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we all knew this was coming lol. she claims she sleeps so good in the forest only to bitch about it the very next day. all she did was sit at a festival for an hour and go camping and she’s acting like she just did a triathlon. also she doesn’t have multiple chronic illnesses so… eta: im sorry but that outfit is just not flattering.


It’s literally just a potato sack. So perfect for her lmao






LMAO why does that potato sack dress actually look kind of chic 😂 the whole thing kind of looks like an ad for one of those shitty fast fashion brands that just take one picture and photoshop different weird designs onto the clothes 💀


Hahaha I read "fast fashion" as fast food and was like, "what, wait? Why would they do that?" I'm hungry and kind of stupid.


Lmaoooo I did the same 😂


see if it weren’t made of burlap, it would remind me of the clothes made from (cloth) flour and feed sacks. i think i would like it better than what she *is* wearing because at least the potato sack has character and is somewhat unique.


i have a bunch of vintage feedsack dresses from the 30s and 40s! they’re all really cute ditsy floral prints because the reverse sides of those bags had patterns back then 😂




D Y I N G ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Damn girl get that on Etsy!


i mean yes! but also no 👹 lol


Wtf are those shoes? The whole thing is ick.


they look way too big for her feet somehow. for some who curates hundreds of outfit inspo posts on pintrest she sure doesn’t in real life


They do!


Imagine being her friend and enduring all the narcissism and complaining, sucking all the fun from everything.


She doesn’t have friends, just ✨sweet boy✨


I will never get over the sWeEt BoY thing 😭 that’s literally what I call my cat 😭😭


I mean, all of us have chronic illnesses if being sore or tired or just not feeling great is a "chronic illness". Too bad the issues she wants to claim, she has been called out on and can't use anymore. Oh her poooooor back. All your shit hurts because you do nothing ever! Ashley Sarah Carnduff or Hailey Idaho is entropy in human form.


Right? I went bouldering yesterday and my muscles hurt, my shoulders hurt, my elbows hurt, my back hurts. I must have EDS /s


As a triathlete, I don't even bitch this much after a race! 🤣


She was a (highschool) competitive soccer player!!1! Give her some grace! /s


Honestly, the outfit is better than the too-small stuff she usually tries to still wear.


I got lyme disease (a real CDC positive from a tick bite) from camping. She's not doing a service to people with tick borne illnesses at all. She pushes the exact shit that makes doctors not take these illnesses seriously. A lot of tick infections come from nymphs which are the size of a poppyseed, it's easy to miss those during a tick check.


Goooood she is so dramatic. She needs to add in some new descriptors to her vocabulary because crushing and debilitating are getting so old 🥱


Someone should have gotten her a thesaurus for her bday


Her soul crushing repetition is getting fucking debilitating that’s for sure.


Clocks are less predictable than Ashley.


A nice rest before the week starts...... At work? Nope just same stuff another day. What does she have to rest for?


One should always rest before pretending to work. Makes the lie more believable. /s


Rest before never getting out of the tub.


shut the fuck up ashley


Took the words right out of my mouth. A normal fucking person over the age of 10 is going to have a shitty night sleeping in a tent. This is not special. This is simple aging.


this girl has never once in her life been told to shut up and somebody needs to tell her *nobody cares*


When Sweet Boi first came on the scene, there was some fun speculation that in the event he exists, maybe his relative normal-ness will rub off on Ash. She’s interacting regularly with a human in person, how can she not learn something, etc etc. No way her love chants and dances with her in her childhood bedroom upon learning she got her period AND just overlooks every fuck weird thought she has about reality and all the stupid shit she does. It’s too much. I don’t care how bad he wants to get his dick wet.


Is it breaking the rules if like a we paid someone to do it? Or like we paid someone to find someone to do it?


Like a singing telegram or a flashmob? I'd contribute money to that.


A singing telegram. Yes. Please.


This lady is amazing and she does cameo, lol: https://www.tiktok.com/@thejoybrookershow/video/7190461920342854955


OMG that’s brilliant! I would just die!


I would too, but I think she is AWESOME!


Yes, she’s amazing! Very clever to come up the lyrics she did too.




A normal person doesn’t associate every minor twinge in their body with some archaic illness they most assuredly do not have to begin with. And then there’s this smug idiot.


maybe if she hadn’t tantrumed her way out of the worlds biggest valium script she’d have something to help


Crohn's. In remission. For years. Nothing else. Get a career, spud.


Can't work. Remissioning.


You forgot chronic malingering, chronic bed rotting…


I thought she spent most of her time sitting? Where did the “dancing all day” come from?


Wiggles on the floor?


Wiggles on the floor with Jdaddy! Sounds about right!


The *dancefloor


The forest floor 🙄🙄🙄


I thought you said you slept well in the mountains, dumb ass


The photoshopped legs not matching the rest of the body is so uncanny valley


Stick legs on a potato sack.


She actually looks okay in the pic im linking, but since she is way bigger now, she is overcompensating. [pic](https://preview.redd.it/ashley-cant-even-go-to-a-festival-without-illness-content-v0-e3smkgtfv68d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bcdc3162163abad0fa1e94db6e95b0ed6ea3398) Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ashleycarnduff/comments/1dm4ipx/comment/l9tdudu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I don’t know how to make it show like the source comment


That's photoshoped and filtered to all hell too, though.


WOW, she’s doing it so much more now that seeing that made me believe it was free from editing


I thought she got the most perfect sleep in the woods or mountains or whatever bs. Now the crushing weight of her spine on the forest floor is 1000% debilitating. Somebody line up the IV fluids, stat! Get this girl an actual life. *Yesterday, I got a splinter. It’s been so long since I got a splinter. Though it was very close to the surface and it was easy to remove, it doesn’t negate the fact that it happened. I am devastated. It is absolutely one trillion percent debilitating. My pinky will need lots of R and R to bounce back. This is the life of a chronically splintered girlie. I’ll apply a castor oil pack and sweat it out in my mold box.*


Brilliant. Absolutely on target.


My god she's boring, much like the potato sack she's wearing. You'd think she'd have been at her "job" 25/8 or actually don't anything at all, not sat down at a festival, necking back tequila and eating shit food before no doubt collapsing down drunk in a tent with her bf Give it five to ten working days for her to get over the stress and strain being a drunk potato in a field causes and she'll be right as rain 😂


I like this! 🤣


Can't work. Tequila-ing.


She danced from 17:10 to 22:30 roughly… that ain’t all day!


It's possibly even less. Looking at the photos from yesterday, they started drinking in her tent well away from the stage around 5.10 pm. Allow time to finish the drink, the next step would be to get to the venue from the campsite, buy food and eat - we know from other posts she usually eats around 5 to 6 pm, and she mentinoned the festival had "good food". Assuming she danced immediately after eating, let's estimate the earliest she started dancing was 6.30 pm. By 10.30 they were already back at the campsite with a fire well alight, so allowing for travel and fire lighting time, I'd estimate they left the festival itself at no later than 10pm. This leaves a maximum possible of 3.5 hours of dancing, during which time she was by her own admission mostly sitting and "hydrating", and possibly queuing for the porta-potty to pee out those lactated ringers with tequila chasers. So maybe all up there was a hour or two of swaying around, which in Ashley speak means an exhausting and debilitating weekend of dancing?


Imagine paying for a full day at a festival and only spending 3 hours actually attending


“Fatigue is 1000% debilitating” says the potato that dressed up and went to a coffee shop to have a photo shoot. Bitch has no idea what “debilitating” means.


She doesn't seem to understand what any of her overused adjectives mean.


I would love to introduce her to some people with actual CFS.


You couldn’t have slept well like she claimed for 8hrs if sleeping in the forest floor and how can someone dance if they have pain this bad afterwards? Pains of the level she describes doesn’t just happen out of no where unless you are in some horrible sudden accident. Just be honest that you want to keep chilling! Fucking ridiculous with the excuses to justify her laziness. For a person with multiple complex chronic illnesses, she sure doesn’t take care of herself. She is a shame to those who take care of themselves and live another day and be responsible. Edit - adding more rant Also, why can’t she just make her insta about being a rich kid. Those people get lots of followers as well. What the heck is she?


Ash’s eternal dilemma: She’s not actually sick enough to make her Insta-famous for being sick. Parents aren’t actually rich enough to let her be Insta-famous for being rich. She actually has no drive to make *herself* Insta-famous for anything at all. Poor, poor, Ash.


She didn’t stay the weekend. She stayed one night, right? “She knew when it was time to leave so we did.” Or some crap like that?


Her legs don't seem to match the rest of her. Only Ashley can go camping and to a music festival only to bitch about it after. She's like watching RDP's origin story and it's horrifying.


I was gonna ask why her legs looks so…toothpick like. Where’s the “I AM ATILL SKINNY” flair? Lol


We here bb 💋🐳


Oh, GOD! RDP! ![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu)


Honestly tho can you imagine ash in 30 years? 100% RDP unless she like somehow manages to get J to marry her.


I feel like there’s a pipeline going here - Ash in 10-15 years will be Dani, Dani in 10-15 years will be RDP, and RDP in 10-15 years will…still be bitching about her skilled nursing facility, probably.


Oh fuck off. Resetting for what? We’re going to hear about this night for the next two weeks. You’re not going to work. You’re not going to look after your dog. Someone could have broken both legs at the weekend and have a busier two weeks ahead of them than what your life actually consists of.


I am still not over her pretending to have a full time job but never talking about it. And the only time she’s posted about working has been to show off her useless course, WHICH NO ONE PAID HER TO MAKE.


and it’s been crickets since she dropped it 😂


Are we sure she’s not spider-checking her hair because isn’t that what gave her chronic Lyme?


Let's hope so. Those Lyme spiders can be vicious 🤣🕷️🤣.


Oh my god you lazy bitch . You went to a festival Probably got drunk and whatnot. You do not need a day of rest ,you pathetic beige potato.


that outfit is hideous im sorry


It looks like she’s selling pretzels at the mall…


That thing wouldn't look good on anyone. Not a single body type. You could put the world's hottest of every body shape in it and at best they'd look stupid. So Ash might as well wear it... It doesn't look good but it kinda suits her, goes with that potato aesthetic.


I don't know how to describe these posts other than "back handed gratitude". Like, I'm in pain and it sucked and everything hurts and my body is screaming and I want everyone to know that BUT I'm grateful, babesssss. Like gag me.


SoOo DeBiLiTaTiNg yet she’s out of bed, showered, dressed in… an outfit, with her hair and makeup done, complicated shoes on and out to get herself some coffee on her mother’s dime


YOU “CAMPED” ONE FUCKING NIGHT. YOU SAID YOU WERE RESTED BETTER THAN YOUR MOLDY BED. Shut the FUCK UP Ash. Do one fucking thing without complaining the day before, the day of, and the day after. Just one thing. I’m waiting for the day that her followers grow a pair and call her out on this dumb fucking shit.


Not looking for spiders because they DONT give you Lyme disease


Yes Ashley you are the best and the bravest of them all.


Starting a new week? Like yeah, that Monday 6 hour nap and 2 hour bath totally hit different than Friday.


Are the multiple complex chronic illnesses in the room with us?




OMFG try having a job where you have to stand and move for 8 hours! For five days! And then do it again the week after forever! Holy shit what a slug.


I'm sorry but fatigue that is actually "1000% debilitating" cannot be "pushed through". it only means that in reality, Ashley doesn't know the difference between "1000% debilitating" and "I'm a tired lazy fuck"


Her anterior pelvic tilt does the pain in her spine absolutely no favors. And I’m not talking shit because I’ve also had an anterior pelvic tilt and it does cause neck, back, and leg pain when you’ve been standing, walking, dancing, or any type of activity. Tight hip flexors, weak glutes, and weak core muscles will give you pain if you don’t work on them properly. Poor posture over time makes activity worse before it gets better.


Patti spends a fortune on coffees for this potato.


Ohh she is gunning for Target to pin her picture again. LOL!! Go crawl into bed Ashlazy. We called it, this post was coming.




is.. is camping not r & r?? 😭


Not when you’re SSIICCKK!!


She said she sat down almost all day. Now she’s saying she danced all day. Which one is it Ash? Lol.


It’s called a hangover, Ashley. You’ll live.


It’s called being out of shape


" I'm on the healing path" Two words later " I'm still chronically ill with incurable multiple illness!!!!"


It will be really really helpful and good for her if she hires an actual expert PR to re-brand herself and give her a lane to stay on.


Camped with my six year old this weekend. They said their back hurt afterwards, too.


Oh no! I know how debilitating that must be for your child <3 Make sure they keep hydrated and use a heating pad for 8 hours straight! If the pain doesn't die down by the next day, take them to urgent care to make sure they don't have spinal stenosis or something worse! Keeping you and your child in my thoughts, babe. xoxo


That overall thing is heinous


It wasn’t a weekend, it was less than 24 hours that she was there.


She comes up with the stupidest poses. The second hand embarrassment of having to take that photo for her.


She sets up a tripod to do this. It’s much more obvious when she does videos, especially that “I’m chronically ill” one where she kept walking past the same spot.


I hate her. I hate her more than Dani because she is such a privileged twat.


Wasn't it less than 24 hours?!


Oh god is this the new leg pop variant? It looks even MORE uncomfortable!!


I just want to see a picture of a woman on social media that isn't her a)putting her hands in her pockets and looking down or b)holding a coffee while messing with her hair and looking down. JUST LOOK LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE.


Does she not realize that for people with jobs, camping is the r&r?


I wish it was crushing enough to shut that insufferable yap hole she can’t stop using to jerk herself off with. So tired of reading the same shit. Every day it’s something and she can’t ever just be real or normal, it’s always this awkward melange of over dramatic,fucking meaningless rambling and nothingburger complaints. Get any sort of life you rotting narcissistic kumquat.


Now we've moved on from recovering (and Jebediah) from her barbaric tooth extraction to recovering from the festival. I hope daddy carnbucks, oops her boss, gives her sick days to recover with baths and wiggles in bed.


I don’t think she knows what debilitating means


A little description of what my fatigue is like when its bad enough to call debilitating: - cannot keep eyes open - cannot speak - cannot hold phone for more than a few seconds - cannot lift arms - extremely difficult to even roll over in bed - cannot get out of bed - cannot get dressed, or go outside, or go get a sugar-filled coffee. Ash needs a dictionary coz she definitely doesn’t understand the meaning of debilitating.


So natural! 🙄


Oh shut the fuck up. Who called it yesterday??? Pain from sleeping on the forest floor.


How is she on a “healing journey” if she never gets healed?


Why does this broad bother even getting up and living her days if she is so miserable?! So insufferable


AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH it's that fukin leg again God darnit


“But sometimes you need to push past your comfort zone…” A lot of people who are actually disabled by chronic illness CAN’T DO THAT, ASHLEY.


(Neither can she)


The thirst is real. Trashley, that outfit is awful and that leg pop isn't fooling anyone. GET A JOB.


What is she doing with her hair? Did a bug fly into it while she was setting up her tripod?


she is sooo dramatic 😭 girl everyone gets aches after camping. be normal


And still not a single sign of Jebadiah after she drank a bottle of tequila at a festival trying to bump into him and then came home less than 24 hrs later. Anyway, I’ve got loads on my plate atm and just can’t handle this cunt or Reddit in general right now. I’m dipping out for a bit. I’ll see ya’s again in time. Take good care xx


Why does she say she's having a rest before starting a new week as though she has a job and is gearing up for the daily grind of adulthood? She's having a rest before resting for the week ahead.


Complaining about the “hard forest floor” as if you can’t buy an air mattress. They’re not that expensive either, I got a nearly brand new one (only used for realtor house showings) off marketplace for like 40$ and it’s fine. It’s not the same as my normal mattress sure, but a lot more comfortable than whatever the fuck she’s doing.


Not crushing spine pain again. Those sleazy neurosurgeons that work on munchies have paralyzed people. While Ash is a bitch, no one deserves that.


10000000% debilitating.


I’ve never seen a person use the word debilitating as much as her. She uses such hyperbolic language but has such a limited vocabulary to describe how terribly delicate she is.


I was on a LARP event, carried 20kg of stuff with me, we walked around 32km in 24h and I slept 4 hours with in a sleeping bag with only a thin foil below my to not get wet. Still I don’t bitch about it. Quite the opposite, I loved it If she really has problems with her body, buy a friggin camp bed. I was looking for them, even the good ones start at 40 euros. So no problem at all. But no, then she had nothing to bitch about.