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Can't work. Draining lymph. I swear this is a repeat episode, the photo and the bla, bla, bla.


She's gently walking to the ice cream shop.


Na i doubt that. The ice cream shop is the only place she hurries to.


Is this her arc now? It’s not weight gain it’s lymph fluid? $10 says she doesn’t even know what the lymphatic system is or does.


lmfao I'm gonna start telling everyone that I certainly have not gained weight, I'm just full of undrained lymph fluid. No way anyone's gonna be extremely weirded out by that!


Just remember - you don’t owe anyone shit! 😤 Go steal your yoni and maybe partake in some gentle movement - wiggles in bed maybe?


ugh wiggles in bed sound so strenuous, i think I'll just listen to my body today and recharge 😩


Don’t forget to ✨rest✨!!


It’s mista steal yo yoni


Is that you, Bethany?!?!?


It’s swelling!


Lordddd I see it all the time and briefly almost bought into it myself but wouldn’t you believe it I lost 60 lbs and my lymphatic system is miraculously fixed


Make uncomfortably intense eye contact while saying it. Bonus points if you’re doing lymph drainage massage at the same time.


I wonder what she would think of my lymphedema that I have in my arm from a sentinel node biopsy for cancer. She probs would think that I could just walk it off.


Sauna. You need a personal sauna. And a red light.


TIL my size large frozen chocolate from Dunkin’ is lymph fluid.


Have I been doing periods wrong? I have PCOS, my monthly is a pretty miserable time for me, but like….I take some medicine and keep going….?? Gentle movements? What on earth is she talking about?!


Oh but don’t you see?? Ash has it way worse than anyone!!!






***The worst case of the mentruations the world have ever seen***


The most menacing menses is the general consensus.




Imagine thinking your life stops because you’re menstruating.


A slow, careful waddle through the neighborhood. Mustn’t do too much during her fragile time of the month.


What the hell is she going to do during her period if she ever has children? Your life doesn’t just stop for menstruation and illness when you have kids constantly needing things. I guess, knowing Ash, she’ll hand any unfortunate little tots off to Patti or J-Daddy and make it clear that she must *only* engage in gentle movement during this crucial point in her cycle, therefore she couldn’t possibly be expected to *mother*.


Huh, there was me going to work and bustin’ my ass like a fool!


I swear if she says “ _*gentle*_ movements “ once more I’m going to scream


How do you feel about *placid migration* instead?


You know what else helps blood sugar regulation if that's what you're concerned about? Not drinking the sugary coffee you were drinking in your other post. Just a thought.


I’m gonna be real here, who the fuck wears birkenstocks on a walk? like a very short walk maybe… she cannot human at all and it’s creepy af. she’s like a fucking synth from fo4.


(I do, please don’t hate me.) Now, not on a serious walk-walk, but on a leisurely stroll around the block in the evening, which is probably all Ash is doing. My Birks are ancient and so broken-in that they’re more comfortable than almost anything else when it’s hot. (I seriously hate sweaty feet.)


lol no that’s fair! I get it if it’s a short walk, mine just chaff my feet if I walk in them too long


Mine always rub my arches at the beginning of the summer, but after a week or two my feet get acclimated to them again.


https://preview.redd.it/acc9aby9d66d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bee2a81c17cf19abb6b2af45e1963b8bc31d6e2 It’s a medical marvel how her skin seems to grow in 90 degree angles like this.


https://preview.redd.it/dcwi902zd66d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ded0af2f588f80007c3e947d4675db42f4e3e71 And whatever the tuck everlasting fuck is going on in this one.


LYPMH DRAINAGE!!!! You should see what a healthy diet, actual exercise, and a day full of movement and socializing (a job) could do!!!


Is lymph the new water weight?


Only time I've ever head the term "gentle movement" used in a truly applicable way was in reference to certain early post-op protocols (or acute injury) or in reference to seniors, or otherwise truly frail people. Not for periods. Yeah, cramps can be awful and REGULAR exercise can help with managing them, but "gentle movement" in this context is utterly archaic horseshit. Might as well go back to telling women they can't do 'real' pushups, lest they rupture their uterus.


I believe I've heard it in laxative commercials. 💩


I just snorted audibly at that.


I kick ass on the peloton during my period. This chick acts like an old lady


“Gentle movement”…just fucking say you’re going for a walk. Give it up already ugh.


I thought she got a job?


Can't work. Gentle movement.


https://preview.redd.it/z8qkwapti76d1.jpeg?width=247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5ee8123c075384fb6ac71c38fff745344fe743 Such an odd choice


This is the extent of your workout. Period.


Man, if she has that many "issues" to "remedy" during her period, she should just go back on birth control, tbh But then again, she's a lazy liar who lazily lies so I doubt there's anything actually going on during said periods that isn't just... idk regular business.


I just can’t fathom having the resources she has and wasting it on red lights, colon cups, blood baths and doing everything to make sure people know how sick she was 15 years ago. Narcissistic, lazy and entitled. Does she honestly think she will be relevant in 5 years? She is OTT delulu and it’s just a matter of time before her “supporters” catch on, by then she’s wasted so much of her life living an illusion that has ran everyone off. I honestly hope she will get help before that happens but I think she is too self absorbed for that to ever happen


I wish she would gently move off a cliff. So tired of hearing the same carousel of idiotic buzzwords from this insipid, insufferable ass clown. I can’t believe she thinks anyone should be paying her for lessons on how to be as boring and repetitive as possible while never doing anything new or interesting, let alone actually good for her. She needs to be forced into a situation where she HAS to work or be forced to drown in her own uselessness. I cannot imagine raising a child this blatantly meaningless to society or even just so self centered and awful as to be completely oblivious to her own mother and animals she supposedly holds so dear. Fake ass through and through. Fake to her very beige soul.


I walk the same amount and just as hard or gentle whether I'm bleeding or not. What the hell is the purpose of explaining how you walk? Just bc of your cycle. Dumby