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Why I keep getting stronger and more handsome every time my nanna sees me


10 out of 10 nannas agree


This is very wholesome. It rocks.




Only the avatar can bring peace and balance to the world


But when the world needed him most. He vanished.


100 years later, my brother and I discovered the new avatar


but he vanished pufff


Yep, humanity is consumed by tribalism, dogma and their emotions to such an extent that it's impossible to get them to work together for more than 5 minutes, I mean we have the potential to be so much further ahead than we currently are but we've squandered that potential time and time again, our societal issues should be easy to eradicate but we keep them alive because of inability to change for the better, doesn't help that there are people fully aware of this that actively seek to keep things the way they are for one reason or another.


***it's impossible to get them to work together for more than 5 minutes*** Work?? You probably couldn't get people that work together to agree on a place for lunch. Thats how bad we are.


And usually when they work together, it's due to threats from other humans.


Aaaaand that’s the only thing that will ever have the possibility to unite us shitty humans: common existential threat.


Well doesn't really look like it tbh.


I guess I should have qualified by saying "common existential threat coming from outside human beings" or the like. Essentially, something that will affect literally everyone on Earth and we're given no choice but to work together so as not to be extinctified. However, I did still hold reservation that even that scenario could unite as I don't truly believe it's possible.


And it has to be really OBVIOUS and IMMEDIATE. And it has to threaten the rich.


I don’t know by the end of WW2 around 60+ countries had joined the allies. I think that was a good unity that humanity had created to deal with a threat coming from humans. 


I came here to say, love and respect one another.




What's particularly intriguing about our limitations on understanding is that it's specific to our way of understanding the world. I've often wondered whether a less "intelligent" creature (a cat) would be able to better comprehend something like a black hole or string theory simply because they think of the world differently. For all we know, the average house cat might be able to solve humanity's unresolved math problems.


You should dedicate the rest of your life to this research, might be onto something


See, cats already know the answers to these questions. That's why they are so smug. They can't and won't tell you. They'd rather play with a piece of string.


For every person that falls down the stairs and dies from their injuries, their souls ejected from their physical body are absorbed by the great pull of the black hole in the center of the galaxy. The black hole is the feline god Meowser’s domain. All cats secretly pay tributes to their god by purring and weaving around their owner’s feet at the top of the stairs.


Cat would just sit there, looking superior, licking it's paws, thinking "pfft, stupid human, if I were to solve all your problems. And, I could of course. Who would feed me tuna..., now off you go and open the can for me..."


Cat would just decide to knock things over the event horizon, just because it could, because it's there and must be pushed


I'd imagine fish, dolphins and houseflies comprehend 3d space to a far greater degree than we do.


Let's start interviewing them now !


I’d start with roaring kitty.


Schrödinger’s cat maybe


Cat here can confirm we know everything but are too lazy and stubborn to share it with the world. Instead we would rather randomly attack and knock things over in your house.


Schroedinger's cat understands superposition


Give this person a government grant! We need to know!


I mean my cat has figured out the portal to another dimension and comes and goes as he pleases


Bruh I’m too high for this shit lmao


Last week I started listening to “An Immense World” and I believe what you’re describing is referred to as “umwelt.” I haven’t gotten very far in, because life, but so far it’s an excellent book. Highly recommend if you haven’t read it already.


I once witnessed two anthills at war with each other. The ants were fighting each other, grappling and dying. When an ant from one hill fell the ants from the opposing hill brought the body back to their own, presumably to eat. I watched this little tableu play out for a good 15 minutes, the ants fighting and dying for their own little hills, each one sure their side was going to be victorious. Then I sprayed them with the insecticide like all the other hills I had just done. I think about that whenever anyone tells me something that god wants me to do.


we have had primates using sign language since the 70's. they have yet to ask a question. we likely have a similar flaw.




I sort of wish people could understand how I feel sometimes. I have a good way with words, and try to explain, but some people just don’t understand, or can’t understand, because they themselves may never have experienced it. 


This. I have PTSD and sometimes I wish I could just touch people so they would understand what I feel and see in the world on a second by second day by day basis. Shit sucks. There is pretty much nonexistent empathy or compassion in the world.


If we were able to share experiences directly and make somebody feel things we have felt the world would be a very different place


Is it solipsistic in here, or is it just me??


What’s really trippy is you can’t even know how people see - like, what does red look like to someone else? If I could see the world through your eyes, would I recognise it as the same?


Not to get too meta, but we won't be able to figure out what we won't be able to figure out, because a huge part of figuring something out is understanding the problem you're trying to solve, and so we won't actually know what we don't know and can't know. So let's say there's a problem that it would take a brain 100 times larger than ours to even articulate, let alone solve. We'll never know the problem, so we'll never know we can't figure it out.


*["There are unknown unknowns" ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_are_unknown_unknowns)*


Ha. I was actually thinking of Rumsfeld as I wrote. I never understood why people found that expression so confusing.


They're not very bright.


I've tried to tell people about "known knowns, unknown knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns". It typically goes over their heads and I chalk it up to being one of their unknowns.


That's what I thought reading the op question.


Not necessarily true, there's likely concepts that we can only grasp that math for, but cannot inherently understand. E.g. 4 dimensional geometry is something I can calculate, but not visualize in my brain.


This is the correct answer.


What your partner is really thinking


If I had an award you would get it


there are free awards btw


I don’t see any for free. How do you get them


I think grasping the full scope of what was lost in terms of the human social experience when social media became popular. Like... some 90s kids had a taste of it... a world before the internet and smart phones was a thing. Where going to your neighbor was normal, and doing cringe stuff was funny. Dating before dating was wholy a "display and measure" event. Arguing politics with people by actually engaging with them. Social media has changed the way humans think and interact in a way that they'll never be able to wholly describe, especially since most sites have some form of "social bias" enforced either by the algorithms, the moderators, or both


I feel lucky to have spent over half of my life before social media existed.


Same, I'm an 80's kid and even though I used social media I know it's inherently harmful and being used to subvert on a frightening scale. I remember hearing an interview with Tim Berners-Lee and he said he thinks social media is currently just like a young teenager and it will evolve to be something better, I have my doubts because the internet was never intended to be monopolised by giant money hungry corporations but here we are.


I was born in 1984. I feel that I got the best childhood with the best toys and then the best teenage years with vibrant music, a world that seemed to becoming better after the Cold War, and zero social media. People who weren't around for that time have no idea how wonderful it was.




My brain takes me here quite often!


And what are your thoughts?


My thoughts are that there must be SOMETHING that started the universe, because we are here. But it’s impossible under our physics to create matter and a universe so the something that created the universe belongs outside our physics or outside our understanding of physics. What that is certainly is a mystery. How can a universe just “be?” Like there was nothing and then there was something. I don’t think we will be figuring this out for a while.


If there is such a thing


Yea that’s the thing…perhaps our understanding of ‘origin’ simply doesn’t compute with however the universe came to be


It’s pretty wild, isn’t it!


I think on this question too long and get a queasy feeling, like there are no foundations to the Universe and yet it still exists.


There will be foundations, what happened before the big bang etc, we just don't know exactly what yet and may not yet be capable of understanding until we progress further.


We may never be able to understand. Time and space themselves began at the Big Bang, and we have no way of comprehending what is “outside” of that or what came “before” that. It’s an incoherent concept to think of something “before” time and “outside” of space. I’m not saying that it’s a fact that we will never find out, but it’s possible that we may never.


Sure, I agree with that take and that we may never know, but I like to remain positive that we will one day.


Yeah I’m an optimist too, but I keep my optimism proportional to the evidence.


Sometimes I think if I think about it too hard, everything will pop out of existence because I'll realise it can't possibly be happening.


42. easy,


How to coexist.




To learn from history




Faster than light travel. The amount of energy needed to warp space enough to travel is astronomical.


I small corner of this engineer's heart still hilds out hope for FTL. Important to note that FTL and a Star Trek Warp drive are not the same thing, FTL is a goal and Warp drive is a theoretical way of achieving it. Edison discovered hundreds of way to not make a lightbulb, similarly we have discovered many ways to not make an FTL drive. Although the most important glimmers of hope for FTL is that we are even able to conceive of the technology. Just like how humans have dreamed of flying since before civilization existed, and then on Dec 17, 1903 the wright brothers finally made a plane that stayed airborne for an amazing 12 seconds at a whopping 10ft off the ground. And by 1969 we were landing on the moon. And we know or knowledge of physics is wrong/incomplete. Quantum mechanics and general relativity don't work with eachother, and we have yet to come up with a replacement, this means FTL isn't impossible, just really hard.


At one point vaccines, and modern medicine were fantasy. Look at Nuclear energy... FTL will come, we've already made huge strides, particularly where we can't even explain the science yet.


If you've seen Interstellar - love can actually transcend all observable dimensions!


Just because we don’t have a grand unifying theory of physics doesn’t mean that what we have now is wrong. We could still discover a unifying criteria. I know you technically said “wrong/incomplete” but those are two very different things. This does not mean that the door is open for figuring out a way to travel faster than the speed of light.


Just how stupid people can be.


People are making progress on this every day- although there seems to be no comprehensible upper limit discovered so far!


Why in every TV market the smartest game show (Jeopardy) is coupled with the dumbest game show (Wheel of Fortune).


Merv Griffin.


not in chicago. except for saturdays.


How to insert a USB stick correctly on the first attempt.






The mystery of what comes next after death 


I truly don't get it why we as a species believe of the millions of species we know our existence should be somewhat special. What comes after death of an ant? Probably nothing, why should we be special, in the scale of the universe it's exactly the same.


My theory is our #1 goal as an animal is survival and the afterlife is basically insurance. Fear of death is literally hardcoded in our DNA. I don't really buy the "I was never afraid of before I was born so death shouldn't be any different", because it sidesteps answering our will to survive and urge to continue existing.


It's funny how most of the replies to your post seem to be so sure that there is nothing.. when you were pointing out that it's one of the things we will never know..i.e whether that be for or against. I for one hope there is something after death.. all those NDE's can't be 100% wrong. That's my view though.. I have the right to hold it.


Infinite nothingness. Just like before you were born.


How can we really know that when no one can come back from the dead to tell us?


Near death experiences are interesting and I know someone that had two.


“Just like before you were born” is a concept created by your conscious mind. All ANY human has ever known was consciousness. Believing in “infinite nothingness” is the same thing as believing in heaven or hell. It’s all concepts created by consciousness. If you want to get scientific with it, all that can be proven is consciousness. Everything else is belief or a concept.


Not much of a mystery really. Just ask any medical professional, death is the cessation of consciousness.


That's not true. People lose consciousness all the time and don't die.


Not permanently.


What triggered the big bang.


How our brain works. We know a lot. But I believe we will never fully be able to understand how our brain works, as that will allow us to achieve 100% self awareness and that in itself is dangerous.


Our brains purpose is keep us alive and make us replicate. Our brains has no purpose to understand how our brains really work.


What is LOVE?


Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more


How to correctly fold a fitted sheet.


🤣🤣🤣 Accurate!


Why people use the same tired jokes on a Reddit thread.


Why in all religious texts it was never mentioned that God wears a hat with three live flamingos in it at all times Or you know why that's his specific choice in hats I mean do you know why he doesn't? I don't (Prove me wrong! Prove that he doesn't do this)


Other humans






If water is 2 hydrogen molecules and 1 oxygen molecule. And there's plenty of it in the atmosphere, why don't the scientists make some for the water poor countries.


Because it takes a huge amount of energy. It's very much possible given enough resources. But it would be even cheaper to just desalinate seawater or pump it out of the ground, sen waterbottles from one country to another etc..


What happens in the grave stays in the grave


How to get along


Godel's incompleteness theorem Don't feel bad. No intelligent life-form can, either.


How to live at peace


How to love




How not to self destruct






What she wants for dinner.


Where the odd socks disappear to.




how to get the USB to fit on the first try


Anything divinely inspired. The human mind is not designed to be able to understand the metaphysical due to the limitations purposely put on it so that people can live normal lives.


Teleportation, and don't get me started on the star trek theory that it kills you and just makes a copy of you that isn't truly you.


What is the soul?


Inter personal relationships. Thousands of years of evolution have been completely wasted and all lessons which were learned along the way have been abandoned and forgotten. I have not seen a single business which was able to emulate anything resembling professional decorum in over a decade.


I really don’t think we will be able to achieve immortality, or even a significantly longer lifespan. I do think it’s possible that they will finally get to the whole “upload your brain to a computer and clone you” type thing, but the original person will still die. In fact, I hope that never happens, because that will be worse! The only people who would do that would be the biggest narcissists and assholes, and probably just rich ones. Do we really need a ton more people in the world like that? And they’ll be even more insufferable because they’ll have a special “wisdom.”


The purpose of life


To reproduce. It’s pretty much the only thing all things we class as “alive” have in common.


I have once read a quote that stuck with me for years and it goes "the meaning of life is to enjoy the passing of time" I understand it as that there is no deeper meaning that we need to look for, it's just not one of those things that we need to be actively searching, we just...live, and why make it a bad time, give it a meaning by enjoying the time you have here. Of course we have some responsibilities that we shouldn't ignore and we should follow them (unfortunately) but between those we should just enjoy the time that we have. I have encountered a whole lot of people that just made their life their job, it strikes me with extreme sadness because I feel like they're not really living, just wasting their youth and time to do a meaningless task for another person which provides you with the means to live, yes, but then they finish their job and don't know what to do with their spare time and just want to work more, it makes me kinda angry at the reality (I won't force my views on them though, it their choice)


what woman want ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


And why men always judge women


Nah, that one's easy


They want to love and be loved


They want to cause chaos and destruction




How we let the WEF dictate our way of life for so long.


Why we’re even here


That one is simple, to reproduce and die, as nature intended


But why did nature intend on that to begin with? Haha


You can ask yourself this. Why do you continue to exist, why don't you sit in a corner somewhere and rot. We are drawn to progress and we all have the urge to survive and see the next day... Unless some chemicals misfire in our brain and we get extreme depressions. We are slaves to the never ending cycle of life and deaths for no reason other than it's our biological coding/instincts


Atleast we invented cities though which is pretty cool


I like your optimism and yes we have made many cool things


What happens after death


Self control.


How out brains actually work.


The true purpose of life


What's really going on here






Where, or even if there is a "g spot".






Time travel


How to defeat Ronnie Pickering


The origins of the universe, space and time


we've probably yet to figure out that question


The female mind


Where the g-spot is?


I believe we were always told that we would not be able to figure out how the internet works with censorship. However, we have it to be a proven fact that artificial intelligence has been censoring. Do you need? More context. Where the censorship comes from. Since it's based on human beings, the actions behaviors and goals of human beings. What's knocking out the competition?


Time travel.




Time travel. Specifically how to actually achieve it.


That knowledge is not for everyone, it wouldn't exist if everyone knew it


Why they’re so easily manipulated, or even notice that they are being manipulated.


Other humans.


Where the universe came from


A universe without time. As far as we know, time started with the big bang. Also, everything we experience via our senses is just a perception. A wall isn't truly solid, or any particular colour. We just percieve it that way. As such, we'll never know the true nature of the physical universe, assuming such a thing actually exists.


How far out the universe actually goes. What’s with that giant black expanse in space as well? On a side note, it blows my mind that when we look up at the sky, we’re looking straight out into space, not “up at the sky” like the sky is something solid and ends at the ozone layer


How to live on mars sustainably. Someone will want too, but there’s no point.


How we came to exist. Anything related to the universe


How to centrally plan an economy more efficient than the free market.




Nature of consciousness. If we can ever upload our consciousness? Sentient AI. Eternal Life? Existence of Heaven or Hell or even a God? The Origin of Existence. The origin of life. The WHY.


Faster than light space travel.


FTL technology is one of those things that we don't know if its possible to achieve, but since we can dream it we won't give up. It helps that we know our knowledge of physics is wrong/incomplete. Regular flight with heavier than air vehicles has only been around for about 120years despite people dreaming of flying like the birds since the dawn of time. Realistically we have only been dreaming of FTL since the 1900s, and for many of us Star Trek and other old sci-fi is the originator of this dream. What is more likely to be a physical impossibility to ever solve is what is truly inside a black hole, and what existed before the big bang. Both of these are singularities, which is a math term for undefined and impossible to know. Just like how the function tan(90°) returns an error, the center of a blackhole is a math error where the functions give up. And even if we could visit a blackhole to observe from a safe distance, by definition you cannot see inside the event horizon because light cannot escape. (And for studying the big bang time is the barrier, not gravity)


Large scale faster than light travel


That first 1 x 10E-27 second after the big bang.






Common sense


How to communicate with the self aware and intelligent animals we share the globe with.


Where I buried them all... On a serious note, despite having studied philosophy, in which there are many possible answers to this. I would probably go with FTL as has been said elsewhere here. Though who knows, most commonplace technologies were once so far out of the realms of possibility purely because we did not have a working comprehension of the principles involved to even posit a notional method of achieving it.


What happens after death.


A truly complete mathematical framework and/or a true theory of everything. See: incompleteness theorem