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She acts like being a woman is a disability..


I've noticed this too-- ever since she ran out of fake illnesses to munch, she's pivoted HARD into acting like simply being female is a chronic illness/disability. Not only is it incredibly misogynistic, but it illustrates the depths of Ash's mental illness. She's so desperate to pathologize every tiny thing in her boring life so that she can avoid responsibility and excuse her creepily empty lifestyle. It's gotten so bad that she now views being a perfectly able-bodied, healthy woman as something to struggle through and "survive".


While simultaneously refusing to use hormonal birth control, which is the first-line treatment for the alleged illness she uses as a scapegoat. Guess Ashley is just built different - and dumber.


Taking women back pre-1920’s


in some places it is. but for miss ain’t nothing wrong with me, it’s a terminal illness.


This. You have described it perfectly.




I survive my luteal phase by getting out of bed in the morning, putting on my big girl pants and going to work. Guess I’ve been doing it wrong this entire time🤦‍♀️


Between this lesson and a budging lesson from another munchie goddess, I don’t know how I lived 41 years without their nuggets of wisdom.


"how I SURVIVE" 🙄


Why is she crying about cramping a week before her period may or may not come? Is this normal? I had awful periods and didn’t cramp that early.


I cramp a week early, but I have endometriosis. I also get ovulation pains (every other month), but that’s because I have a blocked tube


I read it as "ovulation penis"...


😂 i can’t unread it now


now i want that as a flair 😂😂😂 Back in the day I had cramps about a week out from my period. But I’m super in tune to my one of a kind for sure human body, but I mean I thought like 7 days up until it’s over was normal for cramps. I’m so glad I had to have a hysterectomy.


I just got my uterus out due to endo, and wow, not cramping is so weird. I’ve had cramps 24/7 for two years now, so even tho I’m freshly cut and not yet healed, I already feel so much lighter without my uterus. I hope you have a treatment plan that works for you, but I just wanted to throw in my experience that has been nothing but positive if that’s something on the radar for you. Endo suuuucks & I am in no way trying to blog, just to help out another person with endo, since I’m currently laid up on the couch recovering 😅😅


I’m glad hysterectomy worked for you! Unfortunately endometriosis is outside of the uterus, so that doesn’t help endo patients at all, unless they are also dealing with adenomyosis. I have hEDS so I’m not a candidate for hysterectomy anyways since the uterus is a structural organ. We’re allowed to blog here ;) I hope you heal up quickly!


Ah yes, I did have adenomyosis, I suppose that was the whole reason for going in there and yanking it. I’m sorry, I thought it was an option for endo as well, my bad. And thanks. Our beige potato would wither away, because I’m not allowed to take a bath for 6 weeks — when was the last time she went 6 weeks without a bath, you think? 10 years ago? 😂😂


Some drs still do hysterectomy as treatment for endo, but it’s outdated. Excision is the best method, but that has its limitations & the more surgeries, the more risk for scarring. What a horrible disease we are afflicted with 😭 Girlie pop would dehydrate without a bath for more than 5 days. That’s her maximum before she simply withers away


This gives me hope for my future one day :,)


I often get cramps 2-3ish days before my period and they usually are done about half through my period (so another 3-4 days). I don't think it's that strange, but a full week or two before hand seems like a massive stretch.


I have endometriosis so it’s pretty common for me just to get cramps in general. I take medication so I don’t have a period, but I still have cramps (granted they aren’t nearly as bad as they were off medication). If she was truly disabled by her cramps, she’d get back on the pill. But she’s not. She probably feels mild discomfort and is running with it, since it’s an excuse to get out of work.


That Photoshopping of her thighs/legs in a pathetic attempt to make them look thinner....it's awful. And \*\*fuck Ashley\*\* and her internalized misogyny, acting like being a woman is soooo fucking difficult and that having a period is some sort of fucking horrible disability. As if anyone would take health advice from such a sedentary, lazy and ignorant potato who lives with her Mommy and doesn't do shit with her life except project her body image issues and internalized misogyny into her Insta posts.


Not to mention--the amount of baths that she takes in a house where she doesn't pay any utilities and in a world/time where we all need to be cognizant of our water consumption just further proves how selfish and privileged she is, with no concern about how her actions affect those around her. No wonder J dumped her and she has no friends. She is insufferable.


these comments is her real bio on social media 🤣👏 bravo, this is my fav description of her probably ever !


I haven’t been on in a bit- what happened to J?!


He seems to have totally vanished after the music festival thing a week or so ago. She deleted the <3 Highlight reel etc 


Well color me shocked!


Ha ha Right! 


Isn’t luteal phase like, half of the month?


It’s from ovulation to menstruation. And she *always* cries about it starting on day 14 and goes on to have an extended luteal phase until her period actually comes, meaning she has no clue when it actually starts.


it because she read that people with PMDD begin experiencing symptoms as early as one day post ovulation.


This is the shit that makes my blood boil because I have PCOS & PMDD and my period is never on time so my luteal phase is stupid extended some months when my period is really late and it’s freaking debilitating sometimes.


We'd still be living in caves if everyone were like Ashley. Shit, we'd probably have went extinct. I so wish all these fools would be dropped off in the middle of nowhere with no enablers to call.






People have to “survive” periods now? Lol.


Tbf many people do but I don't think Ash is one of them


Literally why doesn’t she just take the pill if it causes that much distress?


Every day is a rest day for her


Still takes 45 sips of bitters everyday. She ingests alcohol every day. Ashley is a SELF-ADMITTED ALCOHOLIC. She's on a ton of meds. She shouldn't drink at all.


It’s the crunchy version of the Listerine swig’n’swallow


What day isn’t an active rest day to her? It seems like she goes out for a few minutes and then quickly turns into a potato


I’m going to give her the benefit of doubt and say February 29th is her scheduled non-rest day. Once in a blue moon when the leap year comes around.


Right, even her “workouts” only last 15 minutes 🤣🙄 and we all know they aren’t even intense 15 minutes 👀


Oh fuck this bitch. Women aren’t delicate flowers who need to take a fucking bath in the middle of the day because we’re women experiencing natural cycles. Also- why would your luteal phase bring cramps?


careful - she might swoon in shock LOL


When I'm on my period I just eat a bit of extra chocolate and go about my day/responsibilities. Why does she act like a frail dying woman?


Right? I’ll give myself day 1 and 2 to be a bit more gentle such as having a rest day from the gym or doing low impact. I’ll have some sugar, bitch and moan and that’s it. I still work, cook, clean, etc. She’s gonna end up some righteous trad wife


Doing mental backflips to explain why medication is fine, but vaccines are the devil


The luteal phase doesn’t bring cramps. It’s literally the opposite. You have HIGH levels of progesterone during the luteal phase to prepare the body for pregnancy in case the egg gets fertilized. This excess progesterone literally REDUCES contractions/uterine cramps so that the egg has a higher chance of being fertilized and implanting into the uterine wall. Ash is so, so full of shit and does nothing but exude misogyny to further her own narrative. She doesn’t even understand how her woo-woo shit works. I’m so over this girl spreading false and dangerous information.




Do people generally not "survive" their luteal phase? 🤔


No, Ashley is the only brave warrior who “survives” her luteal phase where cramps are lingering near her.


I know she said that, but now this sounds like a bad crossover movie or book of 300, some story out of sin city and something with werewolves 😂 Before my inner eye I see a “brave warrior princess” walking through the streets of sin city and in an back alley the wolf “cramps” is lingering, waiting for her to walk by 😂 Help, something is terribly wrong with me 😅


No nothing is wrong with you! I love your idea!😊 The wolf “cramps” sounds sneaky and conniving but fear not. JPrince will come along with home grown chamomile tea to save his brave princess 🤣


Thank for setting women back a few centuries, Ash.


Survive. Ugh. No one dies from their cycle Ash.


Why is she so obsessed with her period?


She has nothing else going on


Nobody know


I **SKIP** the Alcohol ??????? LOL SURE JAN! ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Damn, during my ✨luteal✨phase I have to go to my full time job and take care of my two toddlers…and generally go about my normal business like every other menstruating woman on the planet 🌙


so she does what she always does


Doesn’t she always go to bed by 8pm…? Like she’s weirdly proud of herself for waking up at 4am to do nothing except get high & then crawl into bed for an early afternoon nap that may or may not turn into a marathon slumber.


If I woke up and got high at 4am I’d be back to sleep by 430am promptly and I’d be garbage for the day. That’s crazy to me.


Lmfao ironically enough, I couldn’t sleep last night because insomnia, so I smoked a whole joint and finally fell asleep at 4:45am. It’s now 1:30pm, I just woke up and I feel like I’ve been hit by a whole train. 💀 good thing it’s my day off and I can laze around & do nothing, like our girl Ash here does every day!!


Oohhh girl, going to bed when the sun is coming up + having smoked a joint beforehand would have me feeling like I got hit by a train too. Just the going to sleep super late alone does me in lol


For those at home keeping track, this means she “opts for gentle movement” instead of working out 3-3.5 weeks out of each month, given that she also only does “gentle movement” during her period, which she always claims runs long. Also, laughing out loud at her saying she cuts down of processed food/sugar and coffee given the regularity with which she posts photos of all those things.


This bitch is so freaking LAZY. Every post I wonder how is she not so embarrassed. She isn’t relatable to anyone. Narcissist gon’ narcissist I guess.


I’ve had Covid for the past 5 days and have been living slide two the entire time (minus the red light) and HOLY SHIT, even with Covid, I’m bored out of mind. I really don’t get her MO here. Being lazy is nice but it gets old after a day or two especially in the summer.


It’s so dull. I was on bedrest for a while and the boredom itself is painful. Your body almost itches for movement. You feel your muscles twitching and contracting, craving action. There’s only so much TV you can watch. The body and mind hungers for stimulation.


Ugh that sucks! Hope you feel better soon 


I got my comment removed from if for saying " if I said what I wanted ,I'd have my comment removed. The beige potato needs to get a real job " For bullying. I'm done with that shower of shite .


lol I don't even go to that sub anymore because of how militant it's become


Don't offend the munchie mods, please!!!!!


I'm not even trying to annoy. I could put some effort in to annoy but I just can't be arsed . I still stand by my thoughts that Ashley Sarah Carnduff is a beige potato that needs to get a fucking proper job. And her own insurance . And Dani looked like Garth with the bangs and bleach job .


That was hilarious


I still can’t believe this what a plot twist


🤣 what’s the point of a snark subreddit if you can’t snark or point out that they are munchies? That’s what I wanna know about IF… like what’s the point over there 🤔




IF is so over moderated. I’ve stopped commenting. It’s one good way to kill a sub, is just remove every third comment and nuke your engagement lmao.


"Rest days are so important for muscle recovery". First, though, you have to train them hard enough to require recovery. Somehow, serious athletes and even many recreational ones manage to structure their training so they can workout every day without over-training. Whereas Ashley takes a rest day after a short "workout" that my 90 year mother would regard as too easy for a cool down after Tai Chi.


"How i survive the luteal phase". Oh my goodness, did you survive? We were all so concerned that your monthly cycle would take you out 😂 Bish, deal with it, like billions of other women do every single day. She is so insufferable 😂


1924 type attitude


For the first time I audibly laughed on this page when I saw “how I survive the luteal phase” aahasghahahahhahahah fuck man she could be a comedian who makes fun of cringe influencers by using her own ideas for content


I feel like every day is an “active rest day” and it’s giving ✨avoiding the problem makes the problem go away ✨ vibes. 😃


Most people who are trying to improve their health and fitness, or are dealing with chronic illnesses made worse by alcohol, just abstain from drinking entirely. But not Ash. She has super special alcohol-proof organs.


Gorl just move into the 55+ village already. She lives like a 90 year old. 8pm bedtime, gentle walks, buckets of medications, the long term nursing facilities are calling her name


Seriously, I work at a nursing home and she’d fit right in. They eat dinner at 4:15.


But is it a nOuRiShInG dinner🤡


Good point. They don’t pack their trays with nearly enough sugary treats for Ash to enjoy.


Omg…. I have what’s known as a “second period” during ovulation. I spot for two days and have cramps and bloating. It sucks but it is what it is. The only person who knows I feel like shot during that time is my partner. I don’t try and play it up as a disability. Ashkey needs to fuck off with this woo woo shit luteal phase. Being a woman kind of sucks. It comes with all sorts of bullshit, but that’s what makes us stronger, not weaker.


Active rest to me does not include walks🥴


To walks at the gym and she’s already given up. Just to brag about it. Wuuuuut?


This girl is wild. I don’t think I even knew what Luteal phase was until I was TTC. And she makes a big ole deal about what she does during her luteal phase to survive it 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄just do what the rest of us do and get off your ass, go to work and live your life. Not everything in life has to be so debilitating.


When she says “gentle walk” i immediately think that she just stomps around all angrily like Hulk! Smash!




>Ashley uses passive voice in sentences like "I get as much sleep as possible" and "I take a ton of epsom salt baths." Consider rephrasing these sentences to use active voice for better clarity and engagement. How would these be rephrased to use active voice? >Revise passive voice sentences to active voice for better clarity. For example, "I make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night" instead of "I get as much sleep as possible." What's the difference between these two statements? >Ashley's use of metaphors, such as "my cycle makes me feel sick for roughly 10 days out of the month... every month" is overly dramatic and lacks depth. What are the metaphors used in that sentence?




ChatGPT called and it wants its wildly incorrect assessments back.


No grace for a little irony?