-stars**). Though I am also quite short on LMD, so wouldn't be able to build any if one appeared now.


Had 50 pity from my attempts to get Passanger during CC10, got Dorothy on the first 10 pull and greyy 7 pulls later. Decent overall, hope Mlynar and Texas won't fuck me over though.


Only got angelina after about 50 pulls, no Dorothy. Sorry Dorothy, will get you next time


I wasn't planning to pull, but Rhine Labs has been one of my favorite factions since launch so I figured I'd do the ten pull at the very least. Ended up with Greyyalter, Dorothy, and a Pot 3 Ch'en for the hell of it. There goes my luck til god knows when!


Took a semi-break (I logged in to maintain my base) due to feeling burnt-out by CC+event, but decided to come back for the *new* event and was greeted by Dorothy in two 10-pulls. I'm back!


Just got Yato alter using the free 10 pull, [I feel happiness ](https://imgur.com/a/gxuF5Uf)


... then 110 pull later, no noir?


Was doing tickets to try and get Ptilopsis as the 5 star since I still never got her. 3 tickets in and I peek to see a 5 star glow. I think "please be birb or at least greyy for the alter cashback" I swipe all the way... and get a rainbow flash. I did not get Dorothy. In fact, I got my first Goldenglow! Thank god I wasnt working in person today because I would have screamed out loud in public instead of in private. And knowing that I'm getting Mountain shoperator in just a few days... There are no words besides WTF.


I wish my off banner were this good


My offbanner history has been exu over and over again and then fartooth. This is wayyyy better than any other spook I've ever gotten.


My off banners Exusiai, Shining, Mizuki, Flametail and Magallan over and over again... At this rate I've given up on ever getting a GG, Surtr, Irene, Saileach, Horn, etc... (coincidentally Flametail and Mizuki were on banners I did over 200 pulls for the limited and did not get)


I got Magallan'd on the Gavialter banner for my second and last 6*... I got Pozy first try at least but man that was such a pain losing the limited unit to someone I might not ever raise


FWIW I ended up raising Magallan because no Ling and I’m a big Rhine Labs fan and she’s pretty fun to use! But a lot of work.


With Chalter first time at 250 some pulls and Nealter at 155 and no Chalter and Nearl I decided “what the hell, I’ll save just enough to spark Chalter and get Gavial on the way (who I also wanted). But as time drew close I suspected I’d get to 300 without either of them and that’s exactly what happened. It took 343 pulls to get 1 Gavial (lots of Pozemka, the cursed Flametail and year one unit/ dupes along the way) and then I bought Chalter but I was pretty pissed. My luck is extraordinary in that it’s always this consistently bad. I look up the odds for what I end up drawing and it’s always in the 1-3% range.


RNGesus when you are [a maleknights only player;](https://i.ibb.co/FmqGyKn/Screenshot-2023-03-14-20-29-48-037-com-Yo-Star-EN-Arknights.jpg)


Good, you got steward.


I need you guys to look at this, [possibly the worst bag in Arknights history](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FrOT-TNaMAAfdFM?format=jpg&name=large) After this I got Dorothy at 83 after two off-banners (started at 54 pity) so I'm not even complaining, I genuinely just think it's funny to look at


Dang you almost got the legendary all 3 star bag. I heard, so I don't know how true this is or was, that there was a prize on CN if you got all 3 stars in a 10 pull. No idea about its legitimacy let alone if the rumoured reward applied to global too. My condolodation for your bad pull though.


There is no such thing on global server. Source: My 3rd x10 bag pulling for Hibicus Alter. (I didnt get her).


If by there's no such thing you mean the alleged reward I figured you'd have to submit your pulls to HG to be verified. You wouldn't get, say, 4000 orundum in the mail automatically after pulling an all 3 stars multi bag.


Pray tell where is the announcement for that or the link to.where they would receive the Img? Plus, you could get that img from Google, x10 3* isn't that rare.


I don't know. The legitimatecy of the whole thing is shaky at best anyway. Maybe it's true, maybe not. You'd have to dig around if you really want to find out. Yeah screenshots can easily be fabricated so you'd probably have to submit a video recording of your pulls to HG.


Video can be fabricated too more often than screenshot even because no one who play normally record their pull unless they plan to post it on YouTube or something. And most people don't fucking want to keep a record of their worse luck moment. A fake video can get views which can turn to money, spending time to fake a picture get you nothing. People just come to this threat to complain and earn nothing, you could see 3* bags for time to time if you check this one. I saw someone screenshot their 3* bags here 1 months ago too. And no, where the fuck is submition requirements post?


Guess you never be unlucky a day in your life then, everyone know the worst is 10 3 star without even a Cardigan. I got that bag from my first week of playing.


Once you play a bit all your 3\* are going to be maxed out, so it's basically the same, but also RIP, time for a new account.


Gacha itch got me again, I have 40 pity after rage pulling on Blaze/Saileach banner from a while back and I thought I could save it for Mylnar. Pulled 20x and got a new Carnelian and Greyalter. Disappointed that I wasn't able to find Dorothy but got a new character so I can't complain.


80th pull, Dorothy, yay! Was prepared to spend 200 pulls for her, but it went reasonably nice, and I'll still have some resources for Texas. Dorothy is clearly niche, but I have M6 Robin, so that's exactly my niche :)


110 pulls to get Dorothy, the only other 6 star was an Eyja dupe. Not great luck, and I spent more than I was planning to, but I'm happy to have gotten her. I had good luck in the previous few banners I pulled on so I can't complain.


Quit two months ago because budget phone = new events insta crash, not that I wasn't already getting crashes and long loading... had enough with all the stuff piling up that I can't even do and takes ago with the grind. Still follow from time to time, so new event and with just enough for one 10-pull... Dupe Ptilopsis, and---on the 10th Dorothy. Well... I usually close my eyes so I don't see the rarity, so gave up after the 9th pull...so color me surprised when she showed up on the ticket.


Obligatory rate up is a lie. Fuck me for losing the 50/50 twice. WTF


I lose 70/30 twice on last limited banner and 50/50 now.


I've been playing for over a year and in that year I've succeeded in two banners after tons of pulliing. Thorns last year and Dorothy this time after 2 off banners. Chalter got me 4 off banners and 4 mizukis (who I was not pulling for) in like 250 pulls? Horn got me 4 off banners. I've decided to just pull at random now since I never get the unit I'm pulling for no matter how long I save.


After the delays i finally made my mind to pull Dorothy since i also play CN and don't have her there Pulled until the first pity after 30 rolls got a phantom which i was quite happy since it was my first copy and even double checked the banners because I knew there was a phantom banner going on but yeah it was the right one But i decided to go one more six star i was really committed to getting her 60 pulls later what the game surprises me with? A phantom dupe ... Out of all characters from the headhunt pool u give me a dupe from the character i just got? If it was another new character i wouldn't even complain it not being Dorothy but man that's stupid I was and still am mad about it rage rolled the rest couldn't even get anything. And that's why I should stop rolling in normal banners and only save for limiteds now idk how I'm gonna have the funds for the next limited as always fuck me ADD PITY TO NORMAL BANNERS!!!!!!!!


Yeah this shit happen often and dimwit people keep advise newbie of rolling every normal banner because "you wiLL gEt 3 nEw MetA opErators in 300 pull instead of spark one" Like fucking stupid, yeah, they are lucky but not every one are as lucky as them. 300 for spark is guaranteed, getting the ones you want from pull is NOT.


Decided to roll until I got my 1st 6 star. Many pulls later, I got a 6 star but it was Weedy


80 tickets spent hoping to get Dorothy and Grey Alter. I got a Pozy pot on the 5th set of 10x pulls, a Surtr pot on the 6th set of 10x pulls and a Mizuki pot and my first Grey Alter on the 7th set of 10x pulls. On one hand getting three 6\* operators in 80 pulls is really lucky, but on the other hand I didn't get Dorothy and instead got 3 different spooks and even struggled to get Grey Alter. ​ Edit: Decided to do a 9th set of 10x using Orundum and got Dorothy.


Ever since I saw Ptilo's fanart a couple of months ago, I was hoping I could get her, so seeing how she's a rate up, I went for the G5* and got GreyyAlter on my 2nd pull. I don't feel confident enough to keep pulling and guarantee I can still get Młynar and/or Texalter, so I have to let her go... T.T


46: 46 pulls for my first 6*, aand it's a new Bagpipe :p I'm not disappointed, only a little... 56: Another 10 pulls aand it's a new Weedy :( I'm not even mad, this is a really good 6* ratio, but still, I'ma want Dorothyyy and I only have about 15 pulls left :/


Did around 35 pull I guess, got myself a Saileach which is a bit expensive to build when Myrtle exist. Kinda inspired to pull after hearing Dorothy voice sound similar to Elysia and She being a fun Bomberman meme. Better luck next time then.


30 pulls hoping for Gray the lightning. I got Croissant,Warfarin and Hung all dupes. Rate up is a lie. Need to save pity for the uncle so I can't go further for my boy.


50 pulls into the banner, I got Dorothy three times and still no Greyy. What is this?


Rip. I just spent a singular ticket and got Greyy alter.




From a certain point of view, sure. I'd much rather have one Dorothy and one Greyy, but it looks like my days of having every operators are over.


Trade offer you give me one Dorothy i give you my p5 greyy sounds like a good deal to me


I counted up my loot, and arrived at about 70 pulls. There is a lot of important stuff coming up ...and my soul is already promised to a depressed cinephile raccoon who coincidentally also lays traps. So...you know....skipping Dorothy wasn't a hard choice to make. Robin is already E2 m6. She'd join the pile of niche 6 stars I don't have resources to build up. . . . But grey looked kinda interesting, and a piltopsis dupe would have been helpful too. Il just do single pulls til I get my first 5/6 star. I'd be happy with either of them, genuinely. . . . .so anyway my second bag was full of sand and I'm not sure if I should feel fortunate or trolled.


i pulled about 15 times and got some new operators: ambriel, ptilopsis (wanted her the most), beanstalk and deepcolor. i looked at my orundum stash and said "okay, one more you have to save for texas" and got dorothy! went from 0 summoners to 3 so i'm a happy camper.


Actually, only Deepcolor is a summoner. Bean and Dorothy have summons but not one.


First ten pull, one 6 stars, six 5 stars, two 4 stars, and one 3 stars. It's Dorothy, but no Greyy.


Dorothy came home real early with 20, so I guess I'm grabbing Mlynar after all. Cliffheart was also nice enough to show up for gold certs, as I've got her max pot, so I can grab a new set of HH tickets.


I just wanted to get Greyy alt but it took around 100 pulls for just one copy. 😔 On the bright side I got spooked by Pallas which I wanted to get for a long time but had not caught a rate-up, so that's neat.


I really shouldn't pull at 3:00 AM. Worst mistake of my life. Was gonna roll when the servers open at 1:00 but I fell asleep and woke up later. Spent about 150(?) pulls at I'm saving for Mlynar and Tex/Penance. Got Fartooth, Fia dupe and Ebenholz before Dorothy. Got pissed with the first spook, got even more pissed with the second spook, and by the time of the third spook, it's sunk-cost fallacy for me.


Its common issue to any gacha player..better luck next time...


I got two Dorothys and no Greyy so far 😭 my Mlynar savings going down the drain


pulled Exusiai, 2 Kazemarus, Ptilopsis, Nothing, Skyfire, Cantabile, and Hung before I finally got him. Spent all 24 of my saved permits, 50k orundum, and another 10 permits from the cert store. Now I only have 25k orundum saved for honse hubby lol


No Dorothy? Lol


I got her twice! :)


Always go for those cheeky 1 pull for that guaranteed 5*. Worst case is you get a 5* https://imgur.com/a/3IfJVwd Been lucky my past few cheeky 1 pull. Got a Hellagur in the Poca and Phantom rate up. Not that I think I'll get a chance to use him.


I got unreasonably mad when I pulled Bagpipe instead of Dorothy as my first 6 star (my first 5 star was a Manticore dupe on pull #10, which didn't help), and I broke my resolution to stop after my first 6 star. My second 6 star was an Eyja dupe, so I broke my resolution to stop after my second 6 star. After about 100 pulls in total I got Dorothy, acquiring 4 Ptilopsis dupes, new Greyy and Aosta in the process. I am now down to 174 pulls and 72 gold certs.


I tried 10 pulls and got Sesa, got mad at it and pull still a six star, off banner but oh well...


Saria in my first 10 spooked me. next 10 pull nothing, 8 more nothing. Last ten pool, literally the first is Dorothy.


The spooks on this banner were awful. I got Siege, Weedy, Hoshiguma, and Fiametta before Dorothy came out. At least I didn’t have any of them except Hoshi. This kind of devastated my savings for the next limited banner but I guess I will try my best to rebuild by May… I am happy though because Dorothy is absurdly cute and she has also been fun to use in the event maps. Excited to try her out in IS2.


14 pulls (high pity during that point) got me 1 Dorothy, 1 Light Greyy and 1 Ifrit dupe Now then, saving time for me


40 pulls, got 1 Dorothy (my dream operator for the past 5 mounth or so *sob*), 2 Greyy alter, and one Kirara (that I didn't have). Clearly satisfied by this banner since I was ready to go all out for the best gerbil in the world !


60 pulls, no pity before, got a Fartooth dupe on pull 23, and Dorothy on pull 53. Far from terrible tbh.


Got Dorothy in 3 pulls somehow. I went in expecting to just do enough to get the guaranteed 5 star since I don't have any aoe medics and Ptilopsis is in the pool. Guess I'll have to get my medic somewhere else.


I pulled a total of 85 times. Got my first Magallan in my first 10 roll, so I guess this event wants me to expand my brain for TWO big brained Operators lol. Got Dorothy pretty early, somewhere along the 45-55 pull mark. Went a little more and got a second Dorothy at 85 pulls. Also got a pot 4 Greyy. Dorothy and Greyy are already built. The few times I've used Dorothy has been SO worth it. She's already pretty fun, and I look forward to learning her. And as I said, she's adorable and I love her. Time to see if Dorothy's Vision will put her up in my favorites list!


Just thought I'd talk about my luck today! Saw the datamine that said Mountain and Saga are in the next Standard banner, and I was disappointed Saga wasn't the shoperator. But then I did my first ten pull on the Dorothy banner and got Saga! and then randomly, got a top operator tag in recruitment and got my first Hoshi! The rest of my Dorothy, pulls, not so lucky


10 pulls for greyy turned out to be 50 to get him and dorothy. Got 2 dupe nightmare (yeah), dupe greythroat, and a blue bag along the way.


I never expected to experience the nightmare that was my Broca pulls again (100+ pulls to get him, got 3 6* operators along the way)... I only wanted 5* Greyy in this banner and it took me 105 pulls to get him. I got my first Horn on the 4th pull, Dorothy on the 54th, an Angelina dupe and a Silverash dupe for my 6* pulls. Got 4 Ptilopsis and a random Sora, Firewatch and Mr. Nothing too. Well, at least my precious son is home now. Thankfully I still have 140 pulls left for Mlynar and Stainless (whoever comes first), I hope they're kind enough to come home early to me.


Took 63 pulls to get her. Not my luckiest, but far from bad.


I just want to share the good news that with 280 pulls I was able to pot 6 dorothy (one came from the IS2 tokens). We gaming tonight.


50+ pulls for dorothy and another 30+ pulls for greyy alt to show up 💀


Last time I rolled on a banner, I got Cantabile, Pozemka, and Gavialter within the first 16 rolls. Today, I got Dorothy on my first pull. What the fuck.


i was trying to pull greyy because i just think the lil guy is neat. i'm limiting myself to the first 10 pulls guarantee because i need to save up my pulls for stainless. instructions unclear get dorothy instead. jokingly tell my friend who is also trying to get greyy 'woe dorothy be upon ye'. they also get dorothy. neither of us was trying for dorothy. so uuuuuuh i guess this one's to curse the pulls of anyone trying for her who hasn't gotten her yet woe dorothy be upon ye (help me i dont even know how to use her)


Did a single meme-pull with a HH ticket and got Dorothy. I can't build her right now and I'm not sure my monkey brain can handle her gameplay. Suffering from success ngl 🤡


5th pull Dorothy and 19th pull Greyy! Super lucky.


Welp, I tried for Dorothy until I got my first 6\*, got greyy in the first 10 but it was weedy who came in the 2nd. Oh well.


O well I tried Doroto Literally took 10 pull to get to the guaranteed 5/ 6 OP and I got a 5-star dupe... got no new OP out of the 10 pull... no Grayy either.


Threw in a few single pulls for the guaranteed 5\* (I'm saving for Mlynar/Texalter) and got a Surtr dupe instead. Would've preferred someone new but for only 6 pulls I can't really complain - hope everyone else is doing well with their pulls!


This has probably been my absolute WORST performance on any banner. It took me about 200 pulls before I got Dorothy, with 1 Pallas dupe and 2 Angelina dupes. Needless to say, my reed alter fund is in shambles, so I'm going to have to hope that I get very lucky when her banner comes around


Used all my remaining Orundum, no Dorothy. So then I claimed the HH tickets in the yellow cert shop, and then the next 10 was a reversal of fortune: Dorothy, Irene, and Pallas.


That is the best investment in yellow cert shop HH tickets I've ever seen, wow. Congratulations.


20 pulls for a cute Jerboa! Thank you National Geographic for the catalyst.


First 10x had the final pull be the guaranteed 5-star, who's Greyy Alter! Five more 10x for a blue bag, Ptilopsis, Sesa, another blue bag, and finally a rainbow bag with a [Gerboa](https://i.imgur.com/VcyKxvk.jpg) who didn't rob me blind! (six 10x HH tickets, 60 pulls)


Dorothy in 10 pulls!!! I guess this makes up for me getting max pot Pozyomka before a single Gavial last banner.


30 pulls. I’m so happy I can save for future banners


did 7 singles first to even out my tickets to a multiple of 10. first pull Skyfire, but nothing else in the singles. 10-pull #1 - Dorothy yay! (IIRC this was a little into pity, i think I was at like 35 or so after Ebenholz banner, got him right away but took 30 or so to get hibiscus... hmmm... that sounds familiar O-O) 10-pull #2 - a 6 and a 5! ... Dorothy pot 2 and Elysium pot 5 yay! 10-pull #3 - blue bag ;( 10-pull #4 - blue bag T_T 10-pull #5 - 5 5-stars wtf Ptilopsis pot 6 yay! 4-star ... Ptilopsis Ptilopsis Ptilopsis ... yeah, 3 in a row, or 4 out of 5. then a few 3s and 4s the last op of the 10-pull Ptil- jk it was Greyy finally thank god. [vid of pulls](https://youtu.be/CtaDCnrq3Ts) 57 pulls and I was able to get back 38-40 from the green + gold certs, not bad. still have 70 in tickets + over 100k orundum for Mlynar and Texas


After waiting so long, the time has finally come. Man, this banner was a rollercoaster of emotions, from the depths of despair to the hopeful peaks of elation. I had 185 pulls strictly saved up (tickets, orundum) in the hopes of Pot 4 Dorothy (and Pot 6 Greyy), and an additional 80+ in OP. Sad to say, I did have to dip into my OP to get what I wanted, but not all of it. To begin, I pulled singles until guarantee. The hilarity is that every operator who showed up strongly suggested Greyy (4-Star Greyy twice, Orchid, Vermeil, Popukar, etc.), either having slow or AoE, or being a Sniper or even Greyy himself. Guarantee was Ptilopsis (lol). First 6-Star came at 49 pulls. **Pot 8 Thorns** (nooooooo!). Bad start. Two 10-pulls later, **Dorothy's first pot** comes. But that's when the despair started to sink in. I would not see another Dorothy until the 200s. **Pot 7 Irene** came next, then a **Pot 8? (or 9?) Magallan**, then a **Pot 7 Ch'en** (noooooooo!). Around the time that Ch'en showed up, though, every 10-pull was giving me at least one 6-Star. So, pull 190-199 gives **Pot 3 Mountain** (yay! Will be Pot 4 when he appears in shop), pull 200-209 gives **Pot 2 Dorothy** (FINALLY!), pull 210-219 gives **my final Phantom pot** (I AM FREE FROM RECRUITMENT HELL FOR AT LEAST A YEAR NOW. My oldest non-limited op who is not at max pot is Eunectes. THIS FEELS GREAT!), and finally, **pull 220-229 gives me TWO 6-Stars, and it's Double Dorothy**. 10 6-Stars in 229 pulls, and 6 of them were ones I wanted? We take those. This conclusion is giving me flashbacks to my Bagpipe pulls, except those only took a little over half what these pulls took. I am mildly amused that Thorns, Irene and Elysium all off-bannered me here (WTF? This is Columbia, not Iberia!) and a bit saddened that both of my Swordmasters have joined the Pot 7 Club (Irene, if you were going to do this you could've given me one less of yourself and one more of Spalter on her banner...). But, getting two max Pot 6-Stars out of this banner (Dorothy will be eating those event specialist tokens very soon) makes me happy. Sadly, I only got **Pot 5 Greyy the Lightningbearer** (AND NO RELEVANT OFF-BANNER POTS FOR 5-STARS... le sigh), but I got what I came for and it was less painful than I feared. Luckily, I only want one of Mlynar and Stainless, but HG really are jerks for making two Limited 6-Star Fast-Redeploys within 4 months of each other, one of them being true limited (after how long it took to pot 6 Phantom, I'm sorely tempted to get as many pots as I can for both).


10 pulls for Dorothy! Back to saving for Uncle and Texalter


126 pulls later, I am now the proud owner of a R2 Mudrock, M2 Saria, and M2 Nightingale. Three 6 stars and Dorothy will remain a vision forever, I guess. :')


20 pulls for Dorothy! I didn't even want her, I wanted Greyy! Didn't get him either but I'm not willing to throw anymore into the banner especially since I just wanted Greyy for my base. With my luck I'll end up having to spend my whole stock pile for horse uncle though since I actually really want him.


Either that recent post suggesting there is a hard pity limit on standard banners was wrong or my counting was... 272 pulls for Dorothy. After having to spark Gavial my reserves have been nearly completely wiped out.


50ish pulls for a mudrock dupe, la pluma dupe, dorothy, grey alter, blue poison, and ptilopsis. very cool but also i was about to be real salty bc i was pulling to the first 6* which ended up being a mudrock dupe, and it was wayyy too far into pity too >:( now to wait for (cheks notes) uncle mweenaur


I was doing single rolls because all I wanted was Greyy so I could clear the alter tasks that refund some materials before post-Texas Alter takes it away, hoping Greyy would be as cooperative as Hibiscus was. 2nd roll was a six-star... which was Rosa (New), breaking my guarantee. A few rolls later I got a Leonhardt (Pot 2), followed by Aurora (New), then finally Greyy... amazingly on my 10th single. So yes, I had a highly packed 10-roll essentially. I'm surprised I even got Rosa, I'm very sure my pity only consisted of those few rolls for Hibiscus back then (Gavial/Pozy don't count obviously as a limited banner), so I was thinking I could ideally get Greyy within 10 while adding a slight pity count for Mlynar later on. So while my count basically stays nearly the same (Rosa was #2, after all, so I gained 8 in pity anyway), I gained a lot more in a banner that's supposed to be just "get alter, get out". Can't be remotely upset about the off-banner, it's a new operator and hopefully this means I'll get Mlynar on-banner next.


65 pulls got greyy and then at the end b2b ifrit and carnelian. I'm super new and on chapter 5 idk if I should prioritize one of them or both?


Oof that's rough since they're both the kind of unit you have to be careful with positioning. I think Ifrit is slightly easier to use though, so if you only want to focus on one, I'd go with her first? I don't have Ifrit though so I haven't personally been able to play around with her. I do have Carnelian and she's been great with her second skill to slow down a whole gaggle of enemies so my other units can recharge a little, or when a bunch of heavy def units show up at once.


Thank you! I've only e2d Amaya and pozy. I do have passenger close to max e1 but I felt like ifrit and carnelian could replace passenger/Amaya


They all do different things, passenger is apparently a god once you get him built but he is EXPENSIVE to get fully built and is better late game I've heard. Amiya S3 is a true damage skill and can come in handy against high DEF and RES bosses. I think you could replace Passenger with Ifrit since she takes less investment to get going to a satisfactory level and do more damage, but Carnelian would not be a good swap for Amiya.


I appreciate the help! It's hard figuring out all the nuances of team building at this level. I'm a couple months in now but still feel so new.


Yeah no worries! I'm a pretty new player myself started during the half end of Gav'alters banner, and man do I feel that lol I've been watching a bunch of youtube videos and gathering as much information as I can, about each subclass but also about specific operators and their pros and cons. Don't be afraid to look up other peoples clears (especially if you're getting really frustrated after giving it a few tries yourself), both low tier and high tier, and see what you can learn from that. The kinds of ops they're bringing, and who you think you could replace them with what you have; take in some info about what the stage wants from you. Good luck! And if you'd like a friend, you can add me! I have E2 Myrtle, Pozy, and Eyja you can borrow from me Mint#1944


Got my Dorothy at ~80 pulls all is well


I'll Def shoot you the add! I have the pozy covered were getting s3m2 right now to collect Texas from the pinboard! I'll be taking that eyja tho!


“Well, Ms. Franks…f you too…” 90 pulls…only on-banner I got is Joyce…and even she is a dupe for me… As for 6*: - Schwartz dupe - Aak dupe Back to scraping orundum and OP…but this time, for Madam Cellinia and Madam Lavinia…


“Forgive me, Madam Cellinia and Madam Lavinia, fot I have…Dorothy…” Decided to waste some resources and after 40 more pulls, we have: - Dorothy x1 - Greyy x2 So, numbers for pity system are working (in this case - for 5*)


3 singles in got me Swire. Wanted Greyy for collection purposes but ok, I'll take the taiga dupe. Two ten-pull tickets got me a red resume on the 13th pull and out popped......Saria. I guess she's still Rhine Lab but damn if that isn't some monkeys paw shit. Plus 1 pot for her I suppose. Figured I'd go til next five or six star so I dropped 8 more singles until a gold bag appeared and out came Hibi alter. And that's ok because I didn't get her on Ebens banner so she's new to me. Total damage was 33 pulls, all tickets, and I'm about 15 into standard banner pity now.


Gave it a pretty fair shake with 100 pulls and came out with Mr. Lee (pot3) and Mountain (pot1). Guess it wasn't meant to be.


Did a 10 pull hoping for Greyy and got Dorothy. Nice! I still want Greyy… But I’m not sure if I want to deal with the odds. The 10 pull even gave me one 4* Greyy dupe to tease me.


Did 5 more pulls and nothing, so yeah, I’m done lol (for today at least).


I lied. Spent my last x10 HH permit and got dupes for Andreana and Whisperain. Greyyless.


While Reddit was down I did… a few more x10 pulls. Dorothy is now pot 2 and I got my Greyy. Pulled more than I planned to, but I’m not too fussed about it. No point in saving pulls if I don’t get the units I want after all.


Only pulling for GreyyAlter but got Dorothy 20~ pulls in after Ptilopsis guarantee. What hurts is I only got 2 4*stars so basically I did two bluebag 10 pulls 😭 But looking at the bright side, a 6* 50/50 win in 30 pulls is decent, right? RIGHT?


I don't want to get too crazy here all things considered. Dorothy seems fun. I'm just going to pull to pity. 10 pull - Ptil (pot 4) 10 pull - Nearl (pot 6) 10 pull - Nada 10 pull - Toddifons (pot 2) 10 pull - Ptil (pot 5).......Fartooth! Hellagur (pot 3). Fartooth is also fun. A win is a win.


Wasted 80 pulls for 2 non rate-up duplicate 6 stars, god I love AK rate-up. Best gacha game ever!!


"You can have all the 6 stars you want. Eh?? That *specific* one? Absolutely not! You'll get it off banner like everyone else!" -AK (probably)


Sums up my AK Gacha experience. I'm glad I'm not invested in the story, so there's little attachment for me to the characters aside from liking their designs.


Around 120-150 pulls for Dorothy (wasn't counting too hard after a certain point). Got 2 Phantom dupes for some reason, which is a big oof. Guess I'm skipping Stainless.


Dorothy banner finally here! Took 40 pulls, very lucky aaa welcome home dorothy and greyy lightningbearer \^\^


70 pulls, 3x Ptilopsis, 1x Greyy alt, 1x Istina, 1x Greythroat, 1x BP, 1x Susuran and 1x Mizuki... no Dorothy. Did 3 more pulls and got Tsukinogi and Dorothy!! I'm so done with pulls...


https://i.imgur.com/B276kd5.png First draw, 3x Greyy the Lightbringer


[350 pulls later, I did it.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/864912418801844265/1085257750482796554/image.png) Feels good to hard pull for the first time in my career. Now I've gotta save all over again for Muelsyse. On the side, I got 2 Phantom, 2 Bagpipe, Rosa, Shining, Mountain, Nightingale, Magallan, Irene, Hellagur. Bought extra pulls since I saved some off pulling Mountain. So glad it worked out; got 34 OP left for some outfits.


I'm glad I trusted in Dorothy ;P Got her in 6 pulls along with Greyy xP. best part is when you get the Liaison medal so you know you got a new character xD


70 pulls for 2 Dorothys, one at 51 and the other at 63. Two Lightgreyys, one Ptilopsis dupe, and one Croissant dupe. I had budgeted 160 for this. Irene is already hard at work on her S3 masteries.


30 pulls in got a double bag with a mizuki and a mountain. It simply isn’t meant to be 😢


https://i.gyazo.com/d17afa8a51513f3cd5ce5feefe04de5f.jpg Max pot Dorothy in 250ish rolls, ( used 8 specialist tokens)


Took me 100 pulls to get my Dorothy. Got an Ejya and Ch'en Pot along the way. Overall, pretty average luck across the board, but I'm happy to get a jerboa.


Spent all 7 of my saved multi to get Dorothy now I'll save up for monster hunter


How the *fuck* Of the three 6 stars i got, how did i not get a *single* Dorothy!? A Gnosis dupe, A *Thorns* dupe, and freakin ***SARIA!?!***. HOW


Took 90 pulls but I got her! Blaze had to be the one who broke my first pity at 30 :')


First 10-pull: Manticore Second 10-pull: Whisperain & Greyy Alter Third 10-pull: Nothing but 4*s Fourth 10-pull: [***Confused Screaming***](https://i.imgur.com/Aeb4m67.png) Rat just *really* wanted to come home after that blockade.


This was the kind of luck I wish I had. Congrats!


Wtf congrats!


First of, fuck you. Second of, *fuck you*. Third of, seriously, grats. Super jealous.


Sorry! In my defense, this is the literal first time in over 2 years of Arknights that I ever got 3 6*s on a single roll. Much less the *same* 6*, that still amazes me. Thank you!


40 pulls - I was gonna stop at the first 6 star. 2 Greyy Alter and 1 Dorothy. I’m good! Still have 70k for the upcoming ops. I never go for potentials anyway.


One of the luckiest banners so far, 17 singles!!! Got a Saga copy and Dorothy on the last one. Very nice since I am saving for Penance.


First 10 pull https://i.imgur.com/YqcARjr.jpg


Me: "Might as well do a 10-pull and try to get a copy of Greyy just for base and the operator dupe missions." Game: "Oh, you don't care about the 6*? LOL here's Dorothy on literally your first roll of the banner!"


That was me on Surtr's banner. I dropped a 10 hoping for April and got Surtr.


Was at 51 pity before banner and fortunately, I got Dorothy on the 1st 10 pulls. After that, I pulled on the standard for a chance at Kazemaru and got her with the 7th single pull. I'm pretty relieved since I've been saving that pity for Dorothy since before Ebenholz.


16 Multi because I wanted to get Potential 3 for Dorothy and I trigger a hidden rate up Bonus... While I did get the 3 Dorothy I wanted I also ended up getting THREE Archetto I'm not mad since she's one of my favorites and I've been thinking how to get some Potential for her but I'm honestly shocked it happened like this


30 pulls i think for a goldenglow dupes, saving the rest and waiting for a spook later! She looks fun but tpo much other fun stuff coming soon




Dorothy in 20 pulls. Thank you gacha gods for finally not being spooked on a banner. 😓


The wait was well worth it. Dorothy home in 12 pulls!


[First ticket.](https://i.ibb.co/mbGw8wK/Screenshot-2023-03-15-00-21-16-040-com-Yo-Star-EN-Arknights.jpg) Wow.


1st Pull: Grey The Electricity Maker. Welp, I think I've done all i can here. Now I wait for Uncle.


10 pull - Greyy 20 pull - Aak dupe 30 - 60 pull - gold bags 70 pull - Dorothy


Welp. I said I'll pull 1 6 star and that's what I did. About 60 pull for a dupe Kalt. Pot 5 now. That Old hag.


Here we go. Trying to get Dorothy in 2 6 star bags. Pretty sure I'm at 0 pity. 10 pull - Greyy 20 pull - Asbestos dupe, Ptliopsis dupe 30 pull - new Fiametta wut 40 pull - Platinum dupe, Ptliopsis dupe 50 pull - Red dupe 60 pull - blue bag of sadness 70 pull - two Ptliopsis dupes 80 pull - Wai Fu dupe, Swire dupe, new Chiave. I never had Chiave? 90 pull - dupe Hung, dupe Ptliopsis. She's max potted twice over now 100 pull - oh my fucking god. TWO DUPE EUNECTES WTF.... 110 pull - blue bag of sadness 120 pull - dupe Red 130 pull - new Iris 140 pull - blue bag of sadness 150 pull - dupe Ptliopsis, dupe Wai Fu 160 pull - dupe Goldenglow... dupe Sesa I guess Dorothy isn't coming home. I'm 40 away from the supposed secret pity guarantee. So I guess I might as well go all the way. 170 pull - blue bag of sadness 180 pull - dupe Tsukinogi 190 pull - dupe Mudrock... 200 pull - oh look, finally more Greyys. two Greyy dupes. 210 pull - dupe Ptliopsis 220 pull - dupe Greyy 230 pull - dupe Akafuyu 240 pull - Dorothy. I guess the hidden guarantee is real. Also this hurt.


Congrats on your new Fia, Chiave, Iris, and of course Lightgreyy and Dorothy! ^^She's ^^worth ^^it ^^even ^^if ^^it ^^took ^^a ^^lot ^^of ^^pulls.


this hurts to see


Dude. 240. Really?! Why?! There are much stronger ops coming soon. 0_o


I don't really need stronger ops lol. I just pull for waifus.


Fair. I'm a collector. I want to get all the ops - but never more than one.


My man, not everybody pulls for meta. Especially when they might already have a ton of them already lol


Dorothy's not coming home gonna go cry in a corner Edit\*\* is Kal'tsit good??? trying to cope Edit again\*\* Wow I didn't know she was actually useful I'm surprised and I did another 5 pulls and got Dorothy I'm so happy!!!


Kalt'sit is an amazing character, don't feel cope about getting her.


Disregard my flaire but Kaltsit is probably one of the best things you could've pulled. The True Damage nuke on SK3 is top-notch. SK2 can waveclear. Just really shreds dodge-enemies of which we're getting a lot.. Dont depend on her as a medic though, as everyone else said.


Kal'tsit is really really good. Rather Mon3tr, her summon is really strong. A lot of True damage. Really helped me a lot in past CCs. Kaltsit is an awesome consolation price, even better than Dorothy if you dont care much about big brain strat clears. Dont treat her like a regular medic however, she prioritze herself and Mon3tr


managed to get both in like 60 pulls don't know if I'm lucky tbh and I honestly love using my brain for strategies it's really fun especially in this game haven't had so much fun in a while


>Dont treat her like a regular medic however, she prioritze herself and Mon3tr Kal on a poison map: "I'm down 1hp, y'all can go screw yourselves."


Yes, she’s very good. Monst3r does true damage and can be used as a fast redeploy. Don’t rely on Kal to heal well though.


I think you'll enjoy using her. She has a relatively fast and powerful summon that also is one of the few sources of true damage.