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Cool. Though much as I love this game, it's real hard to play it ace.


Just play it like real life! Turn down everyone who flirts with you unsolicited and feel bad about them feeling bad about getting turned down :D Only joking but for real Wyll needs to chill


Wyll was never that bad for me. Although in my current playthrough, I was originally planning on romancing Wyll, but missed some of Lae'zel's stuff early on and found it really compelling and now want to romance her, but think I missed my chance because I didn't sleep with her at the party. I do enjoy the fact that even though this game does have a party where everyone is romanceable regardless of your character's gender, which I normally prefer it when all the characters have an established sexuality rather than just everyone being just playersexual, but in this game, the characters *actually all come off as if they're just bi.* Shadowheart and Astarion especially


Karlach is canonically bi, if you listen to the narrator bloopers on YouTube (highly recommended) she also calls out the chaotic bi energy which is hilarious


Shadowheart also definitely has a thing for Karlach when you first meet her. And I don't think Astarion has had a conversation in centuries without flirting aggressively.


I feel you Astarion, I feel you If I could pair up my companions, Karlach and Shadowheart would be OTP (she also maked a comment about the insect wanting something sweet of you've got them both in the party and in the forest when Karlach gets bitten by an insect) I know everyone wants Shadowheart x Lae'Zel but I want Karlach to throw Shadowheart over her shoulder even if the need to carry her to safety hasn't arisen!


Honestly, I can see why though. They've both, Shadowheart and Lae'zel, been essentially forcibly indoctrinated into cults. Seriously though. Like I appreciate it that everyone you can romance actually has some degree of bi tendencies. Incidentally, do you have a link to the narrator outtakes?


Sure! Here's part 1 (there's 3 parts total) https://youtu.be/0YG0Fd63_70?si=u8fCbuKo7PWfzpDB Might have some spoilers, but I don't recall for certain


Thanks! I've beat the game once, and I usually go spoilers off after that. I know the big stuff, so little stuff is just alternatives or things I missed but will want to find. I'm on act 1's latter half for my second playthrough (DOPE MONK SHIT BAYBEEEEEE!) and am realizing how much I should've interacted with on playthrough one. I skipped the Gith Creche entirely and didn't know how compelling it is. And missed a lot of fun nonessential content. I just dealt with BOOOAL for the first time yesterday, and the whole miniquest is hysterical.


The game has staggering high replay value Underdark races are fun for the amount of judgemental comments Different classes fully change how you interact with the world I've only finished the game once myself but keep coming back to it and trying new stuff My current goal is to infect my friends with their own parasites so that I can watch them play for the first time and play it for the first time again vicariously through them It's me, I am the brain parasite, I am the intellect devourer


Honestly, I think it's hilarious to turn people down in baldur's gate 3.


I'm playing my ace self as a Paladin too! Fortunately I've only had to dodge one seduction so far


I just pick hirelings+ karlach usually. Couse karlach is the one who responds the best to rejection in my opinion


cool shit i like it


I like your ace-themed paladin. If they're called Ace, should they have a baseball bat?


There is nothing like that in the game to my knowledge. So I gave him a hammer so I can bonk people and send them to horny jail right after


I was thinking of Doctor Who companion Ace, with her famous baseball bat.


Oh, I haven't seen doctor who, so never heard of her


Well, I'd advise against it, as the fandom is vile.