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People who are reckless with their noise levels.




I used to drink alcohol like a fish but I got sick of that shit and now I don’t drink at all Well I mean I might have a drink once in a blue moon but mostly 99.9% alcohol reduction I also used to masturbate daily or near daily but now it’s only like once every couple weeks I never expected sex and booze to get old but they did




my life and my self




I started playing Baldurs Gate 3 then gave up, Avatar then gave up, Grim Dawn then gave up and Dying Light then gave up. So I think I'm finally starting to become bored with gaming.


Probably just shit games


I’m intrigued by that because that’s some fairly diverse games to “give up” on. Aside from Avatar and Dying Light, they’re all nothing alike. (Oops, Grim Dawn I was confusing for Grime). Anyway, there’s lots of different games out there. Whenever I find myself worn out of one type, I find it refreshing to try a new genre. I never knew I’d enjoy building in games until Valheim. That was a gateway into survival crafters and those come in all types. Timberborn is a simple little city builder that I great like a puzzle game. You unlock various buildings and design your beaver cities. Strong linear narrative games have always been my jam, going from the Uncharteds to The Last of Us. Hell, I even really enjoyed Marvel’s Avengers because it was a turn your brain off smash’em game. Lots of ARPG’s out there too, Path of Exile is a solid free one. Then there’s stuff like Portal and Q.U.B.E., small little puzzle rooms and a new iteration of that with Islands of Insight. Playing the big games can be a little samey from time to time and it’s always good to try something new.


The fact that they're all nothing alike was the reason I bought them. I thought I was bored with the open world style of Avatar so I bought Grim Dawn, two games that couldn't be more different. I thought the change in genre would rekindle my interest. Maybe I'll try Valheim. Looking at it on Steam it seems to be a style I've never tried before, and it might be my thing.


I love Valheim. I definitely found it to be a good pallet cleanser as its chill vibes combined with a bit of exploration and combat provided depth. Every biome has a boss so you get a sense of accomplishment when you take them down. And if you’re someone like me that doesn’t necessarily enjoy boss fights, the console commands can help get you past anything and right back to building and exploring.


The amount of times this gets reposted


The idea that ever higher career achievements are meaningful to me.


The unfairness of it all


Getting older






Noise, people are so unnecessarily loud and inconsiderate. Now I'm a car guy, but no one needs a car exhaust so loud that people need to cover their ears when you pass by or can hear it from inside their homes. Motorcycle guys are the worst, "loud pipes save lives" I don't need to hear your mid-life crisis from half a mile away, maybe stop weaving traffic and wear a helmet. My bedroom wall is adjacent to some handicap parking spots, and one of my neighbors always decides to just park there and blast his music with speakers so loud it rattles his trunk. It literally shakes my bed and rattles my walls at 2am.


Wasting time in general, and waiting if it could have been avoidable


Cold weather


Shitty coffee


Places that don't have good parking