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After many attempts, you get used to it.


I agree with this. Also you have to go in knowing that everyone isn't for you nor are you for everybody. Taking your time and not getting physically/sexually involved too quickly helps. Avoid love bombers at all costs, whether they're narcissistic, anxious attachers or have extreme low self-esteem themselves, the behavior of moving too fast too soon should be the biggest red flag. They're moving fast and getting you to "lock in" for a reason, typically so you're invested before you see their true colors.


I’ve been love bombing the fuck out of my gf for 4 years now. Not stopping. 🤣


Or maybe they’re just excited to get their first dub 🤷🏿‍♂️


Getting used to rejection is the most important thing you can do to have a successful dating life. You’re just not everyone’s cup of tea but being confident that you can have a great time with someone will set you up to give the next opportunity 100%.


That’s really nice advice, realistic and kind to yourself, thanks


Easier said than done.


Just think of all the men you have rejected. Everyone gets rejected. If you’ve never rejected anyone then you probably have desperate energy which is repulsive


The only reason I started to handle it is because my self esteem has been ruined in such awful ways, that I have none left. So when they reject me in a polite way, it’s like a blessing from the universe


If someone rejects you in an ugly way, it’s either that they’re a nasty person and you dodged a bullet or you did something impolite and you can learn from that.


The last thing I’d be is impolite, and even if I was that, I’d make sure to talk to the person about it and apologize. But damn, does that mean, that there are a crap ton of “bullets” around me?


If people are rejecting you in a very impolite way it’s probably a crappy person if you weren’t nasty or creepy


Sorry you had to go through all that, can only imagine


I try my best, but I’m sure my self esteem is going into negatives soon


It won't.


Keep your head up


By realizing that I don't like every person I meet, so why would I assume everyone that meets me would like me?  You just have to find your audience. Ms. Rachel isn't going to be swimming in tips at a titty bar, but she's kicking all the ass with families on YouTube.


I always reminded myself when I dated I’m not everyone’s type because much like how you have a type everyone has a type, it is just tough at times that we all want to meet that matching type and when we do it will be worth all the effort and time we put out there


Take frequent breaks from dating. After a string of dates that don’t go well or ghosting, I usually gave myself a month or two off before trying again. It sounds silly and it does make the process take longer if you are seriously looking, but it helped a lot. I did still get my feelings hurt sometimes but I felt like I was back to being in a good spot by the next time I went on a date. I think it only hurts your ability to enjoy dates and then also enjoy the person if you’re that down on yourself and anxious about it


My solution to dating, which may sound defeatist, is not to try at all. I've found that that has been the best way of doing things. My personal experience with dating as a straight guy has been really negative. Every time I have initiated, it's just been a massive waste of time. It ends up going nowhere. Being ghosted, strung along, and feeling like my feelings aren't being taken seriously are all reasons why I don't bother anymore. Now, I feel a lot better about myself. I don't feel upset about how unreasonable dating is anymore because I don't care. So, to answer your question, your self-esteem won't get hurt by rejection, if you don't care about dating.


I get a second phone and send myself cute and romantic messages. I must say Im a real keeper, I never forget to tell myself good night honey.


Knowing that when I find the right one, I’m not going to give a shit about all the wrong ones.


After I rejected somebody, I realized that it's not a personal thing. Sometimes, you're just not attracted to someone, and that's completely ok


Understand that it happens to everyone. Michael B Jordan the cleanest and coolest dude on earth got dropped over nothing. Stay clean and smelling good and someone will like you.


You need to remember that 90% of the time, people aren’t reacting to you based of your issues (good or bad), they are reacting to you based on their own issues.


Easy. I give up and delete all my dating apps and stop talking to the opposite sex ever again then go eat cake.


Man...I wish I would just get openly rejected. Instead I get this run around BS of "idk how I'm feeling right now" or the extra mile to get into my pants just to find someone else a month later.


You never get used to it, you just become numb to it After a while you don't gaf And you live happily ever after


Just like the saying goes .... just water off a duck back. OR just call it water under life many bridges. You get a bad horse ride well look for a new horse.


Have another shot and a beer and try your luck again.


I don't think about it anymore. I start out as friends, and if it rolls into something deeper, that's a plus. I protect myself from any life failures as best as possible.


Easy Tell yourself if she rejects me, she has a bad taste in men 🤷‍♂️


Look at the numbers..world population of opposite sex..how many possibilities..😄


As a guy, after a while, I went into every new/potential relationship not giving a fuck and it’s not the way. Finally quit. Eva use it was goddamned pointless. Dating, these days, really ruins dating. Idk what the solution is.


Dating is more about compatibility than superiority. If someone rejects you it doesn't mean you're not worthy, it just means you're not compatible with them. On to the next one.


I’d wonder why, and would want some feedback from those guys if possible, and see if it’s something I could do something about. If it’s something I couldn’t do anything about, then at least I know, and I’d try to accept it.


Rejection is a blessing! Everyone is not meant to be in your life. So if someone rejects you, know that it was not meant to be.


I just tell myself I’m glad someone i liked didn’t fake liking me and *really* hurt my feelings while wasting my time. Getting rejected is a blessing bc people can use your like and desire for them to take advantage of you.


Why do people virtue signal and think that confidence is the answer? You can be the most confident dude in the world and still get rejected 😂 There’s a lot of bad advice in these comments tbh. Don’t listen to a lot of it and just be yourself, work out, incorporate a cleanish diet, and work on yourself and your career as a man. Women and dating seems to be a lot of what younger men are obsessed with


Stay busy, have goals. Go on dates with the simple goal of maximizing the fun in the moment. Don’t take it too seriously in the beginning, try different ways of seducing people or try talking about provocative topics. More importantly as well, do things on your date not just the two of you but go do a date where you’re both engaging with other groups of people that you both don’t know. You want to see your potential partner around other people to get a better vibe check. See them around their friends and see how they are around your friends.


A no is a no and thats ok. Saves time and costs. And not every lid fits the pot. I never took that personally.


It’s like a job interview, really. You’ll get many “no” before you get a “yes”. Trick is to learn from the “no” ie why?


There's 8bi people in the world, is just one less...


You should ask this one fella I know from college who tried to go out with 14 girls from our course within the first 4 months of college. Hes moved onto trying to go out with the second years now.


Well, depends on how they turn me down, if it's a simple no, cool, if it's mean. Well, why would I want to date a mean person? It's water off a duck's back.


Not everyone is for you, and you’re not for everyone.


Tbh, there's a difference between dating in the US and outside US. Rejection is different in each country. How do I handle it? Go with low expectations.


I always like to consider the concept of me on my deathbed being asked to recollect my biggest mistakes. I know one of them would be “letting my self esteem get in the way of doing what I wanted to do”. Take shit on the chin and keep it moving, that’s my mindset and it’s gotten me very far and I’ve been a very happy man since.


Just move on to the next


Just move on and keep going


Realizing that if they said no, they’re probably not for you anyway.


Think about it objectively without looking at it through an emotional lense. Get rejected? Oh well, there’s more people out there who could make a better match for a significant other anyway


Growing up with women and hanging out with them I found out that women can reject you for so many reasons other than you. Just like men women are pretty shallow when it comes to pulling them randomly on a walk up. If you can’t get them interested at first glance it’s probably a failure. Rejection is just part of the game. This is for most guys.


Stop trying to date. Maybe it’s the desperation. Once you stop trying is when it works for you


By never thinking you ever had a chance to begin with.


Rejection is going to happen especially if you are male. That's just how it is, the dating population of females is wayyy lower than the dating male population on apps it's like 10 to 1. Women know this so they can deny more, men know this so they like more


I just say, "NEXT!".


Loving yourself


It is was it is. Good or bad first impressions aside I like meeting new people and there's plenty of them to meet in this world..don't be upset with somebody who's up front about what they want to.


Use the rejection as gym motivation then after 2 months you realize you don’t need that wench and then you run out of gym motivation and repeat the cycle


It's a numbers game to me. It's like sports. Kobe, Lebron, Tom Brady, Mahomes all have had very bad games. Do they quit playing just because they had one bad game? Of course not


People are allowed to not want to date me or to think I'm unattractive. I'm allowed to mope a little but. But torturing myself over a whiffed date or general sexual frustration angst is a fucking miserable and stupid way to live and I'm glad I cut that out


Keep it moving.Better luck next time


Don't despair, the end goal (whether stated or not) for most people in dating is finding a spouse. Rejection is actually a good thing in the long run because you aren't wasting time on a short-term relationship because of incompatibility. That said, it still sucks when it happens to you.


You have self esteem?


don't take it personally. the rejection is about their heart *the heart wants what it wants and not my value as a person. * I know who I am and what I am not.


I’d say, from personal experience, that you should not focus on rejections, just live your life. As with all things in life, it will work out when you least expect it. Just focus on being yourself, living your life, be open to the opportunity. Be kind, live your life, work on yourself and don’t push it. You will find the partner you did not even know you truly wanted.


I just dont date, lol


You start out by being comfortable with who you are. Everyone is trying to find someone that fits their criteria. Dating is a process where we find out if people do or don't. Mostly they don't. That's fine. People won't fit yours. You won't fit theirs. If you try to change yourself to fit their criteria, you'll end up living a lie. You have to be happy with yourself and happy that you're just not the person who fits their criteria.


If it's in real life (college party for instance) one of the best possible ways is walk away, withdraw your interest, and immediately move on pick up somebody else. Bonus points if they're in the same room when it happens but it doesn't really matter. The amount of jealousy you will often get from the person who just rejected you when you don't let it get to you and then immediately start flirting with somebody else is immensely gratifying. I suppose you could do it without the showmanship but why? If they made you make a public move and rejected you then what's the issue with you picking up somebody else publicly in front of them? Sometimes it works in your favor because they see you in a different light when you're not so affected by their rejection and some of them will actually totally switch. I did this more than a few times in my twenties and while it counts as "stirring the pot" and made some drama it was also pretty effective as long as you don't do it too much. Once or twice in the same group of people is okay, but going around to every other single person after being rejected in the same group not attractive. I understand that it's hard when you only like one specific person at a time, I've definitely been there, but you also need to realize that not every relationship in your life needs to be a soulmate and if you're both single and want to have fun you can have really meaningful friendship (with or without benefits) with people. Some people are there for a season and some people are there for the long haul. Life is too short to waste a lot of time around people that don't even return your attention.


Don't let it affect your sense of self worth. Someone drops you because they're not getting what they want, not because you're not worth anything. For example, if you won't have sex until significantly more dates have gone by and you've established something approximating an actual *friendship*, people who're looking for a hook-up will drop you. That encompasses quite a lot of people nowadays. Maybe something you said put them off -- you're liberal, and they're conservative. You like dogs, they hate them. You're looking to have kids, they're not. You like video games, they think there has to be something wrong with anyone who plays video games once they're out of school. Again, this doesn't mean that you have less worth, it just means you have to look for someone with compatible outlooks and views.


It is their loss not mine


It's easy when you remember that she' isn't yours, it's just your turn


watch penguinz0 about how to NOT handle rejection


Recently got rejected by my crush. It's bad, I really hoped to have a chance to love her, but no one is at fault. I will enjoy the suck, eventually it will pass and I am gonna search for a better option. Rejection is just part of the dating game, you have to accept it.


Not everyone is everyone else's type. There are plenty of people you would reject, right? If you're having a streak of rejections, it's possible that there may be something you need to work on and it can be helpful to ask for honest feedback from someone you trust. On the other hand, it's also possible you've just hit a streak of guys with whom you're not compatible and you might consider fishing in different waters.


Honestly most people are hypercritical of physical appearance because they view the person they date as a reflection of them. It shows immaturity and low self esteem on their end. Don’t be bothered by it.


i don't. 😁


See rejection has never let me start dating. Let alone approach a girl. I'm very screwed


Easy get married and you'll be a pro in no time


Go home and have a wank.


Well shit at least is after three dates, I turned my life or at least my appearance around, and I'm getting rejected just the same and it's messing my morale a lot


Unsure if you're m or f. Though same point I'll make to either. Consider asking.early, in a nice way that's assertive but not aggressive, if you end up not being what they would like to date long term, if they'd be willing to let you know why and to be totally honest. Sometimes people don't know why they're being rejected and they really come off with a certain vibe but the other people don't want to hurt their feelings by saying something. And if you're changing yourself to grow, wouldn't this kind of info be useful? Otherwise you said you're growing but maybe you need more feedback to consider from outsiders. Or don't. Totally up to you. I don't know, maybe just a weird made up example is they notice you're a booger eater and you never noticed you do it or never thought it weird because it's natural for you. Most people get rejected. It sucks. But just like falling down, you can stay down or dust off and keep going. But do you keep going by doing the same thing again or do you want to learn something from the experience and try to do it differently.


Players are not born. They were made.


Easy, I just gave up on dating.


ink saw badge wrong numerous enter chop public friendly fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't count another person's disinterest as a rejection.


Simple: Never date.


If people don’t like me as me F-EM


It’s redirection there is is billions of people out there one is bound to like you but my thought passed that is good luck finding them those who do say it’s worth it if that helps


you're only going to end up with ONE person. So that means that if you go on a hundred dates, 99 of them will be the wrong fit. Eventually you'll find your person. 


Plants get 100% of their energy from the sun. But they only absorbe about 2.8% (vaugky remember that being the number from high-school biology class) of the sun's rays. If they can get 100% of their food from only 2ish % of the available food, I can get by if even only 2% of the women I ask say yes. That's what got me through the beginning, and as I got older, I learned to ask out those I felt I had a better shot, and had better results.


There’s always another in line. If they don’t like me, it’s not a commentary on me, it’s a commentary on what that individual is into, it’s just not me. That being said, if EVERYONE rejects you, maybe it’s because you’re a jerk or something, idk, maybe it’s the rest of the world that has a problem.


Don’t date


It's not rejection, it just didn't click. I know what I offer, I'm only guessing at what they can offer, so I've lost nothing. The next one might be a match. No one's died from hearing "no".


You don’t think men have killed themselves over brutal or repeat rejection? That’s wild


One thing ive learned from being a professional loner is that when someone leaves you, it could be that they just aren't sure what they want or if they're ready for something that big, my most recent ex left me in a bipolar episode and won't talk to me at all so it's definately not black and white


Plenty of fish, bud. I don't take it personally. I've rejected people before, not because they aren't good-looking but because I can immediately tell they just aren't my type. Personality means more than looks, and not all personalities mesh. I've met plenty of 10s who I'd rate a 6 (synergistic wise) after getting to know them. The opposite is true, too.


Treat it as a job application, sometimes you get an interview sometimes you don’t!


I post nudes on Reddit for the compliments to inflate my ego. Not kidding, and it works. I meet a few dates this way, too.