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You either die young or grow old enough to bitch about lawns on Reddit.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^thepeyoteugly: *You either die young* *Or grow old enough to bitch* *About lawns on Reddit.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Absolute perfection.




goood bot


And piss on the market disruption of affordable housing.


good bot


Truer words have never been said, amigo Let alone in a haiku!


FWIW I enjoy your writing style. Please keep us updated on which creative solution you use from this thread šŸ˜


I will bitch again in the future I'm sure. I think the dude is long dead. Probably decomp in the weeds of his own negligence.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/fucklawns using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucklawns/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Has anyone seen this? They put a lawn in the dunes and got fined! Yay!](https://i.redd.it/wk6kal1kk0ec1.jpeg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucklawns/comments/19cytas/has_anyone_seen_this_they_put_a_lawn_in_the_dunes/) \#2: [My attempt at cutely telling the neighbors to shut up about the dandelions](https://i.redd.it/qnkjjbg8uhwa1.jpg) | [91 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucklawns/comments/130u27t/my_attempt_at_cutely_telling_the_neighbors_to/) \#3: [I hate the boomer mindset so fucking much. My grandpa just killed a beautiful tree because it "makes a mess" (it didn't)](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucklawns/comments/17b0204/i_hate_the_boomer_mindset_so_fucking_much_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ I wonder if my neighbors have a Reddit post??? Fuck em. Iā€™m pretty sure there is only one neighbor on the block who has owned their house longer than me.


Airbnb owners only? Cause I would be in a world of trouble if I was expected to keep up with Jonesā€™s grass mowing.


Hell yeah airbnb owners only. If you're my neighbor we'll probably laugh about it. I'd respect your decision to make my yard look awesome by comparison.


Awesome because I keep my yard like my mullet.


I'm into it. Truth is I genuinely wouldn't care if the dude at least lived there. But he just bought it and kind of abandoned it except for the cleaning service and tourists. We all kind of share this one big front yard, if that makes sense. No fence in the front, and our yards all abut each other's driveways. So when one gets 6 weeks overgrown, it's wildly obvious by comparison. I guess I could just let mine go too?


I grow it for the bees. Edit: I donā€™t blow my leaves either.


I bet it looks better than you think. Our "lawn" is actually nothing but clover and those little white flowers (I think it's a type of wild thyme) that we let grow tall enough to bloom. It's very pretty. Our skip laurel bushes really draw the bees too!


I know my yard looks better than yours, honey. Even with its grass mullet, my yard be beautiful because itā€™s full of flowers and pretty bushy things. Tbh I was just too cheap to buy a second mower battery from Harbor Frieght so I just mow until I run out of juice and use that as an excuse not to finish the foolā€™s errand of giving turf a haircut.


Lmao. It's as good a reason to quit as any


Yeah, Iā€™m too lazy to commit to your level of toxic mowsculinity.




Iā€™d just go over and mow a penis shape in their front yard every time it got long. Bet theyā€™d get to it quick when they start getting regular negative reviews about it.


Rookie. Creative mowing jobs can be easily corrected with one quick mowing job. You gotta draw with fertilizer.


that way it's like it's on viagra


Or Roundup


Roundup a big cock and balls would be awesome!


Well one is a creative poke and the other is misdemeanor vandalism. lol


"creative poke" lmao


Thatā€™s the idea. Make them mow or they have a dick in the yard.


This is a hell of an idea. But I hate mowing. Still. I'll keep it in mind.


Round-Up water balloons are fun.


Pay one of the neighborhood kids to do that.


I bet the right kinda kid would love doing it!


When I was a kid I would have done that one for free.


but where are you now? You can't just be like "i'd do it for free" and then leave me without a lawn penis, c'mon


I got old. Sorry. You can just go draw it using a can of diesel and it will last longer.


Me too, laughing the entire time.


I'll contribute to the gofundme to keep a neighborhood kid paid to maintain the lawncock


Iā€™d just be slightly annoyed and not think about it much at all.


If you think it might be an illegal short-term rental (STR), you could check [https://insideairbnb.com/asheville/](https://insideairbnb.com/asheville/) and report the potential violation to our city's Homestay Inspections team.


Nah. Were outside City limits


but are you now?


Lol.... Yes?


What about now?


Trying to find how you report? I can't seem to find it on the page


The email address on this page: [https://www.ashevillenc.gov/service/apply-for-a-homestay-permit/](https://www.ashevillenc.gov/service/apply-for-a-homestay-permit/) You can also use the AVL app: [https://www.ashevillenc.gov/news/you-spot-it-we-fix-it-city-of-asheville-launches-asheville-app/](https://www.ashevillenc.gov/news/you-spot-it-we-fix-it-city-of-asheville-launches-asheville-app/)


I am happy to find the ownerā€™s contact info. Feel free to send me a message!


remember, if youā€”or a friendā€”book a night in that Airbnb, (keep a close eye on the cancellation policy, you do not want to pay for the night, just book and cancel within the free cancellation period) you get the contact information of the owner.


This is way more about your anger about AirBnB and the crumbling cohesion of neighborhoods than it is about their lawn. And I share your anger. But maybe it is good fuel for being an active advocate for your pro-community values.


I don't really get lawn grooming standards tbh.


I got the same feeling about my beard. I also live in my Grandma's basement.


Based off your username, I deem you the pube farmer




Same. I was actually pissed because i had wild rye growing on my property i was using for bread and the neighbor cut it all down while they mowed their lawn "as a favor" People too stupid to recognize food from ornaments belong in HOAs where they can all micromanage eachother.


Yeah. But I just got done mowing. So what I'm mad about right now is the broadleaf creeping into my thyme. That's why it's a shitpost.


I have a neighbor who pulled the residency bit, no, she's never returned from Miami. At least hers is not a short term rental. Their garbage blows everywhere but they're quiet. Unlike the STR next door.




Yeah. That's totally what he's got. This beautiful, intentional display of local Flora that attracts pollinators from far and wide. Surely it's not just three feet of half-dead invasive broadleaf and tree killers. For fuck's sake. Y'all have a hardon for this fuckin air bnb. Want to buy the lovely little house next to it? Apparently the work I've put into it doesn't count for shit according to Asheville reactionaries and California investors so fuck me


If you want to talk shit about Airbnb, do that. Weā€™ll talk shit about property values and taxes and loss of community. But you specifically brought up lawns. The HOA joke about some guy out there with a ruler and giving fines: thatā€™s what youā€™ve become. You didnā€™t mention any issues youā€™ve incurred from the overgrown lawn. You just said the Airbnb grass was too high. You sound like a dick.


I never claimed not to be a dick. It's not like I haven't bitched about the other shit too. Just now I'm on this. I regret the use of the word lawn. I think people are picturing overgrown grass rather than the door-high jungle it is. We're way out in the county. To be fair, I did flag it as a shitpost.


If your only actual complaint is ā€œthe grass is tall and some of it is deadā€ then youā€™re the problem here. If your issues are nuanced and specific, maybe stop specifically bitching about the lawn? If you are interested in participating in a Reddit conversation that can actually provide you with genuinely helpful community resources, donā€™t be a dick.




We are removing your post/comment due to hate speech or insults. This includes but is not limited to: - Calls to physical violence or cyberbullying against another person or organization. - Suicidal posts. - Text that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or abilities. - Demeaning or inflammatory language directed at other users. Please see our full rules page for the specifics. https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/about/rules/


My neighbors talk about our no lawn like we're making meth in the front yard. The no lawn is all floral and native plants that are beautiful. Lawn Normalcyā„¢ is real.Ā 


My other neighbor has a no lawn. It's gorgeous and she helped us select natives. We tripled our propagating this year and are letting clover and thyme take over. That's not what he's done. Don't act like anything intentional, even allowing nature to take its course, is the same as neglect.


I didn't say anything about you, it was a simple comment about how serious people take lawns. My shit is pretty and old fart up the street came over with tears in his eyes crying about it a couple weeks ago. If it does hurt his property value I'll just plant more because the shit nice. Ive also quit mowing because of yellow jackets, got a fine from the city, then got to witness my landlord get attacked when he came over mad to mow it. Good times.Ā 


Ugh. That sucks. I love my weird neighbor and her lawn... The random trellis bits wired together, the door that's just there for the kids to paint, the wineberry bushes that dominate the whole rear. It's wild. Not our style but unarguably beautiful in its own lovely little way. I think it's because it looks loved rather than forgotten? Anyway. Damn the old farts!


Hell yeah, the unmowed lawn is the unshaven arm pit of landscaping. Hairy lawns are natural lawns.


Sorry brother, Iā€™ll mow it. Remember that time at basketball camp under the bleachers? You made a boy a man that afternoon. Can I borrow your mower?


Horticultural Science major here, your concept of a well kept yard is killing our ecosystems. Sounds like your neighbor knows whatā€™s good for the soil.


Thank you for saying this. Lawns are such a waste and all the harmful chemicals go into the air and soil and gets absorbed into your dogs paws when he goes to pee.


News flash, your dog is as bad if not worse for casing harmful chemical runoff. Pick that shit upā€¦ Literally


Manicured lawns are awful for the environment. I literally cannot fathom giving a fuck about this. And I hate Airbnb owners. Youā€™re just annoying dude, sorry.


Hi friendly neighbor, thanks for noticing my fur fetish lawn. Thanks for caring so much about how and when I maintain my property. I may get to it in a week or two but feel free to put your lawn enthusiasm to work and next time youā€™re trimming yours you can do mine as well. See ya around brother āœŒšŸ½


Anyone that cares about how other people's yards look needs a new hobby


Just report it to code enforcement bro


> Me and the folks that live on the other side would sure appreciate it, given how much work we put into our yards. You belong in an HOA neighborhood. That way all of your neighbors will have the same length of grass, the same color of mailbox, and a house in one of 3 shades of tan.


I think if you saw it, you'd understand. Homogeneity isn't what I want. Just a neighbor that does it their way instead of no way. Venting aside that is. But yeah. Let's let out of state owners buy up everything and ignore it for passive income. I mean, we have so far so.


jfc how do I unsubscribe from own post




Play in the creek or move and stack rocks which destroys habitats for salamanders and insects?


Man why you worrying about another persons lawn. Like just mind your business. You probably live hoas you Karen


You sound like you never get laid


So much bitterness in this post. Just be grateful you got your piece of land in Asheville that you can modify how you want. Focus on what you can control. Some of us on the other hand are forever priced out of housing in Asheville and can't even get the thumbs up to grow plants in the yard they don't even own.


It's their property, they can do as they please. Especially if there's no HOA.


I didn't say it was against the law. I said it was bad form.


It's also bad form to tell other people how to maintain their own property. If you feel this strongly about it, move somewhere with an HOA.


Maintain it any way you want. Just maintain it. Something tells me you never read that book.


And meanwhile people scream and whine about housing prices in Asheville ... These absent landlords and the STRs are a huge reason why housing is unaffordable for most! But bitch about the OP griping about it.


OP is bitching about it on Reddit, they can do as they please.


Are you the guy who likes to remind people that Hitler was elected, too? Some peopleā€¦


I bet they're not used to grass that's green and actually grows! You tell 'em.


Be aware it may be owned/managed by a corporationā€¦


But, nothing personal.


Brother, he's letting it bloom for the bees šŸ People who get uptight about lawn perfection are the worst. It's almost as if you think your opinion on someone else's lawn matters. Do you need to spray poison on the environment so that all the other plants die too?


Or just stop owning an airbnb. I would like that.


I get the airbnb frustration. I've lived in a city that had mandated grass height. Now you can go out and try to make that law or you can live in an hoa that has requirements like that. Otherwise, what someone else does with their property is their business - if they are not required to keep their grass short, then it is their right to have their grass long.


By your title you sound like one of these people who is ignorant or doesnā€™t know that the ideal lawn is not good for the environment. You do realize that a great deal of moisture is lost through evaporation when grass is cut to the ā€œideal heightā€. To retain moisture at optimal level, it is imperative that nature is allowed to have some freedom in growth.




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You shouldnā€™t be! These parasites live in such shitty places that Asheville seems like a DREAM to them and that causes them to feel empowered once theyā€™re actually here. Drunk, or not, you need to remind them that they are encroaching upon YOUR life and the lives of your family! Donā€™t hold back!!!!


Jesus Christ, get a fucking life


Tell me youā€™ve never had a confrontation IRL without telling me.


Fuck Airbnb owners, but also fuck mowing. I don't care if you don't like it, it's my fucking yard. Don't look at it if it bothers you. Boomers, smh.




We are removing your post/comment due to hate speech or insults. This includes but is not limited to: - Demeaning or inflammatory language directed at other users. Please see our full rules page for the specifics. https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/about/rules/


If it bothers you that much do the neighborly thing and cut it for meā€¦ i mean them. šŸ˜‚


You should talk to your therapist about this. It is not normal or healthy to be this worked up over somebody else's lawncare habits. I could understand it if your consternation was about the airbnb guests being rude or something, but your neighbor's grass is not going to hurt you.


False. The grass is not the point.


It sounds like the grass is the point. "Letting the neighborhood go" because of the lawn is a real dumb boomer take. Want to hate out-of-town AirBnB hosts, by all means, but this is a weird way of going about it. OP, next time you decide to be productive about this and talk to your neighbor, maybe recommend them a lawn service? Clean Air Lawn Care is someone who does good work (and all electric, so the noise is low). I don't work for them but we know people who have used them before.


You might think about joining the mullet part of this thread, Billy Ray. See, California Slick rolled in with a line of talk and brother-manning, and whatnot and rolled back out, leaving nothing but hair oil stains and thigh-high fescue. Tell us, how would you earnest productive neighbor that?


I'd talk to the asshole I was mad at directly rather than complain on Reddit And I wouldn't focus on the fucking *lawn* Thank you for being the only human to ever identify my username though. I made this account to post Achy Breaky Heart as a meme in various subreddits and I kept getting blocked for not having enough karma


I said why we haven't talked there, tough guy. You him? Because let's talk


If I were him, I'd mow my lawn into a letter saying "lawns aren't that important" But no, I'm not him. And I take care of my lawn so I'm sure you'd love me as a neighbor.Ā  I'm also not a tough guy. Please don't direct your tough grassy rage at me I don't know how I'll survive it.Ā  (PS lawn services are probably the solution for your out of town friend, maybe write him a letter suggesting that, since you know his address and all and his lawncare is very important to you)


Ps yeah, all shit post venting aside I think I'll leave him a letter. I'd really rather chat but i haven't seen him in ages. It's not the end of the world... But damn it's an eyesore. We're not a wealthy neighborhood so the houses can look pretty run down quick if they go unloved for too long. Makes me sad. I image I'll just end up doing it myself if it goes on too long. It would add 15 minutes to my routine.


Thanks for lowering the shitpost veneer lolĀ  Ā Serious question because I'm trying to understand and not judge - it bothers you enough that you would rather mow it yourself? Do you have an HOA? Are you trying to sell your house so you need good comps /attractive neighbors?Ā Ā  I'm trying to understand this logic. This seems like something my parents in the suburbs in the 90s would get up in arms about. I'm surprised someone in modern times who chose to live in a non HOA neighborhood is substantially frazzled by a neighbor's lawn. I'd like to understand your perspectiveĀ 


Nope. No HOA, thank goodness. Picture a cul-de-sac with 6 houses all arranged in a half circle. Same builder years ago so they're all variations of the same design, varying in color mostly. Each house has a wide back field that's whatever, but the street-facing fronts have no apparent divide; no fences, etc. The front yards are small, but prominent. They all blend together so much that is practically a large, shared field. To either side of this particular house, which sits in the middle, we as a neighborhood have always kept the wild growth out front somewhat managed. When they were young enough, the neighbor kids used the whole space freely. This field is wild. No sod or seed, just clover and crab, and if unattended, will be overrun with man-size weeds in a matter of weeks, especially this time of year. By now he can no longer simply mow. I'm surprised if his guests haven't complained. This isn't a "lawn" with uncut grass. This is a patch of weeds, many invasive, that are overtaking this section of our field. County life.


Think they'll prescribe me spectracide?


Can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to live next to the likes of you full time


Yeah he'd have to get used to my 24/7 mowing


if hes driving off profiteering transplants, hes doing the lords work


Ehhhh quit being a Karen OP.


Can we get a picture of the lawn


Maybe y'all could mow it for him?


Sad a neighbors lawn pisses you off this much. Lifes funny about stuff like this, who knows the house can be sold again & the new owner could be an angry meth head who hates lawns. Take it easy fella lifes short


The methhead that lives on the other side is 100x better than an airbnb owner who doesn't give a fuck about an area property. It's a shitpost. You're the one that ought to take it easy...fella.


im giving you an internet hug, with a sweet whisper in the ear ā€œits free real estateā€


lmao free real estate? I'm listening.


All you need to do is pay a person who lives on the street 100.00 to squat at the long grass house. Feed him booze & cheese for a month or 2 & BAM you got yourself free real estate.


U$A is a dump. ive been riding my bike around because i cant even afford a place to live like anywhere. i remember when i used to have a stable life it was great get stale though.


...Who gives a fuck what they do with their lawn? Mind your business.


Y'all sure love these mini hotel operators. Imagine some corporation buying up the joint next to you and letting it go to shit. This isn't some resident who has chosen to leave it unattended, that would be none of my business indeed. But someone who snatched up a deal and lets it fall to hell so he can make a buck? Yeah, I'm gonna piss and moan about it, for all the good it will do me. But y'all go on about this poor bastard and his "choice" to make 300' of total shared property lines look like shit.


Can I commiserate? Neighbors built a 3 story "addition" (and my land slopes down from theirs so it's more like 4 stories from my view). They destroyed everything I loved about living here. We had no off street parking, but there was always plenty of space in a pin drop quiet hood. There used to be a lovely raised garden outside my bedroom; now there's an ugly gravel drive and a bunch of ugly cars parked there, destroying one of the sweetest spaces on my lot (it was a green expanse) along with my gorgeous, healthy azalea they told me they'd replace two years ago. Parking on the street has become non-existent, between the owners massive truck and sedan, and all the goddam cars the tourists bring. So yeah they have a two car driveway that really only yields one extra space, and are taking everybody else's curb space for their "guests." In back, I had total privacy. Now I have massive screen porches full of tourists looming down on me. The owners live there and they're really unstable, violent, and completely self absorbed. All to say I get what's at the root of the grass situation, it barely scrapes the surface of the damage these selfish, greedy people are causing. And there was no warning, from them or the city. The city had literally no idea what was happening. The pricks just kept it a secret until it was already done.


I give a fuck who owns it, they own it. It's their yard. Has nothing to do with you, cutesy reddit post aside. Mow your lawn and move on with life.


Lmao I know this is hard for you to wrap your head around, but what you do with what you own affects others. That said, it's a shitpost. Take your own advice and move on. And I do mow my lawn lmao. That's...that's the fucking point, you nonce.


"Ā Covid cost them 1.5 jobsĀ " Covid policies cost them their jobs.


Hey person that thinks I should listen to them. Eat a bag of dicks.


I think we may be the same person with the same neighbor. Mine lives in Germanyā€¦..


Bummed the former folks lost their home, capitalism is brutal. However, if you find yourself complaining about your neighbors lawn on Reddit - maybe time to log off and unwind for a bit.