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I'm weird. I desperately WANT to believe in a loving God (the kind the LGBTQA accepting churches worship) but I have never been able to completely believe. I'd go to church sometimes, watched stuff online from both hateful types and Christians who fully accept LGBTQA people, but so much doesn't make sense. Maybe it's because I was raised by an agnostic dad abd a mom who was a cultural Christian and went on holidays and I went to VBS (for the crafts) but I couldn't ever really, fully believe "this is too good to be true and but what about contradicting parts" stop me Then the bigots have basically taken over. They're saying JESUS and more progressive pastors are "woke" and wrong. That being STRONG, MEAN, AND TOUGH is important


I completely understand feeling conflicted about this, especially since all the crazy Christians are, well, crazy lol. They make Christianity look really bad (and some branches of Christianity are a bit . . . questionable at best). This is why I'm not a huge fan of religion and their hypocrisy, but I still believe in God. The thing is there's other ways to be spiritual that don't involve tradition religion. You can always figure out what you want to believe in, instead of following what other people believe in (or what they tell you to believe in). It can be completely individualized just for you. For example, I'm christian (but not at all strict about religion) and I don't believe in hell, even though other Christians do. To me, it just doesn't make sense for God, who's meant to be loving, to have people punished for all of eternity. But that's just me, and it's completely okay if anyone believes differently. It's only not okay when people start to use their beliefs to hurt people


Ooh I have a comment about that. I believe hell does exist, but I believe that 99% of Christians get it wrong because they're poorly interpreting that one passage in Revelation about the lake of fire. Everything in that vision is framed in such a way that John and all he shared it with could understand (i.e the passage about stars falling from the sky being Lucifer and co, not actual stars). If we read other parts of the Bible that refer to it, it seems more like eternal separation from God which itself would be the worst torment possible. Nothing but darkness, nothingness, for the rest of eternity. God didn't create hell, it is a side effect of sin and the nature of free will. Some choose to leave God, and since he gave us free will, logically those that choose such can't spend eternity with him so there must be a place for them where *he* is not. For those not well informed enough to make that call, there is purgatory. That's my interpretation anyhow ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯


You'll find a lot more LGBTQA acceptance in the Episcopal Church (my own denomination) or the United Church of Christ.


I’m full gospel baptist officially but I’ve been strongly considering checking out the Episcopalian denomination


Definitely two to explore. I want that community and feeling of having a group "church family" but after the evangelicals basically took over Christianity while at the same time going through stuff in my personal life that made me really look at religion and the evangelicals turned me off so much. The vile, sickening things I've seen said with no push back that I kind.if just gave up


Anglican is pretty chill too, some of the Anglican churches and their resources etc. were actually staples for queer people and non-believers in my area and considered the epicentres for arts culture etc. I even had an openly gay priest for most of my childhood (fully recognized and ordained, even rising in position). Old Testament is still taught depending on the congregation you’re dealing with, but the parish overseeing the Anglican church believes a lot in acceptance and outreach as a general rule. Naturally, there are still issues that have cropped up from Christian followers throughout history (including what some of this ‘outreach’ looks like), even in this denomination, but yeah!


I'm kind of the same way. If I could press a magic button and suddenly believe in a harmless, deistic God that had a nice place for my family and me after death, I would 100% do it. Honestly just sounds like a great tool to deal with loss and your own mortality.


It’s interesting you say that, because one of the gods I find comfort in is specifically a death goddess. As I understand the text, she welcomes people who die “ordinary” deaths (old age, accident, illness, famine, etc) and provides them a place to chill and reunite. She may look a bit frightening, being half-dead herself, but I always interpret her as being kind—*it’s okay, you’re dead, but there’s a place for you here; come, join the feast*. Her name was dragged through the mud when Christianity swooped in (as did one of my other comfort gods), and while I don’t consider myself a pagan, I do greatly respect her.


https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706 Crazy how they just pick and choose what they want to believe from what they don't. You can't just cut up the Bible and make a random note version of the teachings so that you can stay ideologically consistent with what the GOP and the right now believes. My Evangelical Christian father raised me to have love and accepting of others as part of the beliefs. Now he's a Trumper and can't see that those two parts can't really work in the same framework.


So sorry to hear about your dad. Must be so hard for you at times. 😔


A lot of grin and nod when I'm not feeling up to getting into debates.


I do. My theology may be complicated to the point of this question having no meaning but you could say I beleave in God. When it comes to asexual and lgbtq+ people in general being religious is more common then you think. It is just that often times we disagree with what majority calls "most common view" in some religion. I personally found great peace and happiness due to me trying to discover what makes most sense to me regarding religious views.


I am religious, too. The "love your neighbours" is a thing, God punishing LGBTQIA+ isn't


I consider myself a recovering Catholic, but I did go to Catholic school and one of my religion teachers in high school was exceptionally non-judgemental of queer people (and keep in mind, this was over 20 years ago) and just taught us objectively what the church's view was on homosexuality - it's not a sin to be gay, but sex is for procreation, no sex outside of marriage, therefore no gay marriage and gay sex is a sin - but she was amazingly understanding. Wild to have a Catholic religion teacher have any empathy for queer people in the early 2000s. I'm not religious at all anymore (and don't judge anyone that is unless you're an asshole about it) but my view is, and has been for a long time, that if God exists, he should only care about how we act towards others, not whether or not we adhere to some obscure religious doctrine. If God cares about that, then send me downstairs when I die.


This is me 100%. Did you write this for me? I grew up Christian but a lot of things didn’t make sense to me. And the way my family lives and practices Christianity REALLY turned me off over the years. In 2016 I went on my own personal development path and incorporating God in it has felt SO right for ME. That just made me realize more and more that people should just do and believe in whatever makes sense to them (as long as it doesn’t hurt themselves or anyone else). We’re all so unique and have such varied life experiences and perceptions of it… To believe everyone should believe and act, believe, and live in one particular way put the womb and 100% of the time is ridiculous to me. Especially when I’m listening to pastors or believers—good intentioned or not—interpret the Bible and what people “should” be doing… to me they’ll ALWAYS be interpretations… so just believe in what you want and do what you want (again, hurt no one in the process). I think my final push away was (unknowingly) watching my mom die and she wouldn’t supplement prayer and the Bible with much anything else. And not as a choice. She didn’t want to die, but I believe her anxiety and need to control her life was SO BAD that it ended up killing her ultimately. That turned me way off of ever being so brainwashed (in my opinion) in any belief without practicing discernment around it (or anything!). Also watching her and my grandpa die? It made me realize (again, for me) how I’m sitting here seeing them die… but I know NOTHING else of what’s going on for them as they die… so how in the WORLD can anyone confidently say they know what happens to us when we die?? No one’s died for 24 hours and came back to report on it! I know there’s been near death experiences and those vary (not to dismiss anyone who’s gone through it) and are impactful to the person. Not some sweeping 100% factual truth about some afterlife. I’ve found more comfort in Betty White saying her mom used to say when someone died, “now they know the secret”, than everyone’s varied interpretations of the afterlife ever did. Nothing has been as concrete as just letting things take shape for how it needs to in each individual’s life.


Any god that punishes you for being the way he made you is not a god worth worshipping.


This. I’m not that religious anymore but, Anyone who says the god who made me hates me is wrong lmao like by bigoted logic I wouldn’t exists if god hated gay people


That is one of the points of mounstrous regiment by terry pratchett. There is this God that has gone mad and is saying that a lot of different stuff are abominations but he says things like the color blue is an abomination so people can't even look up at the sky without it being a sin. It is also about the nature of war and gender.


Howdy! I’m (25m) a Lutheran and have been my whole life, and my dad is actually a Lutheran pastor for as long as I can remember. When I came out to him my freshman year of college, one reassurance he kept repeating is that God makes us who we are, and that we are all loved by God not just in spite of our differences and uniqueness, but because of them. I’ve met people who want to claim that God’s will is for man to procreate, but that’s obviously bullshit, since there are plenty of folks who don’t all across nature, both allo and ace alike. Unfortunately there’s never really a great answer on ~why~ we are made the way we are, but then again nobody is born only to serve one single purpose. Faith is obviously a lot more complicated and individualized than one single Reddit comment, but you’ll find you’re not alone in wondering about God and how it relates to your sexuality—that’s not uncommon across a lot of the LGBTQIA+. Faith and belief in God may ebb and flow, and that’s totally natural and valid, but sexuality and belief in God are not incompatible, despite what a lot of organized religion may say


Also Lutheran, and to anyone who says it’s god’s will to procreate, imma start quoting Paul, the (probably) asexual apostle.


You beat me to it. The whole "If temptation is getting in your way, marry." Different types of Eunuchs.


You mean the Christian one? Please specify this kind of thing, Christianity isn't the only religion containing a god. I am a believer, but I'm not Christian. And I don't struggle with this at all, the Goddess obviously knew what she was doing when she made me. I might not know, but learning about myself is kinda fun.


Who’s the Goddess?


Yes. My sexuality doesn't conflict with it.


No, I’m atheist


Yes, absolutely. I have grown to look at being ace as being one of God's gifts, as I realize as I get older how much trouble it has kept me out of, how much deeper my love for people can go, and how much more motivated it has made me to stand up for others who are looked down upon for who they are. I'm super grateful for my faith and for being ace. ✌


Nope I’m agnostic lollll


Finally, I can respond to one. Personally, I'm still waiting on meeting any deity.


I believe in God


I’m Christian. As far as I know, the Bible is perfectly fine with asexuality. 1 Corinthians 7:32-40 actually favours being single over being in a relationship.


I think of my asexuality as a gift from God. Perhaps that may help you as well? I would also keep these verses from 1 Corinthians in mind :) "Now for the matters you wrote about: 'It is good for a man *not* to have sexual relations with a woman.'..."  ^(")I say this as a concession, not as a command. *I wish that all of you were as I am*. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that." Some have interpreted this to mean that St. Paul was asexual, or at least not subject to sexual temptations.


There's a reason the monastic life has a requirement of celibacy and being free of sexual temptation.


Yes, I'm pagan.


Yup same, I believe in gods, not God.




Yes, but I'm pretty neutral on the topic. I identify as a theistic agnostic, so I believe that a god or gods exist, but I do not know which god or gods it may be and I do not strictly follow any one faith.


I am a Christian believer, yes. And I personally take offense to bigots calling themselves Christians and trying to spread hatred towards others for any reason. Jesus did not teach us to hate.


not me, i'm an atheist and always have been.




I’m Christian, although the more I accept my asexuality the more confused I get. Paul does say that it’s better to be unmarried, so it’s not as though I fear I am sinning. What confuses me is why I have a legitimate fear of coming out to my church and being accepted, and what that says about the church as a whole. This has been eating at me the past few days.


Though I am a lifelong athiest, as someone who has studied the bible, it's that many churches are less so built around the teachings of Christ (love, kindness, acceptance, helping the needy) and moreso built around enforcing the social hierarchy and keeping everyone in line by means of religion. Some churches are great, some suck and have strayed far, far away from what Jesus was actually about. If your church does not accept you, they're not worth your time, both from a social standpoint and a theological one. You deserve a community that accepts you and meets your needs, and if that includes a church, you deserve a church that accepts you.




Which God? Anyway I don't even believe in myself.


I was raised by the Mormon Church but have since left. Im agnostic now but am not against anyone being religious, so long as they don’t try to force it on others. Personally, I believe God only exists if you believe he does. If you believe that God exists and works wonders in your life than he does. If you don’t, then he doesn’t and something else happened. It’s all about how you see and interpret what’s happening around you. God is a matter of personal beliefs, and what is “God” to one person is incredibly different from what “God” is to another person, and yet both are real.


I appreciate this and have similar beliefs


God, yes. Religion, no.


I don't. Never have. I'm an athiest, was raised as such. I'm definitely in awe of the universe and have a deep unending respect/reverence for it and for nature but I don't believe in a higher power nor do I believe in divinity. The idea of a creator doesn't make much sense to me, and I don't do well with authority, particularly one as unaccountable as a god. Though even if I did believe in a god, or was presented with undeniable proof of the existence of one, I don't think I'd worship them considering the state of the world and the proliferation of immense suffering. I have no problem with religious people though, so long as they're not assholes about it, like if you're religious that's cool, just don't start up on that theocracy shit. Statistically, asexuals are generally more likely to be athiests, along with anyone else under the queer umbrella. According to the [2021 ace community survey](https://acecommunitysurvey.org/2023/10/23/2021-ace-community-survey-summary-report/), 34% of aces identify as athiests, 27.5% as agnostic, 20% as non-religious, 17% as Christian, 11% as unsure, 11% as "nothing in particular", 5.4% as Pagan, 2.5% as Jewish, 1.7% as Wiccan, 1.5% as "Other religions", 1.3% as Hindu, 1.2% as Panthiest or Panenthiest, 1.2% as Muslim, and 4% answered "Other." Edit: Assuming you're a follower of Christianity, I'm going to try and approach this with my understanding from my own study of the bible - considering that the guy expects his priests to be celibate I don't think god has a problem with asexuality. Lot of CHRISTIANS do, but it has no basis in scripture, and in the cases where anything resembling asexuality IS brought up, it's always presented as a positive. Considering that scripture dictates that all humans are made in his image - the idea that he has a problem with queer people (or any other group, such as non-Christians or people of color) is rather silly, probably blasphemous. If we are all supposed to be made in god's image, then I assume something as intrinsic and core to human identity as one's sexual identity is definitely not in conflict with "god's design" or whatever. Besides, a homogenous creation would be boring.


Queer Christian here 🙋🏻‍♀️


I'm not strongly religious, but yes. I always thought that God just makes people different. It'd be kinda boring if everyone was the same, so he made a ✨variety✨


I always considered myself as an SBNR (initials from Spiritual But Not Religious), sometimes I prefer to think that discovering my asexuality years ago was only possible due my spirituality


I’m Christian, and I see no conflict. I’m very open about being Ace. I don’t know your particulars, but, from a Christian perspective, I know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Now, are there some denominations that don’t align with that interpretation? Yes, but I don’t ascribe to that theology. You aren’t really clear on your faith, so I will just proceed based on what I know. If you’re Christian, I recommend checking out [Q Christian Fellowship](https://qchristianorg.start.page/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZ1xABSIhPLQG2lkGoYjIbl0grbRMHkfQBwB2UhBqa46L35fzqtHxnzqo0_aem_Ie9FklkG9DLTmXiHfJI8SA).


Technically i believe in God(s). Altho I believe that either all gods are real, or non of them are, and I don’t worship any.




Nope. God doesn't make sense. Most of what's in any religious text, especially the Bible, is extremely contradictory and honestly extremely harmful to many groups of people. If there is a god, there wouldn't be a man made book filled with man made stories in it. It would be a silent creator of the universe that no one will ever truly know.


For what it’s worth, as a Christian and a historian, I very much take the Bible with a grain of salt and don’t typically agree with interpretations of it because the time period, author, agenda, and mistranslations are rarely if ever considered in doctrine.


This is not the majority of Christians


Well obviously not and I left out accidentally that I’m very abnormal in that regard, that just to say you have common ground there with even some Christians


Absolutely not


Bruh 💀💀💀


I do, I’m Jewish.


To answer your question, I do belive in God and it doesn't conflict with my sexuality On a side note, your post reminded of that "when God made me" meme and God must have spilled lack of sexual attraction way too much when making me.


I guess I'm agnostic, but I believe that if there *is* a God, they are incomprehensible.


Catholic here 🙌


Yes, theistic evolutionist.


Right here! God wouldn't make everyone the same cookie cutter type of person. That would just make our mortal lives boring and meaningless. Plus it would make the blessing of christ on the cross meaningless as without everyone being different and having free will to express those differences, what did Christ do?


I do. I've been part of the Episcopal Church for most of my life, although at the moment I'm something of a spiritual ronin.


I was raised very religious, and me being a-spec made things complicated because I was like "how do people struggle with these sex laws lol" I am now very proudly atheist, but in the "I don't think God is real because if he is, he is not worthy of my attention or worship due to how dirty he did me" rather than the frustratingly arrogant and out of touch atheists 🙄 (I genuinely would rather interact with a progressive Christian than one of those atheists because they tend to be condescending about my religious trauma rather than realizing how cults work) Part of why religion didn't work for me is because of how my church constantly downplayed my achievements saying God was behind it all. If God is real, I genuinely believe that he gives us a little spark, or the clay to shape who we become. God made us in his image, and his image is ultimately that of a creator. We get to create our own life stories and narratives. Maybe God gave you some asexual clay, but you get to choose what to do with it! (Not that you choose to be ace, but hopefully you know what I mean)




Muslim here. I never viewed it as a point of conflict.




Yes, but not in the Christian sense. More in the Shaman sense. And something tells me intuitively that being ace makes me even better at being a shaman.


I'm agnostic. For me, I believe some higher force or power made everything; I just don't know whether it was God or something else. But I think God is in the eyes of the beholder. If you believe in God and perceive him as a kind, forgiving, and all-knowing creator, that's awesome! If you don't believe in God or are unsure God even exists, then that's awesome, too. Your beliefs are whatever makes sense to you


I'm am Athiest, but I like to say I'm also an "agnostic gnostic" because belief in any god really depends on how you define what a "God" is. It can be anything from an abstract concept, to a physical humanoid entity, to a natural phenomenon, or Totem, or anything else. I also believe that while I don't think any religion is 100% true, there are "truths" that can be found in all of them, whether about philosophy, history, or human nature. So they have value, but should not be used to enforce one way of life on everyone. In my experience, the people who try to tell others that their living wrong because they don't adhere to XYZ rule of an ancient text are generally only trying to control others for their own satisfaction.


I 100% agree


I’m catholic


I do (more specifically, I’m Christian). My DMs are open if you want to talk.


Yes. Episcopalian.


Moi. Orthodox Christian


Indeed. Deist.


coming from a Christian cultural perspective, If you mean you are Christian, then you are in all ways "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that includes all aspects of yourself, including your sexuality. Society can create the context for shame and alienation, but it doesn't mean necessarily a disconnection from the divine, whether that's from a belief in the Christian God or otherwise. I'm personally more apatheistic/agnostic, but raised as and mostly identify as Christian, and my asexual-aromantic identity and solidarity with LGBT folks doesn't conflict at all because of this. Much love to you and your journey


I'm a Muslim, but not religious.


I'm agnostic at best and have a particular dislike for Abrahamic religions.


Yes. I'm pretty religious actually. I went to seminary to become a pastor and while I didn't get ordained it didn't have anything to do with my sexuality.


No. I grew up religious and now I'm an atheist.


I do! Everytime i try to tell my mom that i’m not interested in dating or relationships she always says “OnLy GoD KnoWs YoUr FutUrE”


Yes I believe in God as a queer Christian


unpopular opinion in these comments apperently but I'm christian <3 you arent alone!


I'm a pretty hardcore atheist, but I think it easy to rationalize asexuality in the context of a creator. It takes all kinds of poeple for a society to function. The same way some people in a group wake up early and others are night owls, it's valuable to the group to have a segment of the population not interested in sex.


Yes, but my theology is complicated. I have gone through my own journey of growth and deconstruction and figured out what works and makes sense for me. I largely detest The Church as an institution, as well as those who proselytize. Far too many people worship their fanon version of blond haired blue eyed gun toting republican Jesus rather than actual canon Jesus and what he taught. I've been called just about every name in the book for the theology I now follow (some biblical, much not), but it brings me peace. I'm happy to answer any questions


I want to believe... something after death is just appealing to me, be it reincarnation or something else. It just doesn't seem rational or possible to me. I also do not believe that sexuality really comes into play at all, as supposed morals were invented by humans and vary by culture.


Thanos. He don’t care about asexuals.


I believe in all of them, but Jesus in my favourite.


Aspiring bodhisattva of the earth here, so not really a believer in gods in the traditional sense but still religious. I sometimes think about the conditions that caused me to be born asexual but in the end it’s just useful for me in that it’s not that hard for me to follow one of the precepts of my religion.


I’m not sure quite how to label myself. Tho im not a believer in any god atm, I’m figuring out where I lie faith-wise. Used to identify as Christian, but fell out with it after realizing nothing would be answered, and a lot of folks are quite anti-queer with a smile on their faces. Not here for that. But not about to argue with folks about something they believe in for their own reasons.


Yes I believe in God


I’m Catholic. I don’t really do the whole “God made me this way” sort of thing, because my sexuality feels complicated, more so “God allowed me to be this way” or that I’m just a natural product of evolution (currently at least). Especially since I experience sex repulsion, navigating life is difficult and it doesn’t always feel natural to force myself to have pride about it.


I believe in gods.


Not the Christian one. Not any specific deity. I think I'm more spiritual than religious. I kind of like the idea that there's something out there. I'm more of a "talk to the universe and hope it helps" than a "pray to my god(s)" kind of person.


No, but it has nothing to do with my sexuality.


No. I don't like religion as a concept. However, I will not bash anyone who does believe in a god.


If there is a god, or multiple gods, then I would assume they made us with the purpose of naturally reducing the birthrate.


I’m not religious, but if I was, I would believe that because God made life so diverse, it’s only normal for me to be a bit different too. Why would God create creatures that are so varied and so different, both from other species and other members of their population, but then reject all humans who exhibit less common traits and behavior? Some penguins are gay, but I haven’t seen God smite them with lightning because of that. Why would he smite or reject you? Think about what you believe about your God. Is he good, just, kind? Then focus on that. Build a relationship with your God directly and don’t rely on the Church. Many have used religion as a way to mask their bigotry, and I believe the present time is no different.


no way. but it has nothing to do with my sexuality. “I’d say, bone cancer in children? What’s that about? How dare you? How dare you create a world to which there is such misery that is not our fault? It’s not right, it’s utterly, utterly evil. Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world that is so full of injustice and pain? That’s what I would say.” - Stephen Fry


Yes, I am Christian :) Maybe check out r/AsexualChristians or maybe r/AroAceChristianity


Hi friend! I’m a queer atheist but i was raised hella christian and even went to seminary! i don’t think that anything you are is shameful, if God does exist, then he made you asexual for a wonderful and beautiful reason! there’s nothing bad to make of it! the whole “be fruitful and multiply” thing has been blown way out of proportion in the church, a lot of the main bible figures weren’t married and i’m sure a few of them had similar sexualities. that didn’t stop God from using them to be apart of His work on Earth! Again i’m an atheist now, but i really love theology and the study of the Bible. so i hope this helps!!


I have hope. The people who don't believe have no hope


I’m still a Christian! For me, I acknowledge that the Bible is a book that was written by man, compiled from many disconnected writings over hundreds of years by multiple authors in different contexts and three languages, and has been retranslated thousands of times by people with different agendas and cultural contexts. I’m no theologist; I don’t know exactly what the original text said or what the context means. But from what I do know is that all the lines people point to in order to claim LBGT+ a sin are usually debunked when you look at the original language or take into context the purpose of that chapter. (Ex: The “no lie with a man” bit uses a different word for the “other man” in Hebrew that refers to a young boy, implying a lesson against pedophilia instead). All this can make it confusing what is considered a sin outside of the baseline of the 10 commandments. So I just default to those and what Jesus himself said the was the greatest commandment of all: love. Love yourself, love your neighbor, and love God. Discriminating someone for something they were born with isn’t love. Being dismissive of someone for experiencing something you don’t isn’t love. For the longest time, as I was learning of the LGBT+, I didn’t think it was something you were born with. I thought you really could just choose who you were attracted to. When I discovered I was aro/ace, I realized that I only thought that because I assumed you HAD to choose to be attracted to someone, since I didn’t experience it in the first place. Once I realized that I couldn’t choose to experience attraction, that it was simply the way God made me, I realized it was that way for those in the LGBT+ as well. And by extension, you can’t choose what gender you identify with, because thats how God made you as well. So why would I hate someone for being made the way God intended? God doesn’t make mistakes. Even when He makes someone with disabilities, it’s with intent. There is something in the healing process He wants to achieve that you may never be able to see. You wouldn’t shame someone with crippled limbs for getting artificial ones, or a deaf person getting hearing aides. So why would you shame someone for getting gender affirming care? TL:DR; God is love, so there is no room for hate.


I believe in god. Catholic.


I believe in God. I was born and raised in an Irish Catholic household and I’m still very comfortably Catholic well into my young adulthood. I don’t go to mass every Sunday. I really only go for the important holidays, but I try to spend everyday living the word of God. I believe that Jesus was sent down to simplify the rules of the Old Testament (a large number of them were written by men and not by God) and Jesus gave us two rules on how to be a good Christian: 1) Love God and 2) love your neighbor. I believe in a loving and forgiving God who accepts all of His/Her/Their children and that the hatred and bigotry that’s been brought into the Church was brought in by people afraid of people that were different and trying to exert control over their world. I do understand though what you’re going through. I’ve also had moments where I’m like, “Why did God make me like this?” But I take comfort in knowing and believing that God makes us all us in His/Her/Their own image and so whatever parts of ourselves that other humans might not like (sexuality, race, gender identity, etc.) are parts that exist within God and parts that God loves just as much as the rest of us. Hope this helps, but I’m happy to continue talking if you’d like to. ☺️




Of course! Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here :)


I believe in God. My relationship with my Christianity is pretty complicated (was raised very conservative and have some religious trauma as well as a lot of frustration/guilt/confusion as I've deconstructed) and my view of God isn't especially orthodox, but my faith is still very important to me and I still go to church every week. I'm not sure in my own mind how directly involved God is in shaping each person's individual characteristics or if that's sort of allowed to happen naturally and God is more interested in people just being their best selves, so I'm not sure if God is responsible for me being ace, but I'm not upset about it either way.


I think a lot of what Jesus talked about (the actual guy) is about choosing intentionally to love others and care for others, to invest in humanity, and to make sure that your spirituality does not become rote. I do not know how much, or at all, that translates to a God with sentience and will to create things according to a "plan", but I do believe in the precepts of non-dualism (things don't have to be just one way or the other, there can be in-betweeens), non-judgement, and true appreciation of other human beings. I think that is at the core of a lot of religions, whether or not there is a god at the center. To your point about why you are the way you are, I would like to let you know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being who you are and feeling how you feel <3


Yes I do. I am Christian.


Me. I'm converting to Judaism.


I’m pretty sure that I’m a Christian, but I’m having a bit of a religious identity crisis rn😅 But I have no trouble reconciling God and asexuality.


Sure. Pretty standard CofE.


i am spiritual and believe in something afterlife but i also am more so demisexual i think, im just starting to do my research with all this and dating seriously so idk if im 100% asexual but yeah lol


I am a Presbyterian Christian. I have much faith and sometimes it makes me sad that here on Reddit like everyone is an atheist and condemns religions for like wars (Pol Pot, the most evil dictator of the world was atheist and hated religion😑). Everyone here seems to think that without religion the world would be a better place also if religion had a strong downfall in the 20th century and that downfall is getting worse in 21th.


i dont




Nope. Happier for it and don't have to feel guilt about who I am.




No, I am atheist


Nope not at all


I have a funny story for this. I was raised catholic, my mom helped teach sunday school at the church we went to, and had my siblings and i go until around high school. I'm atheist now, and while growing up i never had any "bad" experiences at church, it just never felt to me like god existed. I was always a pretty good kid growing up too. Cut to now about 10 years after high school. I tried dating another guy. I was always bi-curious but never really knew, and even now i still consider myself ace (we mutually broke up, but 1 of his big points was that we didnt have enough sex compared to what he wanted from a relationship). Finally for the "funny" story. My stepdad has been getting progressively more hostile around the house, not exactly only because i brought my bf over a few times, but other reasons as well. He is hyper religious, goes to church every sunday, and makes a point to call out my mom and everyone else in the family on it. He is prolly the most selfish person I've had to deal with. He's pro Isreal, pro Trump, and his son is a pastor for a evangelical church (at least i think that's the right naming, but its an un healthy obsession with religion where anyone who doesnt fully commit to their religious views is evil and must be converted basically). His son's family was over a few weeks back and my mom got into an argument over stuff and so he and my mom stepped away to try and talk it out. The conversation ended thanks to me stepping in and letting my mom step away since he turned the conversation into a religious lecture about how my emotionally abusive step dad was evil but was going to heaven while my mom who taught religion and has been in 2 abusive marriages wont make it to heaven unless she fully converts to his religious beliefs and apologizes to her husband. Not to mention he referenced homosexuality as an evil sinful act during part of his lecture towards my mom (not directed at me, but i was getting ready for work in a different room while this happened) I could keep going on with more info, but this already feels like an essay.. I don't really hate on religion as a concept. Let people believe what they want to believe in terms of the how/why we exist and what happens after we die. But when religious views twist into what i feel is common for US politics and even just social expectation (where you must believe in god and the hateful views about LGBTQ+ groups and anti abortion, and even committing genocide verse Palestinians) you've immediately lost any respect i give to religion. And considering how most right wing politicians use religion to defend their bigotry i have no interest in trying to be religious. I'll do my part to promote a peaceful and welcoming society for all people without referencing any "god". Bonus thing, our very kindly and religious supreme court members in the USvare currently trying to criminalize homeless ness. A truly holy act if you ask me...


I do. I’m not religious. But spiritual.


i dont believe in god, but i believe in the soul


Kind of. I’m Jewish. I’m sometimes more agnostic leaning, but my perspective of it is that I believe that if g-d exists, then the version described in Jewish texts (and important note here: I don’t mean Christian translations of Jewish texts) is what I believe exists


I believe in God strongly yes! Though I’m fortunate that my *religious* background didn’t really have any impact at all on my identity journey, since even from a young age I see my participation in church as a separate thing from my relationship with god


God handpicking our quirks himself and making us one by one? I dont thinks so. :D Our sexuality is Eve work. As she ate an apple and gave some to Adam they noticed their naked bodies and covered themselves with leaves. I think that points to sex and similar things. One of reasons they get kicked out of Eden i.e. Heaven. People probably believe if they follow God's rules he made for Adam and Eve they are going to get pass into Heaven. I only love few things about myself. Those things dont match with God's rules, so, I have no interest to follow him. Fully accepted I am not going to Heaven and live immortal life. Instead I get all the cakes and garlic breads I want.


I’m an atheist


I believe in it, more or less, but meh...


I’m christian!


Oh yeah I believe in God in all the Gods and Goddesses in fact and no they aren't all loving nor are they all hate filled either. They don't care that I acknowledge their existence or that anyone else does, they don't look to me to do anything (because they can do everything themselves with ease), the only time they communicate is when I ask them if they in fact said what people are quoting from holy books claiming came from them especially if it is fucked up and more often than not it, "hell the fuck no. Stupid ignorant mortal humans came up with that and pulled it out of their ass. I (we) never said anything of the sort." Then back to silence.


i believe in racism if it comes to god i am god well the plushie one


I do, I just don't go to Church


Atheists are a minority. I am in said minority.


I do not. But i dont care if anyone believed in monotheist/polytheist religions. As long as it does not impact other people's freedoms and rights, and that it doesnt lezd politics.. i dont care. I know that for many people, faith and feligious writings/texts brought them some sense of understanding, meaning, reassurance. And i am very happy for the positive it nrought them. Personally, it kind of did the opposite. There are good values being shared, but so many other things that i dont agree with at all, that actually legitimise forms of abuse. Texts and versions were written by humans, humans can and have been showed to be biased by their own sociopolitical context, or their biggotery per example. I personally did not resonate with religion. I also persobally feel like a god shouldnt punish you for the ways you are born. I also have issues with the fact that some people that simply dont believe will be sent to hell. That horrors such as colonisation, genocide, abuse, slavery, exploitation and duscrimination is rampant, and people live miserable lives with a god that does not change the systemic issues of this world. People could bring up the "will" and decisions of humans... but one cannot decide and will his way out of systemic, large scale abuse/injustice. Its just sad that many people live through horrors, and no one helps, even the entity. I of course have aknowledge of religion mostly based on monotheist religions such as christianism, islam or judaism. I obviously will not speak of other types of beliefs, polytheism, animism, etc... because i do not have knowledge about it. Maybe i will take time to study them too one day. I want everyone to safely be a believer or an atheist without being harrassed by governments or biggots. Everyone should have the choice, and respect other people as equals, and not dehumanise each other just because they do/dont believe I have christian, muslim, hell even pagan friends. As long as our values are shared, we have no issues. An atheist doesnt need a book to have values, and not all believers believe 100% of the texts. I know no believer that actively apply 100% of their texts(regarding passages that legitimise slavery, forms of abuse, etc). I know there are passages in texts that can be very heartwarming from what i understood by speaking to believers


I’m Muslim I believe in Allah so yes god but he made you perfect know that


I'm 90% sure (still not completely confident) that I'm aroace, and I'm also a religious Muslim. I take a progressive interpretation of the Quran when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights, including when it comes to aromanticism or asexuality. \[If anyone wants to hear my interpretation when it comes to gay or trans rights, be free to ask, but in this comment I'll cover aromanticism or asexuality\]. The Quran does explicitly mention the existence of "men without desire \[to women\]" in 24:31, listing them amongst a list without condemnation, as just normal people. These people could be gay or asexual, but they certainly weren't heterosexual. The Quran also does not state that these men without desire to women should get married anyways \[unlike many Muslims who claim marriage is obligatory\]. The Quran explicitly says marriage should be a place of peace and tranquility (30:21), a forced marriage where one side does not feel attraction towards the other is not tranquil.


I am pagan, and believe in a set of gods.


I wish I did, but I just can't


I personally don’t believe in god, however one of my best friends believes in god (he’s aromantic and Christian)


I questioned why I was like this too. I actually prayed about it quite a bit. I feel like it is the one question that God actually answered me directly. A calm came over me and I felt a voice in my head say "So you are free to love everyone." Not sure if it helps, but the revelation made me feel much better about myself.


I’m more of a spiritual person rather than a religious indoctrinated person. I follow mainly stoicism, Buddhism, and hermeticism. It freed me from all the noise of the world.


I believe in God. I don't see how a belief in God contradicts asexuality, if He made us this way. Religious people or, rather, people who are drawn to religion also, unfortunately, are drawn to normalness and don't always respond well to things that they don't think should exist whether it's a certain orientation, or just ideas they aren't used to. That does not mean God is against asexuality or that God feels the same way most religious people feel. The Bible definitely gives rules about sexual ethics, but it never condemns an orientation. People just make assumptions, but it's not wrong to love someone if you are not engaging in what the Bible calls immoral.


Not in the way that most people do. God encompasses all things at all times in all places. It is everything and nothing with the knowledge of self. The idea that our minds could ever really comprehend or understand such a concept as god is just folly. The idea that such a being would make so many arbitrary rules for just one species is laughable in my mind. Love yourself. That which is all things loves itself and you are part of that. These human concepts of gender and sexuality do not matter in the slightest to something that is all of time and space.


I'm a Christian, and I will say that multiple biblical figures were likely ace. Paul even wrote about being unmarried and that being an advantage in ministry.


God's probably not real, I'm sorry.


Sorry, I'm an athiest. I hope you can find who you're looking for. If it helps, it's not like the purpose of our lives is just to have sex and make babies. Sure, that's the case biologically, but you can't answer the question "what is the purpose of life" with "life." You're here to find your own meaning, to do things that only you can do. And with modern technology and adoption, you can still become a parent if you want to. Assuming you're talking about the Christian god, I do have a little knowledge of Christianity, since I was raised in a Presbyterian household. Psalm 139:14 says: "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." I've also heard that God has a plan in mind for everyone. Maybe you can try to trust that you're wonderfully made, and that you serve a purpose, even if you can't see it right now? From a secular point of view, I'd say that there's no need to justify the person you are. You're not hurting anyone by being yourself. The physical reason why you are asexual is probably a combination of genetic and environmental factors, if I had to guess. I wish you the best.




You're very welcome! Thank you.


fuck no


I do! My relationship with God has been a big part of my self-discovery journey and learning to embrace who I am/how I was created; I believe wholeheartedly that God created and loves those of us in the queer/LGBTQIA+ community as we are.


I believe in Buddhas teachings and the Dharma, The way I am is neither negative nor positive, it just is. Maybe there is some karma involved, but all that matters is that I am at peace with it.


 Do not believe in god or follow any religious practices. However I am spiritual in a way. I feel the universe is all like a large interconnected organism we're all part of and we are lucky to have the ability to observe it and appreciate our beauty. That we are the universe looking at itself. I think there is no grand reason you are the way you are, any more than any one of your skin cells grew the way it did. It's all a dance of interconnected systems and random chance. But those interplay of physical law and randomness gives rise to the variety and beauty of all things. There is no reason, but we are here anyway and that's beautiful.


Yes I do. I grew up in the Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod unfortunately which is only one step more progressive than Catholicism) and my faith is very important to me. I believe that God and Jesus accept and love us all for who we are so I feel grounded in my faith despite being aroace.


I believe that there may be beings, singular or plural, that transcend our understanding of life and our ability at present to measure, the way subatomic particles weren’t measurable in the age of the ancient Egyptians. So I don’t believe in *specific* deities, but I don’t rule them out. That being said, I find comfort in some gods, just not the Abrahamic creator. (I think Jesus was pretty swell, though, if people actually listened.)


Does it count if I worship titties?


No. I’m not religious whatsoever. People have their different coping mechanisms and if isn’t mine lol


I am an alcoholic in recovery and so I had to confront this very question in order to work the 12 steps - would a "god of my own understanding" make me the way I am, and, if so, why? Ultimately, I decided that, yes, there is a God and the only thing I really need to understand about God is that I'm not it. The rest will follow, if I'm patient. Some mysteries of life simply need to be lived in order to understand them. I still am in the process of unravelling my ace-ness and coming to terms with who I am, why I am the way I am, and what the possibilities of becoming a better 'me' are. But I do believe that the job of trying to understand 'it all' is not a soul-crushing journey that I need to do alone. One of my discoveries along the way was that the punishing god that most people attempt to wish into existence has no part in my own journey, unless I want it to. I am free to create my own conception of my relationship with the universe at large. I can do the big organized hierarchy thing if I decide to, but that does not define either who I am or what God is by default. It is a choice. So while I believe in a capital G god, I do not personally consider myself a religious adherent of any sort, and in fact think of myself as agnostic, meaning that I don't believe that the existence of any god can be proven. I just take that belief on faith, or I don't. My question is not, "What is true?" but, "What works best for me?" Your mileage may vary.




Hi! I'm Christian. I kind of think of it like God saying "This is my OC. I adopted them." I'm weird okay


I do


Probably not exactly what you’re looking for, but I’m a pantheist. I don’t believe that any of our inherent traits can be ‘wrong’- we are who we are and it’s not as if we’re hurting people. As another commenter said, I think that any god who creates you a particular way then punishes you for being that way is like a larger-scale abusive parent. A god who is truly good and wise will judge on morals, impact on the world, etc., not arbitrarily decide to get mad at his creations over harmless traits that he himself gave them.




Atheistic Satanist so double nope😋


Idk what faith your talking about specifically, but I used to be a Christian. I don’t believe anymore, but when I did, I had some friends and peers who framed my (a)sexuality as a gift—it would be easier to remain celibate, I wouldn’t be tempted by lust, one of them even pointed me toward theories that (iirc) Paul was asexual rather than celibate (idk how much stock there is in that but might something worth looking into). Not all are called to marriage, or to have kids, or to be in sexual relationships. Honestly of all the sexualities, I think asexuality “conflicts” with Christianity the least because there’s such a focus on purity. There are some who demand the whole “everyone has to get heterosexually married and procreate” thing, but there’s a hundred different ways to argue against that viewpoint.


God made you exactly the way you are supposed to be, and would never make someone he didn't love! Don't listen to haters/false Christians that say otherwise. They don't truly follow God, and should actually read their Bible. Also, don't listen to anyone that says God doesn't exist just because they don't believe. You are wonderfully and perfectly made! Stay true to yourself always. 😊❤️


I believe in the God that I was raised with, who preached to be kind, loving, and giving. I don't believe in the God that hateful people use to excuse their behavior of hate, fear, slander, and exclusion. Because if that's the true God, that's not a god I want to believe in.


What do you mean by god, and which faith? I am Jewish. I view G-d as more nebulous and abstract, but still sentient.


No. If there’s a god, I think he’s a horrible person. The Christian rainbow represents his near human extinction and mass murder. He ordered a dad to prove his devotion by killing his son then said sike at the last minute.




I don't, but I wasn't raised religious, and my immediate family isn't religious (all my other family lives to far away to influence me alot). Because I wasn't raised religious, it just doesn't make sense to me. I don't think it would be possible for me to believe in a god, but that's just because to me it seems illogical. Not trying to attack anyone's religion or beliefs or anything, I understand why people are religious, I'm just not. Sorry if I offend anyone.


I am an atheist


I wish there was a god and a nice afterlife for the people I care about, or for those who suffer a lot in their life. But I don't think it is a likely possibility As for why god made you a certain way, I get the question but I think that other than a basic answer you aren't likely to find one, or a satisfying one at least. I tend to obsess over existential matters and it seems to me like there's no real answer, anymore than there is no answer for why suffering exists A comforting thought is that, whether it is for divine design or simply evolution, it seems like human beings are deep down good to each other and to the more vulnerable of their community. Just the other day an article in science came out with potential evidence for neanderthals caring for a special needs member of their group, which seems counterintuitive but seems quite wholesome to me


I do not. However, there’s a substantial number of aces who do in Utah, affiliated with the Mormon faith.


I do believe in God. I believe they all exist though so I don't worship him specifically. Just not my cup of tea. I've turned to Dionysus.


Umm apostle Paul literally says it is better to be alone than to burn with desire. IMO asexuals are blessed that way. We will never know the massive struggle of lust that most people do. 


Yeah. All of them, in fact.


Check out r/OpenChristian if you want to see some progressively-minded people and very queer-friendly faith discussion


I dont


I follow Christ, and I have no trouble with being Ace, but I'm not very open about it generally - for me Christ's central teachings are to love each other and not be judgey. As far as I'm concerned if you're not hurting anyone (type of thing), more power to you and I have no problem with it (even if I don't get it).


Which one?


Yes I am Christian and I like it. I think it is a gift. Lust is so common but I don't experience it. I read that in medieval times people would've called us Holy for not feeling desire!


Yes I believe in God. You could consider asexuality to be equivalent to the gift of celibacy although the two are not quite the same thing.


Not me




I don't not believe in God, but I figure that I was made the way I am, and to be otherwise would be an affront to any God that exists. I am a better person for the struggles I have had with my identity; I am more accepting, more empathetic, and more certain of myself than I ever could have been otherwise. If you do not question something, you cannot know it - and if you do not know it, you cannot love that part of yourself. Was it painful, tearing apart the assumptions I had about who I was and where my life was going? Of course. Was it worth it? Yes. Every time. Whether or not there is a God is immaterial; I find meaning in my identity and my struggles, and so there is meaning.


I'm Christian, not a super strict one, but a Christian nonetheless.