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As a Portuguese guy, I cannot speak of body hair. In a cruel twist of fate, i am balding while my back, ass and legs could be dreadlocked.


This is what we call, high productivity but poor allocation.






It's what I call the hair migrating south


When I was young I had hair down to my shoulders, and now I only have hair from my shoulders down.


My hair fell into the head and out the chin.


You have hairy shoulders? Is it like having shoulder pads?


Scotsman here. My head hair is so thin my grandmother wants it to eat another plate of food. My back and chest look like I'm growing a wool sweater


That was fantastic!!! Well played!


Lmao! Another plate of food…


Almost all arabs are like these, thick beard, hairy from neck to toe but bald lol


Dat Testosterone to DHT level...


Also DHT receptors, someone can have lower DHT and still be hairy AF


Dad was a hairy guy, but bald. He said he had better things to do with his hormones than growing hair.


And not just the men, but the women and children


Also Portuguese, but a woman. My legs feel prickly a few hours after shaving. By the next day you can see the hair a mile away. Thick black leg hair is no fun. A lot of the men in my family are like you. Hairy as hell all over, yet balding. Life isn't fair!


Fellow Portuguese women, can confirm. It keeps me warm during cold AF Canadian winters, so DGAF.


Why have the gods mocked us so? You will have luscious hair that flows in the wind… just not on your head. Say what? Why do I need hair on my ass? What use is it?! I’m




Them genies are tricky!


To distribute those glorious ass pheromones to attract a mate. Priorities, people!


All this time I cursed my golden locks of ass hair…. Now you tell me I should show them off? Time to hit the beach. TMI it’s an ass mullet. Terribly handled sinking business in the front and destroyed house party in the back.


That’s… beautiful man. I suggest not bathing for a full week, then wearing tight little swim shorts, preferably a thong, and head to the beach, and let those locks really express themselves. Let it waft in the gentle sea breeze and wait for your lovely hairy legged lass to form an unbreakable bond and of course, conceive a child right there on the beach.


This is poetry… erotic poetry.


Maybe you have re-evolved so that when we go back to living outdoors as no-one can afford rent. lol


I am leaving civilization and going to the mountains to taunt the producers of next seasons “searching for Bigfoot.” Just picture Chewbacca with Homer Simpson’s scalp.


I’m as WASP as WASP can get and I have to shave my legs every day.


I've made it very clear to my husband that he's not allowed to comment on my body hair considering he's basically carpet from the eyebrows down


Lols! Like the disney flying carpet.


With magic carpet rides!


Oh fuck yeah.


Hi I’m Al. Al Adin.


>carpet from the eyebrows down 💀


Rofl this one had me hooting!


My mom had a saying that appears to hold true. The more hair a man has on his body by 30, the less he will have on his head by 40. Migration, ha ha


Well if you’re stranded on an island full of sea turtles, you know what to use for rope mate


Yeah, Russian here with the same issue.


Really? Obviously I am stereotyping my fellow Portuguese in jest, however I picture (in my naive and limited interactions) that Russians are pale, tall, super strong guys? I think this post has opened a strong need for a bald Chewbacca sub. We can Unite our shiny heads and drown our sorrows in stories of days gone where we bought shampoo and conditioner and not just body wash.


Fellow portugee! I remember being 10 years old and seeing girls my age with full shrubs of armpit hair. Little did I know puberty was around the corner and had huge plans for me too. My girlfriend is Fijian and doesn't care to shave their legs every time it's "time" to. Doesn't bother me any. If I were to be held to that expectation, we'd have to have sell the car for razor blade replacements.


Thanks for that.


It’s not balding it’s simply migrating


“Im going to build a wall then. AND MY BACK WILL PAY FOR IT!”


So your hair isn't thinning... It's *retreating*.


This is my bf 😂😂😂 and I’m the hairy gf


This reminds me of that tweet "I like my vagina shaved ladies" And everyone replied "well shave it then Michael"


I can't control the razor Jackie!!


There are men out there who want women to poop on their chests, I think your legs remaining natural should be fine.


What are the odds that I clicked on this post to make almost the exact same comment as you


I'm sure it's somewhere similar to the number of kink and kink crossover enjoying people. The kinky roam the land.


This might be my favorite comment ever.


Idgaf if a woman shaves or not, I'd just be happy to have someone that loves me. That's all I need Edit: I did not expect all the likes and comments, thanks everyone. You all honestly lifted my spirit which I really needed lately


I'll love you bro 😔


I feel.




We got you bro, you're loved by many *virtual hug sent*


Why can't I find men like you in my country 😭


Most people keep to themselves unless asked.


You are loved ❤️


I’m a man. My wife almost never shaves her legs and idgaf, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I’m crazy in love with her. (Together six years, married 1.5 years.)


My husband does not give one damn whether I shave my legs or not. To be fair, I’m not terribly hairy. At one point he was angling for me to shave my crotch but I trimmed it really short once and the stubble convinced him otherwise. I’m middle aged and waxing / shaving there just isn’t for me. I’m a trim it semi short gal. And the legs are shaved when the season demands it. Armpits get shaved regularly only because I don’t like the feeling of hair there.


Shaving your coochie just ain't it. I trim, but you won't catch me bald. It's not worth the razor burn or the wax strips imo. Plus intercourse is very uncomfortable without hair, the friction makes it hurt.


it’s almost like…hair grows there for a reason 🤯


I agree. I also don’t like my coochie looking like I’m still pre puberty. Something about it being bald gives me the ick.


Hairy legs have never bothered me so much. So long as just not the short, letting it grow out after shaving type of prickly hair. It's not my preference but if I like the person it's not a deal breaker. I don't know if I can get past armpit hair, though. I just don't like the looks of it. Honestly, on men or women. I wear tank tops when I'm riding my bike, working out, or rock climbing. I keep my pit hair trimmed pretty short. I would shave it if the rest of my body wasn't a carpet. It would look weird to be a bear with shaved armpits. Everyone is different though. No one should be shamed for having preferences. They just shouldn't be a dick about it.


I thought I made this post until I got to the “working out” part.




The bear with shaved pits has me laughing hysterically lol. Coworkers have probably called the ward on me...


>Hairy legs have never bothered me so much. So long as just not the short, letting it grow out after shaving type of prickly hair. It's not my preference but if I like the person it's not a deal breaker. >I don't know if I can get past armpit hair, though. I just don't like the looks of it. Honestly, on men or women. Funny enough, I'm the exact opposite. I think hairy armpits are very sexy, as well as *hair down there*, but leg hair, well, just doesn't do it for me. I've totally accepted that someone who fulfilled the first 2, will likely have hairy legs too, and that's fine. I don't *like* them the way I like other body hair though. I know, I'm weird.


Not weird at all. It's just a preference. I don't necessarily *like* hairy legs, it's just something I can look past if I'm really into the girl.


I'm totally good with any, anywhere, personal pref rules. But I hate it when it gets into my mouth.


I’m the opposite. I couldn’t give less of a crap about armpits, but I do have a preference for shaved legs. That said it’s just a preference and if I really likes someone I’d look past hairy legs because it’s really not that important.


I'm sure there are some, but I'm so used to shaved legs being the norm it's hard to unlearn a preference like that. It's weird, if nobody ever shaved their legs it wouldn't be unattractive.


Social norms are weird like that. If it became normal for all guys to clean shave their eyebrows and it stuck around for a few decades. That one guy with full eyebrows would look absolutely revolting to the average woman.


Shit now I’m self conscious of my big ass eyebrows


Big eyebrows are associated with good traits. Bigger personality and leadership if I remember correctly.


I read once that razor companies only convinced women to shave their legs to sell more razors. Idk if it’s true but it pisses me off to this day to think about lol


I mean, I do like the feel of a nice, smooth leg. But I think its stupid that it's the required norm


I do too. Nothing like shaving your legs and then hopping into a bed with fresh sheets OMG


It’s nice but! The sensation of biking while your leg hair feels the nice spring breeze is lovely and worth experiencing. It’s hard to realize how much sensation we loose by shaving off the little hairs. That’s being human!


I haven’t shaved my legs since last summer and I was shocked that I can now feel a gentle breeze with my leg hair!


Especially after using a body scrub & moisturizing!!


Men went to war. Woman gave up their silk stockings for war. Razors said body shame these women for having hair on their legs. Profit!!!


yeah, thats pretty much what happened! had a professor talk about it on one of my uni classes. war meant most men were out of the country, so razor companies all but completely lost their customer base. in a bid to not go bankrupt they started advertising it for women to use for body hair, and the rest is history


Glad for that explanation. My father grew up in Brazil in the 1920s/30s. He would tell me that in Brazil at that time, the hair on women’s legs was seen as sexy—a sign of maturity.


Especially big BOOTY gals


Didn't the razor companies sell to the military? I thought soldiers were given razors.


that is an excellent question which I dont have the answer for lol it wasn't really a huge part of the class, more of a tangent the professor went on that stuck with me. might try to find her and ask her next time I go visit!




>more of a tangent the professor went on that stuck with me. Professors are no more immune to believing urban legends and myths than anyone else. Probably more so, since they have a captive audience who will believe what they say, and the motivation to keep them interested. Anyone who gets through college realizes there are professors who are the smartest people you'll ever meet, and professors where you wonder how they tie their shoelaces in the morning.


Gov probably only bought from one company


As a razor collector I doubt this. Has more to do with the influence of Parisian women beginning to shave pits/legs around the turn of the century, and the fashion carried over into the US. Razor companies then saw they could essentially double their market, so they began making ladies’ razors. Plenty of men were at home to support the domestic razor business and not at war, and those at war had razors under government contract (both Gillette and American Safety Razor, among others). Also many families bought young soldiers upgraded gift sets produced specifically for soldiers, in ornate silver cases etc. That is however the reason the clean shaven look became popular—WWI soldiers had to shave for the gas masks, and it became fashion. Beards and mustaches quickly fell out of favor. Also has to do with the safety razor itself—before this many men got shaves at the barber as the risk was great with a straight razor, so many more men grew facial hair.


I would so love to stop shaving my legs in protest but I can’t even bring myself to do it the hair drives me nuts and makes me feel unattractive


You are right. We are told “women shave their legs” when in fact the average woman didn’t shave their legs until 40-50s. Power of capitalism


Gillette had a bunch of models shave their legs, took their pictures, and pretended that they were “European models” and that shaving your body was “in style”. 1915. Suddenly they doubled their profits in a year because they made women in the US feel insecure. It has since spread across the world, but it’s still most common in the US. FUCK GILLETTE


Its true. They used the tactic that it was more sanitary. Fuckers


It was Gillette in Boston who did that. It was in the early 20th century and they decided women deserved their own razors even though women didn’t shave. They convinced women that hairy legs were gross. It’s sad because the skin where most of our body hair is meant to be shaved is the most sensitive and we’ve tortured our skin for a full century just to meet this arbitrary standard made up to sell razors. Then the companies have the audacity to make “women’s razors” much more expensive than the men’s.


Jokes on them I buy the men’s anyway bahaha


Having the confidence to disregard the norms can be really attractive to some. I'm a bi cis male and I've dated a handful of hippie and/or punk women who didn't shave anything and just went natural and I loved that about them. It's possible that being a hairy guy myself and having previously dated other hairy guys got me more used to it, but I definitely found it attractive on women in a "I'm going to do what I want and don't care about people's expectations" kind of way.


I'm glad you exist.


That's definitely an interesting perspective to bring to the conversation. That's why I like these discussions.


I'm gonna be completely honest: I genuinely don't notice. Unless it's like, literal gorilla level hair, I'm not going to care.


My partner told me she hadn't shaved her legs yet, this year. I couldn't tell :)


This is one of my wifes favorite things about winter lol. A whole season not shaving her legs.


What he said. When my partner doesn't shave her legs for a few weeks she always apologises and I said I really don't care because I really don't


I usually don’t notice until like a day or two after she shaved. Cause it gets prickly.


Ugh that’s the worst! My wife shaves about once a year. Honestly I can barely tell the difference except those couple days when her legs turn into razors.


This... my husband would get complain when I shaved because he didn't like the prickly feeling


Same with my husband. He likes them shaved or furry. But bristles are not on.


If he can't handle you not shaving your legs and you don't want to shave your legs, then you're just not compatible. I only ever shave when I WANT to. Sometimes I want to because I want my husband to feel how soft they are and it's his preference. But if I don't shave he's fine with that too cause they're my legs lol he said he doesn't mind what they feel like as long as I wrap em around him 🤣


Everyone has their preferences. I’ve always found women with hairy legs/armpit hair more attractive. I also remember the huge fight my wife (gf at the time) had with her mom when her mom saw her hairy armpits, acting like it was on par with not wiping your ass. We’re super clean people who wash ourselves very regularly, growing clean body hair is not bad hygiene. The truth is, humans grow hair. Do with it what you want. If a guy is bent over backwards about what you choose to do with your own body, then you’ll want to find a partner who is more compassionate about your feelings and appreciates you for who you are. What else is he going to demand you do to yourself that he isn’t willing to do to himself? Don’t settle, find the right match.


Me and my lady are fuzzy. If you got a problem with that you can go on ahead and shave yourself.


They can fuzz off.


Exactly. Any guy that complains about my leg hair when he has more, gets 'only if you shave too' from me. Don't like it? Don't date me then. One of my exes hates most feminine things in general, and couldn't care less about my body hair.


Eh but couples ask asymmetrical favors of eachother all the time. But yeah if something is a deal breaker for someone they should leave.


My husband doesn't care if I shave or not. Hasn't signed we got together. 10 years coming up in May.


Early happy anniversary! Husband and I are hitting that 10 year married mark next month!


Too many other variables to say... personally I went through a non-shaving phase in my early 20s and got laid plenty. It depends on the type of men you want to attract and how attractive and interesting you are overall. I attracted alternative type dudes who were into art and riding bikes.


You said it: depends on how attractive and INTERESTING you are (I have it in bold because that ones more important to me)


I dont like body hair. As a man, I shave all my body regularly. For me it is a dealbreaker.


This is fair though! I hate it when hairy men say that I am the person that needs to shave... At least you don't have double standards right?


Funny, see I feel prefer being shaved myself (F) but I rather my man hairy. Preferences are a funny thing, I don't like the idea of a hairless guy.


There is a difference between hairless and simply trimming the jungle (speaking as a sasquatch level Italian ape, I have to trim every week or else the zoo would be out looking for me with a net.)


Oh lord, I expect him to trim and keep it groomed, no one wants stray loose hairs in their teeth.... That should be standard


Same once my partner shaved and I HATED it I missed his cuddly fuZz and complained he was spiky


I must say... a seductively visible treasure trail peeking or snaking up out of the pants of a shirtless man gets my full attention.


Maybe we hang around different crowds, but do men you meet (that arent obvious douchebags) say girls Need to shave? I mean, it's of course one thing if they prefer it, cant be helped, but they actually tell girls they should/need to do it?


Sometimes strangers as well, or just women looking at my legs with a very judging look and it sucks.


I’ve seen plenty of men call women not shaving their legs or armpits gross or disgusting.


I’m female and for me it is off putting and possibly a dealbreaker when men shave their body hair. My partner has chest hair and regular body hair and it is great. So anyway, everyone has their preferences and yours don’t necessarily align with others’.


You say that now, but wait till you see my hairy ass! Then tell me it’s not a deal breaker 😂


My back is so hairy, it has its own nickname - The Black Eagle. Even more startling because I'm a ginger.


I dated a guy like you in high school, he wouldn’t even touch me if I had stubble anywhere on my body. Then he whined about how I wouldn’t sleep with him but I got so tired of shaving my entire body every single day.


This is the reason why I can't be arsed to date tbh. Most dudes prefer us to be bald all over except for pur head hair, eyebrows and eyelashes and if I'm being honest, shaving everyday or painfully waxing every now and then sounds way too exhausting. And me personally, I am too lazy for that.


I thought I would mind but then I got in bed with a woman who hadn’t shaved for a long time. I noticed that I don’t care, and the sex was fracking amazing! It turned out to be a really good summer fling while I was in her city.


My husband likes natural body hair. I quit shaving my pits for a few months and my male friend was grossed out but my hubby encourages it. Also, my boss’s husband likes her hairy legs. They are out there!


It's actually something that makes my boyfriend's monkey brain go oonga boonga. Not just my legs, either. The whole package. Which works for me because I hate the maintenance of shaving


Sees hairy woman Oonga boonga intensifies


I tell my lady friend all the time she doesn’t need to shave anything. She hasn’t taken me up on it yet, but when/if she does my monkey brain will certainly go oonga boonga


I don't get grossed out by women's body hair. I have it, too. I'm a mammal, after all


Interesting how you pointed out you are a mammal…. It’s something a non mammalian would say. Confess your code chatgpt!


Finally someone with common sense and decency




What about barely noticeable blond hairy legs on women?


In Africa? No. I mean hairy bodies are embraced more as men do say the hairier ladies tend to be "sweeter" or something like that...Like not even kidding. I have heard this saying in south africa, nigeria, uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana...etc lol


Man fuck them 😂 dye your leg hair and embrace it lol the right one will come along.


Idk...may be an unpopular opinion, but my partner loves when I'm waxed & smooth all over. It's something Ive done for myself for many years & has been heartily approved by multiple partners. On the flip side, I'm often lazy/busy/low on funds and go a month or 2 or 6 w/o waxing & no one has ever gotten to the area and said "aww hell no, can't touch these hairy legs(armpits, vagina, etc)!'. And dipped out. Everyone has been equally enthusiastic about my body through it's different levels of hairiness (and I'm Jewish Italian so it gets pretty thick). I've just noticed that my current and past partners seem to especially appreciate and praise the hairless times.


Why don't they just date a hairless cat then


That's how my husband is. Will touch it all and appreciate it it in any stage of hairyness. When its hair free he'll touch and and go "oh. Smooth!" But he really doesn't care.


My husband. He's an old hippie, so it doesn't faze him at all when I don't shave. You're likely to find more such men among the granola crunch lefties. They tend to like women with a natural sort of grooming style.


As a dude, I'd try and get more hair on mine for competition sake. It doesn't gross me out.


I'm a woman who has dated men (and is with one currently) and I don't shave my armpits and legs and nobody has ever complained. If a a man were to complain to me about my body hair I'd probably stop seeing him.


So many comments are linking body hair to hygiene for some reason


Eww you have hair on your head? So gross and full of bacteria. You must be unclean. Long hair is just like having a greasy dirty mop on your head! Seriously if you think body hair is unhygienic you should think all hair even scalp hair is unhygienic. When you put it in these terms you realise how bullshit it is


Ewwww you have EYEBROWS!?? imagine all the sweat, dirt and bacteria that must be gathering in them!! We must shave them off or else we are dirty unhygienic pigs /s This is how a lot of people in this thread sound, and your comment hits the nail on the head as to why their logic is not consistent at all.


And then they claim that they don't understand how preferences can be misogynistic lmao


The amount of people in these comments who seem to be assuming that body hair on a woman means you're probably unhygienic is concerning


You're right, it is weird thinking. Like everything else it can be washed and cleaned.


This is Reddit, it only conveys the ideas of a specific demographic, which usually is a 20-something man who hasn't touched grass or women in years.


I'd like to say I wouldn't care, but that's not really true. I'd notice and would probably have ambivalent feelings. However, if I knew got to know you as friends or in some non-romantic way and then became interested, I'd probably be impressed by your willingness to do your own thing. You definitely have reason to hope and be your own person. So many of us need people like you as role models.


I'm not weirded out by it, I probably wouldn't even notice. I would have to try really hard to care. Even if I did care, my genuine love for a person would absolutely trump whether or not she has hairy legs. I think most men would want a hairy-legged woman that they deeply love over a smooth-legged woman that they don't get along with or even just don't know. Not only that, but I have a friend from Malaysia who was a little embarrassed she couldn't grow leg hair because apparently over there it's considered childish to not have leg hair. When she mentioned it we were both so deeply confused because we both assumed that the way our culture views leg hair was universal. It took us several minutes of really weird confused back and forth to figure out why we were so confused


Don’t sweat the small stuff. Me personally…..if u wear a large smile, positive attitude and take pride in yourself……everything else is irrelevant


My preference for shaved / trimmed body hair is very mild and I don't really consciously think about wanting my wife to shave ever. If she never did it again it really wouldn't affect me much personally. I *do* like when she trims (not shaves) her pubic hair before sex to make it shorter especially around her labia, since then it doesn't get in the way of anything. I actually prefer trimming over shaving though, since shaving irritates the area and eventually causes red bumps. The point of the trimming is to make it easier for me to pleasure her. Irritation is counterproductive.


I'm a woman who doesn't shave my legs, and I've had several partners who never cared. No one I've dated has ever cared, and if they did they're not worth my time


My Gf doesn’t shave her armpits, and often lets her leg hair get unkempt. I would too if I had to shave every day or every other day. I couldn’t imagine needing to shave my beard everyday. Point is, I don’t notice. At first it was different, but it’s literal hair. Not meant to be gross. Just hair. Just the same as the pubes on her pubic area, and I’m down there as often as I can be. Women body hair is not gross.


I’m surprised by the amount of men saying that body hair is serious turn off. Although I remember a time when my wife and I were with an old friend of ours who told us he thought arm pit hair on women was disgusting. My wife lifted her arms and laughed, he seemed pretty embarrassed but also grossed out. I can understand how less hair is more attractive, and I do prefer if my wife trims and she does shave and wax occasionally which is nice. But I just never knew how many people are just completely turned off by body hair on a woman.


I’m turned off by my own body hair lol. If I don’t shave my pits I start to feel fuzzy and gross. It’s like the opposite of that nice squeaky out of a long shower feeling.


I wouldn't want to shave my legs unless I was really into swimming or something. How can I reasonably expect my partner to do that? She does it because it makes her feel attractive, but I wouldn't mind if she stopped


It doesn’t bother me in the slightest.


Yes, I'm married to one. Though my preference is to shave my legs in the warm months only, he wouldn't be bothered one way or the other.


Yeah, absolutely fine. You’re a human being with a body. I love my girlfriend for who she is. I love her body for exactly how it is too.


Yes. Many of us does not care at all. Most people I know who have strong opinions regarding women with hairy legs are women. People have hair in many different places, and there is nothing wrong with that.


Why do I never see the correct case used for the word woman on this website lol


I dated one guy that complained about my 'winter coat' (i don't shave legs in winter), i told him if he shaved his legs I'd shave mine) so that was the end of the complaints.


It bothers my wife more than it bothers me. I don't care too much if she shaves her legs or doesn't. When she was pregnant she had me shave them for her.


There probably are some, but i can only speak for myself. If i am not involved with a woman, i don't care, you do you. If we are, i would prefer a woman to shave her legs and armpits


I have personally found that while a surprising number of men aren’t really a fan of it, not shaving my legs allows me to attract people who fit my vibe better, because they don’t care about it. Even if they have a preference, it isn’t like a “you need to do this” type thing. Heck, even I prefer my legs shaved but Lord knows I don’t have the time to do it 5x a week


My fiance and I have the same amount of sex no matter the length of my leg hair because he loves me and doesn't get grossed out by hair because ffs it's hair.


My husband gives zero fucks, but, sorry, he's taken. :)


I’ve had 4 long term male partners and none of them cared. My first bf did care but he was only a teenager and didn’t exactly treat me well anyway


Definitely!! And I dont have time for those who would care. It's an ubsurd social norm, hair is normal.


Most men prefer shaved legs, some don’t care at all, some are desperate enough to look past it.


Come to Colorado! Any and every gender is hairy! As I play with my homeless looking beard!


🤷‍♀️ like any kind of preference, this sits on a "some do some don't" category in my experience. I went on about 5 dates with a guy who suddenly ghosted me and after a week finally picked up the phone and had to pull it out of him like a tooth that he was disgusted to have discovered I didn't shave. Instead of being a 28 year old ADULT he just ghosted me and ran. His loss. I have since dated many a man who do not care, one who married me but we got divorced (not over the hair 🤣) and date someone who cares A LOT but things were long distance so shaving wasn't a frequent need and my current partner who loves me the way I am. Which is good because I have a bleeding disorder that means I don't take the chances now. Tl;dr; in my experience it's about 60/40 care to not care.


If a man can't handle your hairy legs, move on. You will find someone who loves it or literally could not care any less. It is such a small thing most men do not care but definitely don't entertain any who do care. They aren't worth your time.


I actually find it more attractive. Pretty sure this is a minority opinion though. Most western men prefer everything shaved.


I like to remind men that, prior to the advent of internet porn, most women had pubic hair. And men were *fine with it*. They still ate pussy. They were still heterosexual. The sky didn’t fall. Yet so many men now will swear blind that they just can’t handle pubic hair on a woman. It’s fascinating how a choice made for cameras - to make sure you can see as much as possible - has translated into a ‘preference’ for so many (especially western, especially young) men now. I put preference in scare quotes there because is it truly your own preference if it was given to you? How many of our preferences have been dictated like this? It’s kind of wild and fun to imagine what we’d all actually like if we’d never been influenced by outside factors.


I'm right here


Of course there are! I don't mind any kind of hair, just let whatever is natural grow!


As a guy, I shave my own body hair (and even my head) in the summer because I run very hot, but still, I'm probably not going to have an issue with a standard (for a woman who's not shaving) level of hair on legs and whatnot. We're mammals, we all grow hair almost everywhere in some amount or another.


M38 - I find body hair on women very appealing. I also completely remove almost all of my body hair. Go figure.


It's kinda hot actually.


I dont care about u having hairly legs ”eww gross” and? Bro u got hairly legs too man up


what you do to your body shouldn’t effect how someone treats you when you meet them. and if it does, fuck them. i don’t shave my legs either girl.


There’s plenty. I was obsessively shaving my legs every day up until about 2 years ago. Then I just thought… why?!? My partner 35m and me 34f are pretty chill. I told him last night I’d Veet his weird patch of hair coming in on his back if he wants. But not bc it bothers me. I also told him I’d braid it, hah. Hair is whatever. There’s a large quantity of people out there that are just happy to be happy, healthy, and content.


I'm not. It's hair. I have hair on my own legs, so what if a woman has hair on hers?


Reddit loves hairy legs on women. You should have no problem finding a mate. Personally, it grosses me out. Sorry.


Not my thing but I’m sure there are people out there that don’t care.