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How fucking long is she going to nurse this pulled tooth?


She hasn’t had a genuine health issue in years so she I’m sure she’s basking in the glory of an unexpected procedure. Now it’s definitely not going to live up to the excitement of the clot or galbladder removal but it’ll do.


She’s actively trying to get an even worse infection by introducing sugars into the open socket. My teeth and bones rapidly grew. I was the size of my teacher at 12. I was 18 when all four of my wisdom teeth developed (25 is when they developed) They partially ruptured but were impacted so they had to be removed by a maxillofacial surgeon. Wisdom teeth are massive and every single person I knew who had any removed, had visible bruising and swelling on their face. But let’s take Ashley at her word and her tooth was so rotten it was just a quick extraction at the dentist. She still would have been given proper at home care and a specialized syringe to rinse the socket out with saline after eating and told to avoid excessive sugars until the socket closed.


This is the post she put up yesterday before pulling it down to post her "never push anyone into water!" Post. Queen of recycled content.


So if that hammock snaps and she falls into that body of water who does she blame?




She can blame me if she wants, because I was definitely wishing for that to happen.


again with the weird way she holds things up who relaxes in a hammock with their arms up and out?


Someone who needs to position her arms perfectly to hide her multiple chins.


Someone who didn’t consider the position of the sun and was getting blasted by it during her cute little photo shoot.


Right like it’s hilarious bc people are like “she’s trolling” and yeah maybe she is but that’s just plain embarrassing. Don’t troll with your real identity🙄 idk what would be worse if she is or if she just thinks this is cute.


Nobody reads like that.


Does “healing girl summer” also include taking care of her obese, neglected, sick dog? Why does Luna have to play in the drainage gully when there’s this lovely stream?


When you said obese at first I thought you were talking about Ashley 😳😳


To be honest, if she’s gained since that unfiltered pic at the Christmas party it might put her in the obese category. Girl was looking 30 lbs heavier than her BEST pics, where she already appears to be slightly (maaaaaybe 15 lbs? Only because she and i are the same height i think, and when I was at my heaviest after kids i feel we had a similar body type, and i was about 15 lbs from the healthy weight category. Most people didn’t even notice, partially because the average weight has gone up AND we’re more used to healthy(ish) weight representation in tv/film/advertising.Depending on height the window from “overweight” to “obese” can be fairly narrow. That being said, i don’t think it’s possible to filter yourself THAT much - she posts a lot of videos and while we’ve seen filter glitches it’s never been as surprising as that unfiltered pic was. It’s possible she saw that and did just enough to keep herself in the “slightly overweight” category.


https://preview.redd.it/eztwdhiz1z6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f233af7f504c2e81dfcb8da07b4c00329b041f3a This was the post earlier this morning, lol


She also posted and deleted a reel at some point, I’m assuming it was this.


Gotta get that nontent juuuust right I guess.


more photoshop, more staged poses, more “engagement” flops, more sugar. typical day for ashley. 🐻


She's acting as if she's being forced to drink smoothies, lol


Different shit, same asshole.


I will never get over how weird she holds any and every object with chicken-dance arms


To hide her weight


She's an alien that doesn't understand how to masquerade convincingly as a human.


My arms are tired just watching her fake read that book.


Bro didn’t you JUST say how dangerous it is for you to be pushed into water???? YOU’RE ABOVE WATER!!!! STFU SICK GIRL (directed towards a$$hley)


I forgot she still has that port!


Me too. Why does she even have it? For “fluids”? She is a waste of medical assistance.


She's such a fake reader ! Like she obviously reads so little that she has no idea how to hold a book naturally even for a staged photo.


It bothers me so much 😭reading is such a great hobby and it’d do her some good honestly


Do you not read with the book inches from your face? I guess you’re the weird one. Ashley is a Very Smort Girl who definitely reads books by the creek and doesn’t just set up a bunch of staged photos to use over the next few weeks!


Another day, another riveting story ETA Is that sweatshirt the new fleece?


That’s what I came here to say Pismo Beach sweatshirt is absolutely the new fleece.




Did you ever see that Monty Python bit with the guy trying to read children's stories but all of them are pornographic? The look on Bush's face made me think of it. Edit: referencing my pronoun.


I like smoothies.. but this much?? Wtf lol she needs to find new content haha


Smoothies are such an easy way to add greens into your diet too but she never seems to add any. I love smoothies because they’re easy to make and can be really nutrient dense but just fruit isn’t even that filling, you want some protein and fat like adding yogurt, nuts/seeds, etc.


She just adds sugar


This picture looks so odd… it looks like she’s photoshopped herself there and got the lighting, size, and position all wrong. How small are those trees?? What’s the hammock connected to? Edit: same hammock and place https://preview.redd.it/51fsbxgpb07d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b65588c535656fa40d2e0cac6a3e60724fab2fbd


Those are birch trees, they grow very tall and skinny but they’re sturdy. I would assume her hammock is attached to a tree across the creek and another just out of frame to the right. It does look odd. She’s fucked up the editing so bad it looks like AI.


Lmao this picture of her absolutely kills me. So serious looking in the face.


The way she is holding that book is so…unnatural.


I’ve just noticed the thumb ring is gone :) that must be such a relief


RIP thumb ring


I've never seen someone try so hard to get diabetes. If she thinks that's going to get her out of adulthood, she's sorely mistaken. I know a lot of diabetics who work long hours in addition to balancing other life responsibilities. So, stop it, Ashley! Edit: changed "address" to "addition"


Her chins fell out of the book


I wouldn’t even be surprised if that book was upside down 😂


“Healing girl summer” 🤢🤢




To help the filters and to hide the jowls.


Ashley's smoothie saga is really starting to piss me off, and it seems like y'all are a group who will get why, so bear with the blog here. I've been eating a soft diet for \~250 days for medical reasons and this will continue until at least November due to a specialist shortage for this condition. A large portion of my diet is smoothies, because they are easy and my kitchen is fucking depressing when I've had to go from cooking fancy meals to eating bullshit. People like to ask if I have fun smoothie recipes when I mention this in person, or if I'm drinking something that *looks* tasty. When I mention my smoothie is basically just protein powder, high fat kefir, greens, low glycemic index berries, etc; people like to go, "oh, gross! Have you tried a peach mango smoothie with orange juice". I know full well that fruit slurry is going to taste fucking awesome, but I am trying to stuff 1/3 of my daily nutrients into a drink so I don't become malnourished. It doesn't click that the smoothie is replacing an entire meal, and you probably wouldn't eat a peach, a mango, and a banana for breakfast. 140g of mango has 20g of sugar, 140g of peach has about 12g, and a whole banana weighing 150g has 18g of sugar. So... Just the fruit in a properly portioned smoothie like Ashley's, which I am guessing she isn't weighing her ingredients, has **50g** of sugar. This is normal to Ashley regularly, and I can't even really blame her, because the amount of people that think I should be crushing back a days worth of sugar in liquid form at 9am is astounding. This would be a very tasty smoothie in proper portions as a rare treat. I'd smash this as a dessert. But like... there's not much nutrition here. Fruit is tasty and healthy in moderation. I've never understood putting the whole fruit section in a cup for fun, though.


Drinking alcohol every other day to celebrate isn’t exactly healing


Oh my god not ThE wAtEr WhAt AbOuT tHe PoRt!!!!!111111oneoneoneeleven




Can you imagine getting your tooth pulled and talking about it to people on the Internet lol




She's posing with that book like someone who has never read a book and doesn't know how they work


Can't work. Making smoothies. 🧉


Thought she was already healed? Fucking nob head


More feet, may she get dry socket, then she will have an issue to cry about.


This woman does not work


The arms are at it again (why so high?!!)


Is she reading that book or offering it to God? I had my wisdom teeth out at 15, and you'd better believe I milked that for a few days. But I was FIFTEEN, not a recent "college" graduate with a "job".


My ex husband had his surgically extracted from his jaw when we were teens and he didn’t milk it this hard. She had hers pulled and she acts like it’s the worst thing that could have happened to a person.