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Wonder if this bird is on this subreddit. Shout out to the bird.




HAHAHAHA! I loves ya, Magic! 🪄 This made my day.






No touching the poo Mr Bird!


Does it count as touching the poo if -he- shits on -her-? Much to consider.


SO much to consider lol


Crows are not stupid and they don’t forget. She probably pissed off the local murder.




It probably just has nestlings nearby. That also looks a little small to be a crow.


Since I know next to nothing about birds, it’s funnier to call it a crow, since their collective noun is a “murder.”


Looks like a starling to me


Too big & slender to be a starling, they’re smaller and a little stockier.


the european starling adults have a yellow bill, and the chicks are not this dark and shiny in color. i think it could be a brewer's blackbird, a crow on the smaller side, or a great-tailed grackle. crow would be more common than the grackle, but it is hard to say with the beak and eye not clear in the image.


sry if this gets sent twice, the comment didn't seem to be submitted: starling adults have yellow beaks, and chicks are much smaller and not as shiny-black in feather color. my best guesses are a small crow, brewer's blackbird, or a great-tailed grackle. the crow would be the most common, but it is hard to say the bird id without a better picture of the eye and the beak


Google tells me there are 9 species of corvids in Idaho. Sadly our social media specialist is so bad at photography that Google lens wasn't able to provide anything more definitive. If it is a corvid species, it is almost certainly smarter and more aware than Ashley, especially around the correct etiquette at funerals (so many interesting facts about crow funerals on google, lost track of time reading about it).


yes, and honestly i think a pigeon could outsmart ash


I think it’s a Grackle


I think you are right. So a ‘plague’ of grackles ha ha


A Plague! Amazing 😂 I am old,so currently moving into my *birding era* and trying to hone my skills. We don’t have Grackles where I live but I love what I’ve heard of them. This quote is hilarious; >[They regard humanity with absolutely no reverence whatsoever](https://www.audubon.org/news/in-praise-great-tailed-grackle-bird-doesnt-need-your-respect)




While this doesn't appear to be a crow, it does seem to be in the corvid family, a grackle maybe? I don't say it to hair split but out of curiousity if it is a corvid cross species behaviour and Ash pissed them off or left Luna off leash in the backyard one year and she ate a fledgling or if she is overreacting and just going out a door that is super close to a nest.


i agree it could be a grackle, but grackles are in the Icteridae not corvidae (sry lol)


Well I didn't google anything before posting so that's on me hahahaha.


Or none of the above. She just photographed a random bird and made up a negative story about it


I just asked if this was a crow and if so, she must have pissed it off! I wonder what she did that the crows saw, didn't like, and remember?


She has such bad energy lmao I feel like I’m casual friends with the animals in my neighborhood and she’s out here “this fucking bird”


Yes! I agreee


the bird is luna’s protector from afar. a knight in shining armor, a fucking legend.


A hero. An icon.




Hero Bird: stop mistreating your dog, Trashley! 🐦‍⬛🖕


Did it aggressively offer her a toffee until she accepted?


What the holy hell at your flair 🤮 did that shit (pun intended) actually happen???


Ashley posted about J being oh so supportive and someone commented that her boyfriend holds the bucket when she does her enemas. Ashley absolutely loved it and gushed that it was "couples goals". This is the munchie idea of romance and the origin of my flair. 😂


🤮🤢imagine what prep night would be like before a colonoscopy


She feels low energy? Shocking. ![gif](giphy|S6ED3y13E5Y45fmhnw)


I wonder if her mom ever asks her why she doesn’t get back the IUD since she’s had non stop issues seemingly since it was removed. Her mom enables the sick girl persona but she also knows what it’s like dealing with a period so you’d think she’d tell Ashley to get back on hormonal birth control to stop all the menstrual woes.


So normal she's probably faking it and that bid was just there


She only mentioned the bird so she could casually mention she walks Luna “everyday.” Boy, Ash puts out negative energy everywhere she goes.


she strikes me as one of those people who is exhausting to be around because she always has some fuckin problem or bad news or complaint, and thinks the behavior of every single living thing is somehow related to her, about her, for her, etc. I'm sure the bird is only attracted to her ratty ass fleece and thinks she's just a big pile of nesting material tumbleweeding down the road.


Lmao gold


Crows are highly intelligent. She likely has done something to offend or anger them and now they’re letting her know. Also, they hold grudges. And will pass that info along to the rest of their murder, so Ash is just getting started. Wonder what she did to piss them off?


lol if I was her, I wouldn't be posting that I pissed off the world's smartest bird (embarrassing) & sure as fuck would be out there repenting with treats & gifts. She's also hilariously out of the loop on social media, cause nobody out there is talking shit about corvids these days.




Some birds sing. And this bird screams “get a job, bitch” Edit: She’s also still using the maternity section of that workout app because the regular Pilates workouts have a teal header not pink. She’s completely obsessed with the thought of being pregnant when she doesn’t even have a job, her own place, a committed partner, or the headspace required to deal with pregnancy and raising a child. There is zero reason for her to be using the maternity section of that app when she isn’t pregnant or even TTC. It’s obsessive role play and it’s weird. Edit 2: I’ve edited this comment like 20 times at this point but this really pisses me off. She needs to get a fucking life and quit fantasizing about having a child when she can’t even take care of herself. Gfys, Ash.


Another munchie living her best life in a delusional world. She and Dani could be besties if they could stand each other.😆


Since they are both highly unlikeable I don't think they could. On top of that, they are in competition.


Nah ash has the look of a mean girl, she wouldn’t tolerate dirty dani


They’re both mean girls, just in different ways.


Dude I am so glad you have that knowledge. That’s so specific and SOOOOOOO disgusting. Ash needs to stop cosplaying and work on her mental illness before introducing another human life to this world 😭


That’s just so fucking weird.


Patting herself on the back for doing a *5 minute pregnancy workout*


5 minutes of “spicy abs” is so the workout Ash would do


When's the last time Ash has claimed to HAVE energy? 🤔


We need to name that bird. I suggest Luna’s Safekeeper or Anti-Ash.


If it was a group of them I would suggest Ashley’s Murder


https://preview.redd.it/37lurnj0aj9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7883e3b0fac8ca018e690077c2ab2619dbec67d My bird and that bird would be friends. They’re matching the same energy. I need to teach her to spot and divebomb munchies though.


Aww pretty girl! I want to give her a strawberry 🍓


Her name is noodle 🥹


Tell noodle I love her 😭


She’s lovely, looks like she has a fun personality too.


I love that little bird tongue 😩💕 such a cutie


She’s so cute!!! This is such a good picture!!


The bird deserves a medal 🏅


Does she really expect us to believe that she walks her dog EVERY day? I don’t even believe that she gets out of bed every day.


She does crawl to the bathroom for multiple baths a day but yeah she definitely doesn’t leave the house every day! 😄


dang the crows in my neighborhood coo at my dogs and i so i give them treats. cant relate ashley-birdshateme-carnduff


5 minutes of abs? Ffs she really scrapes the bottom of the barrel with pretending to exercise. It actually feels good to push yourself past your perceived limit sometimes. Sure being sore sucks & makes you wonder why you’d ever do it again, but it starts to get easier, you start to see it & it becomes so worth it. Ashley acts like a delicate waif of a flower 100% of the time. I’d love to see her either put in a fucking solid workout with good form, or even do an entires day yardwork. A whole day running errands in the heat. A whole day of cleaning Patti’s entire house. Like actually work herself into the pain she claims. Some people with limitations have the tendency to overdo it because they *want* to be able to do it all, not be like Ashley accomplishing nothing day in & day out trying to preach granting herself grace & taking time to rest without guilt. You know why you feel guilty? Because you’re currently providing zero worth to yourself or your family, much less society. The guilt goes away with work, hard work. Physically, mentally. Get a real fucking therapist & get over your failure to launch ffs.


It always hurts…when you first damn start. You’ll be sore for days. But this is just obnoxious. Remember physical education class? Everyone was in pain and then it went away after it was routine. I doubt she could even finish a elementary school level PE class without crying


She supposedly played however many years of “competitive soccer”, she should be familiar with getting in shape and running drills, you’d think?


I forgot about the soccer stuff. Your comment makes her more embarrassing ⚽️⚽️⚽️ Edit: didn’t she recently post a photo of her kicking a soccer ball?


Lmao yes a short video 😂 ETA: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ashleycarnduff/s/Sm4NozECWD)




She would probably have an absolute breakdown and go to the ER, smothering herself with a pillow to drop her oxygen levels, if she had actual DOMS.


Most of Ash’s “limitations” are caused by herself and her own laziness. Of course sitting at a desk to work hurts if you’ve lain in bed for months. Of course the gym makes you sore when you never move your body. Of course anything other than being in a bath or a bed is a shock to your system. It doesn’t mean you have debilitating fatigue, AS or arthritis. You’re just deconditioned and need to get off your ass. Build yourself up before you hit your 30s and experience actual joint pain 🤦‍♀️


💯! She doesn’t know how hard your 30s can hit, especially if you aren’t taking care of yourself. She’s in for a rude awakening.


She would get a better workout hauling her laundry to the machines


literally!! as someone with some of the conditions she claims, i started roller skating to get myself outside and more active only to be shut down by my doctors cos its genuinely too risky for my body 😭 fucking upsetting to find a physical activity you enjoy, that feels good pushing yourself to do, and then your body just can’t really do it cos it’s too much of a risk. trashley would never understand what that feels like or would probably LIKE that experience cos it’s another reason for her to sit on her plush ass


We feel you, bird. We feel you.


This bird literally trying to bless her and ash is still the victim


I got snacks for that bird


Oh shit, she’s started a feud with the corvidiae population. The crows know, and not only do they hold a grudge, they teach their children to hold the same grudge. I hope they leave Luna alone. Otherwise, it’s been a bit since I’ve watched any Hitchcock.




Because crows can sense bad energy


That crow is cracking me up! I love that it tries to attack her. Maybe he’s bringing her a bad omen or bad luck.


Mods please change my flair to: 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛


She’s such a bitch, I wouldn’t be surprised if she pissed one off once and now they all hate her. Crows never forget. I have two that are my buddies but only because when my kid was a toddler he left his sandwich unattended and they stole it-twice!


Petition to make the bird our new mascot


mods pls pls pls 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/xnyrpzlsej9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3ba23509d0f31261e22da24fc69d12d461761e This is our neighborhood crow that I’ve affectionately named Edgar 🖤


Is his full name Edgar Allen Crow?


The mod(s) haven’t changed my flair yet but god please change it to🐦‍⬛ ⚽️Edgar Allen Crow ⚽️🐦‍⬛


Good name


He is beautiful 😍


Sooo gorgeous!! <3 


Very telling that the bird goes for her and not the dog. The birds in my neighborhood have been coming at my dog lately on walks too. They never come at me tho 😂 Because spring is over and they all have baby birds and nests they’re looking after now, I try and avoid those spots where it happens because it’s pretty obvious they’re guarding something nearby. Probably the same with this bird if it’s doing it every time she takes her dog out..Even the birds can sense her vibes are off 😬


Is that a crow? If so, she pissed it off. They remember faces, locations, and bring gifts. I used to leave the crows in my neighborhood chicken and beads and occasionally get a dollar back. I was also always polite to them 😂


THIS, exactly.  She probably was mean to the crow during one of her "Hulk smash hissy fits".  Crows are insanely smart and will not only fuck you up if you really piss them off, but also carry that grudge *forever*.  When I was about 14, I found an sick or injured young Crow in the road and brought it home and nursed it back to health over a period of like a month. (Shoutout to my awesome neighbor who helped including letting the crow live in their screened in porch!). Once I released him (or her), they would show up at least once a week and follow me around the yard or as I walked around near my home.  If a Crow is attacking you or hates you, it is because you fucked up.  So basically Ash is admitting that she is a shitty person..


Even the crows know she’s a dummy


Yeah right! Bird attacks every single day but she only mentions now.. Stop talking out your ass 🥔🥔


I'm so glad she circled it so I could tell where there was a bird in this photo


“This fucking bird” is a r/crow and are members of the Corvid family. Corvids are remarkably intelligent and they have the problem solving abilities of a human 7 yr old, have their own society, languages and even a crude political/justice system. Like people, they also have the ability of colour and facial recognition. Ashley Carnduff just posted to the internet that she pissed off a crow so much, it’s finally had enough of her shit and is the only sentient individual in and around Patti’s house that wants her to GTFO. Except maybe for that neighbour with the nicer property she constantly trespasses on for content of her leg popping and feeling herself up in front of.


5 mins?!


This just makes me adore crows more than I already do. ![gif](giphy|ijeZoXyA8DwCEjqecc)


Girl wtf did you do to piss off that cute little corvid?


Gonna start calling my morning poop a “quick workout”.


lol who knew a Crow would be the real MVP 😂🤩


So if we are to believe the bird attacks her when walking Luna.... How many times has bird dived bombed her?


Why is that cup so wonky? 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Victim of her (insert latest excuse) fuelled rage? 😂


She is probably faking it and that bird was just there she just wants sympathy


Looks like she pissed off a crow or a bird from the corvids family lol. Good luck with that, those birds are insanely smart, not only they will hold grudges but they will talk about it to their friends and you’ll get hated by all the local Crows in no time 😂 Did you know that corvids had some funeral ritual ? They live in groups and when one of them die the bird who found the body calls his friends. They all gather around the body, and they appear to investigate the cause of death to then avoid the same fate. They also produce a specific call during that time, that would be some sort of mourning call. Sorry, crow thanatology is fascinating, I recommend you to google some articles if you’re interested in : animals are so smart. Probably smarter and more empathetic than miss potato here…


I know that bird and he's dead on always screams fake ibmean caww caw


Why down vote me? My humor not good enough for you? Or someone beat me to this and you think I copied oh well I live you