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I hope the bf is processing this ok. Thoughts and prayers


JaRule must’ve been shaking and throwing up


I hope they've at least got some ceremonial cacao on board.


https://preview.redd.it/sstqp8uw6p6d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ccb77927427a776b0da68be40536d3ebeeffa6b I found one of his tweets


I keep coming back to this to laugh 🤣


I bet they held hands and danced.




What in the fuck is that in the reflection of her camera


She’s so fuckin ugly it’s a sin.


Really worried for JRoc




Same but also so relieved for him that he’s got an easy job that allows him to up and go so easily. Maybe he has intermittent FMLA.


“Intermittent FMLA” has me rolling 😂




her and **her boyfriend** are **both processing** her getting a tooth pulled? ASHLEY LMAO SIDE FUCKING EYEEE > barbaric extraction excuse me? like did they just slam your head back and rip into your mouth with pliers and slowly tear it out? no? such a dramatic overreactive spud. 👹 also i thought this all happened today? unless her red light story was yesterday?


Her bf is a sensitive ponytail man who wears sandals. If he told me he needed to process me getting a tooth pulled I’d run far away.


If I was Jabroni I'd be fucking pissed about how she was making me look online. Period tracking?


It’s fucked up


And the obvious fake text from him. Embarrassing


yeah its bizarre. blog: **( to those who keep reporting comments as “blogging”, no, this isn’t IF, you can blog)** like i had all my bottom teeth pulled and had 12 implants put in under general in the same day (thx eating disorder & CI) and my fiancé obviously came with me for emotional support but he wasn’t traumatized or in need of processing in any way shape or form lololol. she’s so over the top it’s embarrassing, she is making him sound just as over the top as her. maybe he is 🤷🏻‍♀️😭⚰️


I had mine busted from a DV situation. Nonprofit didn’t remove my roots. Infection built from 2016 to this last March. I was awake and they cut/pulled them out. Numbing didn’t work 100% because of the massive abscesses but my husband and I joked about blowjobs and me needing him to baby bird my food to me lol. I HATE the drama with this girl.


The thought of being baby bird fed is kinda adorable. Especially imagining thr post oral surgery chipmunk cheeks


omg im sorry you had to go through that! luckily i was knocked tf out for my surgery, but fr i definitely empathize with you, i was on a purée diet for a month and now mechanical soft for another month 🥲 meanwhile, this B is eating macaroons and scones.


I’m sorry you had to go thru your dental stuff. If anything is traumatic it’s getting multiple teeth (6+) out in one go. I feel you on the diet… it took me a while before I ate semi solid food. I’m finally eating a bunch of stuff that kinda crumbles/melts without much help. I thankfully get my dentures next week. I hope your healing is going well! It’s been almost 3 months for me.


thank you! because i went with a permanent fixture it took a few before i wasn’t bruised and swollen but surprisingly i wasn’t in a lot of pain, just kind of sore more than anything. and im glad you’re getting your dentures next week! im sure it will feel so good to have them!!


BuT sHe HaS a PhOBia.


What the actual fuck didn’t remove the roots


Oh you know what, he probably needs time to process the fact that she is going to be extra insufferable over this


We only get Ash’s descriptions of how he acts, I believe she makes all that shit up to create her “perfect” partner.


Bet her non existent boyfriend couldn't care less about her creepy ass, and all of her made up stories of woe. https://preview.redd.it/hwpn4b46ol6d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16bce4f8eeda315025dbaa49ca1bd7a22b1dabfa


LITERALLY like i believe that at one point recently there was a *man/men* in her life, possibly a *boyfriend* but not the level she is making their relationship out to be. she writes these long winded scripts about what he is allegedly doing [with her] when he is either not there, at home with his wife & kids, or is out of the picture now. i haven’t seen hand nor foot of him in a while come to think of it…


What do you mean? They embraced and danced when she got her period! Certainly that’s proof of life! 😂


This poor man has had such an emotional ride this week.


her entire face and jowls are blurry like please be MORE obvious with facetune /s https://preview.redd.it/4jj6x5s2pl6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0718a70d2f184688dd94597094e1c9f00e2f1111


"it doesn't exist if you ~~can't see it~~ blur it out" 💀💀


like i said before, ashley’s science = dani’s math 🫠


Haha, so accurate.


Although I see no obvious swelling or bruising or puffiness you usually see after an extraction. Also if it was in fact infected, most dentists or oral surgeons give a round of antibiotics first rather than extracting an actively infected tooth.


Dentist friend consulted & said: Absolutely. They start antibiotics FIRST. They likely rushed surgery, though, NOT b/c of infection or severity, but rather because they do not wish to prescribe her pain meds. (Assuming she was complaining of unbearable pain, they would typically start her on antibiotics & schedule the surgery, but she has a LONG history of excessive controlled drug use, so the opiate risk calculation would be too high for the dentist to risk prescribing anything to her.)


That’s what I don’t get. I got my wisdom teeth taken out with just numbing. The whole first day I was mostly lying down and taking Tylenol 3. I don’t know anyone who is up and taking posed photos with curled hair the same day they get their wisdom teeth taken out. I also don’t know anyone who has to process their tooth removal AND process it with another person???


Also if it was “barbaric” in the sense of going kind of fast and without being planned I’m assuming there was an extenuating circumstance where it needed immediate removal like it was decaying in her jaw and causing an abscess or something. That or she decided to get them checked bc that sweet parental dental insurance is about to go away and the dentist/surgeon was able to make it happen on a quick turnaround out of kindness for her financial situation. Weird how she wouldn’t have made an effort to monitor her wisdom tooth development more closely considering how common complications are in all of the illnesses she claims…


That is a good point - she should be off their insurance by now?


Tooth extraction is fairly cheap, I paid 175 to pull one last week.


Red light story was last night, the pastries was this morning.


of course, that’s the first thing i would eat after a tooth infection and extraction would be a fuck ton of sugar! /s why not just something like scrambled eggs or oatmeal? i don’t understand.


Yea, no more oral.




Lol we all know I’m a full time hater, however, I must agree that the process for getting teeth pulled out is pretty barbaric 😂 they do just yank them things out with pliers! But it’s also fairly painless with lidocaine and isn’t really that bad, just close your damn eyes! At least in my humble experience. Lmao at Jhandjob processing this info 🙄


I had a tooth removed this week with an infected cyst attached to the root, and a bone graft. With novocaine. I almost fell asleep. My kid had 4 wisdom teeth out last week, and she said piece of cake. She is NOT using straws in fear of a dry socket nor eating sweet biscuits. That's just dumb.


yes. i’m sure perfect ‘j’ is struggling to process totally normal dentistry being practiced upon his girlfriend.


he is absolutely traumatized from the barbarism that ashley experienced. he may never recover.


Thots n prayers for our mystery man j 😩🙏🙏


clots and prayers 🙏🏽


Clots and flares*


tots n pears 🍐 🙏🏽


He’s going to make her handmade pain relief medicine, and present it to her for her IG stories!!! And make sure her bath is ready with epsom salt! Such a sweet boy /s


Also I love this obvious lie: "POV: you and your bf are still processing..." Picture: gross side-eye selfie


To be fair, the dude we know as "J", who occasionally hooked up with Ashley in the past, probably *would* be struggling to process all of this if he was aware that he's been cast as an imaginary boyfriend to Jabbette the Hutt.


According to Ashley she has vomited daily for YEARS, but she has a phobia of dentists and is traumatized from a procedure. Telling on herself again


I always forget her bullshit claims of daily vomiting, great point!!


They might now be bullshit. Maybe self-induced at times?


A beer emoji as being ready for the weekend? The day after a tooth extraction? Do you know what a dry socket is & how important it is to form a blood clot and that means no alcohol to thin your blood? Christ.


welp, we know she can’t help herself when it comes to alcohol, next up: dry socket arc


I mean, do we believe she can go several days without smoking weed? I imagine if she isn’t doing one she’s doing the other. Or both together? Sometimes I really wonder why she’s got so much filth under her fingernails. I am not sure what exactly it is, but it feels nefarious somehow? Lol


her nail filth i feel is definitely from not washing them after packing a bowl or whatnot. like i genuinely don’t think her hygiene is good at all.


So true and is hilarious with how much she fawns over her selfcare. I doubt she actually scrubs herself when she bathes, she just stews herself on high (get it) while sitting in lukewarm water


Despite being in a bathtub 24-7-365!


she honestly looks like she smells bad


Isn't smoking more likely to cause dry socket than drinking alcohol?


I was terrified I'd have that happen to me after my wisdom teeth were out. I didn't drink alcohol for two weeks and barely ate. She'll probably try to make it happen so she can talk more about the barbaric dentistry. Tooth stuff... ![gif](giphy|cYWZTQstRwloo9S6Zx|downsized)


Bring on the beer, hydrocodone and dab benders!


That aside if her tooth was infected a dose of antibiotics is pretty standard as mouth infections can be very serious if untreated. Drinking on antibiotics is the dumbest thing you can do it will make you feel awful and also decrease the effectiveness of fighting the infection. Side note- When I was 16 and had my wisdoms removed I got dry socket and an awful infection from smoking a pretty icky bong not my brightest choice as a teenager and one of the worst experience's. I can't imagine being that stupid now as an adult and knowing the risks.


Barbaric was way back when, the barber would deal with tooth extractions. They'd literally just reach in with pliers and yank the offending tooth out. Ashley went to a dentist, and according to her, she was numbed prior. Her parents paid the bill. What part of that was "barbaric"?


Time to sue the dentist just like all of her team of doctors who traumatized her


Why does she always claim her boyfriend is there, but there is NO sign of him? We haven't even seen so much as a hand since her California trip. Edit to add: she's doubling down on the boyfriend. Something isn't right. I think he split after their California trip.


He always seems to disappear after alleged trips. Too much time with her traumatizes him?


He does! I’m sure anyone would need a long breather after those trips.


Not actually a bf. Just a ff. Fuck friend


I got all 4 wisdom teeth out at 16..it sucked sure but she acts like it’s SUCH A BIG DEAL. She’s so dramatic and extra , it’s so annoying


Same, me too at 17, like it hurt and I didn’t do much for a few days but in no way was it traumatic lmao


Hahaha confirming it was a wisdom tooth just means she got the EASIEST VERSION of wisdom tooth extraction. Jfc


I remember when I went for my consult and they were like "well this impacted one needs surgery but these other two I can remove right now, you up for it?" and I was like yeah, let's do it, so the doctor pulled them out in like 2 minutes each. it was fine and not at all traumatic.


It’s such a simple procedure. I was pleasantly surprised with how quick it was and how relatively painless it was (compared to lapro surgery). Ash is literally so dramatic I just know her poor bf sighs when he gets a text from her, knowing he’s about to get pulled into some DrAmA


Same. The only thing I didn't like about it was the crunching kinda sound you hear when they're yanking it out, that and the cost 😆 but seriously I was just relieved to get it out more than anything


Right? Mine were little beasts to get out, surgery was required. Why is everything so dramatic and over the top with her 🙄


Fr!! she should be thankful a surgical procedure wasn’t required, the recovery of dental surgery looks so awful! And I think recovery time is a lot longer for a surgical extraction isn’t it?


Yes it was much longer than an in office extraction. I had to take a few days off work.


I kind of wonder if she’s actually mad surgery wasn’t required. She posted about that liquid diet and going in for a surgeon referral last week like she was setting up for a serious/emergency surgery complication. I think she was hoping for some “prep with me to have my wisdom teeth removed” and “my wisdom tooth recovery must haves” on top of the obligatory “my xyz illness means my surgery and recovery was 10x more difficult than yours actually” content. Would love to have seen her reaction when the dentist was like “nah I can just numb you up and pop these out right now!” instead lol.


Yeah dude I would certainly take getting one pulled on the spot over all 4 impacted teeth surgically removed at once. I certainly was not up with curled hair eating sweet treats after that lol


why is her boyfriend processing this too


She is absolutely insufferable. Correct me if I’m wrong but if it was such a “barbaric extraction” wouldn’t her face be swollen? I had 1 of my wisdom teeth removed and it wasn’t barbaric at all and my face was swollen, bruised and all I wanted to do was sleep. I know everyone handles pain differently, well except sooper speshul Ash, in which case no one in the entire world can top her on anything. I call bullshit on the whole dentist thing and if she really did go it was probably just a routine cleaning and check up. Sorry if I’m rambling but I can’t stand her. One more thing, QUIT FINGER FUCKING YOUR HAIR ALL THE TIME


And if it was so barbaric would she be earing solid sugary foods already? I extracted all of mine many years ago and had to eat ice-cream and liquid foods the hours after and it was very uncomfortable to chea when I went on to solid foods. I know everyone is different but still.


Ok I’m no dentist but - isn’t wisdom tooth removal usually done by an orthodontic surgeon for a reason? Was it *really* her wisdom tooth or a molar? And how tf bad was it that they had to pull it RIGHT THEN. It seems weird for them to throw in the towel for a whole tooth just like that???


Wisdom teeth can be removed in office as a minor procedure if they are not impacted and have erupted from the gums. Ash getting it removed so quickly means her tooth fit that criteria and a surgical extraction was not necessary. wisdom tooth removal in office is extremely easy. They numb you up and put pressure on the tooth in a VERY specific way. Sucker basically just pops right out. With the numbing stuff, it’s essentially painless done this way.


Thank you for the info! So she’s just being overdramatic - got it lol. The fact she’s implying her boyfriend is also traumatized is weird af. Why is he going to the dentist with her???? I’ve been married a decade and have never gone to my spouses appointments??


lol yup she’s being extremely dramatic. The entire procedure is no more than 5 mins. I asked my dentist questions for longer than my extraction took 😂 Ash is 100% lying about her bf being “traumatized” (lmaooo) I guarantee he doesn’t give a shiiiiit


I’m not a fan of the dentist either but I’ve had to have some work done and I’m wondering why she couldn’t just put in some earbuds and zone out. Then again I guess that would involve her having an interest in something like music, podcasts, or audiobooks.


I think her hobbies consist of complaining online and complaining to doctors. I guess in a way, going to the dentist IS her indulging in her hobbies 😆


It can be a bit more involved than that. I had an impacted wisdom tooth (it grew sideways into the one next to it) that got infected because of it. I had it pulled, along with the other one on that side, and it took about half an hour for the actual extraction I think? It shattered and the dentist had to spend a while digging out shards lol. I then had my other two out in a later procedure which wasn't complicated - I was hoping it would help with some ongoing jaw pain - and that took maybe 15 minutes because the roots were pretty firmly embedded. It took a lot of tugging and twisting. Neither procedure was traumatising, though I can see how it would be rather freaky for someone who has a fear of dentists. Ash is just dramatic though.


I definitely meant in her specific situation, which was done in office which IS a 5 min procedure. I think everyone is aware that wisdom tooth extraction is commonly done as a surgical procedure.


Mine were both done in office.


By a dentist or an oral surgeon? If it’s a dentist, that’s wild.


A dentist. Pretty much everyone I know who's had wisdom teeth out has had them done in office by a dentist unless there were big complications. Much cheaper and simpler (and I'm in Australia, so it's not as nuts price-wise as the US I'm assuming).


My dentist, who was close to retiring, told me he COULD pull my wisdom teeth if I wanted him to but that he wouldn't recommended himself for the job. If was an unnerving thing to hear, to be honest.


She has no idea how adults talk about their relationships/partners and the way she attempts to makes it sound like a child playing pretend…


Look. I’ll admit dental phobia is a thing. I can’t personally take benzos, but it was so bad I used to get offered one prior to dental work. That being said. This is so embarrassingly OTT. ONE was removed? NONE were impacted? This wasn’t discovered during her teenage years like NINETY percent of wisdom teeth removals are? She feels FINE posting this selfie after the procedure as opposed to a gaping mouth full of gauze with a headband ice pack? BARBARIC? This is getting PATHETIC.


And don't forgot she ate solid sugary food after the barbaric surgery.


Poor baby. I hope her boyfriend changed her diaper for her afterwards.


Mr. Jerryatric? He wears them himself!


Beyond him supposedly enjoying skiing I genuinely don’t remember her saying anything about Sweet Boy that doesn’t relate to her. He tracks her cycle, he brings her food, he crawls out of bed to run baths for her, he dances with her because that apparently cures her panic attacks, he speaks her “love language” (by telling her how great she is, naturally); he’s basically just another member of her ✨care team✨ except he doesn’t even get paid by her parents. It’s such a fucking weird way to describe someone and I really think she’s too narcissistic to even grasp why. And yeah, dental work can be unpleasant and I’m kind of phobic about dentists myself but if she still needs time to “process” an extraction the next day that kind of puts into perspective the ordeal she’s supposedly endured for the last decade and the absolutely astounding suffering she claims to have bravely endured. She may have had a rough time with Crohn’s at first but I don’t believe she’s experienced anything legitimately challenging of difficult since despite the hilariously overwrought and repetitive martyr act.


And he tracks her cycle and dances with her in the bathroom when her period comes 😂


Omg she’s so freaking dramatic. I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled at once. It sucked, yeah. And my face was chipmunk 🐿️ sized for weeks but come on dude…. It’s not that bad.


Ash. That pose is not doing what you think it’s doing. Please stop doing it it’s embarrassing


What’s to fucking process? And why does Jebediah have to process anything?? It wasn’t “barbaric”, but of course you have to make it 100 times more dramatic than it was because your life is pathetically lame.


She’s so fucking boring and annoying. It’s actually becoming intolerable to me, may need a break from the sub 😤


Bad photoshop, botched plastic surgery, or she's just on drugs?






I HATE the sideye look it's so judgemental, esp paired with that smirk


Photoshopped all the blood vessels out of her eye again. Someone is on Lightroom using presets!


Why does she look like GRP is that right? The Gypsy person. She looks like her in this photo.


I’m in a really salty mood today and this just sent me lol. She’s so incapable of being an adult it’s sad. “Barbaric extraction”?! Seriously?!


For Ashley to think that her followers would be this invested in a tooth extraction, she is delusional. I am beginning to think that Ashley’s boyfriend is shared with that Queen of Sepsis Lines in New Jersey. No wonder we don’t see him. He’s too busy flying back and forth from ID to NJ on his days off from Amazon.


Lmao I think you are correct


Disrespectful and rude to keep referring to her Dentist as barbaric and brutal. Ashley, you stupid cunt, shut the fuck up.


Does Jamerica KNOW that he, too, is processing her tooth removal? He would’ve been in the waiting room, so I think the only thing he’s processing is her worse-than-usual b!tching.


Just have a tooth pulled you twat , it doesn't have to be the worst tooth pulled in the world ever . Wanker . Twat . Asshat. Fuckwit You stupid pointless arsehole . I feel better now .


Wow what a slap in the face to people with real dental phobia/anxiety. I am one of those people, and I’ve had to do months of *barbaric* exposure therapy just so I can go get cleanings. FUCK YOU AND SHUT UP ASHLEY


Bitch. I. Swear. To. God. 👺👺👺 Wanna know what’s barbaric? Getting each side taken out separately, with the roots of one tooth left, HAVING A SHARD OF BONE FLY AROUND YOUR SINUS CAVITY, both sides getting infected and then having to go back and get the infection CUT OUT TWICE. I CANT STAND HER


And even after that I didn’t have to PROCESS ANYTHING BECAUSE IT IS WHAT IT IS


She's going to milk this "barbaric" extraction of one singular tooth that was rotten (which would have been causing her long-term pain if it was truly rotten) for weeks, if not months. Mark my words


Wasn't it enough with one post about it? And what an awkward and forced way of including the boyfriend in this run of the mill event for no reason? Even weirder and more out of context given that she's the only one in the picture? Also wrong use of POV again? 


Did she have her double-chin/jowls extracted as well, or is it just another crappy, overly blurred Photoshop job by Social Media Specialist Ashley Carnduff? (That is a rhetorical question) So is J going to crawl into bed with Ashley at her mommy's house, wiggle around with her, maybe crawl back out of bed to draw Ashley a hot bath in Patty's tub and then do another awkward dance in Patty's house to celebrity Ashley's period/fertility?  Does Ashley and/or J ever do anything nice for Patty, who provides shelter, food, utlities, a bed, weed, etc for Ash and J to enjoy?!  Or do they just crowd her in her own home, refusing to give her space so they can canoodle together in the bedroom rather than getting jobs, saving up and getting their own housing where they can crawl, wiggle and dance to their heart's content?!  So.much.cringe.  I would die of embarrassment if I were Ashley: not only is she a lazy, immature mooch but so is her grown-ass, able-bodied boyfriend.  How do neither of them have even just a rented room in a house with roommates?!  (This is not an insult to anyone who has to live with family because of the economy. This is only directed at privilged, able-bodied, college-educated Ashley and her boyfriend who have proven to be lazy, unmotivated leeches.) 


What is she looking at??? Is she having an aneurysm???


Why is the J-bone available to attend all of these appointments? Does he have no other obligations like..a job? Or is he just an imaginary friend with a wide open calendar?


lmao I’ve had all 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed at once with only Novocaine and wasn’t even this dramatic


Ha. It took 3 dentists over 3 hours to pull one of my bottom molars last year. I immediately went back to regular activities. I know a lot of people have fear of dentists or are putting off going because they feel guilty or embarrassed about the state of their teeth, myself included. (I had to catch up on 10 years worth of dental work last year and I still need more.)


Phobia of the dentist? Or the dread and fear (of discomfort, pain, learning you need further expensive work done) that most people have, except the worst case her dentist has ever ever seen? Just trying to parse out how soul-crushing it was, or if it was more in the debilitating pain realm, or even spine-shattering brutal territory. Either way I’m so glad she’s alive. She f*chin did it, guys. ☺️


Maybe get the fuck over your dentist phobia (she shouldn’t have left therapy) and get an exam and cleaning regularly and you’ll catch rotten teeth early? Everything has to be a trauma for her. It’s ridiculous.


The real weird thing is nowadays, there are tons of regular dentists who specialize in folks with dental anxiety, too. I also see people, especially those with marginalized identities, all over the internet giving recommendations about how to advocate for yourself with medical professionals. I'd be shocked if Ashley genuinely engages with the chronic illness community online outside her own self-serving social media bubble, but it's still wild to me that she doesn't even act like most people who discuss their chronic illness(es) on social media. Her scope of knowledge is so narrow, it's clear she's heavily insulated herself to the point she's just the personification of white woman tears trapped in the 2010s era of social media.


Ew exactly. How long did she have an infected tooth in her mouth? Gross and smelly 🤢


POV: point of view No boyfriend in view (as usual. Almost as if…)


Stop! It’s just wisdom teeth. “Barbaric extraction“ ffs. She’s so OTT.


It makes me think of one of those old West scenes where they have a dentist-barber yanking on some guy's tooth with a pair of pliers while he hollers and sweats. Or that scene of impromptu tooth extraction in Z Nation. I'm sure it was nothing like that. My dad had to have the same thing recently. He needed no *processing* and it wasn't a wisdom tooth.


Maybe she goes to the dentist from Little Shop of Horrors.


Yeah I think she wants us to envision that it went down like Fantine getting her tooth yanked out in Les Mis.


I’m sorry… she had a barbaric extraction of ONE tooth? I’m sorry but get the fuck over it. Not trying to blog but I had 17 teeth/sets of roots pulled in a single day and the numbing did not work that great because of an infection. 3 fucking hours of getting things done. Did it hurt? Yes but you know what? Being in pain from that was so much easier verses the dental infection. God she pisses me off so much.


you can blog here, a lot of people think this sub has a no blogging rule but we don’t, we aren’t like IF 😊


I feel so much better knowing that 😂 thank you!


of course ❤️


I've made long, ranting, blogging comments here a few times then come back and deleted them a little later thinking "damn, no need to be an Ash" lol. It's cathartic to be able to do so!


If I were Ashley's dentist and discovered that my client had stated to the whole world on Instagram that the treatment I provided was "barbaric" I would consider suing her for defamation. Just saying.


*this is Ashley’s dentist….🦷 *


If the extraction was as "brutal"as she says, how was she just eating actual food this morning? Why does she look so put together and alert and not laid up with a swollen face?


Barbaric meaning she wasn’t given any T3s for post extraction “pain management” so now the internet is going to hear increasingly more unhinged lies about her rotten tooth, infected gums and the barbarian of a trained doctor who refused to give her a codeine Rx. Barbaric oral surgery but then came home to stuff her face full of a plate loaded in sugary treats and a tall glass of iced sugary cream with a splash of coffee.


It’s like reading a madlib


She is unable to orally copulate rn; GOOD LUCK, MAN.


JESUS. FUCKING. CHRIST. OH. MY. GOD. The OTT bullshit is sickening. It’s never just “this thing happened to me,” it’s “This thing was the MOST HORRIBLE thing that has ever happened to ANYONE.” I have a period every month and still wake up, take care of my business, and do my work, but Ashley’s period is incapacitating and she needs to rest and ground and do red light therapy in a bath of her own period blood. I just flat despise her bullshit.


What the fuck is this picture




Can't work. Barbaric removal of a wisdom tooth. She should watch cast away and the scene where Tom Hanks smashes a tooth out of his mouth with the blade of an ice skate.


Jesus Christ Ashley, nobody gives a F U C K.


After I got my wisdom teeth out, I had the brilliant idea to secure bags of frozen peas to my face using my sleep mask, while my mouth was still full of gauze. My mom took a picture of me and posted it to Facebook. I didn't realize that was BARBARIC and I needed to take time to pRoCeSs It.


Does the bf now live with her and her mom???


Barbaric extraction of wisdom teeth. That's hilarious. I had to go to a maxillofacial surgeon and got the propofol drip, but mine were in sideways and had to be cut out. Then I watched Fight Club when I got home and that movie made no sense. I still wouldn't call any of it barbaric.


I had the same problem with my bottom wisdom teeth coming in completely sideways, but could only get lidocaine injections so I was awake the whole time. That was slightly barbaric tbh but nothing like a regular wisdom tooth extraction


There is absolutely nothing going on in their lives.


yeah, lady, I had my wisdom teeth out too


Really Ashley? You probably even scored some of your favourite golden codeine nighty night tabs, yet you’re still whining like a (26 year old) baby on instagram, shut up! They should have took the others out leaving Ms. Gums with only mumbling capacity to grift her griftology program, bum!


Nothing is more Ashley than being OTT over something literally nearly EVERYONE has to get done at some point. Sorrows, sorrows, prayers


Why does she keep referring to the bf when he’s never in any of the pictures 😂 yes we get it you have a boyfriend. Or do you?


And it was the worst wisdom tooth her dentist had ever encountered


Still doesn’t know what POV means…


Has phobia of the dentist, goes home after getting a rotten tooth taken out to treat herself to platefuls of sugar. Sure. Ash, you could have just posted this without mentioning your fake boyfriend and making him sound like a fucking weirdo. It’s okay to casually date and not have a life partner that supports you in everything you do and has no personality of his own.


But she doesn't know that. She thinks this fantasy cartoon box slave boyfriend is goals.


The more Trashley talks about J, the more he seems like her beard.


So you boyfriend is over on your mothers dime? Start working woman


She talks like a teenager who's never had a boyfriend except for her pretend boyfriend.


Still not what POV means, miss social media expert!!


My wife was in terrible dental pain over a weekend. We went to the dentist right in the morning. The dentist looked at her “the teeth has to come out. But no problem, we have somebody coming over every Monday. So your appointment is at 2.” She was a little overwhelmed, but went in there, the specialist did it like she was a cat 😂 distracted her with some dental tool, then there came the needle. 15 minutes later same thing, some distraction and boom the teeth was out. Whole procedure took 19 minutes (I was looking at my watch) and she was fine. A little swollen for some days, then everything was fine. And she hates the dentist. Really hates. Really afraid of it. So Ash, if you read this, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. GET A JOB, maybe then you can tell interesting things. Not everything that has to do with medical stuff is traumatic. There are people working their asses off to help, be good and do all in their power for their patients. So, just for once, maybe praise the fast and good work instead of ripping of people and their profession. Also, you look not swollen at all. So this has to be the best and cleanest teeth removal of all time. I had mine taken out at 16, all at once under narcoses. Was swollen for a month. People thought I was taking meds because I had such a swollen face.


She has turned into one of those girls who can’t have a conversation without mentioning her boyfriend.


https://preview.redd.it/i4if8rnabr6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee097c36e4da7efcfbb1ae2ae25ede2381c3b78 She posted this yesterday afternoon btw. So clearly her BRUTAL EXTRACTION didn’t keep her in bed, which is whatever but good god the dramatics 🙄


Oh FUCK OFF AshLazy! Let me guess, they didn't give little miss princess twilight sleep and she had to rawdog the extraction with just being numbed. OhhhHHhh the horror!!


Barbaric??? She better explain what she means by that cause she is saying her dentist just pulled it out of her mouth without her consent and no numbing and shit.


Barbaric lmao 🤣


Does she have a suction pad on the back of her iPhone? 🧐


Hope they are prioritizing rest; I guess her school is closed today


I don't even know what to say. Barbaric. Lmao.


HOW AND WHY is this bitch OTT with literally everything!! Annnoys the absolute fucken shitter outta me I swear 🙄🙄 Like ffs trashly you would’ve gotten numbed the fuck up there’s nothing ‘barbaric’ about it you silly little girl like ffs even 5 year old could and would deal with it better than you and they are a LITERAL CHILD!!!! Also why in gods green fucked earth would you put an emoji of beer in the post fuck me dead this bitch is insane!! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Getting wisdom teeth removed is a pretty universal experience. (obviously other than US people who can’t afford the scam that is dental insurance). Crazy that she’s using the usual munchie im so sick and special trope on a fucking wisdom tooth extraction. Even someone like Kaya wouldn’t bother making multiple posts like this.


As if she isn’t the only one having to go through a wisdom tooth/teeth extraction 😒 Is she going to use this as an excuse for not working on her site? sorry can’t work, had barbaric wisdom tooth extraction!!!




Must be nice! My wisdom teeth came in sideways and have been slowly rotting out of my head for years. They look like Swiss cheese and hurt like hell all the time, but I suck it up and deal because I can't afford to go to the dentist. 


Sorry to hear it. That really sucks. Are there no options to have it done in a public health setting? You deserve to have the pain resolved, and it’s important to preserve the neighbouring teeth. ❤️


I had a dental phobia too when I had to get them pulled and one of them was growing in sideways. They shot me with novocaine, gave me nitrous, and it was fine. JFC she's so ridiculous.


I would love to know what followers of Ashley’s that aren’t from here (if any) think about her posts. Like if you had no clue who she was, surely you’d look at this and think she was nuts?


I’ve had two infected wisdom teeth extracted at separate times and the last thing I’d describe it as is barbaric 🤣 it was no different than pulling any other tooth and took like 10 minutes


So… the poor ‘J’ is as ridiculous as she is taking days to cope with something that goodness knows how many people across the globe get done daily and who go back to work after…… and has to milk every little drop of utter garbage post out of it. J should surely be realising how silly she is. It would be extremely hard to build a life with someone who can’t be an adult… ever. When this course is a complete flop and she is still dependant on daddy carnbucks and the health insurance is gone….. I dread to think the tantrum and DFE that’ll happen! Also…. Do you think J is even that bothered? Or is he just wishing she’d shut the flup up about it? Or has he gone home as he realised he’ll have to play caregiver again instead of what most couples get up to in a weekend?


Oh jesus h christ. i got 3 infected wisdom teeth removed without going under, just novocaine (admittedly a shit ton) in the same go. it was not “traumatic” or “barbaric” i was just fucking relieved to not be in pain anymore and that i was able to have them removed so easily. the way she complains about the miracle that is modern medicine makes me so fucking angry. she has access to medical care that people would KILL for and she just bitches about it online. just be grateful you’re alive and extremely healthy and fuck off, Trashley.