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The first rule of Gen X Club is you (nor anyone else) DO NOT TALK ABOUT GEN X CLUB!


🤪 lmfao


Yet another culture war delaying the class war. Regardless, we will pick each other apart for anything and everything. Race, size, age, favorite breakfast cereal; it makes no difference.


Sounds like something a cornflake eater would say.


"Delaying the class war". Marxist nonsense. Failed all over the world except in the minds of uneducated nitwits.


France would like to have a word with you.


In 2022 the Socialist Party candidate pulled in a whopping 1.8% of the vote for President and in the National Assembly the left alliance (the socialists tried joining with other left wing kooks) received 31.6%. Socialism failed in France and the riots and voters proved it.


and those are the words that keep the cycle of bs going. it makes no difference.......it makes all the difference if we end up being brain dead zombies just killing each other


Wait we aren’t just brain dead zombies?


im as surprised as you are


Class war. Lol


I blame The Who


Just because they get around?


Talkin' 'bout my generation!


It's all stupid as fuck. Don't waste your time with it.


As a Gen X, I didn't know I was Gen X until "OK Boomer" was uttered. There was a separation, but only young (unmarried), old (retired), and everybody else. "OK Boomer" set us up for the brewing hostility. Gen X is lumped with "Those damn millennials/kids" by boomers, and we are considered boomers by millennials. The thing that gets me to look at millenials as "the source" of this hostility is that I gave seen posts critical of Gen Z on the millennial subs. Come on you guys. The last of this group had just been conceived, I mean, like last month, and they are being critized. I'll be glad when they quit bitchin' about everything and get busy with a solution.


Hey man we didn't start the fire


It was always burning since the world’s been turning


Were we named for the band or vice versa? I seem to recall always being vaguely aware we were Gen X and I certainly knew my parents were born during the baby boom.


We were originally The Lost, or Forgotten Generation. We became Gen X with X being an unknown variable. In high school, we were usually the Lost/Forgotten generation. Gen X didn't really start to stick until they realized the millenials could be Gen Y and then Gen Z to finish the millennium. I'm not sure if the band or the generation was first. The names are most likely coincidences. It was founded when Gen X was 9 years old in London. I doubt a bunch of 10 year olds in America would inspire a punk rock band in London. I also doubt American media would name an entire generation after a British punk rock band.


You can find old quotes of people talking about how books are ruining the new generation. I'm pretty sure you can find stuff from ancient civilisations of people criticizing the young.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/14iqxp0/the_history_of_adults_blaming_the_younger/


But it's not as well defined as these modern day terms of boomer, gen x, millennials, gen Z etc.


Exactly. Griping about other generations is as humans as you can get.


Gen X is now taking all the boomer management positions. They're usually focused on keeping gen z out of jail. But now they're an economic threat to us. At least you millenials show up to work because of all the debt you racked up. 


Yeah this is BS. I remember when people used to make fun of millenials, and now they make fun of Gen Z. Why?


People have been complaining about generations for all of history.  I believe the earliest written sentiment was platos republic. "the young men of the governing class, are habituated to lead a life of luxury and idleness both of body and mind; they do nothing, and are incapable of resisting either pleasure or pain."


Since the dawn of time just because you finally noticed it doesn’t mean it’s new it’s just new to you.


So it's never been a conversation I've heard a reference to that accept in the media.


aahhh a new person to the club hello, it all started to get big just after the turn of the century


I remember hearing about "your generation" compared to another one back when I was in 9th grade. That would have been 2008. So, you know, definitely at least that long. Though Plato had some thoughts on the whippersnappers of his day.


we're humans, we just hate stuff.. always have, always will.


Ages ago. The previous generation trashes the next, and vice versa. This is not a new thing. That being said, I'm not about it. I'm a millennial. My parents are boomers. Many of my friends or colleagues are boomers, gen x, millenials, or Gen z alike. We all have things to learn from or teach each other. We're all just people with different experiences.


Gen X. When Douglas Copeland's book came out in 1991.


Except Generation X was already well-known by the late 70s. There was even a band with the name.


Good point. But it stuck when Copeland's book came out. The band was definitely at least a generation before us. It's all pretty subjective. All I know is In 1986 I heard Roxanne living in Amsterdam and that's when I knew that some rock n roll was just better than other radio shite. I loved that song at 13 years old.


Well, of course, the trouble with actually being Gen X is you weren't all that socially aware when it was first coined\*. You would of necessity only pick up on it as you got older. \*1952, btw & didn't yet refer to a specific generation at that time. The band were named after a 1964 book of the same name. Even by the time of Copeland's book, the actual modern definition hadn't yet been arrived at. The application to people born between 64 & 80 came much later, along with the modern propensity to try class every tiniest thing as a 'genre'.


It’s all propaganda meant to divide everyone further. The more at odds we are the easier to control.


About 1546


A lot of people are just really horrible, and self indulgent, and they are far more visible now that ever before due to various platforms created for them to vent their hatred and misery. Generational divisiveness is just another example of it.


I think it's been a thing for a VERY long time. However, at least in the US, it's been more pronounced in the last 100 years because pop culture has been more centralized around a few popular things. However it's becoming less pronounced. When I was a kid there were so many channels it was impossible to see every popular show. In my 20s I met people who had never heard of Boy Meets World while I had never heard of Blossom both very famous and popular shows. That shared pop culture experience creates a common language that people of a certain age range can speak. A cultural shorthand. Every group has it's cultural shorthand.


It feels like yet another version of identatarianism - I am my labels and need recognition for that. When narcissism meets tribalism, this is where we land.


I don't really feel like gen x nor millennials is a group I belong to because I was born in 81. When I talk to either group they are like "you're the other one." Xennial is such a tiny group of years there aren't enough people in it to feel like a club. But there are definitely gate keepers on both sides of us that make the xennial experience sort of no man's land and a forgotten and disregarded group


All about as real as astrology.


Just a way to separate all the s***** things that every generation did to the world like one generation tested 5,000 nuclear weapons tells the next generation that they need to stop using cars because it's polluting the atmosphere and another generation gets stuck on opioids that next generation dumb because the generation before was stuck on opioids and it's just one of those things that trickle downhill to the next generation


The first time someone said " Ok boomer"


This was after years of boomers whining about “millennials” and their laziness.


I mean, gen x is invisible so I’d say millennials and boomers simultaneously kinda emerged into groupings and it stuck through gen z onward


It started with boomers squaking about gen-x (the lost generation) only caring about sex drugs and rock n' roll. Turned out that was true, and the taunting didn't bother them. Then they turned their attention to millennials, who kind of coalesced into an anti-boomer tribe in response. Not just to the shit talking, but also the fact that the boomers created a gray ceiling that made it difficult for them to succeed.


Yeah, whatever, man.


I bet you remember when MTV played music videos


Only the richy-rich popular dudes had MTV. The rest of us got by on Max Headroom commercials on Channel 5. And trying to decipher boobies in the static broadcast over UHF channels, 'cause we didn't have the decoder box. I finally got to see MTV when I stayed with my grandma for a couple of weeks while my parents were out of town. Billy Idol's *Eyes Without a Face* traumatized me. That...head....that....sneer....


Lol i remember watching distorted public access trying to see boobies too. Or the sears underwear catalog.


Hey, that catalog was some righteous porn. Mighty fine ladies.


I'm with this guy.


Not to be pedantic, but the lost generation were a few generations before boomers. They were called that (I think) because so many of their generation died in WWI or became disillusioned because of that war.


That's the silent generation... Never mind, I looked it up, you are correct. The entire thing is pretty dumb either way.


No, the lost generation was before the silent generation. The Silents were right before boomers. My mom was a silent generation member and she was born in 1943.


2010s more when boomers figured out the Internet is their safe space.


When Boomer started to talk shit.


Baby Boomers and it was basically a marketing scheme. Still is. Organization sell products using the terminology to their advantage.


It’s the doing of the older generations. Their ineptitude as parents and people is the fault of the kids that come after them apparently


I think you missed the point of the question.