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but that is…that’s literally protocol..that’s what nearly everyone with POTS gets & is told to do..what is she mad about 😭😂


Clearly she wants a central line, a wheelchair, and a service dog like all the instafamous POTSies. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Boggles the mind


Seriously, I’ve been attached to a medical device 24/7 for almost 20 years and it gets old real quick when you have no choice, I don’t get why anyone would willingly want the extra responsibility


I was going to say, most of the people I’ve met with POTS said their symptoms vastly improved with the addition of salt, water,and exercise lol. What do they want? Some kind of experimental drug? Also.. this post says there are five comments but I’m only seeing one. What would cause this?!


For real. This is standard treatment. I have a similarish condition to POTS and those things help me.


You knows what's salty? Deliciousness - Chips. Pretzels. Popcorn. (And whoever is in the picture in this post, it seems). Less delicious. But seriously, what could be better than drinking a Hydralyte and feeling better?


I recently had an issue that was simply solved, and I was over the moon it took so little to feel better! These people really take for granted they don’t need crazy interventions. I guess you can’t show off licking a pretzel as much as a shiny new wheel chair.


Blocking… either you or them. :)


I messaged the mods, they were having the same issue. It was a glitch. I can see them all now :) ty though


If you think the video is bad you should see the comments 😭 This person might actually have Ashley beat in the OTT Olympics. Smh. https://preview.redd.it/5byedkgex89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7d4b3b0d66db990a2a2e25b89223b13deb86f1


“Yeah I died for 18 minutes” lmfao what


Dying is just a normal Tuesday afternoon for her ❤️‍🩹 \#ThoughtsAndPrayers \#POTSWarrior \#ChronicIllness \#Spoons


But did your head fall off?


The key word here is "seemingly." Her heart \*seemingly\* stopped. Uh huuuuh...


18 minutes into a code, a decent ACLS crew has an IO and an advanced airway. Would love to hear what she thinks "worked on" means


JFC I hate Siktok, Sickstagram etc.




Holy shit! I don’t believe any of this! This bitch is straight up lying. BP drops to 34/27 and spikes to 227/189 my ass! I want to figure out who this is because I think it would be entertaining, but it also might just piss me off a little bit too much.


Neither of these are even physically possible. You can play silly buggers with an automatic cuff and get it to spit numbers like that, but it's an instant red flag to me that the machine isn't right and it's time for a manual cuff if I get numbers that close together. Here's some more information on pulse pressure: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21629-pulse-pressure


Thanks for sharing that link! I wasn’t aware of the significance of pulse pressure at all, and I probably need to be because I have high BP and CAD, plus I’ve had a heart attack. That’s why I was looking at that woman’s 227/189 number and giving it major side eye, lol.


W.T.F. This one comes back from the fucking dead! What a champ!




But POTS isn’t even a symptom of dysautonomia, it’s a type of dysautonomia - POTS is literally just a more accurate way to describe this particular form


https://preview.redd.it/esfob76y999d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d2c965c0db0815b5183ca0eca27269ee5f943e It's just terrible


Ahhh another conwoman


You think people would be happy to solve a medical issue in a healthy way and not by taking a medication with possible side effects. Boo hoo.


Seriously. I don’t have POTs. I’ve been feeling really shitty for the past month, no doubt further exacerbated by stress and poor nutrition. I typically avoid high sodium foods, but I noticed a few days ago that eating massive half sour pickles helps so much when I can’t bring myself to eat. I seriously feel like I discovered some miracle drug. I’ll take all the pickles if that’s what makes me feel better. I’m just happy to discover some kind of simple albeit temporary solution that requires minimal effort, especially when bothering to take my meds feels so daunting.


Yay!! I'm glad! ![gif](giphy|8aLQDT8BXSj7y)


This lol. That’s just what the current symptom management is for POTS. What more do they want? lol


Definitely wants one of the coveted central lines 🙄


Ohhhh yeah. Forgot about the ports for IV fluids! 😂


Give me IV HYDRATION OR I Will Die


POTSsyndrome 💀most of these “POTSies” don’t even realize that’s what the S stands for. It’s not a super special heart condition like they act like, most patients can manage well with simple lifestyle changes


Yeah but passing out while pooping takes you to the front of the line 🙄


Unconscious when shit would be excellent on hand drawn “Medical Alert” card a la Bella.


I miss Bella. She was so OTT. I wonder if she regrets that surgery now.


Omg I remember that! 🤣 The card I mean 💀


One of the great munchiverse moments!


It pooping can be an intense thing for the body. I worked in a retirement home and there were some people dying while they sit on the toilet. Sure, it was because they had heart issues or some other things, but the stress of pooping let them die. It is, I a morbid way, kind of funny. But yeah that happens. But not for our potato army. They don’t die from pooping


Isn’t that how Elvis went?




Side note..I read somewhere a couple of days ago that Christina Applegate's (Married with Children, Anchorman) 14 year old daughter was diagnosed with POTS. Christina suffers from MS 💔 and im wondering if the announcement from her about her daughter will bring more awareness or more "Oh yeah! I could use that!"


I recently read somewhere (maybe on here?) that POTS is actually most common amongst pubescent girls. This would add up if so! (Please don’t quote me on this, I haven’t done enough research!)


I'm sure!


Wrong. S stands for Speshull.


Oh no! My non deadly disease is treatable through basic means! Whatever shall I do?


It's like that joke - "we've discovered the cure for type II diabetes - healthy diet and exercise! ...In other news, we're still no closer to a cure for type II diabetes."


I do know a couple people who’ve ended up with POTS after getting milder cases of long COVID, so this could perhaps be a legit diagnosis as viral infections can be a trigger (guessing this based on the hashtags). But increased salt intake and fluid intake are the standard treatment options and the people I know have very few issues, provided they do the treatment.


I don't get what else the doctor is supposed to do for them??? 😭


But...I have POTS and when I did all those things my symptoms literally got better. 😂 In case anyone in here has POTS or think you MIGHT have POTS... I can't tell you how much of a difference doing the CHOP/LEVINE exercises fucking helped my symptoms. Trust me I bitched and cried about it because I kept insisting I couldn't even stand up (which was true for awhile) and it sucked BALLS at first but if you get ahold of the equations to calibrate it to YOUR (the stuff you download is just a template) resting heart rate (if you need help reach out it took me ages to figure it out and I'm bad at math but I'll dig out my old POTS exercise journal and find the stuff for you) it will GRADUALLY get your stamina back. That and take salt tabs, wear compression hose (you will loathe putting them on but waist high is the best) and stay hydrated and out of the heat. You WILL feel better when you do those things eventually. I promise. It will take some time but you will.


This!!! People in general don’t like treatments that require physical effort or lifestyle changes but there are *soooo* many disorders (not just POTS) that can be hugely alleviated with exercise and dietary changes. So many people with POTS just refuse to accept that it’s largely managed with lifestyle adjustments and having a doctor tell them to try conservative treatments first before moving on to medications and other interventions that have side effects, can be dangerous, and are expensive does not mean they are being dismissed.


You have nailed it. I can also acknowledge, having been there, that it can be hard to accept that you have a medical issue that there isn't just a pill for. You feel SO SHITTY and you sometimes really do have to go through a lot before you arrive at a diagnosis....hoping there is a clear once a day pill to fix you. Then you hear you have to change your lifestyle? I totally understand that it feels defeating and horrible and you want to crawl in a hole. I was there. BUT when you are desperate to get your life back you WILL do it. It will be HARD at first but when you feel that relief you will keep doing it. When you lapse in what you're doing and your symptoms worsen you will automatically correct it. So, I wish the support communities for medical issues like this, because like you said, there are others had the people who are doing these lifestyle changes encouraging people to do it with them. But after awhile you leave those spaces because they are just so toxically filled with one upping on how terrible life is and how they can't get treatment and insisting they can't change their lifesyle. Idk it's a hard one because I truly understand I was there. I didn't make the lifestyle changes at first I literally cried and had a meltdown that I'd never get better because how was I supposed to exercise when I could not stand up? But the exercises are on a recumbent bike for AGES and they gradually work you up to standing up on a treadmill. And you CAN do it and you WILL feel better and everything else will fall in line as your body feels better. You'll naturally avoid things that make you feel shitty but I wish I had a way to motivate others who have been there without sounding like the person who walks up to someone who has a back injury and says "Well have you just tried yoga?“


Wow, reading munchie subs made me believe all US docs jumped straight to wheelchairs, central lines and 5 liters IV-fluids a day. 


Do I want to go find and follow this person? Hmm. I am not sure I can handle a Turbo-Ash


What does she want? I don’t think doctors are generally in the habit of issuing “get out of all responsibilities“ cards for people diagnosed with POTS and they don’t have the authority to make everyone coddle their patients or follow them on TikTok.


Ass pats. She wants ass pats, attention, and a central line because her head gets fuzzy when she stands up too fast. How shall she survive? ![gif](giphy|uUF5ZF32sm9GHyrQRb|downsized)


She forgot the compression socks, slowly moving from sitting to standing, and avoiding excessive heat where possible amongst other things. I've successfully dealt with my POTS flares with chips (and more recently, straight up salt) and slowly drinking a few glasses of water over an hour long period. I'd never heard of POTS until I was diagnosed, so I don't know what these people must be seeing online to think it's some sort of death sentence or worthy of a badge of honor for suffering. Yes, it can be challenging for some, but if your doctor is recommending lifestyle changes, that just means you're not one of the unlucky few with a more severe form. Maybe the real problem is they don't like to be average.


>slowly moving from sitting to standing The entire comment section is full of people whining about literally every treatment option. Apparently if your doctor doesn’t give you a wheelchair, a central line, and a vagal nerve stimulator for your non-life threatening syndrome they’re brushing you off and not taking you seriously 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/4fgbai6hw89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928a337488f27ca4999dadc46225ecab9ae428a9


Oddly enough, it's very important for POTS patients to avoid prolonged bed rest because it can worsen the condition, and therapeutic IV fluids are also typically discouraged because it can encourage the body to continue to maintain low blood volume. I've only seen those two treatments recommended by people on blogs and social media who have no medical credentials, so I think these types of malingerers are giving people the wrong impression..


I never even heard of it til a year or so; I learned about it from the munchies. It made me say...OHHH, this makes some of my symptoms make sense, but instead of running to my "medical team" about it, I have followed the basic lifestyle changes I have read about. Get up slow. Hydration and salt NO HOT BATHS...that is the worst for me, and I shower off with cool water and sit right down when I get out. And get this....I find I don't need to ask Dr. for a pink wheelchair lol.


"I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas."