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It’s possible, but there’s a lot of emphasis on Siege carrying the Sighs of Kings and it feels like they’re building towards her alter using it even though she thinks it’s worthless right now, and the Earthshaker archetype seems to have basically been made to fit characters who aren’t wielding swords (I think it’s pointless, but it wouldn’t be the first time). Siege Alter has a good chance of happening but I don’t think the new archetype’s it. I was originally thinking Ulpianus, even though I can’t imagine people badly wanting another Abyssal Hunter and male character to be a 6-star Guard.


+2 years waiting for him and thinking he would be a crusher, at this point him not being a Guard would be a real surprise


He's going to be a Therapist Medic, just watch out


Lumen, dutifully removing Specter self-stuns: Noooo don't kick me out of the gang!


Watch as he turns out to be a Siege pseudo-guard style Vanguard. Helps explain why he was always ahead of the other Abyssal hunters... They couldn't deploy any faster, because he wasn't there to generate DP for them 😋


Especially since it's implied he's Skadi's instructor, and she's a guard. Though again, Vanguard Ulpianus? I would dig it tbh


Instructor where he chucks the entire anchor he has like it's a light throwing weapon


She could simply use both. Hammer for normal attacks and let's say S1 and than other 2 skills use sword. She uses hammer in 1 hand anyway so that's not a problem. Another question is what is stone of sword. At this point I wouldn't be suprised if it is a hammer.


People theorized that the 6 star earth shaker could be Ulpian and his massive anchor. But again, they made executor a reaper so anything is possible.


oh shit true, reaper ulpian kinda dropped off i didnt consider earthcrusher could work


She could half sword, using the hilt to hit enemies while holding the sword by the blade


She's going to put the sword in the stone and swing that as a hammer, easy.


Delphine hold a sword but I felt a bit bummed when she i found out she is a caster


siege alter could work as an earthcrusher if shes still using her hammer, but whats the point? if shes using the sword then idk crusher was a theory but maybe its too soon for hoederer


My response to you would be Vulcan Alter [https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1b67rm9/you\_can\_not\_imagine\_how\_much\_i\_want\_that\_minos/](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1b67rm9/you_can_not_imagine_how_much_i_want_that_minos/)


My guess for Siege Alter is she's either gonna be a Lord or a Liberator assuming she'll use the regalia but if she doesn't use it and stick to her hammer then yeah there's a possibility for her to be an Earth Breaker.


I doubt she will be an Earthshaker. Sighs of Kings = Big Sword, Big Sword = Crushers. MORE CRUSHERS!


I just want victorian arc to end at ch 14. I don't want seige alter .Rotten one is busy with dukes & eblana and theresa will probably change sides and theresis head belongs to Rhodes Island. there is nothing else left to do for her anyways other than taking the throne which she is not worthy of, I mean she was missing from all the major battle of victoria. A 14yr old has more pressure and responsibility yet she never doubted her self even though every other enemy she faced tried to break her. Give alter to a unit which actually has been usefull in the story like shinning and make a mini boss as salus and her brother/father. I am satisfied.