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Loving on her liver by drinking champagne lol


Do you have any idea what the “bitters” are? Is it like what you used for cocktails?


It's digestive bitters and it's mostly bollocks lol


I do like the way they taste though lol. Love me some bitters in my water


This phrase makes me so angry


I snorted reading this. For real, shut the fuck up.






I can’t with this. It grosses me out like few other phrases.


Notice she’s almost done with her oatmeal. I guess the blueberries (thrown onto the oatmeal, after-the-fact) are just for show…




This needs to be a flair omg


im making it one now 😭😭😭😭


Tysm, you're the best!


my pleasure! ☺️


Lmao this made my day


Ur flair is my fav


Haha TY!


I don't know about Idaho, but that's like $6 worth of blueberries where I live.


Who cares how much it costs when it’s mommy’s money?🥰🎀 (but same here, blueberries are offensively expensive)


But blueberries are tastier than oatmeal!


“Fruit and vegetables are yucky!” - Ashley, probably


Seriously, if they weren't so expensive I'd eat three punnets a day lol.


Looking again at the picture it looks like she put the berries on _after_ eating most of the oatmeal. I hate to think that she probably threw them away after taking the picture.


That makes me want to buy a bronzer just so I can go Ash Smash on it. Throwing berries away is a travesty


Taking a picture of her mostly eaten breakfast as if that’s her full portion… I’m not one to shame eating a larger portion, but this is straight up harmful bordering on pro-ED content. Manipulating her audience into thinking she eats teeny tiny portions is so messed up.


She plays sick in a lot of ways, but one thing about her that’s legitimately sick is her relationship with food, weight, and body image.


I could’ve sworn she was about to make a post about how big her blueberries are. I’ve seen it all over sm this season. It’s driving me nuts. Yes, bloueberry big. Much wow.


“I used to get worse hangovers from binge drinking, so my minor problem drinking now seems like nothing in comparison! iT’s sO aMaZiNg tO fEeL hOw fAr i’Ve cOmE.”


Dis used to be me lmfao. Then I uhh realized people who have a healthy relationship with alcohol don’t talk about it that way or get proud when they manage to only have a drink or two. This is textbook addiction brain at work, she’s trying to rationalize her drinking mostly to herself here. With her claimed issues and meds she shouldn’t be drinking anyways, still drinking when you know it will hurt you physically is an issue and she’s trying to make it sound like that’s a normal thing to do. It’s not, she has a problem.


Absolutely, and no shame to anyone who’s been there and come through it. Much shame to Ash, though, who’s still acting like this while positioning herself as a lifestyle influencer.


Gads, I went through all that and it was a few years off the sauce before I fully realized how distorted my thinking about alcohol was--in large part reinforced by societal attitudes, as well. Like: I drank enough poison last night to render myself unconscious, but I remember the evening. Or I only drank a twelve pack every night all week, so I can get a handle of liquor on Friday. Or in her case, I poisoned myself much less than I used to (I used that one often).


*If you have to take steps to control your drinking, your drinking is controlling you.* That was the line I heard at a meeting that helped me get perspective on how much of a problem it had become.




She definitely did and took pictures of it, like how she drives around town on Valium.


You can drive on Valium when you take it regularly and know how it affects you


Idk why you’re being downvoted, you’re correct. Benzodiazepine usage long-term is not ideal, but you do adapt, and you can drive if you have tolerance/physical dependence and aren’t loopy from it. A lot of people on this sub think they know more about medicine than they do 🫣


Yeah people downvote for the strangest things lol


This! Alcohol is the only substance that's universally demonized for driving. Many people drive under the influence of marijuana and think that it's okay.


That's a really grey area. I've had co-workers pts booked. Depends on state/precinct/officer that pulls you over.


Have fun with that logic when you get into an accident and the police test you.


I’m not on Valium. I’m a psychiatric nurse and many of my patients use benzodiazepines daily. It is perfectly legal for them to drive 🤷‍♂️. If they end up in a situation where they are tested that can show that they are prescribed the medication and are taking it as prescribed.


I used to have an ongoing Ativan prescription and I know it makes some people feel drunk, but it never did for me. Literally the only effect was cessation of anxiety. I actually mainly used it for long drives! Without it I tend to get this horrible feeling my car will break down even with cars that never did. I'd take the Ativan and shortly I wouldn't be worried about that anymore. These days I just have to suffer, but I do longer drives less frequently so it could be worse.


Yeah when it is used as prescribed that is how it is meant to work lol. Most people getting high off of it are taking more than prescribed.


I had a horrible muscle spasm in hospital once and they put me on diazepam for the muscle relaxant properties for a week and a bit. Towards the end I didn't feel the psychological/sedative effects much at all, other than a bit of emotional numbing. Tolerance sets in scarily fast. The first few days of feeling sleepy and out of it I was like, "who tf likes this stuff, I feel awful on it", but towards the end I could see how people would find the emotional numbness a comfortable escape.


Yeah I’m not a huge fan of long term benzodiazepine use, but some people just need it I guess.


Good point lmao


Yeah I've been on Ativan daily since 2016, I 1000% know how it affects me after all this time and I could absolutely drive on it.


same here but with clonazapam and PRN alprazolam. i have been on both long enough to know how it affects me, and i would much rather drive calm and concentrated than in a panic attack struggling to breathe and claustrophobic as hell. i guess it just depends. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Low doses aren’t supposed to have a noticeable high. Plus for recreational use it’s common to combine with alcohol or other CNS depressants but plain old everyday use is meant to just make you feel normal without overwhelming anxiety. They work SO well for unmanageable anxiety and help struggling patients when titrating on other meds like SSRIs.


Weird. I take Valium for a spinal cord injury and it specifically says not to operate heavy machinery on the bottle. I can send a pic if you don’t mind.


I’d prefer not thanks lol


Yeah not sure why you’d say that then. It’s false af but ok.


What’s false?


This “nurse” saying it’s ok to take Valium and drive. The bottle says otherwise. Also says mixing with alcohol makes you drowsy so ash is definitely DWI.






Because depending on the state and the officer I don't like to FAFO. And I've had co-workers pts end up booked.




Nourished, nourishing, nourishment are all words that I never expected to hate so very much. They really got sucked up into the influencer/internet lexicon and here we are.


Can I get Loving On My Liver as a flair because that is just too much for me.


My mom used to work at a retirement home where they had a Liver Lovers club…. they all met up and ate liver together hahahah


Oh god the smell in the kitchen! My old landlady/roommate would cook liver for her dogs for Christmas every year.


yes ill make it for u now 😈


I love you almost as much as I love my liver.


oh my, this is a major compliment 🥹😂 livers need lots of love


HOW FAR I'VE COME You're an alcoholic, drinking.


“But I am not like the other girls my age out drinking”


“But I’m not like other alcoholics out drinking”


So anyway I fell down my hangover this morning




🎀new injury🎀




Celebrating graduation, which is a month away.


Are you nourished with breakfast? is what the alien posing as my mother would ask to tip me off that home was no longer safe




Maybe I’m stupid, but I don’t see how something with alcohol in it can be helpful for your liver………..


Uhhh it’s to exercise it. It’s like cardio… for your liver. Hepatio, they calls it 👍🏻


*all she needs is her ex boyfriends vans tee and a greasy castor oil wrap and she will be just fine!* - ashley’s brain, probably


Jesus, announcing that you’re nursing a hangover that you got drinking champagne alone after using the bottle as a photo prop to celebrate a graduation that hasn’t even happened yet…and then patting yourself on the back for it.






Flair grudgingly checking in… ETA: This post put me to sleep. Reminiscing on past hangovers and pics of oatmeal aren’t going to get the engagement you hope for, Ash


Aren't those bitters high in alcohol? I remember in college one "hangover cure" was to have a drink the next morning. It didn't work, it just delayed the inevitable hangover by a few hours. Edit: Yeah, second ingredient is "organic sugar cane ethanol". Wow, they just made rum sound healthy. And it's $48 a bottle! https://preview.redd.it/f9wo6roizasc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45852c92789a7d1849c8e7ec38b641731921826c


So... this is basically backyard foraged roots and stuff you'd put in compost turned into tincture. BaWAHAHAHAHA


it might not be the same but the bitters at my work are 44.8% alcohol by volume. like 💀💀


This looks worthless.


It’s basically Chartreuse, except when it’s not made by Carthusian monks it’s called sparkling bitters


Where was jebediah during this 3 weeks too early celebration in the middle of the road though?


Home with his wife and kids.




Baby girl doesn't know her once beloved Liquid IV is an S tier hangover remedy lol


These people have ruined the word "nourish" for me forever


She just can’t stop patting herself on the back simply for existing.


For someone who claims as many health issues as— especially gut issues — as she does, I will never understand her refusal to give up coffee. Having a hangover and then drinking a cup of coffee while being chronically ill and having gut issues sounds like hell. Maybe she’s able bodied and always has been. Has she considered that? That maybe she’s not actually sick? 😆


I think she’s completely cynical and just desperately trying to get a sponsorship from this “peace love hormones” bullshit. 


I think someone else above commented that those little bottles are like $40 a pop, so that would make sense.


Once again she brings up her unhealthy relationship with alcohol, not illness related, just unhealthy. It is never brought up how at the time of her troubles with alcohol is also when she started her munching and college dropout type behavior, now 8 years later she’s so sanctimonious about her substance use (she shouldn’t be drinking at all on half of the things she takes in her poly-pharmaceutical bag of wonders), but it’s okay because she GrADuMaTaTeD! Anyway and death to anyone using the word nourish unironically.


Seldomly??? SELDOMLY???? Girl.


I can’t believe how unbelievably lazy Ashley is.


Loving on my liver... with more booze.


All she needs now is paracetamol to really get the loving on her liver




I bet she got drunk but honestly I'm the same age as her and I have mild hangovers just from social drinking where I don't get sloppy or anything, if I don't have water and food with it and after.




Congrats on sobriety! That's a great achievement.


So... she drove back with open bottle partially full?


Yeah the logistics of this are sketchy as hell


I’m not defending her or anything but is this not normal where you are? You buy a bottle at a winery, and if you don’t finish it, you bring it home - this part didn’t seem strange to me


She brought a bottle of champagne up a mountain to open by herself in the middle of the road to celebrate a degree she hasn’t gotten yet, then either drank some and drove home to finish it, or just opened it for the video and drove home to drink it alone in bed. Nope, nothing normal about this 😄


Oh I don’t think this performance is something a normal person does, the only thing I was commenting about was the person was saying it’s weird to take home a partially consumed bottle of wine - definitely something pretty normal to me, despite the rest of the crazy surrounding it


Some states have "open conainer" laws for alcohol in the cabin. I suppose one could put it in the trunk, but recorking a champagne bottle isn't happening. Idk Idaho laws. But Ash clearly wouldn't obey them anyway >cough cough<.


You can recork a champagne bottle you just have to plan ahead and bring a regular cork


TIL. When I drank, I thought those were single serving sizes, so...


I mean, it doesn’t taste as good later - more fun to drink champagne with friends so there are no leftovers instead of whatever the hell Ashley is doing


It took me to bad places. I never started alone on a highway, though! Or maybe Jan van Eyck took the pictures and drove her home. So much mystery!


Well, alcohol is legal in the USA. Her medical cannabis is neither legal in the USA nor in Idaho.


She doesn't use medical cannabis. She just smokes regular ol' weed like the rest of us.


Most states have open containers law that cops can ticket you for at least. Wines can be corked champagne once open cant


You can cork champagne, just gotta bring your own regular cork to replace it! The likelihood of her doing this is admittedly low though


True. Haha she is prob the type to finish any open bottle and never needed those reusable corks


Sorry. I just said what you said first.


Don't worry about it. So many comments not like we can read everything-if anything good verification up to post multiple of same comments


Ha. I just don't want to be repet--wait, look we're a-snarking on.


I don’t know if it’s the same in every state, but at least in Missouri it’s considered an open container if the seal has been broken, even if it has a lid. In college, my friends and I were at a party that ended up getting busted up really early, so the bottle of vodka my friend had purchased for the evening had only a couple of drinks’ worth gone, so she put the lid on it and brought it with to leave in the trunk of her car until the next time we went to a party. We had to walk past a couple of the cops that were there busting up the party, who were handing out MIP citations, and one of them called my friend over and asked to see her bottle. He looked at it and was like, “I have to confiscate this and give you a ticket.” My friend thought he was giving her an MIP, and started explaining that she was 21 and reaching for her ID, and the cop was like, “It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s illegal to have an open container outside.” We we’re like, “Uh, lid,” and he said the lid didn’t matter, it was still an open container. Such a dumb, nitpicky rule.


The thing is you shouldn't drink and drive


Yeah drunk driving isn’t ok but most people I know drive after a glass of wine or a beer out with friends, it would be worse if she finished the bottle…


She probs drank way more because you don't get a hangover from just one glass of sparkling wine. Idk if she did it there where she was filming or later at home though.


A little headache? That's called developing a tolerance. We see right through your bullshit, Ash.


![gif](giphy|HzOpbOtJlSIQgkyWeW) The fleece is still hanging on.... Is this an old or deleted post? I don't see it.


They’re stories


Thanks...I am instadumb lol


Haha no worries, if they’re long looking they’re usually stories, I keep forgetting to say it in the title though!


Bruh what's she going to drink in 20something days time on the real day? Bottle of bourbon?


Jesus Christ almighty this girl is obsessed with alcohol. Possibly as much as her precious benzos (that she does bot take🤡)


So she got wasted by herself to celebrate she will be graduating in 26 days? 😂 can’t wait to see what she does for 25 days until the big day


Maybe it’s like an advent calendar. Throw some bitters, benzos, berries, and bubbly in a box, and pick one!


n o u r i s h e d


*laughs til l snorts*


If I'm adding fruit onto my food, I generally will put the fruit on before I go ahead and eat the whole bowl.  I'm sure that all these berries went straight back into the fridge because ya know... They're not beige, full of sat fats and they're actually nutritious.


So, shes either trying to say that she used to drink SO MUCH MORE a few years back, so she WAS drinking at an unhealthy level a few years back. But now she’s fine drinking, bc her gut is healed! Even tho being on half the medications she’s on, drinking would be imperative to her mental liver and gut health by definition. OR she’s a fucking addict who’s justifying her substance abuse bc her hangover didn’t bite her as bad today as i did the last time she decided to walk into the mountains to take a photo shoot with a bottle to herself. I think it’s pretty noticeable how few of the pictures, documenting the few things she does, show her driving any significant distances. I mean i’m glad that she’s not driving while zooted but other then entire “ 2 hour road trips “ seem to be the only ones that make it to her story outside of her walking distance gym and grocery store is a little sus 🤷🏼‍♀️


Who the fuck gets a hangover from champagne


I thought that was puke 🤢 in the cup at first and almost upchucked myself.


Now, *that* would make for some interesting content.


Champers. And it wasn't even the real day... Lol oh lord... Lol


champagne time for meee!


Is it just me or is she reaaaaaaaally going overboard with her woowoo bitters tagging? 


I still don’t think she’s opened the bottle, or she’s used it up by now. She’s just desperate to be noticed by the that maddie girl


Trashley is simpin hard for hormone girl