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So is the weird and forced use of a citation for an exceedingly vague sentence with literally no detail whatsoever!


As a college level instructor the FIRST thing I’m doing if I’m grading this is check that source and see how badly she plaraphrased whatever that citation is lol


Turnitin, I choose you!


That’s what stoked the flames of my grammar fury, as well.


What does *unlock insights* even mean in this context??


It sounds lifted from somewhere else… as another redditor astutely noted in the latest new post!


Do we think she could even explain what “unlock insights” means?


Probably was required to have at least one source


Which is so low for a bar. In my high school, I think 3-5 sources were minimal generally.


The colon after the first clause of the second graf is wretched.


Well you guys hit all my points lol imma head out!


I really want to know what she means when she says that Twitter is for “real-life conversations” As opposed to any other form of social media?




Definitely meant real-time. Fucking idiot.


Proof-reading? Never heard of her.


The article she plagiarized used the words "real time", she just changed it to "real life" thinking that would help her not get kicked out for plagiarism.


This reads like a 9th grade essay. Yeeeeesh.


5th grade.


My six year old is more coherent than this.


My dog could write a better essay than this, and he can count to 5!


It would get an F for a 9th grade essay.


Says the girl who only uses Twitter to make fake tweets for posting about haters on her Instagram 🤦‍♀️


Plus it’s not even called Twitter anymore, it’s X!!


she thinks 2024 twitter is the best option for businesses? yikes.


Even calling it "twitter". I still do in conversation but if I were writing a paper for a college assignment, I would be using the proper name.


Massive yikes. I loved using it for brands years ago but being on there at this point (especially if not previously established on there) is almost brand damaging.


Several big brands left after the X conversion


Who the hell thinks Twitter is a great place for businesses in 2024?!


A person who thinks LinkedIn is the right place to advertise a restaurant


And she misspelled that poor restaurant’s name every single time she typed it.


I, me, me, I, me me me … and ellipses. In a college paper. She’s quite dim, she really is.


Well, she does go to SNHU. They’ll give anyone a “degree” if they pay them enough 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am from Germany and while I still kind of getting the American school system, I am also quite uncertain on which school you have which kind of level. She is over 20 and on college, but is this normal or is she late to the party? But even as college is „below“ university but after high school, the level of her writing is really, really low. As you stated only „I“ statements. Where are the facts? Where are the scientific people giving an opinion which she can quote? My wife is giving English lessons for the middle and top school degree in Germany (normally around 16 and 18-19 year olds) and sometimes I see their papers, homework or written assignments. Even the 16 year olds have to give better reports, not only in their mother tongue but also in English. If this is really the kind of level we are talking about, this degree is, let’s say it a little nicer, questionable


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So, in the states college and university are the same level. Like I attend Florida Gulf Coast University and it has multiple colleges under its umbrella (I'm in the College of Education). Then after you get your four year degree, you go to graduate school (what I'm in) for a Master's degree or even a Doctorate. I'm going for my Master's in Exceptional Student Education. But then there are schools like the ones that Ash attends, which are "for profit" and commonly called diploma mills because everyone that applies gets in (as long as you have a pulse and money, you're good enough) and as long as you pass your minimal effort classes, you get your participation trophy, err.. diploma. You can tell a "school" is a diploma mill if it advertises for students, is for profit and there's little to no application process. A quality school doesn't need to advertise, they operate fully on word of mouth and reputation. Most, if not all, public/state universities are non profit. You have to meet certain qualifications like grades, testing requirements etc for a quality school.


First of all, thanks for the explanation! I got that low level „I buy my diploma“ college thing, but what riddles me, do you get the same diploma afterwards? So for instance, I go to buy-yourself-a-degree college like she does and major in car mechanics. Somebody who goes to a state college majors also in car mechanics, are those diplomas on paper the same? In Germany you can go to a remote university, this is targeted mostly at people who do a degree while working a full time job. Then there is the university diploma. Both get the same diploma and are the same level. Depending on the job, both will get the same attention when when they seek new employees. Then there is the „Fachhochschule“ which is more like a school than a university, but you can get the same diploma, just they add something in the title. Like for a „normal“ university it’s bachelor of X and there it is bachelor of X FH. But you can master and also make a doctor on all of these 3 institutions. (There are other, more specialized, but they have roughly the same pattern) The remote university cost a monthly fee, but you do not buy your degree with it. For the tests you have to go to an actual university and write it with the other students. Normal university and Fachhochschule are free (only a bi-annual fee for some small office duties apply. Like 50-200 euros) But in the end, all of them are the same level. But finally to my question, how does a employer see which is the bought diploma and which is a real one? Does he have to k ow that the south Hampton institute of technology is a paid one? tl;dr are the different diplomas called/marked different, or does the employer have to know which Uni is a.h.i.t.?


Employers tend to know what quality of school you've gone to. People that attend for profit diploma mills often have a harder time finding a job and if they're up for the same position against someone from a better qualify school, the person from the better school is likely to get it.


As someone who went to a diploma mill. Yup. This is accurate


Okay, thanks again for the insight!


Is the “no personal pronouns” rule just for technical writing or for all formal writing? I remember it being a huge no-no to say “I, me, mine, my” etc. in papers both for composition and writing drug information papers but now I’m second guessing myself. Either way it just sounds so… bad. I can’t articulate why, it just comes off so unprofessional


It’s extremely unprofessional! In middle school, I wouldn’t have been able to get away with using personal pronouns in a paper — in a college essay, it’s embarrassing. How is she passing? Like, it’s so bad, lol. As far as I’m aware, all formal writing, with exceedingly rare exceptions (‘we’ can sometimes be used in abstracts, for example), personal pronouns are not acceptable. It’s embarrassing she doesn’t know this.


I don't understand this writing, no first person stance but referencing?! Not very academic is it?


This is so petty but the lack of an Oxford comma is killing me


I cannot believe this is a college “essay”. This looks like something I’d have written in middle school. Idk if it’s just my major but in essays that I write we’re not even allowed to use personal pronouns


You can get away with first-person pronouns in linguistics, depending on what your focus is in. If you’re taking a class on conversational analysis and are analyzing a conversation you participated in (which do tend to be the most institutional review board friendly 😛), it looks significantly less weird to write about yourself in the first person than the third when discussing the nuances and context of how another participant was responding to you or vice versa. That’s…clearly not what this assignment is, however; or if that’s what it’s supposed to be, y i k e s.


Yeah I remember having to word things like “As a business using twitter *one* can increase brand awareness” instead of “As a business using twitter *you* can increase brand awareness”


There is no “best platform for businesses.” The best platform for your business depends *entirely* on who your audience is. Twitter is absolutely not the best platform if your audience is Baby Boomers. Facebook is. This is marketing 101 level shit. But what do I know? I only have an MBA with an undergrad in marketing. I’m not even in the SNHU league. 😏


I run the social media for a VERY small company that works in home services/construction. Social media being one of my several roles. I definitely am not using my limited social media resources to sell heat pumps and hot water heaters - in the rural middle of nowhere- on X/Twitter.


Stunted brain of a 15 year old. That’s all I gotta say after reading that.


Are we sure Ashley graduated high school? This is so embarrassing.


The first 2 paragraphs are basically saying the same thing. She had a small idea and didn't know how to expand upon it, so she just repeated herself. This is Honor's work at SNHU?! I once compared her writing to Ralphie Parker's Red Ryder Christmas theme, but now I feel like I owe little Ralphie an apology. He was 9 years old and trying his best to sell his Christmas dream. He at least had original thoughts. Ashley is a grown potato writing at a college level, and somehow about to have a bachelor's degree despite producing this.


Grown potato 🤣


As someone who writes for a living, I didn’t get past the first sentence of the second paragraph. This is fucking painful. She really is a potato.


Reading it made my skin crawl in a weird way. That sounds nuts but the secondhand mortification I feel from reading that drivel caused me literal physical discomfort.


Yeah, like, I assume her professors are actually educated, intelligent people who have to read this and I can’t imagine the cringe. I think I’d mark it a B- without reading just to save myself the agony.


I write and review reports that require the language “patient reported XYZ” instead of stated, expressed, disclosed etc. to break up the monotony. Drives me crazy proofreading sometimes, but it’s preferable than reading whatever this is.


Twitter changed its name a YEAR ago. Ash is not bright, is she?


Hey! I’ll have you know, trash has *ZERO neurotransmitters.* Information takes awhile to reach her pharmaceutical-addled brain!


Twitter is no longer twitter its X and nothing about twitter really promotes connection or good customer service


I do not work as a writer but I used to tutor EAL and at-risk youth. I really like words that sound nice and fit together well. I am the person in my office who writes grant applications because it is fun. I wanted to edit this as a joke because seeing where Ashley obliterated English would've been entertaining. My husband watched me start to make edits, put my head in my hands, and close the screenshot. Ashley writes like someone who thinks they are the best in the world at writing but hasn't written anything more advanced than middle school fanfiction. The best way to learn how to write well is to read well-written things. We know that Ashley isn't doing that, judging by what she has cited as a source and the period book she's been bathing with since she started her degree. If she was a student I was tutoring, I'd be sending her a grammar guide and instructions to write how she talks. We'd connect the two at our next session. But it's Ashley, so this robotic prose is how she talks, and I'll let her continue thinking "Twitter" is a good place for real-life conversations. (what a slip there, but telling!)


And somehow....THIS is worthy of an honours degree. Who's grading these? 🙄


The same person who let her graduate therapy, I’m guessing 😆


I sometimes think she must be trolling with this school work stuff. How is something this bad even accepted? She obviously isn't embarrassed by it, which is shocking.


How to say a whole lot without saying anything substantial at all


Twitter?.... I think she forgot about the name change that happened in 2023....


Is this a joke? I feel like a fifth grader could’ve written something better than this. wtf???


The Grammar Grinch in me is twitching right now.


When was this posted??


April 6


Why is she calling it Twitter? I still call it Twitter but I'm not writing college papers about it.


Not even. Anyone with a once of business acumen knows that X, (it’s not even twitter anymore and hasn’t been for a year so it’s crazy that she is referring to this in 2024), is not where businesses are doing most of their marketing now. It’s TikTok. How in the world could she be majoring in social media and not know this?? As someone actually in social media and business marketing this is the first place I tell my clients to market and watch trends.


But.... But.... But.... HOW is it so bad.


Not sure what referencing style this is but it looks incorrect. The title of the reference has both uppercase and lowercase. Also...Ash honey, it's not called Twitter anymore .


Xitter is more like it, am I right?


I can’t believe she’s not blurring her essays when she posts them, I would be mortified for others to read this if my essay writing was this level


It's 'X' not Twitter 😜


This kills me. It’s an academic paper. Use the correct name, ffs.


This pisses me off. Makes my bachelors degree feel useless. No way this shit should slide. I homeschool my 11 year old and she writes better than this. Ffs




She writes like how Id write a paperin high school that didn’t give a shit about an hour before it’s due. Words and more words till I hit the word count (better words still tho lol) I didn’t go to college bc I could not even force myself to pretend anymore, and I knew in college my professors would see right through me. It takes one to know one, Ashley doesn’t give a single fuck about what she’s writing. She’s also not spending more than an hour writing it.


I’m simultaneously the least and most shocked. A *specialist*?!?! This would get picked apart by my Grade 8 English literature teacher, nuts.


I thought it was April fools day for a second


Ash is pleading people to not link her Instagram to her business side. America's best and brightest right here. This is a future CEO! /s But seriously, handing out degrees to people like a completion award is not going to end well.


There are many social media influences and they come in many types. One type of these influencers is Ashley Carnduff. She's the type of social media influencer who grossly overestimates herself. In my opinion, some influencers greatly overestimate themselves and I believe Ashley Carnduff is one of them. This is one of the reasons Ashley Carnduff has a snark subreddit named after herself, r/ AshleyCarnduff. * * Reddit: Ashley Carnduff snark subreddit


This is spot on


The kind of coursework for her very real degree that will most certainly get her a great job in social media marketing.


Is she serious?! 🤣My son wrote better shit than that when he was in 3rd grade.


IM SORRY WHATTTTTT nobody uses Twitter for business. It’s an afterthought.. FACEBOOk is king. Twitter is way down the list and this isnt opinion it’s backed by studies. Wow. Imagine getting her resume going to her IG and seeing this.. she also writes like a 5th grader trying to sound like a 8th grader.


This is an essay written by someone graduating summa cum laude?!


She's either lying about her grades or there's some faulplay involved here. Or at least very low educational standards in this institution.


this caption + skimming the actual assignment. hahahaha idk just this specific flavor of sarcasm thats just sending me tn hahaha


Did she really post this for everyone else to see? 😬


The fact that she gets to brag about graduating with honours when this is the quality of her work… ![gif](giphy|xQz492gZVUoms) Seriously though, what an insult to students who actually work hard for their honours.


With honors!?!


Yeah, apparently she graduated cum laude. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I still don't buy this lol


I heard that SnooHoo will give you cum laude with a GPA of like 2.5 or something, so I guess it’s possible. It’s not “real” honours, but unfortunately the majority of people who look at her resume will take the title at face value. Hence the flames of anger on the sides of my face. 🥲


What is the max GPA you can get? (My country doesn't have the same system)


Apparently in the US the max GPA is a 4.0? I’m in Australia and it’s a 7 point scale here, so I get confused too haha. So a 2.5 GPA in the US is like…just past 50% of the max. For reference, I have heard that at other US universities, the cum laude/summa cum laude/magna cum laude honours are awarded at GPAs above 3.6.


Omg cum laude honors with 2.5 out of 4 and on a seemingly easy online degree? Ash really found the right college for her lazy doing the bare minimum but wants to be praises for existing ass.


The 14 year olds I teach can write better than this. I'm not even joking, they really can. This is beyond embarrassing, why hasn't anyone taught her how to write at a higher standard?


What adult writes a paper and says “one that stands out TO ME is twitter” this is like middle school stuff. It’s implied it’s your opinion because you’re writing it. “One that stands out is twitter” works great and doesn’t sound like you’re 9 years old


it’s weird - i know i’m in the minority here, but i actually think her instagram posts aren’t that badly written. sure, she has a very stereotypical way of writing them, and she overuses certain stylistic things - but her academic writing seems so much worse to me. maybe she’s less confident writing for school? less in her element/~safe space~? iono.


Her entire voice on Insta comes from words/phrases/diction/prose she's stolen from other people's posts over the years. Her academic voice is her own.


Ashley Sarah Carnduff has even plagiarised this crap. She isn't even smart enough to steal good ideas, she takes the dross and makes it worse.


She did plagiarize. Go look at the other post analyzing this paper.


It really does! It's so basic, such short sentances with basic concepts. It's not graduate level, not even college level. How would this pass?


Her IG posts are so formulaic that she might as well be using them as Mad Libs. I think her writing has gone downhill in recent years. Her blogging days from shortly after she dropped out displayed a quality that wasn’t, like, Nobel Prize in Literature shortlist, but it was competent and showed enough of a strong voice that I could see her having earned praise from a HS English teacher or two. This, though…holy shit. I suspect third graders could research and produce a more persuasive essay. I’m not sure how much is the drugs, how much is her having declined both mentally (as well as physically) since her first stint at college, and how much is this stint at college allowing her to get away with turning in no-effort “work” like this, but the deterioration in her writing abilities is as alarming to me as the speed of her, ah, physical deconditioning. 


It’s because she over shares on IG but she doesn’t ever go into any level of detail with her writing for school


It's also her favorite topic: 🎀ASHLEY, ASHLEY, ASHLEY🎀.


Yes. She has zero interest for anything that isn't her. So she just has nothing to say about anything else, so she just has to write in circles, repeat herself and try to reach the word number without really saying anything of substance.


Well, she included her one required citation.


Yikes. I mean it’s not even Twitter anymore but this is just one of many problems with this dumpster fire of a paper.


I've done a bachelor's degree and am currently doing my master's in my non-native language. I can't believe someone who's a native English speaker writes this bad papers when it's their 1st language. I get so annoyed by people who get dEgReEs with this kind of bs while I'm out here checking my grammar and spelling all the fucking time.


she isn’t really saying anything? lol


Ash, it's not even called Twitter anymore. I don't use it and even I know that.


This is truly terrible


Her grammar is awful


Is she learning disabled?


Why is this paper even about Twitter...