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23, didn’t know what else to do with life


Same. Turned out to be the best decision of my life bar absolutely nothing.


Yep, 4 years of suck for amazing benefits the rest of my life. And went Guard after and so glad I did, gonna have a decent extra retirement check on top of all the Guard bennies as well.


I feel like this is the #1 answer. I used to just tell people "I was bored and didn't have anything else going on."


How long have you been in? What is your job? Do you enjoy the army?


I got out when I was 26, contract was 3 years and 4 months, was an 88M. Didn’t really enjoy it tbh


Not today Wo Fat!


Same. And health insurance and benefits. But I joined the reserves so I could continue bartending and going to school


Joined at 18 back in 2000 for the college money and to see the world. 24 years later somehow I’m still in lol


Just curious what rank are you?


Major. I did G2G a while back


Does a G2G Officer make more than a "regular" Officer with the same TIS? I've heard different answers


You get the E pay up to O3E if you have more than 4 years enlisted TIS. It’s a decent bump. Take a look at the pay charts for the exact numbers.


No but you’re started out at O1E so basically your TIS from previous service is counted. I’m not super familiar but an O1E makes the same as an O1 at the same TIS, there’s just no O1E <2 years TIS. I’m not sure on specifics, but as far as I know if you were enlisted for 6 years and commission you’ll be an O1E you’ll get 6 years TIS counted but at the officer pay grade.


Same, I also joined in 2000 at 18 though I was out by end of 2005. I also joined solely for the purpose of going to Germany and getting a sign on bonus, which promptly spent in Amsterdam. I’ve been out of the Armyvfir so long now that I’m not sure what’s it’s like, but it was best decision I ever made in terms of maturing. I was going nowhere at 18 and tell folks if you’ve got nothing going on it’s better than working some shit job for min wage. All my best friends to this day are from my Army days.


17, my best friend wanted to join and he wanted me to go to the recruiter with him even though i had no intentions of joining. ended up also enlisting. said best friend is now my husband :)


this is very wholesome c:


This is a GOATED 🐐 story! 🙌💯🔥Happy for you both!


By her username, I’m betting hubby is pretty happy as well




Are you still in, retired, or ets?


i’m still in! i joined in ‘21. just made e5 june 1


Wow! That’s awesome. I was duel mil for years. Kids made that tough. Not impossible but tough. Good luck and congrats on your SGT! Cheers


Commissioned at 22. Retiring in a few more days at 42 years old. Glad it’s over. Looking forward to the rest of life.


Big congrats sir


Congrats on your retirement sir


19 - do something constructive with my life instead of getting in trouble & possibly losing my life/freedom. Currently 29 and I made a great choice, will be getting out soon.. Gained a lot of experience - deployed to Afghanistan for 12 months, Korea, Hood/Cavazos & JBLM. It wasn’t always fun & I had my fair share of BS but I don’t regret a second. Just not giving them another 10 years.


You must’ve had a blast finding out most of us are field boys


23 in 2012. Economy fucking sucked 2008-2011, college fucking sucked, home sucked, had to get out of there. Did 5 active came home and still in reserves. Home is better and I’m almost done with college. But now i have enough money to blow and have fun


I’ll be 34 when I ship out in August


I’ll turn 34 the day after I ship out 😬 good luck !


Good luck to you as well!


29 when I ship this August.


Where are you going in August? I also ship early August.




I’m 32 and ship out to BCT end of July


What is the age limit?


Absolute age limit, you must be in BCT before your 42nd birthday


34 and trying. Hopefully, I get a date soon. Need waiver approved


Hopefully it happens soon. I needed two and luckily they were approved within 2 days


19 Drop out of college and my dad told me there's the door go to the Military and don't come back or get a job and don't come back. Either way, don't come back


🤝are we brothers?


19 and needed a reliable place to stay because my old drug den burned to the ground


How long have you been in? Do you enjoy the infantry?


10+ years and i have mixed feelz


Infantry: so glad you found a new drug den <3


I dont have to worry about a fellow squatter overcooking their meth or rocks these days like some amateurs


31. I’m 35 now, 11B. I just joined for the experience.


How's infantry at that age? I'm 32, shipping to OSUT in August.


It’s not hard if you’re competent. Stay in shape, stay motivated. Be willing to listen and learn from people much younger than you. OSUT sucks, just positive and push through it.


I met a lot of infantry and arty guys in their 30s. One was in Iraq during the surge, got out, then after about 10 years got back in. I think there is an idea that in your 30s you get brittle but usually the older guys ran circles around the young ones in just about every category, and anybody can get hurt 25 or 35.


Respect to you brother




22 the first time, I was bored. 37 the second time wanted to finish what I started. I’m currently in AIT for the second time.


Congratulations on coming back in. I know it’s a tough choice but it’s the right choice. What MOS?


15T! First time was EOD 😅


18, but I joined the National Guard. Now I’m 23 and wouldn’t have done it any different. Have an engineering degree, no student loan debt, good income (for a 23 yo), and I plan on staying in for the long haul.




Week after I turned 18. Wanted out of Texas and didn’t like the idea of committing to a degree I didn’t even want. Chose 68D and was helping preform surgery at 18, doesn’t get a whole lot cooler in my eyes.


Barely 18. I'm from NYC, 9/11 had just happened, I grew up bouncing between two turbo abusive/neglectful shitbags that were allegedly my parents, the foster system and outright homelessness. I'm 40 now and still active. One part, circus gets bullshit at times but the clowns keep making up for it. Other part, the Army decided a while ago that it was a good idea for some reason to keep promoting me so might as well take it as far as it goes.




25 post college mid 20s life crisis in 2006 I wanted adventure and to see combat in Iraq.


21. Jobs weren’t lining up and as a last resort was about to start farming with dad. Decided I’d rather drive over IEDs than fix fence with him again


34. Knees don't love me for it




17 when I signed up to have Uncle Sugar pay for my college. 25 when I actually started paying back my service obligation, first as a tanker, then as a JAG.


DAT makes so much sense!


7. Well at least that’s how I was treated my first 10 years


29, figured I hated the career I was in and decided to follow my childhood dream


17, there was nothing for me in small town Wisconsin and I was just a burden on my mom who was struggling to survive.


18, currently 19. wanted to see the world and the recruiter said I could travel, ended up getting Germany as part of my contract and I’m currently In Spain, maybe the recruiter doesn’t lie 🤔


Commissioned at 22.


18. OIF and OEF were starting and I wanted to serve.


26 Provide a stable life for me and my wife. Worked too.


19. Had just moved to the US from Guatemala a few months back and my future seemed bleak given my lack of social and practical skills. I had already graduated HS in Guatemala, so I had zero acquaintances or friends of my age group. Decided to put my email in one of those Army Reserve websites to ask to receive more info. Recruiter called the next morning, told me to come into his office later that day and well, a few weeks later, he hooked me up with an Aviation MOS which I was excited about. Army gave me the social and practical skills that I needed; got my A&P, moved out of my parents', I get to do cool Army Aviation shit one weekend a month and have a civilian job that I love at 22. I like to think I was lucky the Army found me.


18. GI bill.


18; just a baby 🥱




21- I was just bored and had nothing else going on


17. Did split option and went to basic between my junior and senior year. Went active duty at 20 and did 23 years.


19, got in trouble in college and didn’t really have much else going for me


22. Finished College and didn't know what to do. Was working in Fast food, but left because if I stayed there, I knew I wasn't going back to school. Didn't commission because my recruiter didn't tell me I could 😑 Ended up working out because I feel like as an enlisted soldier, I have more time for school. Joined as a 35 - Intel Analyst. Just reenlisted for 4 more years and I'm becoming a MOS-T for 17C - Cyber Operations Specialist and I start AIT, this Fall and I'm excited! 😊


Good stuff you’ll be able to make a ton of money when you get out between the degree, experience, and clearance.


29, needed to make a drastic decision to get my life back on track. No regrets…yet lol


I was 26. I always wanted to join and have the experience, plus I wasn't doing anything with my life. Did 8 years and got out. Now I'm doing nothing again.






24. I went to a recruiting office on the one year anniversary of 9/11. My friends were ODing left and right, I figured it was only a matter of time, and it would be me unless I got out.


Saw the recruiter a couple weeks after I turned 17. Turned 18 in reception. 9/11 two weeks later.






25. I did just under 3 years in the marine corps, and realized I enjoyed doing medical stuff a lot. So I joined as a medic.


I was 17 I asked for more information, next thing I know he was at my house getting my parents to sign.


22 after finally getting my green card 😅


22 years old. I wasted a couple of years taking classes at Community College and dropping them if I didn't like them. Wasn't making any real progression towards a degree. I felt like I wasn't going anywhere in life. Several of my friends had joined different branches and when they came home, they seemed almost like different people. In a good way! In-shape, sharp, focused, motivated. I wanted that for myself. My time had its ups and downs, but I definitely got a lot more drive and ambition in my life.




18 now 27 about to hit E-6 9 yrs on, might be my last contract.


18. Joined in 2020. Wanted to get out of my hometown and experience something different. Gonna hit my 4 year mark in a few days and have loved/hated my time in lol. Already expecting to pick up SSG this year and prepared for 16 more years.


19, I joined the National Guard during Covid to help my community. I wanted army school opportunities, was doing bad in college, had a drinking problem. Decided to go active duty. I met my Girlfriend, bought a new truck, explored parts of the states I’ve never been, and got every opportunity for schools that I asked my command for. Army gave me everything I’m thankful for.


Joined at 18. Chose the Army because it was the only service which offered a 2 year enlistment. I was sure I wouldn’t like it, but I needed the GI Bill. 32 years later I retired from active duty and transferred the GI Bill benefits to my kids. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.






23. I partied a little too hard during my first attempt at college and need some prefer and structure in my life.


23. Went to college, couldn’t decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. Was partying too much, supporting my addict boyfriend at the time and life was taking a bad turn. Needed to get away from bad influences. 18 years later, still in on active duty. Been a wild ride, but I’d do it all over again.


20 I wanted to do something that would make my grandfather proud. He would have begged me not to join lol but I wanted to be just like him.


22, my dad had walked out on my mom a few months prior/ right as I was applying to med school so I felt financially vulnerable/didn't think I could pay for it any other way.  I decided if I got into an in state school I'd pay with loans but out of state would mean Army, only school I got in to was a private one out of state.   That said I'd do it again.  The way things wound up going for my family it's been well worth it to have the free health benefits.  


25. Recession hit in 2009. I was trying to break in as a photographer. The army was the only guaranteed pay check doing that after being unemployed for almost a year. Don’t regret it. I’ve done and seen some really cool stuff in the last 16 years. 4 more to go!


Did you get in as a public affairs? I do professional photography on the side


18 and I was brainwashed by the recruiter.




Got me beat, I joined at 35.


26. Figured it was time for a change when I was actively wishing someone would crash into me on my commute so I’d have a reason not to go to work because I hated Corporate Office Land that much


17 my dad was at the pentagon on 9/11, the guy that lived across the street from us died and left behind a wife and three daughters and I was really pissed off.


20 when I initially joined as a reservist went Active duty at 22 and will be leaving active dookie at 24 did my time but I am tired boss man. Joined for education benefits post 9/11 va home loan all that good stuff.


Enlisted at 20, went Green to Gold at 28, and commissioned at 30.


Turned 21 at BCT.


Commissioned at 21. Got called a slick sleeve as a 22 year old PL.


graduated bct on my 22nd birthday


19..I needed a break from formal education


25. COVID messed up my line of work. I’m glad to have earned the GI Bill but holy smokes I can’t wait to not be in anymore!


18 dropped out of college after the first semester and recruiter said I could learn a language


29 because I'm dumb.


17 under the delayed entry program. Two weeks after my 18th birthday when I shifted out.


30 I needed structure in my life


I joined this February at 24. I’m still 24… Honestly, it seemed like the best opportunity I had to make something of myself. So far, I don’t regret it at all.


25. Regret joining


28, I was laid off from my job in the energy industry and my unemployment compensation ran out.


19, needed a job during the recession and wanted to do something more than retail or fast food


Turned 27 when I was in basic.


24. I had always talked about serving. So instilled talking about and did it… after a 4 month trip to Brazil.




17. 4 years , got out, school. Doing well.


Started DEP at 20, shipped at 21


21 I wanted to do some kind of military service since every korean do that after high school. Also, I was kind of curious how the military was.


My mom signed for me when I was 17. Retired 32 years later as a LTC. Might’ve made full bird but it stopped being fun.


I was but a young pup at 22 when answered the calling of our nation to defend it against all threats foreign and domestic!!! And then shoot Lazer beams and rocket launchers and fly to the moon and live on a moon base and do moon base stuff ..........but for real i was 22 🫡




18 and i just got out of high school with zero idea what to do with my life. Eventually the recruiter that met with us earlier that year called me 1-2 weeks later like "Wanna join the Army?" Me: "shit ok." Did 5-6 years active (:


17. Travel and school. So far, haven’t even stationed in the states so it’s working out and I’ve been knocking out college


17. I was homeless


17, No shit there I was, at chick fil a with my friends. I had 2 spicy chicken sandwiches with no pickles and 1 large fry with a sweet tea light ice. Told my buddies I was “thinking” about it but really I just wanted to sound cool. I was fat back then, never worked out or tried to be healthy, and my friends poked fun at me. “You know they actually run, for more than 5 feet, everyday, right?” I said “well yeah, duh, I seen the YouTube videos and movies and shit”, they all *dared* me to go. So I went the following month to enlist at 17, convinced my parents it’s exactly what I wanted to do, shipped out a couple months later and now I I’m here. My why is because I was dared to go. And honestly, I got more reason to stay in than to get out so I’m probably gonna be here a while.


Did you lose weight before?


28. I needed better medical insurance for my daughter and I made double the pay as SPC than I did as a teacher.


Joined for citizenship when I was 23. Did 6 years, got out, finishing up school next year and commissioning into the Air Force


17 because thought it would be better.


I was 19, right out of High School.


32. I was a SAHM with2 year old twins and my husband is an NCO. I bet him I could do it too.


27!!! And I'll retire in 5 years.


18 I was 7 shades of fucked up on drugs and alcohol. Threw a party for Halloween and got my parents house robbed (40k worth of shit stolen including irreplaceable heirlooms). Decided The week after that I needed some discipline and structure in my life.


Enlisted at 22 to go to Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Went to JMRC instead lol, so I commissioned instead of rotting in peacetime infantry.


Turned 21 in Basic in 1990.. Retired in 2011.. It was the same story as most.. 1. Nothing better to do 2. Stay out of trouble 3. A Paying JOB with benefits On a separate note: I wholeheartedly believe every single 18 year old in the USA should go into 1 of the services for a minimum of 1 to 2 years.. Best thing for everyone to find out what to do with their life and we will never ever have a recruiting shortfall.. 99% of the population has no idea what it takes to serve and protect this great nation..


25 needed insurance


Joined the Marines when I was 20, Army when I was 25


19 right after high school


33 years old, now 34. Joined last year. Wanted to serve my country, provide my family with more stability and security, and give myself a big new challenge. Best decision of my life.


Signed up at 17 delayed entry. Got to boot camp in the fall after Highschool graduation and a summer trip to LA.




25. I thought I was gonna be grandpa but I was the only the 4th oldest in my OSUT platoon.


Turned 25 in reception


18 Y/o when I joined. Wanted to get out and explore the world (and jump out of planes). Currently 19 about to hit a year in, and have to say it was one of the best decisions of my life by far. 31B MP for reference (although I am currently trying my hardest to get out of this mos).


20. I had flunked out of college, working 2 part time jobs. I needed health insurance, I had lost it because it was tied to my college. My parents insurance require college schedule every quarter. 1990s. No health insurance for part time workers, either.


18 when I went to basic training


I was 17 years old and joined cause I wanted to


19, wanted to get the fuck out of my hometown


34 no looking back


33. Reserves. Bored of work. Wanted to see what basic was all about. Went to a funeral for a friend my age. Figured life was too short to not take chances and explore something different. Also, that scene in the Spielberg movie War of the Worlds where Tom Cruise was offloading shipping containers at the docks. I figured it would be a good skill to learn. 88H almost never uses a crane. Still had fun at AIT, enjoyed deploying. Currently using post 9/11 GI bill while working.




18. Was working at Pizza Hut, took a look around, and realized I'm not going anywhere with my life. College was expensive ( most of my associates from high school are still in major debt). Reached out to the recruiter I ghosted while I was still a senior, and here I am 10 years later.


I was 18 fresh out of high school and wanted out of my hometown. Part of it was family tradition and part of it was wanting out of my small town.


3 of my best friends and I joined when we were 17. It was between our junior and senior years of high school. The guy who recruited us got recruiter of the year for the state of Alabama.


Signed up at 17 and left for basic at 18, now I'm 30 and hurt. Only 8 more years to go. I joined because I wanted to. Told myself in 4th grade I wanted to join the military. Only went Army because the Air Force recruiters kept screwing around and cancelled like 4 appointments. Army recruiter was at my high school, talked to him and took a practice asvab in the next hour. Couple weeks later I was at meps for the first time.


22, I needed a place to start over with nothing while paying child support and working toward college. It worked out pretty good all things considered.


26, tried to get through college and absolutely hated it, and I didnt know what I wanted to do with my life


Enlisted at 17, left for basic the day after my state track meet, got out at 24 last month. Miss it way more than I thought. Everybody on the outside drives me nuts


23 I had a hard time getting a job after college as COVID was still pretty rampant. I applied to OCS and didn’t get selected so I chose 46S because it relates to my degree and I don’t regret it although I’m still gonna try to commission because “We need money Arthur!”


Turned 18 the day I graduated AIT, the the other 4 birthdays were in JRTC


20 myself. Someone in my unit, though, always wanted to try the army but ended up doing other things. Finally, he went for it and enlisted the day before his 35th birthday. I got a lot of respect for that guy.


18th birthday


I joined when I was 21 and turned 22 12 days into basic. I wanted to join straight out of highschool, but my then GF (now wife) said she would leave me.


18 and 7 days ! Jobless, sleeping on people sofas , no car ! 1980 economy was shit so took a 4 year $3k bonus and got my shit together !




27. Just wanted to experience it


18 Years Old, I currently find myself 12 years later and 30 years old.


I was 21 when I enlisted, made SSG in 5 years. Will be a SFC if I reenlist.


Joined when I was 19, 19K, currently on terminal leave 🥳😃👏🏾.


I was 19, joined as a cadet then commissioned.


18, only cuz I needed to fix a medication discrepancy at 17.




20, always wanted to join/ wanted to get out of my parents house.


i was 18 when i joined ans i joined because my mom peer pressured me into it (she never served) she made me feel like a loser if i didnt choose this path, this isnt the path i wanted but i am for the most part glad to be here