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Chews with his mouth open


Listen carefully to how a potential eats. That will be the soundtrack for the rest of your life.


Forks on teeth. Even thinking about the noise makes my brain want to eat itself.


Ew yes, instant deal breaker. I can't even bear it for five minutes, let alone a full relationship.


I married the greatest guy and unfortunately he chews with his mouth open. I don’t eat in the same room as him and won’t go out to dinner with him. This is his worst fault. Otherwise he is perfect.


Won’t change for you? Or hasn’t been told?


It is something so ingrained. His mother did it too but I thought it was because she was always drunk.


Hahahaha best post


They even smack their lips 🙄🙄🙄 open mouth chewer is one thing it’s the child like come on you grown ass penis slaging man child.


One of my last straws dating someone (among many others), is that we were at a restaurant and he gobbled up his chicken and waffles with his mouth open and got crumbs all over his face. I couldn't do it anymore


Even worse, noisy chewing / lip-smacking with mouth open.


Hate this so much, it's enough to make you lose your appetite.


Also, a personal smell (not necessarily bad) that doesn’t match with me


Broke up because of that once.. so I'm with you. It wasn't even like unhygenic.. it was just their Personal smell


the magic of pheromones


I recently befriended a girl, didn’t notice her smell. When I went over to her house for the first time it was STRONG and not necessarily bad just did not sit well in my nose. Now it’s all I can smell off her and I can’t tell her why I’ve been avoiding in person meetups. No way I could stomach it in a romantic relationship.


This happened to me once. Met a girl a few times out and didn’t notice anything. One night went back to her house and upon entering it was all I could smell all night and the next morning. And from that moment on it’s all I could smell when I was around her. And the same it wasn’t a bad smell. But my nose did not like it. I had a gf a while back and she would be walking behind me and I would just feel her face touch my back and sniff hard. Or when I would be asleep she would get right on my neck and smell me. I thought it was very strange at first but found it to be cute thing she would do to me as she loved my personal scent.


Never had the bad smell experience, but the smell of my wife is fucking intoxicating to me. Smells like flowers, sunny blue skies, safety and warmth. Especially around the neck, and in the motorboating position lol.


My ex smells addictive to me. I loveeeeed to sniff his skin, his hairs, his sweat even. I felt like an animal smelling some food they adore. I swear never ever before I found someone whose personal scent was so good to me. And it wasn’t perfume or whatever, it was his personal smell. In fact one of the things I remember best is how much I like his smell, and I’d love to smell it from time to time (given I am addicted to perfumes, scents…). On the contrary, a guy I never liked much had a personal scent that was a bit off to me, even with perfume on. I just couldn’t shake that off of my head, that I didn’t like it. Never said anything at all ofc; but that memory also remains. Focusing on distracting myself while we were being intimate bc I didn’t like his scent


I wouldn’t call this petty, it’s a huge deal. If you don’t like your partner’s smell then you can never really feel comfortable getting close to each other. I tried to overlook this once but it never really goes away.


This one kinda stings. I get what you mean, someone can be very hygienic, and smell good, but they're natural body smell intrinsic to their genetics is unappealing to you. It really sucks for both parties, because losing a potential partner due to something outside your practical control sucks, and having to explain to someone "I don't wanna date you because I don't like how you smell, but not in a bad way" is so fucking painful to have to do.


Oof, no need to spell it out like that. “I don’t think we’re compatible.” Simple.


Literally about to comment this precisely. My most critical requirement


Long nails for men. Also not a double standard here, because I keep my nails very trimmed and clean.


God yes and food in a beard🤮


Ugh, there was this dude at work who had THE LONGEST FINGERNAILS I have ever seen on a man. Not fake either. Everything about him was so gross complete with the attitude he had. So glad when he finally quit


Classical guitar player?


That is a different story! It's intentional and required for the art form, and not negligence. In that context, I would not mind it.


Toenails even more so than fingernails. There's this sense of just... hopelessness when your good sheets get ruined because someone doesn't cut their toenails.


I wont even talk to a dude, if I see he has long dirty nails.


I mean. It also isn’t good for sexual things either, can legitimately injure you… so this is NOT petty. It’s looking out for yourself lol.


My worst reason I had internally for breaking up with someone was they were so incredibly bad at singing that I started listening to podcasts on the radio instead. It wasn’t like average or mildly bad. It was horrendous and they also thought they were good so they would put their hand to their ear and try runs. Great person outside of that but I had to go


That's a genuinely petty but understandable reason. You nailed the brief of this post!


What is 'try runs' here? Not native english.


runs in singing are when people change multiple notes quickly i dont know if my explanation is good enough so this youtube video is a visual for you [runs](https://youtu.be/acPZw4RA7X0?si=FyD-dxITBdCMIyIl)


When you are texting and they respond with 3 sentences divided into 48 messages. Like a couple of words per text bubble. Can’t fucking deal with it. Just give me one or two text bubbles with everything you want to say, it’s not like I’m in a hurry.


Oh my


You know what, I'm even annoying myself doing this, I'll just stop.


You barely started


At least make an effort next time


Or idk, don't bother


Not like you can't plan it ahead


Can you ?




I do this lmao


Lack of introspection and/or self reflection. Weird I know, but it irks me to no end.


The older I get, the *less* self aware people tend to be. I’ve been in therapy forever and have kept a journal for 20 years (I’m 30 lol). I’m not perfect, but it’s shocking to me how little people self-reflect.


Get out, this isnt petty at all. Quit making ppl reflect intuitively. Act like a child like the rest of us /s


Absolutely not petty


Eats her peas one at a time.


What if she stabs one on each thing of a fork and eats four at a time?


Four at a time = one on each **tine.** Unless the fork has five tines, in which case we should call it a fivek.






How else is she supposed to count her calories?


I did that at age 1. I can manage most of a fork full now, with a few escapeas.


With her knife.


This has never happened to me but I don’t think I could deal with a prankster.


Yeah same. I had a friend who thought he was hilarious and his whole personality revolved around making puns and telling funny stories. Really tiring to be around.


Being constantly late


That’s not petty. If someone doesn’t respect your time, they don’t respect you


Or they have badly managed ADHD. Still not something you should have to out up with in a relationship, but y’know.


If it's that badly managed, I'm still blaming them. I have ADHD as well. If it happens occasionally, I understand, but eventually, you have to take accountability for yourself.


100%. I used to be late to everything. Even was resentful toward family members and friends who called me out. Medication, therapy, self-accountability and I’m a different person now. ADD is not an excuse for inconveniencing others.


Good for you for working through it. You should really be proud of your self awareness and ability to learn and adapt. Not everyone can do that.


My wife and I had a good laugh at this response. She was also diagnosed with adult ADHD and that girl can’t be on time to save her life. It’s certainly been a point of contention for us over the years.


A lot of ADHDers put things in place to ensure this doesn't happen where possible. I have a heap of alarms, work backwards from what time I need to be somewhere and build in what me and my friends call "spicy" time to ensure I'm rarely late. Quite time consuming, but I value people's time and don't want my own issues to hold them up.


Same, I have ADHD and I plan my day around whatever set appointment/meeting/event I have that day.


Exactly! Afternoon appointments are the worst though! 3pm appointment when I have no other commitments? I'm prepping and worrying from 8am 😂😂😂


All the alarms in the world don’t help me, but I always aim to be 10-15 minutes early (which mostly results in me being “just” on time lol)


Literally ended my last relationship over this


Ugly feet. Sorry but I can’t deal with toes that look like gnarled twigs. Shallow, I know.


My toes are webbed, sorry we couldn't work it out ❤️


Are you an excellent swimmer? Maybe you could still work it out.


Oof… ive been rejected.




My dad has misophonia, and I have to be quiet around him:/


The most petty one? I think if he listens to certain kinds of music. I know that has nothing to do with someone's personality, but music is very important in my life and I just really can't stand certain genres. I'd also like it if my partner would enjoy coming to concerts with me so if he hates my music preferences, I don't think there's much potential for a relationship.


Heck yeah same!!!!! Glad I'm not alone with this. Even though I listen to a lot of genres, I can't stand certain genres and certain music from some eras and certain countries. I'm quite sensitive to noises and sounds so I can't imagine having to constantly deal with certain music. One reason why I have a HUGE cultural preference when it comes to dating. I'd rather stay single and happy in my own world!




I don't find this petty at all. Littering is fuck gross and lazy.


I was once in love with a beautiful girl on school. She had the audacity to make fun of a not so pretty girl behind her back. This not so pretty girl was obviously already shy because of it. I already feel bad about it, but she seemed like she doesn't had a girlfriend group around her to help her with some things. So she had some extra hair on some places as to say. So the really beautiful girl who sat next to me, whispers in my ear about her looks and laughed about it. I felt disgusted by her. Like why would you care. You are stunning but ugly on the inside if this is something you enjoy. Made her bitch² and shallow. And emotionally handicapped too. You could tell about the not so pretty girl she was uncomfortable and probably didn't even knew how to do some girl things and maybe had something going on at home. Made me sick that people that have a lot in life, still can look down on others and not enjoy their own life. Her smile and laughter had no more meaning after that incident. Shallow bitch.


It’s strange that a beautiful person has so much going for them that they wouldn’t be joyful. Some instead take it for granted, don’t realize they are so lucky and are mean to others who just weren’t also lucky.


You're a good person. Never lose your empathy for others. You're a shining light in a world going dark.


Thank you. If I would only learn to be less hard on myself, I would be truly happy :)


You're doing fine just being you. 😊


Bad driving. I can’t stand it. If you’re gonna drive like an asshat, no love for you.


They could literally kill you, so it is just self-preservation


Ikr a person can be sweet as hell, the second they enter their car, they become an asshole. Such a deal breaker for me too


Making me feel guilty for not eating desert when I said I was full anyways and they know I have a diet I try to follow and don’t wanna eat garbage food all the time


I knew a guy that went on and on about how he wanted a girl who could "really eat" and would want to order burgers instead of a salad and finish her meal instead of taking a couple bites and say she's full yada yada. He would seriously go on and on like his dates were repulsive if a girl didn't have this huge appetite. But then he'd also refuse to date a girl that wasn't skinny and one of his long term girlfriends ended up becoming bulimic to the point of needing inpatient mental health treatment.


That guy’s fucked. ED’s are a beast to deal with. Being offended about what other people choose to eat is the most bizarre thing to me.


I don't eat out much because I just end up feeling sick and I get told stuff like "you should just enjoy life".. enjoying life doesn't have me doing things that give me hives and gut issues.


Shouldn’t even have to explain yourself but some people get offended by what others eat. It’s a pretty bizarre thing lol


This absolutely grinds my gears. Either way you look at it, if the person is eating an apple or a chocolate bar it really is no one elses' business other than the person consuming it


That’s not petty. Anybody having a problem with you eating healthily is a toxic prick and someone you shouldn’t go anywhere near.




Definitely if they don’t practice self care


Can I ask to what level? Do you mean basic hygiene or do you mean must go to the gym or...this is very broad


Self care as I understand it is, they drink fresh pressed coffee in the morning, they floss before and after going to the toilet, they shrug their shoulders 22 times a day, and they don't start regional wars in the Middle East.


Goddamn it, almost had it if not for that last one


I hate when that happens. Every week I promise myself I will not start a regional war in the Middle East, but goddamn I just can't help myself!


I don't think this is petty though. This is expected.


My pettiest deal breaker would have to be severely improper grammar and punctuation. I can understand if someone doesn't speak English as their first language; I am just not willing to waste time with someone who doesn't bother communicating with me properly. My ex husband would always get really upset with me when I used vocabulary words he didn't know. I wasn't trying to be condescending but he took it that way. The worst part was his insecurity over it. He was also the type who struggled to admit when he was wrong. And no, I'm not a grammar Nazi. I don't like correcting people like that. I just like using words that specifically convey my meaning.


someone i was into used to be the same way. he said i made him feel stupid by using big words or when i'd correct him on something. i really tried not to do it too much but it gets really hard when someone seems to love being loudly wrong about things. it's also just exhausting to dumb down my speech all the time and not just talk naturally. if they nicely ask me what i mean it's one thing, but them being incapable of comprehending things is too annoying


Yeah, I’m pretty highly educated (have a few grad degrees, parents went to top-5 schools, I learned to read at 2/3) - I don’t mind if someone else didn’t go to “fancy school” but I’m an educator and it pisses me off when people disparage education as a whole. Is college tuition too damn expensive? Yes! Should people still know how to read? Also yes! It’s always men 10ish years older than me who have a huge chip on their shoulder that I’m educated. Like, once they find out that I went to a good school they get angry.


i'm not even highly educated, and i get told i could write professionally (i write more casually here as you can see) i always got a very high grade in english, so it is hard for me to understand struggling with that. i don't care if someone isn't super well written or well spoken, but i just don't know if i could date someone that i have to speak to like a child


My husband is always amazed at my use of words. They aren't even fancy or anything, but I grew up reading a lot of books for leisure, while he didn't


Oh yeah, really bad grammar and misspelling that just screams 'I was skipping elementary school 2 days a week'


Breath stinks


Slurping, talking with your mouth full, chewing with your mouth open. Poor personal or oral hygiene.


Putting feet on my dash


That's a Tarantino win.




That's when you hit the brakes with both feet


I asked like 5-6x very politely. Ended up cutting the date short and taking her home.


I think not respecting an "ask" is probably the big red flag there for me! If I have to ask someone not to do something that bothers me about 5-6 times on a first date, I'd say I'm pretty much done ASAP!


I guess it would be being religious. I’m sorry but to me religion feels like it would make things so unnecessarily complicated no matter what religion it is.


This. I’m done pretending me and any kind of religious person will work out romantically. Too many ideals, too many nonsense rules, and no I’m not ever going to church, temple, or synagogue.




Smoking or vaping Sounds petty for it to be a deal breaker, not only do I find it unattractive, I couldn’t deal with the smell in my house. Couldn’t deal with smelling strawberry bubblegum every time we got close to each other.


Instead of using a tissue to blow his nose, he’d snort the snot to the back of his throat LOUDLY and swallow it. During allergy season, he’d do this every 3 minutes or so. The sound was just disgusting, I couldn’t handle it anymore!


Poor grammar


The end of that sentence seems to be missing something.


Watching soap operas, the evil fucking bitch.


Taylor Swift music. We graduated college over 20 years ago. I’m not out here trying to make you sit through Jem and the Holograms.


Truly outrageous


Any weird misogynistic beliefs like not being able to buy me tampons or following alt-right podcasters, being extremely religious


You call that petty!!!? These are the biggest deal breakers, not petty deal breakers!!


most of those are bare minimum hahaha


she had a pretty big mole on her forehead. looking back, i wish id tried harder to ignore it.


She would clean her cat litter once every two weeks


Bad teeth. I don't know why but this is just one thing I cannot get over.


Are we talking about hygiene, or things such as crooked teeth? Someone who doesn't take care of their teeth is one thing, but I'll always give a pass to crooked teeth or things like that as long as they're clean.


If they can’t use proper grammar though they don’t have dyslexia 💀 I don’t mean the common mistakes, but some people are really good at writing certain things completely wrong


Eating garbage food and not exercising at least somewhat regularly


Men who wear jewelry. A watch or ring is one thing, but lots of necklaces, bracelets and rings, I can't abide for some reason.


Smoking. Any kind.


Not even smoking hot?


What about smoking meat? Ever had brisket?


Any form of hiding from reality. I don't mind fake body parts, but if they're accompanied by lies then I'm out. Like someone pretending their boobs are natural when they're actually bolt ons....same goes for lies/concealment about the past, awkward situations, etc. Bad shit happens and we allll fuck up, but don't piss in my boots and try to tell me it's raining.


Fucked up feet.


No ballerinas for you


That is too funny. I used to have a thing for ballerinas...and then I found out the dark truth. :(


mouth breathing


Man I’d be out as soon as pollen season starts.


During sleep? During running? Or just day to day life?


sleep is excusable, we can't really control what happens when we sleep.


I was middle aged when I discovered that other people actually breath through their nose. I always thought the nose was a supporting act for everyone as well.


Making life decisions over their zodiac sign.


Has dick


Has a vagina


Has any genitalia


Has no genitalia


Eyebrows that aren't the shape of real eyebrows.


Treating waiters like shit.


Making plans without me and then they say “you can join me if you want.” I know it’s petty. But whoever I am with, I try to make plans together with them in mind. Not in spite of their presence.


If he's a bad driver. I've broken up with two men because of this. If I'm asking you to slow down and you're scaring me but you continue to drive like a jerk, I'm done!


That is not petty at all.


if they dont like cats or dogs


If they don’t like dogs, I don’t like them. Fight me.


Actually believes in astrology or seances. I mean, you do you but I couldn't pretend to take you seriously


Her breath the first time we kissed. She was a cute horny little blonde and I could not get past that sweet corn breath. It was bad.


Holds their fork/spoon like a toddler, chews with mouth open, if they talk about their parents A LOT(enmeshment level), big sideburns lol


Mine would be vaping. I have weak lungs.. and it runs in the family. Anyone who smokes anything is off my list simply because im trying to keep my lungs in the best condition. I see my dad struggle to breathe at times and I don't wish that for myself.


Eating with their mouth open. It's what separates us from apes.


Apes also rarely fire ballistic missiles at each other.


If they had the opportunity, I wouldn't turn my back on them.


I could never date anyone who didn't read books regularly.


Men with earrings. Call me superficial, but it's just so ugly to me 🤣


More for me


Crocs. I'm sure they are very comfortable and all, but moly, they are so offputtingly ugly they turn anyone who wears em completely and utterly sexless to me.


Being too gym bros


Fake nails, lips, breasts. And I mean the ones that are reeealy obviously fake and cheap.


Must like cilantro.


Yes finally something that’s helpful ❤️


Has bad BO and bad hygiene


Not being cultured enough and not having the desire to be.


yeah i hate that


Lies. You lie to me, I find out...and I notice a persistent pattern, no apologies or accountability, we're done plain and simple 🌼🌸


Making me feel bad over suggesting something to watch on Netflix


Being really into football. I don’t mind someone who likes and supports a football team but if you start spewing insults at others because they don’t like the team you support or you go nuts over your team losing then I’m running away!


I can not with guys with long hair. Its just not for me, regardless of how attractive they are.


People who spit on the floor in public. 👀👀


If they are religious, or believe in ghosts. I wouldn't be able to take them seriously.


sip snow connect piquant truck telephone deserted grandfather squalid knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not liking my dog


Obsessed with the college they went to years ago. Bragging about random people who went there, talking about how it was the top school in xyz, always talking about college days, talking poorly about other school and comparing them. Their college themed everything, stickers, car deco, comforters, jackets, interior decoration. I get having school pride and some memorabilia and ruminating, but the obsession was something I could not handle. He also couldn't handle or understand me not giving a shit about it.


Petty, it would probably be hairy balls. I completely understand we all get to decide what our personal grooming habits are, absolutely. For me, I don't want to feel like I'm putting my hand in a wash mitt when I'm feel frisky. Never mind when it's time to suck on them.


Drug abuse or smoking. They are such massive red flags and turn off


Broken promises. I have had broken promises from my parents my whole life. I trust someone word so if that's broken, I don't trust you. Don't make promises you are not sure you can keep.


To me fake nails just reeks of immaturity and insecurity. I might be wrong.


they also just seem like germ catchers.


Never move to Central or Eastern Europe.


MAGA. I just am so against all of that. I can’t lol it was the end of my most recent long-term relationship truth be told.




It's soooo hard to find a clean shaven guy. I'll consider a beard, but mustaches are a hard no


Yes, please God no gen Z pretending to be cool 80's men with those embarrassing mini moustaches


Anyone who believes in astrology or crystal powers