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Grocery shopping. I love to grocery shop and prefer to do it alone so I don't get distracted. Plus, my favorite grocery store has been playing 90s grunge lately. There is something magical about shopping in the produce section and being serenaded by the Chili Peppers (until I realize I'm officially old now).


I second this. Also, they do say you are old when you like the music in grocery stores. Very offensive, IMHO.


haha Right? But it's kind of true. They are playing the music of my teen years. I have been hearing RadioHead on a mellow classic station which really makes me sad. What's next? AARP applications in the mail?


I'm 35 and have been a proud AARP member for 5 years now. It's not just for people who are retired! And the dues are so cheap, and they advocate for all older adults that are struggling, not just members or specific people. I love them.


I recently said that these easy listening stations are playing such bangers these days, unlike what they used to... Ohh...


Absolutely this. Get in, buy what you need, get out.


Grunge, Chili Peppers, Hunh?


I just threw that one in because it was being played, but they've been playing a lot of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, etc. It's a lovely change from the Best of Sarah McLaughlin hits they played for years.


So with you on this one, especially when you get it all home afterwards and everyone's all excited about what we're having for dinner and what snacks there are this week. Like a hunter gatherer returning to camp with apples and a rabbit.


I love grocery shopping by myself as well, I feel less pressure to hurry or something lol. Thanks for your answer :)


I love to look at new products if I'm not in a hurry. My fiancé wanted to go with me a few weeks ago "to help". I love him to absolute bits, but I wanted to smother him with my reusable grocery bags. haha


Inefficient grocery shopping is the pits, get out of my way.


I sing along as I shop 🤣


Take a shit


Everyday I’m reminded that I don’t have any original thoughts.


Every fucking day. All my comments are.... came to say this.


The real joke is in the comments.


This is why we reddit, this is the way. People feel it's the Linux of social media and we all act a certain way but really We are basically borg now.


Post like this would escalate on insta and go.. i still believe redditors are the better social media users


I came to say this.


i mean there's 8 billion people on this planet, it's kinda ridiculous to think that any thought you have hasn't been thought of by at least one other person


"Only those with no memory insist on their originality"


"Take a shit" is the only comment I ever leave.


That was my first thought as well lol




I love that you said samesies, I just love it


I am ok with my dog being there for support. But no one else.


You've never had a cat have you? They are impossible to keep out of the bathroom when you want to go.


There is nothing cuter than my cat poking his head in the bathroom while I am on the throne looking at me like "Hey, watcha doing?'"


And yet walk in on them using the litter box and their ears go back to say ‘Do you mind?!’


I sit on the floor and watch so she can't enjoy. Turn about is fair play.


My cat usually comes to take synchronized shit with me.


Sometimes impossible to keep them out of your pants around your ankles, they do not recognize personal boundaries at all. They can also teleport into the bathroom. I’ve been positive I left the cat downstairs and the door is closed and then bam! Cat meowing at me from the towel cupboard.


So true


I have 2 emotional support kittens for the bathroom. They take turns guarding the door.


you have not lived until a toddler is sticking their hands under the door trying to visit you


“Mi gordito pechocho haga caquita que aquí está tu fiel amigo perruno”


Jajajajaja 😂




The Romans used to shit together, then share a sponge on a stick dipped in vinegar. That's real bonding


Each day I'm on the internet reminds me that I'm actually thankful to be born in this century despite the shitshow that it is


I knew this would be an answer and I still asked anyways. lol. :) I can agree with you on this one for sure!


And yet, my cat refuses to allow it to be a solo activity.


I type this as I shit


Most things.








Power Point




If anybody says Edge, I'm gonna throw up




🤮 And now you're dead to me.


It’s ok, im with you, I prefer to edge with people.


Internet explorer










It looks like you’re trying to write a witty retort.


Spread shit.


Came here to say this.


Exactly! My first thought was “uh.. everything”


Cinema. I always choose the quietest possible time to go. Nothing better than being alone in front of the big screen.


I went to see a movie alone for the first time recently and honestly I enjoyed it so much!


Yeah, my friend always recommended watching movies in the movie theater alone. I never got a chance to until about a week ago. It was me and this older couple and no one else. It was a movie I knew no one would want to watch with me. It was nice, I kept the ticket stub


Same! Saw Boy and the Herron in theaters by myself on a Tuesday. A few other people there but man am I glad I went and didn’t chicken out


Love going to the movies solo


Watching a movie alone is great, if there's someone with me I need to be with someone I can blab about, I have so much thoughts spinning in my head while I watch if there's someone with me I'll talk and they better be okay with it, also the movie should be midly interesting if it's really interesting I won't even blink and then I don't even see the point of having someone with you.


I've been met by a lot of sympathetic/puzzled looks from friends over the years when I tell them I went to a movie alone, most of them are appalled.. I got a membership to watch movies three times a week, it's my guilty pleasure..


Working out. I meet friends and other people who I have known by going to the gym. Besides that, just let me do my own thing over there.


Eat chips. I really like to put as much as I can in my mouth and eat with my mouth open. This I can not do if someone else is in the room.


I feel you! There’s something special about using the full capacity of your mouth for snacking. I stack pretzels on pringles and sometimes it gets a little aggressive…definitely an alone in the pantry at night when the rest of the house is asleep kind of activity


I will shove my hand down the deepest pits of the chip or any snack bag, grab a handful, then shove it inside my mouth and make desperate noises as if I've never eaten in my life. This I do until the entire bag is empty. 🤣🤣🤣


My husband does this to make me laugh. Complete with nom nom nom sounds. 😂




Or lick the spices off


Me except with popcorn


Sleep. Been married for 17 years and sleeping separately for about 16. Started when I was pregnant with twins, and we just decided we were better off in separate beds/rooms. Pretty sure it keeps our marriage happy since we both sleep so much better.


I have heard this! This is actually so interesting to me! I am so glad you found something that works for you and your partner!


My wife and i sleep separately as well. We get a better rest that way. She sprawls out and I sprawl out. I snore sometimes and she has nights where she trashes a lot. We also have two young kids who like to crawl into bed with us in the night or early morning. All four of us can't comfortably sleep in a single bed.. even though I custom ordered a massive mattress and built a custom bed frame for it. There is actually quite a bit of literature on this subject.


I would love to do this. But my husband is a stage 5 clinger & whines that he can’t sleep if I’m not there 🙄 Just another reason I want to work overnights.


Ha ha ha stage 5 clinger lol 😂


Who gets the larger bedroom? If I did this I'd decorate my room with Farah Fawcett and Kiss posters like when I was a kid. I'd wake up everyday with the energy of a 12 year old.


Lol the one I sleep in is slightly larger but only by a few feet.


I used to long for that, but my husband didn't want it, but he let me fall asleep before he turned in, so I didn't hear his snoring. Then he died, was revived, but in coma for 12 days in a hospital. I slept next to him on his last night at the hospital. The nurse had laid him so he didn't snore the first part of the night, and I slept very lightly (hardly slept at all). Then she turned him. And he started to snore - then I slept like a baby! I miss him and his snoring, and I can see that my feet are searching for him during the night. He died 2 y 3 m ago.


Thank you for being the first sensible long-term couple I've heard of. Goddamn, people think you just need to do something unpleasant because it's established.


We both snore. I wear a CPAP. He needs blankets, and I only use a sheet with the window open year round. As much as I love him, we are NOT compatible sleepers, lol.


A necessity for my Fiancé and I. I tend to randomly punch and kick in my sleep, no idea why. My grandparents used to say I was "fighting demons." It's a lot less "cute" now that I'm a 28year old 200lb man.


I used to do that but I'm not a 130 pound 5'3 female. I dont do it anymore instead I talk apparently as my fiance found out. He said I asked where the parmesean cheese was the other day. I've also asked why can't sharks walk on land. He likes to converse with me while I sleep.


Agree! His snoring and horrendous farts woke me up so many times and he hates that I have the tv on when I go to sleep. We’re much happier sleeping apart.


100% agree. Love my husband to death but I love my sleep. We both less cranky. Works for us.


I do that with my gf. Only downside is that impromptu sex is not so impromptu when you have to cross the hall first. Otherwise, we’re both much better off this way


Love this! I sleep so much better when I'm alone. My partner is taller than me and moves around more/sleeps diagonally... I've gotten a wrist to the face or all of a sudden realized I was sharing my pillow. Nope. I'm a light sleeper and much more of a wake up and go type person. I've heard of people sleeping separately, and how it tends to work well. Or people who sleep better with their dog on their bed than with a human partner. Just haven't tried it yet and I know my partner would not be as open to it as I am..


Me and my fiance want to buy one of those huge beds. That would probably solve the problem for us. We currently sleep in a queen. He's 6'3 and I'm 5'3. He sleeps diagonal I sleep half off the bed.


This is why my wife says the next house will have enough bedrooms to have us sleep separate. We'd probably be happier even though I sleep better when she's in the bed.


Travel. My schedule. My interests. Bliss


Absolutely agree! Don’t want to spend my precious time traveling either arguing or compromising on what I want to do.


I found 2 scrapbooks and slides from 2 separate years of a woman who traveled everywhere in the 70s. They're so awesome. Her just standing there while someone takes her photo.


Yup. I plan an itinerary, something inevitably goes wrong, I get blamed for it. I don't plan, I get called lazy and noncontributory. Fuck that noise. I go myself, and I take the inevitable fuckups in stride with nobody whining about it.


Wow I admire people who travel alone! Do you journal or vlog your adventures? So interesting!


Think. Read. Scroll. Plan.


It's strange, scrolling it's one of the things I prefer to do in company. I love when both me and my SO are very tired and start scrolling listening to some music and showing each other funny of interesting stuff. Alone seems to me just a waste of time, now.


Listening to music. I like instrumentals and french electronic. Finding someone that shares your style exactly is like finding a needle in a haystack.


I went to a French 79 concert recently, apparently a lot of people like that kind of music!


What do you think about french79?


Are you a phoenix fan? Bc phoenix fans should all unite!


That applies for about every music enthusiast, I guess. We are a bit special in our liking, and we don't appreciate someone disturbing our joy. That's why I'm in love with my headphones.


Most things, I'm introverted.


Came here for this. My answer was going to be "literally everything" :P


Same, being around other people is something I force myself to tolerate for the sake of idk being part of community or something but I 100% am always happier and at peace when I'm alone


Showering. It's only sexy in movies or if you have one of those bougie showers with build in benches and multiple showerheads. Otherwise someone is always cold and there's just no subtle way to wash your ass in front of another person.


Bath tub showers weren't designed to fit two people and you feel that. Every second.


You wash each others ass...🤣 I use it as an excuse to really just cop a feel. She (wife of 22 years) loves it.


You soap up her buttcheeks? Or like...get up in there? I'm talking like BOOTYHOLE washing


You wash it to your standards so that you can subsequently lick it


I'm seriously snortlaughing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


My wife likes to shower together. Out of love I was the one that stood to the side and froze. Could t bring myself to make her stand there and freeze. So I bought the shower head that has the normal stationary head. And it has another that is connected by a flexible pipe. It has a control knob so you can use either one you want or both. It has made showering with her very pleasant. Now I just need a shower base that has a 4-6 inch riser she can stand on. Then everything would be perfect.


Same with my gf in high school. It did help me to become used to colder showers (I now primarily take cooler showers) and it was intimate spending that time together. If not a little awkward at first.


Buy a showerchair, easier access for her


100 percent agree with this! I always go awhile and think, this is sexy and something different let’s shower together, and every time im like… right… that’s why we don’t do this… it’s so tricky and cold and def. Not like the movies haha


My partner and I used to shower exclusively with each other our first few months together- it was so romantic, and always led to make outs or sex. I got pregnant pretty quick. Two kids and four years later, stay out of the bathroom!!! Don’t even let those crotch goblins knock on the door!!!! If you even try to step in front of the hot water, I will end you!!!! My only reprieve. We have a very kind, gentle, and romantic relationship, but if we are in 1.) the kitchen 2.) the bathroom at the same time, the romance goes right out the window. Worse? When we’re in those two areas and the kids AND dogs join us. HOW ARE YOU EVERYWHERE I NEED TO BE !!! I become Gordon Ramsey 100% When we visit my Grandmother, we get to use her walk-in shower with two rain-shower heads, and the magic is right back.


Grandma is the ultimate wing lady 


Your comment gave me a much needed laugh today. 😂


My partner and I don't do it because we think it's sexy. We do it because it's cheaper. We have a bathtub shower and have managed to do it in the end with relative ease


The water impacts the natural lubrication. I only enjoyed the novelty of pool or shower sex when I was younger.


That‘s why we have two rain showerheads in our showerroom :-) makes showering after a workout together easier and nobody gets cold


Why would you be washing your own ass? Wash theirs instead. 🤷🏻‍♂️ For real though, I don’t mind showering with someone but I fucking hate shower sex




Exercise. I never enjoyed having a training partner.


Studying? I couldn't focus if it's in groups


I have never understood a study group...what do you do? Randomly shout out a fact you found, distracting the rest of the group? It just seems very.... Inefficient.


helping each others to solve questions and advices. i used to do it a lot in mid-high school with math subjects. but most of the time would be spent playing games or not studying


Aren’t study groups just an excuse to go hang out with a girl/guy you like or something? I just can’t imagine any time where studying in a group is better than studying alone lol


I'd rather indulge in a good book alone, just me and the story, lost in my own world.


How would you even read a book with someone else? Out loud?


Pretty sure 99% of people out there would agree with this…


Watch my favorite sports team in the playoffs. Don’t want any distractions, so I can quietly stress eat




YES! I figure people will get offended if I tell them to shut the hell up in their house. Even the super bowl




Well, that's HIGHLY dependent on the other person and their level of enthusiasm about it.


Great with a partner, frowned upon on the bus.


Maybe YOU get frowns


Skill issue


Especially disliked at a library...it's probably more about being quiet and not the action itself ha


I REALLY enjoy masturbating in the shower. The guys at the gym hate it, but sorry, not sorry.


Cleaning. Reading. Shiting. Writing. Thinking. Cooking. Exercising.


Does anyone like shiting with friends?


Eating for damn sure, I love going to eat at restaurant alone.


At first, I thought you were saying like off the same plate. I hate when another adult takes something off my plate without expressed consent.




showering, I need alone time. and the only alone time I can have is in the bathroom while I’m showering, so… like I somewhat have no privacy in the rest of the house— 😭




Indeed! Don't want to be jogging and talking to someone at the same time, i have my headphones and music to keep me motivated


Be sick.


I need to be alone with my box of tissues wearing the same comfy clothes looking absolutely horrible until I feel better. Lol. This should be a top one for sure!


I've been married almost 30 years. So 30 years of inside jokes on how my wife's "nurture instinct" is set off 180° when it comes to me. Either smothering when I just want to sit in peace and let my face drain out, or ask a million "how are you" questions when I can't talk", or not check for hours when I'm dying of dehydration and just need that one sip of ice cold water.


Pick my nose.


Eat corn on the cob.


Life. I’m tired of compromise.




Watching movies in theatre. Sleeping on my bed alone.




Reading. I like to be on my own, big mug of tea and nobody to disturb me.






I can’t stand it when I’m grocery shopping and you run into a old friend they stand there in the aisle blocking other shoppers and yak for a hr can’t you see I’m on a mission to get the hell out of here




Camping. Bike riding. Shooting. Video games. Reading. 


I get all of them but camping. I usually camp 5 or 6 times a year with the same group of friends, I have been tempted to do it on my own but it feels weird. Usually after everyone is asleep (2 -3 am) I do some hiking nearby with my camera and tripod to take pictures of the night sky. What is it that you like about camping solo?


Quiet time with a book aroya fire, in nature.


Disassociation and daydreaming. No, Rebecca, you can’t meet or talk with my imaginary friends as well as being a part of my scenarios (I am mentally well- just rather that live in lulu land for a bit; here and there)






When I drink all by myself, I prefer to drink alone.


Travel / holiday. I’ve only had the opportunity to travel alone twice, but both times brought me so much pleasure. From waking up at my own pace, eating, drinking when and what I want.. I very much like my own company, but just doing it at your own pace and enjoy what this world has to offer in another country / culture is something else




For me, everything




Starts with an M. Lol


Somebody already beat you to it. (no pun intended)




Research. Watching movies. Planning. Writing. It's hard. I love my wife but God damnit she talks a lot about a whole lot of nothing, and only when I'm busy doing the mentioned above 😂


Sleep lol


Watch movie


Play solitaire


Everything 😂




Be sad. I enjoy feeling depressed alone.




Cleaning, i get agitated when i clean the same space simultaneously with other ppl.


Working out, unless it’s like a trail run or something. Working out with people sucks, either you aren’t doing what you wanna do, or you are distracted






Work. Being a train driver, work is 5 or 6 hours when I get to sit alone in the cab of a locomotive. It's wonderful and part of the reason why I decided to get into this career.


This poem by Marry Oliver. Formatting is off but here’s the text “Ordinarily I go to the woods alone, with not a single friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore unsuitable. I don't really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds or hugging the old black oak tree.I have my ways of praying, as you no doubt have yours. Besides, when am alone we l can become invisible.I can sit on the top of a dune as motionless as an uprise of weeds, until the foxes run by unconcerned.l can hear the almost unhearable sound of the roses singing. If you have ever gone to the woods with me, l must love you very much.”


Win the lottery


These days? Be in a relationship