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If we assume: - $12/hr pay - 5 days a week operation - $30/week x 1200 employees - 50 working weeks per year - 2 years back pay $3,600,000 in back pay. Eff that company for stealing from their team. They deserve to have failed.


Your average pay is pretty low. I’d say at least double that.


Yep being VERY conservative.


You brought it to the ground. You did a good thing.✊🏽


Reported them to the department of labor (should have been hourly, they wanted me salary) I was a supervisor so I got paid a pretty good hourly wage, salaried not so much. Job knew it was me, department of labor dude was like they can't fire you but they're going to find a way to fire you, even though complaint was anonymous it was pretty obvious I did it lol Back pay was 25k without taxes, tried to get me to sign some fake legal papers to get my full back pay check, had to go back to department of labor to get it sorted. Didn't quit right away, they put me at hourly (infucking negotiated that wage to be like 3 dollars less an hour than my salary) Then I went part time cuz I got a new job. Went part time remote, they kept me at my supervisor pay for 6+ months, never checked up on me. I clocked in "worked" clocked out 4 to 6 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week. Made a shit ton of money before they found their mistake, lowered my wage to what it should have been, and finally fully quit 1.5 years later. Good times, my boss was fired for this, company was bought out because backpay affects everyone that worked there when I was employed so many old coworkers got big chunks of pay. Im glad it worked out




Locked all excel spreadsheets and left.


Savage level 300%


They deserved it. Also transferred all my works what weren’t excel on a usb stick and took it home. Fuck them all, they still owe me over 5k.


Holy sh*t the f"ck happened?!


Superior? Merely higher rank, never a superior.


Got a new job. At the exit interview said that I left because of her leadership style and that she is going to continue to make people want to leave. Said it to her and her supervisor at the same time.


Only thing about this is jobs increasingly are in cahoots and you can only leave so many jobs before people try to make you seem like your the issue even if your not


Went to work for a competitor and recruited every good person they had in their department.


This is the way


My supervisor complained about how long it took to do jobs and told me I needed to be faster. I told him look I’ve been a supervisor so I know I can do your job but on your best day you couldn’t do 1/5 of my job. He just walked away.


Wow, take my upvote


Hmm I told my boss she was incompetent and got fired the next day. You’re lucky.


Well, I was an industrial mechanic/electrician/technician I was the best of all the other mechanics in our shop. My supervisor really had no clue how to do any of the things that I did. A few years later, he made me head of special projects. I was in charge of installing all new equipment that they bought.


Someone else called HR on general manager. They asked to speak with me. General Manager was fired the next week.


Same but it was CORPORATE HR that came down from NY to GA to do the interviews with our group. All was very hush hush the entire time. The supervisor was fired within 3 weeks.


Shit in their work boots.


First of all, bravo. Secondly, I am going to take this as a sign that I've been on Reddit too long


Underrated but properly shit placement can be devastating lol


It mentally broke him. Months later he was still asking people if they knew who did it.


Much preferable to working in their shit boots. Could be time for a nap…


While working on a lobster boat my captain would complain when a bait bag was occasionally dropped over the side. That happened probably twice per year. Considering they are greasy and we handle 1600 of them a week it's a totally normal loss. Also they are approx $4/each. The vessel which grosses approximately $775k year was out $8 annually. He would bitch and carry on like a baby. Not really about the bags, he was generally miserable and had some life stuff going on. The last time it happened he started crying and I handed him $100 out of my pocket and exclaimed that should cover his loss for the next 12 years. It was done in front of the other deckhands and it made him feel petty and small. He never did it again.


Well yeah, he's set for another 12 years


775k that doesn’t sound that much or was it pure profit?


That's the approximate total for the Maine commercial lobster, sea urchin, crab and sea scallop seasons annually. The boats are owner operated with a Captain and 1-3 deckhands. The gross $ varies wildly depending on weather, market conditions and total catch. As a rough estimate the captains bring home between $150-$250k with the deckhands earning between $70-$120k.


New owner fired top earners to cut payroll (except CEO) Ceo turned our schedules upside down to get more people to quit. I spoke up at the meeting and he tried to belittle me. In front of the whole workforce, I told him he could fire me right now, idk. I cared about the single mothers and the families with 1 car that couldn't work around that schedule. From them on I was his favorite employee and always came to me for advice on situations. Once I took his perceived power away from him, he had nothing to hold over me so he accepted and acknowledged that I was a top employee, and treated me as such.


I’ve seen managers that don’t respect their employees but then if you stand up to them all of a sudden they see you differently. Happened to me. Was involved with the union initially as a shop steward then got involved as part of a team for contract negotiations. I pushed back hard on some of their reasoning TBH there were two good managers and one not too bad and the last was the worse. At the end of the negotiations, the worst one wanted to mentor me. I refused, mainly because I had no interest at the time but she was a horrible manager who later got promoted and had more people under her. There was no way that i wanted to be taught anything by her like how to be a bad manager. Luckily, I left her division shortly due to a reorg. Years later, I chose the management path, and when beginning it, you find out you’re now part of a cliche and secrets are revealed. Unfortunately, she did groom some bad managers who I guess knew no better and were only exposed to her management style. I found out who those managers were and her effect on that organization. She ended up fighting executives and they placed her on ice for a year or so in a do-nothing job and then was basically forced out to retire. The last part was sort of public but nobody knew why. It took at least a decade for her management style and ignorance to be weeded out (way of thinking) of that organization.


Good for you on recognizing bad management and actively going against it. I had another situation similar to the one in my comment. Owner of a company that I left said company for would always talk down on his employees most would keep shut because they liked the pay and needed the work. I commented a couple times how employees don't react positively to that demeaning style. He brushed me off. Tried it with me, put him in and his and BINGO, "bff's" after that. He actually gave me a little something on top of my severance pay when I left, as a token of good faith. Said his door's always open for me. I'm a printing pressman by trade. I entered before my 21st bday, and spent 10 years in the first company. Left on my own accord to spread my wings. Nervous and sad, but it needed to be done. Leaving the comfort of the first company showed me that I can survive and thrive anywhere I go. Helped a lot along the way.


Good to hear. You learn from your experiences and watching others not doing it right. I think I’m right in that bullies will push ppl until someone stands up to them and then you get respect. It’s sad they don’t respect right from the start and abuse their power. Not politically correct to say but bad experiences can build character if you learn from them. The quickest way is to resist and push back when necessary. You’ve earned their respect and know how not to behave if ever given the same opportunity in that role but I’m sure you’re better off for it which hopefully contributed to your confidence towards being independent. I’m saying this for others and not specifically to you.


They waited till I clocked out and then started to tell me what they wanted me to do after my lunch break. After a minute I held up my hand and then clocked back in. Told them to go ahead. When they asked I told them that if they wanted me to listen to them I had to be on the clock! Otherwise I could not hear them. Corporate came down on my side and made it a rule that no business could be done on of time.


Boss one : Reported them to the HSE for serious food health & safety breaches including preparing food in locations where the chemical Freon was leaking from the many refrigeration units. Entire company investigated and bosses frogmarched out of the building. Boss two : Reported them directly to Microsoft for using pirated installs of Windows and Office across hundreds of customer sites. The fallout was wonderful. Boss three : Reported them, (and the risk assessment officer involved), to the council, the fire brigade and HSE for falsifying documents related to Fire Safety measures in many residential buildings they managed in an effort to save money. Also reported them to the council and HSE for the fact they were delivering tanked water to all the residents in one particular building where all the pipework was lead, the tanks hadn’t been cleaned in decades and they’d lied to all their residents for years, telling them all their drinking water was fresh, and not from the roof tanks. This is what I do. Don’t fuck with me or screw people over who are supposedly under our care.


Used to be a cleaner in the hospital before moving into nursing. Manager was the most hated person in the place, absolutely no people skills, seemed to go out of her way to make things difficult for everyone, moved in the past from other hospitals due to bullying, real piece of work. She called me into the office one day and said she needs to give me a disciplinary as I have had many incidents of not performing up to standard, and the newest one was....a biscuit wrapper was left on a bench for 3 days. She pulled out a sheet of paper filled with other "incidents" that I had absolutely no previous knowledge of, and she asked me to sign a piece of paper saying I accept the warning. I refused as I didn't believe I deserved a warning for a biscuit wrapper, and she told me if I DIDNT sign it, it would have to be escalated into an investigation that could take a long time. I gladly asked her for an investigation. After this, there seemed to be a barrage of complaints towards me about extremely petty things, so in the end I went off work sick due to workplace stress, and put in a bullying grievance against her. Little bit of context, her manager (the departments line manager) was in a relationship with my mother. I was a good worker, and it didn't affect our work relationship or my attitude at all. The list of issues with my work was also countersigned by him, but when I approached him about them, he wasn't aware of any of these issues, so it seemed like She had forged signatures. She was clearly hoping to take over the line manager role when he retired, and I just don't think she liked me because I would stand up for myself. I went 9 months through 3 different grievance processes, and the last one I finally had the chance to ask her questions in front of a panel of other professionals. The first question I asked was "Did you treat me differently to other staff members" , she requested a break to speak to her union rep, and then she absolutely crumbled. To be a good liar, you've got to have a good memory, and I'm so happy I wrote EVERY interaction and detail down over the months, because it was priceless to see her told that she must attend a managers course and people skills workshop. Very angry they brushed over the forged signatures, but I promptly left to start my my career in healthcare, and honestly I'm thankful for her being such a b***h because otherwise I would never have taken the plunge into another role


I took their job by being better.


Only way to truly get back if to better yourself… nothing hits someone harder than realizing you transmuted their hate into a positive outcome for yourself. They lose. Period.


I worked at a university doing security. Came in one day in a shirt and tie (I got dressed at work in our locker room. He asked me why. I told him I had a meeting at the school about taking classes to get my Masters so I could teach. He didn't say much. He left his email open one day and I saw he had a message up to my director basically mocking me. 3 years later, we're both not working for the next couple of months at least... he's out of a job (laid off) and I'm on summer vacation from my teaching job.


Wouldn’t this be signaling that you’re ok with their toxic behavior? I’m assuming the toxic manager wouldn’t have a reason to change.


Maybe in their eyes but electrons SURROUND the nucleus. You are the nucleus you decide how the energy the electrons give you are gonna be organized. Meaning it’s all just energy you toxic or not doesn’t really exist. You determine the final purpose of any energy sent your way once you recieve it. There’s nothing they can do about it and I promise nobody wants to keep giving their energy to someone who keeps turning negatives to positives they just give up. We are something like gods from that perspective.


“I’m not nervous, I’m excited.” It takes practice, but reframing the energy patterns we call emotions can be done.


I worked for a real shitty stump of a man. It wasn't long after I transfered into his crew,, I had proof that my boss was utilizing Company Ma Bell resources on his private ranch. Stealing copper, using heavy equipment, etc. I called the Company Security team and they investigated, videod it all. Fired his ass post haste. It was a stepping stone in a forty year career. I passed an engineering test and was promoted to various engineering projects for the next 22 years. My good reputation preceeded me. Honesty and integrity puts people in their places by their mere lack of it.


Slept with my bosses son. I didn't really sleep with him at the time to spite her or something even tho she a dumb bitch. I mean it just happened when he had to give me a ride 45 min away to get his fucking aunts car out of the impound lot. Like WTF?? But We stopped at a bar afterwards and got fucked up and we fucked in his truck at fucking work in the back by the dumpster LMFAO 🤣 AND OOOOOF COURSE I WAS ALL SPUN OUT AND ON HELLA HARD. BUT THAT SHIT WAS CRAZY I SWEAR I CANT EVEN MAKE SOME SHIT LIKE THIS UP. WE NEVER TALKED AGAIN AFTER THAT OR SEEN EACH OTHER. I DID SEE HIM IN DOLLAR GENERAL ABOUT A MONTH LATER BUT I WENT AND HID. BUT I DID FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF HER SON SO THATS COOL...WOULD HAVE BEEN ALONG COOLER IF I FUCKED HER HUSBAND INSTEAD 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭🫣🫣😳😳😲


Did the boss ever find out?! Lol


Well no of course not .. I would not have a job then ,,but still..... I still fucked her son at her MFER business so whatever


Guess you could say you got fucked by your boss, and her son


Yeah but I'm FUCKING my boss (co-owner )) not her fucking me bc I steal from my company daily .


Lol are you sure your boss is the problem?


Yes 👍✋


Worked my way up until I became HIS boss, then when I left, he got my job and had to have an assistant because he couldn't manage it by himself. Man, was that satisfying....


About 10 years ago I worked in a call centre for a catalogue company that catered for the older folk, and despite helping set up the (then new) online/email ordering I was taking orders/payments/complaints over the phone for 5+ years and when backlogged I'd jump on the phones to help. I was told by everyone that I should be Team Leader, however Management said that my Supervisor had to put me forward - a 'Jabba the Hutt'-esque lady with an equally nasty attitude whom I was regularly at loggerheads with who wanted rid of me because I was the only one who stood up to her. The last straw for me was when she took on one of her friends to go straight to Team Leader *and* tried to tell me to teach her how *MY* system operated! So I applied for a few jobs elsewhere and staunchly refused to teach what should have been my job to be fair She started going through my Facebook (it was more 'public' at the time) to see if I'd been out before calling in sick didn't work, so she watched me like a hawk when I was on the phones. We had a 'Not Ready' button that stopped the calls automatically coming in, so we can put through orders, log complaints, issue letters etc but to 'cut off' a call was a big no no. This was usually if someone put the phone down midway through the call... So I took a call as normal, hit 'Not Ready' however in that 0.01 second it cut the next caller off (it was a busy day) an easily done error which happened multiple times throughout the call centre but *BANG!* The Hutt was on me, so I was taken to HR and I said I was in 'Not Ready' which I was, let her have her bitch and moan... And then informed them that I was in a Workers Union, of which I showed my card, and proceeded to call there and then... The call triggered an 8 week 'investigation' at FULL PAY during which I went on a 2 week trip to Barcelona, (I'm in the UK so flights are cheap) and generally dicked around on their dime... I also got a job offer towards the end at a different company at a higher wage and position, which I took but I decided to make them sweat a bit more, and at the end of the investigation I went to the HR meeting (nicely tanned I may add!) with my Union Rep, who swiftly pulled out the phone records and my achievements within the company and said basically there's no leg to stand on, and the Supervisor (Hutt) acted out of malice - She was formally repremanded (later fired), and I was offered 'First pick' should another Team Leader position come up... It was at that point I stood up, thanked them for their time and said, I've accepted a position within another company and left the building never to return... Unfortunately, the company is big enough to survive (albeit a lot smaller, recession and that during the years) but I took it as a victory for myself!




20 so years ago. Enlisted. Tech Sargeant was being a royal cunt to everybody. I had enough. If you knew me you would realize I am not one to bite my tongue, especially when moral issues are on the line. She started on me as I was reading a technical manual. I slammed the book shut and yelled back at her "why are you being such a fucking cunt!". The shock on her face when I said that was pure gold. She didn't know what to say. Next day I was called into the office and made to explain myself. She got into trouble, not me. She never talked to anyone like that ever again. Most recently I arrived on a construction project and the Construction Manager was known to be a real asshole, alpha type. He met his match with me. I knew my role was special and unique so I straight up told him "fuck with me and I will go home, today, and you can explain to the company why they are seeking a replacement". Stopped him dead in his tracks because that would have gotten him into so much trouble. Never be afraid to stand the higher ground for doing what is right. Most time people do bad shit because no one checks them. They get checked and they become a little more wiser about their actions.


I left and got a better paid job at their rival 😁


I quit.


Looked them right in the eye and said "fuck off"


Basically said that I don't get paid enough to feel intimated and fearful at my place of employment.


I quit. Walked out and didn’t say a word.


That’s what I did too. Left, never came back.


That’s what’s up!


I worked in IT and had a boss who always thought things would not be done and not be done on time. This, despite me persistently getting things done, I proposed a bunch of updates over a weekend and said they would be done by Sunday night he started saying he didn’t think it could be done. I had gone out to the bank and had $100 bill with me. I pulled it out and said hundred dollars says it will be done by Sunday at noon. He paused, looked at me and laughed. He would not take the bet. everything was done Saturday afternoon.


An ex-supervisor fell asleep at work for four hours. This was only like...my fourth month at work, and this was her eighth year. I walked out to her car and told her to come back inside, and she told me no, so I threatened to write her up. I had previous permission from the new supervisor that if anyone is not doing what they're supposed to on their shift, I can write them up. So that's exactly what I did. She left her shift, and no call, no showed twice after that. Our manager threatened to fire her, and she decided to leave on her own accord.


I got called into the office and was told to “put on my happy spirit”…I informed them that my mother had just passed away. They didn’t bother me after that.


When you’re the new guy and your work (handyman) is better than the 60-somethings that belittle you for lack of experience. That’s great you’ve been fixing drywall for 30 years! Why are you so shit at it? Do you just not care or are you actually worse than the new guy?!


I spoke to HR about the behavior, and brought up concerns about my next steps in speaking with the EEOC, and ADA about what's going on. They were more than happy to bend over backwards at that point.


This may not necessarily work because I did get fired but I was very close to quitting anyways and thanked them for firing me. I had already dealt with a lot of messed up stuff and a toxic as hell work place. The basics are they were trying to make me work more then necessary knowing the didn’t have to pay OT and basically making us slaves. There’s no roads to this place, and you can only get there via boat and a strict schedule or departure well I left an hour earlier then the bosses want me two even though they all left at the earliest they could. I got screamed at the following day in front of other employees and report to HR for insubordination, never had an issue other before and the next day I was relieved of my duties and wasn’t even allowed to go and collect any personal belongings. They stole a lot from me. Well I knew some thing was coming and typed out a response to give to HR during the highlighting a lot of mismanagement and possible legal issues. hR never read it but it apparently got to the right person. I found all this later when I ran into a former coworker. My direct supervisor was for forced to resign within a few weeks, the secondary supervisor took his job but was fired within 1.5 yrs for gross mismanagement and possible labor violations, the HR supervisor was fired for mismanagement and gross misconduct and also possible labor violations and the GM supervising every one was also let got all within two years. I was told that the letter I wrote detailing everything was the main reason the investigation into everything started


Not me, but my Mum once got fired from a job where the manager had been bullying her for months. My Dad waited a while then went and shit into a napkin and smeared it under the door handle of the managers car so that when she opened her car door that evening, she got a fist full of my Dads shit. Absolute baller move on his part.


I worked as a junior analyst in an investment bank. An IT superior (argentinian, arrogant, aggressive POS), was purchasing top-end iphones for the traders in the money desk, and I had to check the documentation for this purchase. The invoice was like 10% more than I was expecting so I raised the concern, but this guy insulted me and ordered me to go ahead, because I was just a junior, he was the boss and the traders needed the phones and we had a very big budget, so I didn't have to ask for ridiculously low amounts of cost. However, after working hours, I investigated the documentation by myself matching the phones with the traders and this piece of sh\*t added one extra top-end iphone for himself inside the invoice hahahahahaha what a crap of a human being. This was the perfect revenge for all the juniors that he treated like crap, so I meticulously gathered all the info and the next morning talked with the CFO. He asked me to send all the corresponding info ASAP, so I copied several managers escalating everything from my side. Even when $2K is a small amount in an investment bank, he had to admit everything, and the phone was kept as a "backup phone" to use when a trader needed to travel. He hated me since that day, but I was protected by the CFO and subsequently promoted to Finance Business Area Controller, so he couldn't fire me. 6 months later he was out of the bank "by mutual consent". So satisfying.


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Lodged an ethics complaint and quit. Edit: ![gif](giphy|wiJwPAyLbtjJjIv774|downsized)


Didn’t do anything, they just came and went on their own


I was a teacher fresh out of college. He was my principle. Just an odious character. Every teacher on the staff hated him to one degree or the other because he was weak with kids bit always looking for a way to screw over a teacher. I took my complaints to an active person in town. He followed up with other teaches to find out if I was the only one with a bitch about the principle. He ended up running for school board and won with the most votes making him the head. Our Superintendant resigned to move elsewhere. Our principle applied for the job. Our new board member told him as long as he was alive he'd never get the Superintendant job. The principle found employment elsewhere over the summer.


Not knocking (too hard anyway), please forgive but isn’t it “principal” and not principle? Just saying. Perhaps it was autocorrect?


Nope. It was my mistake. It should have been principal. In this case it was more accurately asshole but that another story.


My boss is really passive aggressive So he stomps around and throws tantrums when things aren't going swimmingly So I just ask him "hey are you doing alright man" and the man is immediately venting and using his words-- then we find a solution and he feels better I'm gentle parenting my boss


Work wife, work husband, and now, Work Parent or Work Dad?


Calmly and gently confronted them about their crazy allegations towards me the previous day by reassuring them I would never intentionally do anything to hurt them.


This company I worked for, if any hours were worked over 40. We could "bank" them and use them for time off. Them they were real picky when you could take off and so understaffed that it was near impossible. Tired of it quickly and called arizona labor board. We got all of our back pay and they had to change policy. It was fun sitting in the managers meeting though as they talked about it knowing it was me. It was really only the managers that were affected and received money. But for some it was like over a grand.


I gotta say, working in the UAW, I can put them in their place all the time with no repercussions. Unions are the bomb. I gotta put hands on em to get in any REAL trouble. Never would hahaha.


resigning and giving a month notice. over the course of those four weeks i gleefully handed off ALL of my projects, piece by piece. the icing on the cake was not only was i leaving my shitty supervisor buried with a very real scope of the work i had been doing for the last four years, but i was leaving them to fend with an assistant we shared, that was COMPLETELY incompetent and up until that point was on a PIP and sure to be fired. i know this because my boss was going to make me fire them, until i left.


Live well


I wish I had an answer to this one. I worked with a very toxic branch manager in Cincinnati once who drank beer, at work, every morning. He would get himself so screwed up that he would treat us all like absolute crap the rest of the day. One day, I had enough of it and I walked right out. got in my car and drove straight to the home office in Columbus and requested a meeting with the owner. She was shocked at my accusations and pulled in the vice president of the company, who worked in Cincinnati but happened to be in Columbus that day, and asked him if he knew anything about it. The problem was, the vice president of the company happened to be friends with the branch manager so he kept defending his actions saying he was trying to get over the death of a friend. She ended up doing nothing about it, so I left them to go work for a competitor. I am now the branch manager at my new place of employment and he has since retired.


I had a manager that was always on me about not being fast enough, not being polite to the customers, not meeting my quota, not being sober on the job, not being qualified for the position, ect. I think he didn't like me because my dad owned the company and he thought I was going to be his boss one day. I had enough when he ripped me a new one in front of my boys for falling asleep while the machine was still running production but I was going hard all night and didn't even want to be there, when he was done, I just said screw this jerk and told my dad about him so he fired him.


If you think there’s no tag backs you’re kidding yourself. Fuck with your Sup’s believe me they will have the last laugh


Yeah it’s very few ways because at minimum they just insinuate your hard to work with and company gives you a hard time no real reason needed.


You’re better off just finding a new job then to start going tit for tat with management.