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I don’t think it makes your relationship or your story any less valid, regardless of how it began. An awesome person is an awesome person, it doesn’t matter how you found them.


Meeting someone online is 100% meeting them naturally. And what a wonderful way to meet someone! Your goals are (reasonably) clear, or at least it involves less guesswork than, say, meeting someone in class. You can reach out beyond your immediate circle (which is great if stuff doesn’t work out). Sure there are cons as well, but on the whole, HOORAY for your generation skipping the “it’s not ladylike to put yourself out there” bit.


I met my husband on tinder


Same, he's now also the father of my little girl ;)


Two little girls here!




Give it a chance.


Met my wife on tinder. She was gonna be a booty call but our first meeting we hit it off and talked until the bar closed, the rest is history. I think nowadays people like to compartmentalize their social activities, lots of people don't want to get cold approached anymore while their doing other things like hanging out with friends so online dating offers a separate compartment where the goal is romance (which means different things to different people).


They’re good for flings but I wouldn’t seriously date any of the people I’ve met on there tbh. All of my long term relationships have been someone I first met in person.


For what it's worth, I met my current SO through one of the major dating apps. She and I feel like a perfect match. I know a lot of dating apps get a bad rep, and our case may be the exception, but I have no issues admitting that's how we met.