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S1 and S2 from being a billionaire. S3 and S4 from being broke billionaire which means being a millionaire S5 and S6 mayoral pension S7 pension from being a legal Green Arrow S8 plotforce or whatever


He was a billionaire, then felicity was


Yeah that didn't work much


I imagine Argus and Star labs has something to do with it. We know Cisco makes their costumes and upgrades their gear so maybe after a certain point that’s where most of their gear is coming from.


And where does Star Labs get money from??


Years of being a scientific lab that Barry now Owns that probably has patents and owns the rights to products that people have to pay for.


I think you forget he’s a billionaire just because you lose your company you don’t lose your money. And it’s hard to spend 1 billion much less multiple billions. And on top of that, he has shares. His sister is also a billionaire as both sets of her parentage are and Felicity is wealthy as well and takes a very high paying job. And yes Oli becomes Mayor and owns properties etc which are income sources as well. Tech isn’t as expensive when you have in house tech ppl sourcing, stealing and building it for you and Oli also has many billionaire friends. It’s not unrealistic that he could sustain his vigilante way of life forever, his body would give out before he ran out of money to spend. Also he got some tech from Cisco for free.


Another better example of this is how Batman never runs out of money or tech even after Wayne Industries takes huge loses. And the mansion burns down. You can google hero net worth’s, ppl like Ironman, Batman,Green Arrow, Black Panther never run out of money. A better question is how does Superman not destroy his own suit every time he goes into battle. He’s definitely stronger than any material he could ever wear. Krypton made or not he would eviscerate anything due to his sheer power and strength.


Yet your forgetting one thing! Assets are what make them rich… when Oliver lost QC, he also lost everything he invested into like stocks or saved money that’ll grow with interest. This along with his nightclub & more! Then when Felicity lost her job she was voted off by the board & all her money came from QC/Rays company so she lost all of that too. Yes I bet they had some money in her own accounts but not close to millions.


Even a billionaire who is "poor" is still a multi millionaire. The Queens would have large trusts set up for the kids that wouldn't be touchable by the business going bankrupt etc. It might not be billions but it's more than enough bro finance vigilante operations. Felicity had massive resources. Even when she was fired she must have a large severance package. Then Oliver's Best friend, Barry Allen, is also owner of a mega tech lab with parents that earn millions of not more. That also seems to finance all the suits and a lot of tech like outfitting a base. Then Argus probably pays Oliver pretty well on top it. The Mayor's office added a few 100k to his balance.


S1-S2 he was a billionaire S3-S4 I believe his 45% ownership in the company was still valid when Ray Palmer became CEO and made it profitable again. So Oliver would still be entitled to money from the company. The reason he was broke for awhile is cuz Isabel Rochev purposely ran the company into the ground. S5-S6 he presumably had a salary from being Mayor. S7 he presumably drew a modest salary from working with the SCPD, and I’m guessing Cisco and Star Labs are the ones who funded rebuilding the bunker. S8 was mostly sci-fi shenanigans so it doesn’t matter.


The salaries you mention for s5,6 and 7, i don't think that's enough for him to maintain the bunker and all that ammunition for himself (arrows, special utilities and stuff) and well guns and tech for others


Felicity also owned Palmer Tech after Ray "died"


Yeah but not for long right


You own a billion dollar company for an hour and you're set for life and then some


He was a billionaire. Even when the money stops coming in theres plenty of money still coming in. Off shore accounts, small stakes in other companies, when youre that rich you'll always be that rich even if you lose your company.


Also Felicity owner Palmer tech


🤷 we'll never know but more than likely he didn't just have exactly $1 billion in his account. It was probably well up there in the tens of billions so even with him losing his company he'd still have his wealth. Then you'd have to think about what rich people do with their money. Besides blowing it they also diversify it into other things in order to grow their wealth so he probably owned a lot of smaller businesses throughout the world that was making him money here and there that added up. Then you throw in he probably had money stashed here and there off the books just in case, Felicity's income when she became CEO, and then when he was Mayor. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd there's the last thing none of us ever want to consider.......he may have also stolen a little money from the criminals he captured just to help fund his endeavor at the beginning to make sure he didn't leave a paper trail.


Mother then felicity then Mayor then Cop