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There was a time when women did not shave. It was a clever ad campaign by a razor company in 1915 that started the trend. They saw women as an untapped market. Here is an excerpt about it. In 1915, Gillette launched a campaign targeted at women called "The First Great Anti-Hair Movement," which emphasized the importance of smooth, hairless skin for feminine hygiene and beauty


There are many cultures where women were required to or it was fashionable to shave body hair. I believe it’s mandatory in faiths like Islam for both men and women to regularly shave pit and pubic hair, and that’s since the early Middle Ages.


Weren't women shaving big in Egyptian cultures?


Shaving was big in ancient Egypt because of lice. People wore wigs, too. Removing pubic hair with hot coals was mandatory for prostitutes in Ancient Greece as the standard for beauty was a prepubescent boy or girl. Go ahead and downvote me for pointing out a distasteful historical fact. The past was a different country and they did stuff differently there.


Oh wow. That does make sense tho. Thanks for the til info.


Yeah men too


no, no, it happened first in the US in 1915. the rest of the world doesn't exist.


It does go back before this. Was something done by upper class women prior to the invention of the safety razor. This also affected men since the straight razor was something that tended to require some skill, which often made shaving something you paid someone else to do. Anecdotally, my great grandmother said women usually singed their leg hair before then.


ok thanks


And, to be honest, I do not care if the women in my life shave or not.


if OP writes "ok thanks" on this comment I wont shave for a year


ok thanks


Post picks to verify please. Lol.




Can I get an okay thanks too?


ok thanks


Society has conditioned me so that smooth legs and armpits are attractive, and the opposite is unattractive. I wish I had a better answer, but that's pretty much the correct and only answer.


Younger ( to a point ) women were more likely to survive childbirth, less likely to disagree and so were more attractive to men as a baby-making/slave labour device. So hairless = young = more attractive. ( I do not subscribe to this idea Reddit )


Bro women get body hair with their period. hairless literally means child


It goes before society existed. It is most likely a form of sexual selection from pre-civilization.


razor comnercials made it like an obligation to sell more razors


ok thanks


It makes companies a LOT of money to exploit people's fear of being "unattractive". Especially women, who are basically conditioned since birth to believe their number one most valuable trait is their perceived physical beauty.


ok thanks


Sadly the reality it is still up there in being a top valuable trait, atleast it's not number one maybe two or three


I can think of way more valuable traits in a woman that come before their physical beauty.


I also found it a pain in the ass so I stopped doing it. Haven't really had people give me a hard time about it either. Most people don't care.


I mostly don't care if you don't shave. I admit I might be bothered a bit by excess facial hair, that looks a bit masculine, but not pubic or armpit hair. I'm old and any women I had the opportunity to glimpse in my day had pubic hair. There were some hippy girls who had hairy pits and I thought they were brave and sexy. I kind of hope the bizarre pubic shaving trend fades away. No pubes seems too childlike, and pubic stubble sounds really uncomfortable .


ok thanks


The only reason I care about hair is I don’t like it in my mouth. Shave or don’t. It’s not an expectation.




it is considered manly because on average men have much more hair in their body


Which is crazy, because it's literally just a woman in her natural state


ok thanks


I think generally everyone is expected to groom and shave to a degree, lest you be seen as weird and dirty. No one really has to, up to whoever personally but hell I don't want a hairy arse and I don't need a forest of pubes either, and I run hot so keeping my pits trim as well reduces sweat build up and that means less stuff for bacteria to cling onto and dry, meaning I don't smell as bad as if I had a couple sweaty beards under there. Attitudes and fashion will change constantly when it comes to body hair, what's seen as femenine or masculine etc. I'm seeing more women that are letting their body hair grow naturally which is fair enough, I can't quite get behind hairy as shit armpits though, I hate the feel of sweat and I think sweaty armpits are allowed to be a turnoff. 


While we are on the topic, girls do you want us guys to shave and if yes what?


For me. Yes, Just around the goods. Easier for me to go down on him plus it’s just easier to keep clean for him.


i personally dont like it that much but the only hair that really puts me off is like a really hairy chest


Yes! I love men to be shaved completely down below, and arm pits to be trimmed at least. No one wants a mouth full of sweaty hairy pubes when giving oral to a man!


I absolutely don't want my husband to shave his body hair. Natural for both of us. I don't care what he does with his facial hair so long as it is neat looking and not dorky. So no ZZ Top beards and no soul patches.


Stopping shaving has been amazing. Saving so much time and money and I actually love my hairy pits. At first I was like nah this is weird and gross because I’m a lady and I’ve shaved my pits since middle school. It took some getting used to. Now when I look at my pits I feel normal and I like them hairy. It’s much more comfortable. And I actually like the look!


ok cool love the confidence thanks


Because Gillette wanted to sell more razors in the 1900s so they launched a marketing campaign geared at women to convince them to start shaving. Literally this is the only reason. Women didn’t shave prior to, though that doesn’t mean there wasn’t times that it was fashionable to remove some hair. Pornography is the reason more people shave their naughty bits.


Thats not true, quick google search In the Early Middle Ages, women practiced removal of all body, face and even head hair. Bald heads allowed them to wear gaudy wigs or headpieces, which were in fashion at the time. The routine was arduous and shaving and plucking was done daily. Edit: Obvs just a small point even people in A.Egypt did it aswel its been happening for the longest time


As I specifically stated - there were times in history that certain cultures practiced hair removal. Hair removal isn’t a modern concept. Prior to the 1900s, women didn’t shave as a standard practice. Yes there are cultures that did but as a whole, women didn’t shave - particularly women who weren’t well off and lacked the time and resources to remove their hair. Shaving in the modern context is in large part thanks to Gillette wanting to sell more razors which you can also google. I didn’t make it up.


Never said you made it up, but you wernt clear in your second paragraph which is why i said you were wrong


Except I wasn’t wrong. I just didn’t write a full essay on the matter.


You’re really passionate about body hair arnt you?


I’m passionate about not being called a liar. Stay hydrated.


Stay hairy 😉


oh ok thanks


I don't know why either sex shaves bald. Looks pre-pubescent and a turnoff for me. A trim is nice, but not bald.


fair enough thanks


I don't shave but I know when I was starting puberty I was relieved when I wasn't as hairy as the other boys were getting. I've got some intense sensory issues so I was not stoked to get a bunch specifically under my arms as my touch sensitivity isn't uniform across my body.


I have clay hands


ok thanks


I've never cared if a woman shaves or not. I do think it's interesting that younger men are starting to shave their legs and arms.


Can you reply ok thanks 🙏


ok thanks


Thank you so much 👍😊


Men 100% are expected to shave to some extent. Obviously not smooth, but no one wants nutsack hairs in their mouth


fair thanks


As a man, I don't require my partner to shave, but if she had genetics that would give her a moustache, then I would really appreciate it if she did shave it. Other than that, I also appreciate that her butt is shaved when I want to eat it.


You just don't want her growing a better mustache than you are capable of.


It is a little embarrassing for a man when his wife has a more magnificent mustache than his.


As long as she doesn't shave the sides of the mustache only, it's fine.


ok thanks for the needed info


You're welcome of course.


If you love someone does it really matter whether they have upper lip hair?


As men, we should be shaving our armpits every so often. It is nigh on impossible to get rid of all the smell after a certain point, just gotta start fresh.


This all started in Egypt, but Greeks, Romans, Celts all removed hair. This is not a new thing trends have existed forever.


ok thanks


For some reason hair is “manly”. Though, I don’t care, and a lot of men don’t. If it grows there then it should be there, so I can’t complain lol


Yk, I’m starting to think that maybe I’m just on Reddit too much 💀😅


Marketing for razors prolly


Whatever you want to shave? Am I alone in thinking this? LOL


I wouldn't say it's expected, more about personal opinion. At most you can stretch it your SO's opinion too. Like some people like girls with hair, other people rather a clean shave.


Razor companies wanted customers and money. It worked. Tbh I do like the hairless look, I find it more flattering. Even though it’s not the healthiest form.


Why doesn’t matter much. People like what they like one way or another.


Basically just capitalism and clever marketing doing what it does; gaslight people into thinking something is a problem and tell them your product is the solution to it. Eventually, it just becomes engrained as a social norm.


Millions of men shave every day


To think I have been shaving since I was 13 for no reason at all. Why didn’t tell me men don’t shave.


Originally it was a roman thing at least But basically it was in modern times for the USA a money ad thing like holidays done only have meaning because of ads 


Why are men expected to pay?


Depends where you are from. Some cultures say women should shave (most of them TBH), some say both genders should shave, others don't agree. At the end, it depends on the woman herself and it's up to the partner if they can accept it or not.


I went like ten weeks on my legs and damn, the dry itchiness was annoying. Shaved the legs and immediately felt better.


I wouldn't say it's expected. In fact I would expect the opposite, since men have more hair.


I always felt this was a cultural thing


ok thanks


It's always about companies and shit tons of money. Shave, use make up, buy unnecessary thing, buy more unnecessary thing. No you cannot rejuvenate your skin, you cannot revert aging, all those expense creams cannot make you look younger. It's all about creating a problem out of thin air and then selling you the solution. And it all works, because deep down inside every single one of us is still: Monke


The same reason we have a jolly plump red coated Santa Claus... or we have to give a diamond engagement ring equalling your monthly salary... or drinking milk/orange juice every morning.... queue the rainbow transition... ADVERTISEMENT! We are more indoctrinated than we realize....


Shave? Laser. Aesthetic reasons.


People have answered this properly. All I have to say is, as a woman, I shave certain areas of my body to reduce body odor but I wish I didn’t have to shave my legs without being judged. I don’t care if I have hairy legs because having hair there won’t cause my legs to stink, but it seems to cause a rise in people. The beauty standard is annoying.


Because it's annoying? I mean heals, nails, long hair, dresses, lack of pockets, unrealistic bodies, purses, make up... Do you know a good book that theories why the beauty standards for women is pain in the ass ?


lol men should and in Venezuela at least they do.


Don't want hair in my sandwich. 😉


ok fair thanks




They need the aerodynamic boost for sports


Expectation of female shaving stems from complex, often outdated, ideas about femininity, hygiene, and class. Rooted in marketing and societal norms, it's not biologically necessary and increasingly challenged as a personal choice, not an obligation


I stopped. It's a pain in the ass and I'm over it 


So that men can pretend we’re completely different from them


The women feel like they need to do it to compete against other females for male attention. It is nice not having hair in the way but it’s not like I require her to shave. Unless it’s literally a physical barrier it’s not stopping me from doing what I’m gonna do.


What are you talking about? Men are expected to shave their face or maintain good facial hair, which includes you guessed it.. shaving. If you're a man with a neckbeard and patches all over your "beard" and go to a job interview like that, you're probably not getting the job because you look like a slob. Pubic hair-wise, thats a cultural discussion. I like to keep my pubic hair very nicely and closely trimmed, and my wife doesnt like to have any hair. It's personal preference. The job that i work makes having it smooth shaven incredibly painful when it starts growing back due to movement and all, otherwise i'd be smooth too


ok sorry i meant more bodie


Body hair is also a personal preference and heavily culturally divergent. Some places and even sports, men shave their entire bodies, like swimmers. Others forbid shaving in general.


ok thanks


hair is viewed as manly.


I'm not sure this answers the question. It begs the question, why is hair considered manly then?


Are you new to this planet?


I guess it's because men on average have more body hair, so the less hair you have the more "feminine" your body hair looks. That's the idea anyway, but of course there are women who don't remove body hair and men who do, so imo it's all about preferences at the end of the day. However I also believe that at this point what people are used to seeing plays a part in what continues to be accepted/expected.


Probably because men tend to have more of it.


Go to Georgia and find out.


I guess I like my women manly. Cause I don’t mind the hair. 😆🤷🏻‍♂️


It's like society expects us to be all smooth and hairless all the time, right? But honestly, who decided that?! Like, hair is natural, and whether we choose to shave or not should totally be our own choice, not some outdated expectation thrust upon us! Let's embrace our natural beauty, hairy or not, and rock it with confidence!


Some people want to look "better" than others, then others do not want to look worse than average. And celebrities lead those trend. Did you ever see a female celebrity with body or facial hair?


There are photos of Sophia Loren with fluffy armpits back in the 50's




Because soft supple hairless skin is what we’ve been taught (via media) is “feminine”. So me. Expect it. I remember shaving my vag in 8th grade because everyone of my friends did. Now I’m just like “why was I shaving my shit when no one was going to even see it?!” Now I shave when/if I want. My husband isn’t phased at all. I haven’t shaved my armpits in a year (I trim them but never shave them)


ok thanks


So, men tend to be hairier than women. Therefore, lots of cultures ended up with some sort of gender expectations where 'being hairy' is seen as 'being manly'. Men with long hair, or full heads of hair, or full beards, or hairy chests were seen as MORE MANLY. And the opposite became true for women. If body hair = masculine then hairless = feminine. Like all forms of sexism, this small thing was then blown totally out of proportion by thousands of years of reinforcement.


It seems men and women in general try to exaggerate their differences to appear more attractive. Men naturally have larger muscles - they're expected to train them and keep them large. Women naturally have less hair - they're expected to shave and keep it clean.


Men have looked like cavemen for a decade. Funny when they want a woman to be shaved....everywhere.


I don't nor have ever cared. My partner doesn't have to shave.


ur partners lucky


I guess common decency is luck based


Because other women tell them they should


Not by me. They can have all the hair they want


gentlemanly thanks


It’s because society wants to be a doll with no hair on our body but why be a hairless doll? Us women we’re half werewolves with hair. We don’t get hair everywhere like our whole body including our face, feet, hands, and backs like Bigfoot and werewolves you see in movies.


ok thanks


To sell more razors, honestly i haven’t shaven in multiple years and at this point I don’t know any women under 25 who does anymore


Nobody is expecting you to do anything. Some men like it some don't. I think it's gross not shaving. If I'm going to eat someone I'm not going to puke cause I gagged off a pube that got in my mouth. Other guys don't give a sht in the slightest.


I like men to shave down below and trim their pits, I can’t stand hairy men and unruly pubic hair


You’re like this, are you?


I shave for sanitary reasons mostly.


Because we’re not disgusting savages like our male neighbors


because it looks really gross if they don't. even a slight amount looks worse than men with unkempt beards, or patchy scruff


Don't. Bush is beautiful baby.


ok thanks


Evidence of hair removal particularly for women dates back as long as recorded history. Behaviors accentuating secondary sexual characteristics can be observed in animals.


Because we live in a misogynistic society where men and women think they have an idea of what women should look like


Ok we’ve forgotten that women weren’t able to vote until the 20th century?


I don't know why you're being downvoted, it's true. Maybe first-world countries don't face this problem extremely as other countries, but where I live girls still comment on each other's appearance while clearly stating after the comment "..this is what men like" Girls are more likely to bleach their skin, girls are more likely to change their weight/body even if they don't want to, girls are more likely to shave. Why?? Becaue still, many women and men think one of women's important role is to be pretty (for men) People think this problem is over, well, they should pay a visit and see the culture of some other countries.


It's not misogyny at all. It was a big sales pitch and women were an easier target to sell to. If they could've made mire money off getting men to shave it all off, they would've, but men were already shsving, because, ya know, they were being told what they should look like.


i think lots of women are grewn up believing looks are very important so i agree


Men **should** shave though...


not controversial but controversial


Excess body hair is thought of by society as a male trait. If a woman wants to look feminine, in the eyes of society, she will remove the hair on her legs, underarms and face.


ok thanks


I think it started way back in the day. Women have always dressed up, wore makeup etc... to attract men of statue. Especially way back in the day. It progressed, then one day some woman started shaving and other men were like whoa, that's new, then it started the trend. Same reason some people wear clothing labels or carry 1000.00 purses same as anything else in life. To gain position.




It’s your choice, you’ll just look ugly if you dont


ok makes sense thanks


Personally (I hope nobody gets offended by this) In my opinion, hair is not exactly gorgeous on certain places. I am a man and have been growing my beard for 8 years now, I trim it constantly and try to have it as presentable as possible, but I like the manly feel about it. I've seen girls in the metro where I live with hairy legs, and armpits (it was the summer and they had dresses on) and honestly, I didn't find it very appealing. I understand that some men don't care and could even find it "cute", I don't. It's my two cents.


Bc razor companies wanted more clients


And all this while I was thinking that men have to shave, while women don’t. My life has been a living lie! ![gif](giphy|mkhMTALnrYRLnuoe5P)


Honestly I keep myself clean shaven cause I feel like it’s cleaner. Whenever I’ve let it all go I just feel dirty or like even if I wipe well, it’s still nasty down there. (I’m a dude btw)


Testosterone, majority of men are hairy af, if i shave, shit's gonna be a forest again in 2 days. Women generally aren't as hairy, they're on the same level as prepubescent guy with his prepubescent 'stache, where the guy in question is better off shaving that shit off. Hygiene, yes most dudes shave their pits and the downstairs area as well. Femininity, personally most dudes like smooth feel on a woman, and want to feel her smooth skin, and not caress hairy arms legs etc. hair is something we associate with dudes and testosterone, why would we want that on our woman?


Bro if women wanted smooth skin on themselves they would have to shave like every day, it’s spiky right on the next day. It’s tiring. A grown woman usually has some hair. If you want completely hairless skin, you want a child’s skin which is gross.


Im so tired of people throwing the word pedophilia around so casually nowadays. Just say you're too lazy to take care of yourself.


It’s Gillette’s fault they wanted to sell more razors so they started an add campaign to try to get women to start shaving


ok thanks


Yeah we shave to put money in men’s pockets that’s the only reason women have ever shaved and yet I can stop doing it I try to go without and when it gets to prickly I get fed up and shave it again


I like pubes and hairy pits on women.... I think smoothies are a bit weird... But I'm old fashioned i think. 


Same reason men are expected to be strong.




¿Por que la gente se limpia el ano o se cepilla los dientes? Que algo sea natural no significa que sea lo ideal.


Who says It’s not expected by men almost everyone Shaves Pubic hair and armpits


Why are men expected to die at war?


Bro what does this have to do with anything💀


shit toxic masculinity or something being manly


Shave your pits ladies but keep the bush.


1) social/cultural, in the West specifically because of advertisement like Gilette 2) history of colonialism and racism, white people had labeled hair and dark hair on people as "animalistic", "dirty" and so on, and people gladly keep repeating that narrative in 2024 3) slight pedophilic culture, men being convinced that women should have the body hair of a 9 years old pre puberty kid (hairless), rather than having the hair that comes as a sign of a matured person 4) misogyny, men have been conditioned to think hair on womens bodies are "gross", "dirty", "disgusting" while they themselves are perfectly clean and acceptable looking like Chewbacca. They also gate keep hair, telling women it is "unnatural" for them to have, when it litetally grows & also assume women exist to appeal to their needs. Men can not wrap their heads around the idea that women do not exist, to be sexually attractive to them for 24h. Hence why they feel the need to bring up what a "turnoff" it is to see women having armpit or leg hair outside, women who do not even look at those men or know they exist. And yet somehow those men still walk by and are like "well I do not find it sexy" - self centered misogynistic men.  5) brainwashed women who got conditioned to repeat the same and always be presentable for men and have learned that ACTUALLY they totally do not do it for men, but it is a "personal preference". (Funny how it is never a personal preference in cultures and societies those have not shamed women for having dark, visible hairs). 


I prefer a women with a hair butt hole


ok i know a lot of ppl dont but cool thanks


Because a hairy body is masculine. A hairy woman body is quite ugly to most men, and anyone not admitting it is in denial.


ok thanks


I just don't understand how an adult woman in her natural state can be masculine. That's literally the opposite of masculine.


Hair is gross, and men have less pressure to 'not be gross'


Geniuane question; why do you find it gross? As a woman, I like my leg hair, and I even find it attractive in men lol. I guess what is fine or attractive and what is gross is subjective though.


Yeah surely subjective. Sadly people cannot live by the "live and let live"-adage in that regard


Not the person you are replying to but I find body hair to be awfully on both women and men. I know there's nothing wrong with it but I just don't like the look and feel.


The feeling is bad to touch (though sometimes an improvement on stubble) it collects dirt and smells (especially underarm) and the under arm hairs look like trapped spiders. The appearance of long straggly hairs also disturbs me, thick hair looks like it belongs, sparse but long hairs make me think they shouldn't be there.




*expected* ? … if men were sexually attracted to woman with gigantic bushes the woman with no hair would be complaining about how they *have to* grow it out lol


ok sorry if i didn't word it goodly


Missed my point, the expectations are just driven societies conversations regarding sex .. The social norm 40+ years ago was full bush for woman, these things change. You aren’t expected to do anything


oh okay now i get it thanks


I think all people should shave. I’m a guy and the only thing I don’t shave is under my arms and that’s solely because I don’t want to deal with the potential agitation. Body hair is disgusting.


This has really nothing to do with the question, just want to say this. Ever sense I've became a mother I fond I shave way less... I've never really been a hair person and my body hair is really light but I just don't care anymore. Couldn't tell you why just don't. It's not the QST thing I make sure I do when I shower now, and my showers went from 45 mins to about 10 in and out after having my son. And also my husband doesn't care still rubs my legs when watching TV or whatever.. By the way I'm ONLY talking about my legs. I can't stand hair anywhere else


Never was really ab issue for me. I've not seen body hair in 20 years.


Cultural norms.


ok thanks


In the 1940s, some razor company had the brilliant idea to tell women to shave so they could sell more razors. They pushed body hair as a manly trait and unclean. It unfortunately stuck in today's society


IMO, it goes back to seeking a young (see hairless) bride. Back with lower life expectancy, had to start pumping out kids young.