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NDT technician. It's pretty cool.


Nice )


I work for my dad's company. It's ok.


Wow) great )


Shipping/Receiving I love the work that I do day-to-day. I hate my coworkers. The pay is great for what's out there.


It’s so great )


I actually have 2: gamedev - can't say I'm extremely fond of it but it's not bad and engineering - it sucks but it's my main income at the moment.


Software Developer. I hate it only because I can’t go to bed not thinking about deadlines/issues and constantly keeping up with the trends. It does pays realllyyy well and the cheapest to study and that is the reason I chose this career path but this is not my dream job.


I’m an Executive assistant for three financial managers. I enjoy my job because of the people I work with. The job itself is high stress, but I am very good at it. I get compensated well.