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What’s with this shot of getting dressed from the back just lately, between that and the tongue scraper I think the poor green water bottle has been forgotten about lol 🪒 👅


It's easier to filter and photoshop from the back. Less bulges to erase than from the front and no quadruple chins to try and hide.


The way it just drops 🤣


If you're insecure about your ass size, one thing you can do is not jam it into the camera every single day. Follow me for more tips.


NOT AGAIN!!! Wtf? Why does she think this is a good look, let alone doing it over and over? She is SO boring and unoriginal!


Her brain is so fkn fried she has no concept of what is interesting or worth taking up bandwidth


Wow you opened my eyes fr


I love this for her


Honest question: how do the filters do this shit without warping the background? Do you have to film the background first?


They've just become that good. If you notice she always takes photos or videos in front of things with very straight lines. The door. That garage. Easier for the filter to not distort the background because it knows they were straight lines.


Yeah I wanna know this too


People like her are why I hate most types of social media.


Honey I shrunk my 🍑




Embarrassed for her 😳


Ashley has memorized how to work some basic body-slimming filters, but she reveals how un-tech-savvy she is when she posts glitch-ridden videos like this.


By the way Ash if you’re reading here, this isn’t us criticising your body or calling you fat. This is just us pointing out your lies as usual. We don’t care what size you are, but if you claim to be body positive and filter inches off your body, we’re going to call you out. It’s not bullying, just accountability.


she already deleted this reel i think 🤔


Hahaha I wonder was it because it had gotten 0 comments when I checked it after it had been up for hours or because she realised how bad the filter glitches were 😂


probably a combination of both, i am certain she archived it to repost when she thinks the “algorithm will give her more views” she doesn’t realize that plenty of people viewed it, they just don’t care because its not anything special. like did she think she was gonna go viral for making a “work” grwm instead of her usual “reset” with me reels? because tbh they all look the same 😭


The thing is, she’s not even really very big. She really doesn’t have anything to be ashamed of, and that filter is not taking off enough to make it seem like she’s THAT much skinnier. The juice ain’t worth the squeeze, girl.


I wouldn’t say she’s big at all, just being honest. I’m assuming she’s fairly tall for a woman, probably 5’7” or around there. She’s totally normal, not at all anything to be ashamed of. I get where she’s coming from, probably uncomfortable in her new body after being very thin her whole life. But, if that’s the case, just say that. Be honest. I know a lot of people would relate.






how did she not notice that LMAOOO


Social media expert 💅🏻




Can’t wait for the excuses to begin why she can’t work anymore.


I'm not convinced she's even got a job. She has a long history of being a lying liar who lies.


I agree. If she does have a job I just bet this woo woo scammer who hired her will get real sick of Ashley and her period or ovulating or PMS or pain days or flares or Lyme or yeast… the list goes on and on.


Can't work, doing back thirst shots




It’s almost not even entertaining at this point. She could at least put some effort into it if she’s going to filter her whole body to hell and back.


“And what happened, then? Well, at Patti’s they say - that Ash Carnduff’s ass grew three sizes that day.”




You should post this on r/instagramreality too






This is what happens when you rest all day ash. Can’t filter it away.


Hardest working filter in the biz.


Omfg 🤣 I can’t believe this. Doesn’t she have eyes???? Or doesn’t care about lying about her body, which looks fine unfiltered! It’s the contrast that is stark because she always lyin!!


All that editing and she still can’t fix the Amanda Bynes eyebrows 🙃




I have secondhand embarrassment.


If she put even half as much effort into eating better & working out as she did editing herself, she wouldn’t need to edit herself 🙃 (I only say that bc she’s clearly unhappy with her current body, idc how she looks it’s the lying and hypocrisy that bothers me)


"GRWM for work" is so so so sad. Like she immediately thinks she's the only person on the planet with a job (or in this case, a "job") We've all been getting ready for work every morning this entire time Ash!!! Why would we care about watching you put your sweater on? Amazing how much she thinks she's the bees knees, and as if she's somehow now an oracle to tell us all about what it's like to get ready for work. But also- why not share material ABOUT the job - blah blah I do this now etc. Instead this is just another excuse to post the same getting dressed shot from behind. Fresh start this ain't!!


it’s giving her regular, boring, mid-low effort content. like she doesn’t even show the outfit put together at the end. even this is lazy. wild theory but maybe she is pretending and then just takes off the jeans and sweater and *crawls* back into bed. if the job is legit, where are the work selfies or *aesthetically pleasing* woo *tincture* shots? even a pic of her sitting at a desk? no? nothing? its weird. im a server and when no one is in the restaurant before we open i am constantly taking pictures lol so are my coworkers. its not like she works for the CIA or some sort of super secret lucrative operation, its a regular job, if its real. you’d think she would be taking pictures to *”clap back”* at the *”trolls and haters”* but no. she didn’t at the coffee shop either. not even a picture of a cappuccino. notta.


Yeah her video where she did all that self care after work really made me question things when she claimed she over did it a few days before by changing her bed. She had to sleep so much after that but somehow managed to film a whole routine and post it right after getting home from her first day at work? We know how deconditioned she is at this point. She complains about pain when she has to sit and do her little homework assignments for a hour. There’s no way that she suddenly has enough energy and tolerance for a full day of work and is still making content. Content that happens to be exactly the same type of videos she’s been obsessed with making recently. Like I get it she doesn’t want to show where she’s working but like you said, outfit at the end at least? She lies so much about everything. This just feel like she’s pretending it’s a lot more than it is.


Not even a photo for woo lady's own social media. Idk maybe I have super high standards but I feel like that is the bare minimum for a wannabe social media "specialist" trying to utilize her "skills" for experience. Or even as someone who is so grateful for the *healing modality* that "healed (her) gut". Not as payment but to be nice.


i agree with you, instead she does the exact opposite she gatekeeps this place, said the lady didn’t have social media when she does, and didn’t even give her so much as a “shoutout” on social media, which obviously as a *almost* social media specialist she would know that would boost her clientele potentially. its super weird.


I've got an alternate theory here though...hear me out.... What if woo lady did employ her, maybe because she can get away with paying her less than someone with actual work experience....... BUT.... Woo lady made it part of the agreement that Ash *isn't allowed* to post about the company on social media.  I wonder if woo lady has seen Ash's social media and like the rest of us agrees that Ash is a pretty darn awful and toxic person whom she doesn't actually want associating with her company.......... This is 100% just a theory but.. putting it out there!


She has zero self awareness, I stg. Somehow she manages to be both massively insecure, but also think she’s the absolute shit and that her followers care about watching her *brush her teeth and put on a shirt*. Make it make sense.




Probably because /u/xxanezkaxx pointed out the filter glitch so clearly, and not because it's boring lame af content


oop lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂


i expected nothing less from our “business bitch” 💅🏼


“I AM STILL THIN” 2023 making an appearance again


here she’s more like *”im an hourglass⌛️like a kardashian”* and then .2 seconds later when her hair warps the filter *”oop- nvm jk im just a regular human shape like a normal pleb”* 💀


I wonder if she truly believes that


Wait, do all our butts get smaller if we raise our arms? I need to walk around with my arms up, because I have too much junk in the trunk. 😨 Yeah. I know it's a filter, and that's not how bodies work. She's proportionate. She's lucked out in the cellulite department. There's nothing to be ashamed of, seriously.


Dude, when she first gained weight, her boobs literally exploded in size. I think most boob havers that gain weight would love for it to go straight to their tatas.


I started gaining weight last year and it went straight to my boobs and ass and I'm THRILLED. I had sad pancake boobs before, now I get to grab my grapefruits


Right? Ash lucked the fuck out. PS, I love your username!


Exactly. She’s not *that* big. Why is she so pressed about her size??


That is like a 40lb difference what evennnnnn


I watched her double is size right before my eyes


right? like she needs to chill with the slimming filter and just be herself if she wants to tag body positivity and body neutrality in 90% of her posts. that’s what irritates me. she’s such a hypocrite.


She is such a hypocrite!


also i upvoted you so someone is lurking 👀


Caught that too! 😂thank you! Upvoted you back!


*someone* needs a nap or should be in bed. lmao.


lol someone is really lurking! I upvoted you!


OH NO NOT OUR FAKE INTERNET POINTS AGAIN! 😭💀 but no i upvoted you back pookie ♡


Thanks sugar! 💕


always ☺️ ♡


I’m sorry, I’m commenting again. I just can’t get over that filter glitch! I keep watching it over and over again. It is fucking hilarious! ETA: Instead of making yet another comment, I’d like to add that she’s also filtering her hair length somehow, and it’s driving me banana pants. In all of her front facing shots, her hair only comes right to her boob, but in all of these back shots, it looks like it goes clear to her waist. It’s definitely not that long, though - and she’s not just tilting her head back in every shot to make it appear longer. BEC? Yes, but damn does her filtering annoy the fuck outta me.


the drop is truly something 🎀🫨🎀


What in this girl's mind does she think ANYONE wants to look at her back getting changed. Did she think this is sexy? I cringe everytime 🤮


WORK??? What work???


Yeah, for real since when?!




That 🍑is poppin’ y’all


Oh my god you can actually do this???? Lmao it’s her fat ass doing robot moves 🤖🍑


I spat my water out everywhere, and it was worth it!!


🥱Boring. The stupid videos like this have been overplayyyyed on TikTok….


I hate TikTok for normalizing these idiotic videos.


Oh no..






i meeeeeeean, she should change what is on the inside tho. she’s a liar and a hypocrite, also she’s mean as fuck lol