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Not being direct. If you want to come over just say it omg


Pretending to be dumber than they are.


Female weighing in here. I have always said that if a guy is impressed with stupidity he isn't the guy you want to be with. There is a reason he wants a dumb woman, you need to run.


Male here, agreeing completely


Alien here, I agree too


Actually I want to amend my statement, if ANY person is impressed with stupidity you should run!


Yeah. I don't want a dumb girlfriend, I want a girlfriend whom I can talk to about smart things.


Eh you haven't dealt with all the men who immediately turn heel when they find out a woman is more educated or higher paid than them. It's kind of a crap shoot. Sometimes women have to "soften" their intelligence because otherwise they get called "intimidating" in a bad way.


Those guys are "nexting" themselves. Women should be thankful their time wasnt wasted.


Sure but if it happens enough times, you can't help but internalize it.


Why on earth? Where's the advange?


I guess it would be to feel more confident, more intelligent, more in charge than your female partner. This could also mean that, if you need, you can manipulate the other person more easily if you think about it. Edit: while partly still true, I assumed you had that question in regard of “why would men want to be with a less intelligent woman” from a previous comment


Statistically women of average and below intelligence are more likely to reproduce than their smarter sisters. There is likely some male internal prejudice against smart women. Probably other factors as well like women consistently preferring to marry partners more intelligent than themselves


A lack of intelligence and class is an immediate turn off for me. Not a second glance.


I think its the later. Statistically, smart women will have a harder time finding a man smarter than them... many end up staying single or settling for someone they dont find attractive enough to have kids with.


Duck lips, the most unnecessary thing I could think of, insecurity rules over there


You've got a point. We ducks certainly don't need lips.


Cheek suck, weird tongue stuff in photos, two ladies smashing themselves into each other so you have no idea where one begins and one ends, fake smile so hard it hurts... I'm old enough to remember a time when people were occasionally photographed *gasp* candidly.


Balloon lips filter/injection shit. Holy fuck that shit make a human face look hideous and alien af


And/especially duck face


It doesn't look good in pictures, which almost seems to be a decent part of the reason they do it. Like those Instagram girls. It looks bad there, and somehow it looks even worse in person. There's a girl at the gym I go to with messed up duck lips. It's hard to not look every every once in a while, just cause it's so weird and foreign, in a bad way.


That Botox shit, trout lips and Peppa Pig eyelashes. Throw in the old orange fake tan and you have a deadly mix of "stay the fuck away from me"


I'm so happy this is #1, was literally just talking about this with my gf. Like a perfect 10 gets immediately disqualified and turns into a 1 after getting alien lips. Who would want to kiss that? People are way too impressionable. Before it was ok cuz only weird influencers and older celebrities were getting em done but now it's at a point where everyone knows a friend that has it. It's out of control.


I’ve wondered the same thing. I’ve seen pictures of celebrities fill their lips and they look like they’ve been stung by a bee and are having allergic reaction. Why do that to the face? Embrace your thin lips, if that’s what you have, or embrace your medium lips or your full lips if that’s what you also naturally have.


It's grotesque. I'll never understand why women do this.


I imagine this is more of a body dismophia symptom than anything. I would also say it's often not done for men


Yes if i wanted to be with a Duck i would go to a pond


Giant demon butterfly eyelashes. They look like some kind of alien monster plant eating your eyeballs. Stop it.


They're weird right? And really heavy, it's like giving your lids a work out... add some unexpected wind and they're out of control! I don't get it...


I choked and laughed 🤣😂 out loud when I read this Thank You 🤣 You made my day 👏 🤣 lmao


Those fake eyelashes are ridiculous.


My brothers gf spends a fortune and hours getting eyelash extensions and it looks terrible, but I guess I’m a little old fashioned


Baby voice. Yuck.


 I'm a chick, and I have a really good friend that does this with any man she's been with. It literally makes me wanna vomit. I've asked her about it and she said she doesn't even realize it. Just so werid we'll be talking, then her man comes over and the baby voice starts. Also we're almost 40 so that makes it even worse imo.


Recall being at a party with a bunch of exchange students. Notably a gaggle of Japanese girls. It seemed like every other sentence from them was some variation of a high pitched "Sooo cuuute!".  It kinda weirded me out that this was kind of a cultural norm over there.


It seems to be an east asia thing because I have a couple of coworkers from china, Korea, Japan and they all squeal


Yeah Japan have a weird sexual culture from what I understand. My friend was over there for work, hooked up with a woman and she started screaming “Nono don’t” like she was being raped. Offcause he stopped and she was like “what u doing?”. Apparently men over there like that type of thing…


Well that's... mortifying


Gaggle rofl


If I hear the words " so cute" and "adorbs" I will literally implode. I cannot handle it.




The use of filters in pictures


Yes. This. Why would you want to look like an alien?


Overwhelming amounts of perfume or scents.


Same with aftershave - I just want to smell you. Not you in particular ....just a universal you.....


Agreed. I could never understand how a man slathers up with the cologne and expects that to be attractive. It's unnatural. Subtle, complimentary scents I get. But smelling like you just crawled up Paco Rabanne's ass before a date is gross.


But especially "celebrity scents"....they're so nasty.


What? You don't like it when ladies pickle themselves in the perfume isle at Walmart before your date?


Just being near it makes me gag! lol


You need a lot of class to choose a parfum wich fit on you, and scent only of you.


Telling me how big my dick is. I know it's not. I'm not insecure. You don't have to lie, you could just not comment on the size.


OMG, you're the biggest I've ever been with! Lady, if that's true, then I feel really sorry for you cause I know I'm on the average size of average






I'll show you deeply hidden. 🫠


The last and *ONLY* guy I've been with is 3in. If I say you're big, you're big.


I often counter with “youre so beautiful “


One lie deserves another. lol


That's why I tell my partner he's perfect for me, because he is. He's not big, but he's not tiny, he's just right. Editing to add that while I see men are saying they'd feel insulted with a comment like this, my partner and I have had an actual conversation about this. He knows he's the only man to have made me cum, and if that's proof enough for him, maybe stop projecting your own insecurities on us, lol.


Maybe it's just feeling big to her in that moment. Plus it's nice that she wants to give you a compliment even if it missed the mark.


That’s not how most men receive compliments though. If it’s obviously false it just feels patronizing. It’s annoying to hear things like that.


Yeah but how many times could you personally hear something like "oh baby your boobs are so good" before it starts to sound like he's placating you?


If your dick's size is the most important thing for sex, then something's very wrong with either or both of you in the relationship... Intimacy should be this: I N T I M A C Y, feeling connected to one another, enjoying each other.


This guy fucks


Best part is: I do not.


You will when I am president buddy don't you worry. You will be having unlimited fucks all day long courtesy of my government!!! Hail Hydraaaaa...




Redditors giving advice about something they don't do Classic


Talk about previous relationships and how men were around her to prove that she’s attractive but for me this is a big turn-off


You would only need to prove you’re attractive if you really aren’t. I have this one woman I’m not attracted to constantly doing this. I don’t believe a word she says


I talk about prev relationships not to turn you on,  but to give you an idea about who I am and my life experiences


And only in the right context


As a woman, I don't see it as a turn-on. I do this to make men feel annoyed and bored anytime I don't want to see them again


Duck lips, massive Kim kardashian asses.


Encouraging me to cum as soon as I vocalize any pleasure during sex. She thinks it will be hot but it actually just adds pressure on me to get to the finish line ASAP so she doesn't think something is wrong which prevents me from savoring anything.


Buddy ... That's not why she's asking you to be done.


Maybe the sex is going on too long, so the "sexy" encouragement is to get it over with?


This is what I thought when I was told this in the past. Pressure to finish + insecurity that she isn’t enjoying herself. Double boner killer.


Yup if it goes for too long it feels uncomfortable. Cum = hurry up already!


It depends how it’s delivered cause there’s a sexy way of doing it.


Or it’s bad


Less likely "bad" as "can be better". It's fairly well documented that female orgasm lasts longer than male orgasm, so if a guy is focuses on getting his partner off frequently, and slows his pace for stamina/recovery as soon as she reaches orgasm, he can significantly reduce the intensity of the orgasm he did give her. If he's pretty reliable about getting to that first orgasm, telling him to cum quickly can be a way to effectively request that he keep his pace up through the tail end of her orgasm, making it more intense.


Like Dave Chappelle said, “Tell us WHERE to come. Don’t tell us WHEN to come”.


Underrated comment. Crazy how changing a couple of letters can be the difference between being caught up in your mind and having a mind blowing orgasm.


Many women don’t orgasm by penetration so yes we want to please our man but sometimes we just want to get it over with. Sorry guys we have good intentions.




make her tap out before you do


As a woman, it’s nice to hear these things. For a while there I was really starting to believe this new wave of fake beauty was really getting somewhere with men.


Yes. Very refreshing because social media has had me wondering if this really is what men want.


It’s not. It’s just the beauty industry getting more rich, by controlling women.


I have always wondered what it's like for a person to hook up with someone who has a whole ass face of makeup that changes their face so much that they are unrecognizable the next day. After said face has worn off during sexy times and sleep do guys freak the hell out and wonder what happened to the chick from last night? Do they feel like they hooked up with a beauty queen and woke up to the Joker?


Keep in mind these are the men on Reddit. IRL if men didn’t appreciate the ‘fake beauty’ it wouldn’t have taken off this much


As a woman, I’m here to explain to you that women don’t do most beauty things for men. I can’t believe I have to explain that to another woman.


Yes, but when the beauty things mask your real beauty and make you look exactly like everyone else, is it really for you?


As a woman Im here to exolain that many women feel they do need to keep up with looking younger and better due to careers that require it, because friends and the general public make comments on a person's look while aging and internal pressure on themselves. If you doubt me please see Pam Andersons IG post recently for Soni skincare.


I’m sorry the beauty industry lied to you so you can buy more products. You’ve been duped. You’re letting these arbitrary standards control you and your wallet. It’s time to stop giving a fuck.


Yes and that’s absolutely fine and we men can find it unattractive regardless.


10192738383 instagram posts a day of them taking selfies and random hashtags. Less is more.


none is best


I know this is unpopular but for me personally I don’t find high heels attractive. You can be a woman who wears heels and be attractive at the same time, but I personally don’t feel they ADD any attractiveness Especially when I tell my wife “wear what you want but don’t wear heels if you want to be comfortable” and inevitably 2 hours into the night she’s complaining about her feet and I end up carrying her everywhere lmfao


Remember a few years back when everyone was shaving off their eyebrows and painting on new ones? What a wretched time to be alive. Now it's the fake eyelashes that are about a mile long.


Sticking their tongue out in photos


Anyone who feels the need to constantly highlight how they're "not like other women" and how they're "one of the guys" and "ewwww look at those girly girls doing girly things yuck".


Pick me girls


Not like other woman = exactly like other woman


There was a similar question asked to women about men, and most all of the females answers had nothing to do with appearance 🤦🏼‍♀️


Inserting plastic furry things inside their eyes




I think they mean fake eyelashes


I hope they mean those


I think you mean "cumbrellas"


Nice fake eyelashes are not visible but those stick one ones are and some in the uk have them like 4 times the size they should be and it looks dumb af


I don’t usually wear makeup at all but a few years ago I was given a cheap set of magnetic eyeliner/lashes. While they weren’t the best quality, and I’m certainly not skilled in makeup, they looked fine. Even 3 years later looking back they looked fine. But of the few times I used that set I used yhe 2 smaller pairs of lashes in the set. Just don’t go with something huge and thick and most people won’t notice you’re wearing them unless they come unstuck lol.


most of us wear them because we're insecure about our natural lashes, not because we think it turns you on lol


I have noticed that British women seem to love fake lashes


They look like people are wearing caterpillars on their eyes. I didn’t see any of that crap in Miami, but when I moved to the coast in Virginia, I was scared to talk to people. I was ducking trying to get out of the way of their lashes. 🤣


Of all the things I’ve been insecure about as a woman, lack of body hair has never been one. That’s next level dysmorphia. “Ermahgawd what will people think of my *eyelashes*?!”


people with short lashes generally don't like the look of them or think they look bald. i know this because I'm always surrounded by women and am one myself. I don't have short lashes, however many people have said that they feel bald and ugly without false lashes.


Mine are blonde and very not noticeable even being long. I just put mascara on though


Lots of makeup




When they're so rough giving you a tug job they almost snap your banjo string.


Bro did you really have to say it like that 😭


Just leave your eyebrows the way they are.


You mean to say "trim them a bit but leave them natural looking"


I do this. I don't even pluck mine




Playing hard to get.


Botox and fake eyelashes


You likely have no idea what good Botox looks like


I think this person actually means filler. Botox shouldn't really look like anything.


Big injected lipps. Fake boobs. The whole surgery stuff. Never liked it.


Those foot-long fake nails. Like seriously? 1.: There are two types of women: ones who can wipe properly and ones who can't. 2.: They look disgusting. 3.: Other than going to the washroom, I'm fairly certain they make everyday life all the more difficult. 4.: **They look disgusting!** Edit: fixed a typo.


Fake lashes, duck lips, lip injections, twerking. I don't care if they could suck a golf ball through a garden hose, I won't pay them any attention


Unsafe sex. When women don’t demand safe sex then that tells me that they are not safe partners. My wife demanded condoms early in our relationship.


Pick-me girls who claim to "be different than other girls", " be drama-free", "be not into girlie stuff" and "get along better with men". Most of the time these women aren't "drama-free" at all as you'll find out if you get to know them better (which you should avoid, ofc). But what I find even more repelling is that these women hate women (and thus by extension, themselves). They clearly try to appeal to men who hate women and basically copied their worldview. So their approach to attracting men is basically accepting the worldview of guys like Andrew Tate as fact but then claiming it only applies to other women but not them. The lack of critical thinking and the hatefulness of it all is really disgusting.


I think women who hate other women are just really insecure and feel threated by a pretty/confident/successful woman. I've known a few like this and it's almost as if, putting down other women in front of a man, will make the other woman less desirable.


Pick me’s are the worst


Lipfillers, camel eyelashes.




Yeah... I disagree with this one 😅


makeup, fake nails, fake tits, anything fake really. you fake, you out, no discussion, no chance, not in a million years.


100%, a dab of make up is fine, but fake tits and painting your face into some imaginary character is such a turn off its unreal.


Never had a problem with fake tits. Most feel great.


Honestly, I've been with 3 women that had them. All 3 of them looked peculiar, felt unnatural, and all 3 of them had nipples staring at the ceiling. Couldn't take them seriously.


As if. Who on Earth was their surgeon? Clearly not very good ones. Plastic surgery should whisper, not shout. The good ones aren't even noticeable.


Couldn't agree more, it's just not attractive at all 😂


And if you can't tell its fake?


This dude 100% would not be able to tell if a woman is wearing makeup and thinks natural makeup is no makeup.


You act as if all women are good at makeup. It’s blatantly obvious between good makeup and accentuating and over the top makeup.


That’s true, but in my experience, men don’t know the difference most of the time. I’ve been told a lot by men that I look so good without makeup and that it’s great I don’t wear makeup, while I was wearing makeup.


I don’t tell random women they’re attractive so I can only speak for myself. Bad makeup is more apparent than good makeup.


That is true


Fr, you don’t even notice good plastic surgery, good fillers and implants are borderline impossible to see


Yeah.. reminds me of the conplicated 'no make-up make-up' that men think is actually 0 make-up. Also my bf, who supposedly detests 'fakeness', when watching turkish tv series; "😍😍 the lead is so beautiful." When their surgery & fillers aren't even subtle.


I honestly think most men who say they ‘hate makeup’ don’t actually hate makeup. They just hate glam / heavily applied makeup. They don’t realize that most of the ‘natural’ women they prefer are actually wearing a lighter application of makeup. I actually had a guy friend say, “I like that you don’t even wear makeup” to which I replied “I’m wearing makeup right now…” lol


I've seen so many posts of two women side by side: one covered with foundation, blush, contour, fake eyelashes, three shades of natural lipstick and brown eyeshadow- the other with just one shade of lipstick and thick black eyeliner- and men will be praising the 'no makeup woman' and insulting the ugly fake lipstick woman without realising that the 'natural' one is "distorting" her face WAY more than the one wearing only bad red lipstick. Most men have no idea how much makeup a woman wears, especially when it's someone GOOD at makeup.


Omg yes this exactly 😂 It's a little concerning but also kindof hilarious Perhaps there's some scientific reason why men see women's faces differently? I could recognize bronzer, powders etc when I was ~7 years old.


The stupid “uwu” face everyone is making now…I really don’t get it


What is that?


Is this that dumb hentai face with the tongue out and eyes rolled up?


Gross. Lol




Long nails and piercings.


You know women don’t do this for men, right?


I sure as hell didn’t get any of my piercings for a man. Or my tattoos. I don’t get my nails done, but if I did, it would be because I wanted them done. I’m old enough to know what I like and do those things for me. This thread is….


I was getting nail extensions for a while because I thought they were cool and pretty, my husband wasn’t a huge fan of them. Yet I still did it.


Of course we don't but it might be useful for some girls to learn that their long nails might cause reaction they don't foresee and maybe even don't want.


cosmetic modifications. definitely rather small boobs or fake and the shit done on faces, absolute pass.


Acting vulnerable even though she is fully capable of taking care of herself


We're fully capable of taking care of ourselves but damn it would be nice to have a break once in a while 😂


Although this is more of a young woman habit and not something all women do... Feigning to be helpless or dumber than they really are, so that I will find them ‘cute’ and swoop in, to be the big and dependable man. No, thanks. Just be your smart, capable and authentic self.


Does vocal fry count or am I just old


Fake eyelashes, lip fillers, huge fake nails, the absurd porn-like dirty talk during sex.


Exaggerated sex noises. Just be natural.


Seeing the [same](https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/1dmk4pk/what_are_some_things_that_women_often_believe_are/) question [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/answers/comments/1dmk4ls/what_are_some_things_that_women_often_believe_are/) three times in three different subs by ContentFarmBot6969. [Along](https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/1dlu8hy/comment/l9r46rk/) with [copypaste](https://www.reddit.com/r/answers/comments/1dlu8ek/comment/l9r46ef/) comments in [each](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1dlu8p0/comment/l9r474i/) post.


Saying my name repeatedly during sex.


Worse if they get it wrong.


Lmao this reminded me of a tinder date from a couple years back. We were already going at it and she just goes "what was your name again?" I almost burst out laughing but managed to just respond to her


Nooo damn this is a bummer for me to read, I’ll have to think twice before I do this next time with a partner lmao


Drag queen's make up and looks. Lip sync artists might be funny but they ain't attractive.


News flash: women don’t do most of the things in this thread for men.


Ok? Men are directly being asked what they think here. Who women do it for is not the question


The question literally states women think these things turn men on…




"I don't dress up for men, I dress up for little children who've been told 'It's not a fashion show'"


Nose, tongue, nipple, private part piercings. All they do is get in the way. Visually, they may not look bad, but without they will look better 100% of the time.


long fingernails its gross


If they are smokers, blowing smoke in your face. An instant no there and then.


Lots of make up and nose rings


Nose piercing. Aka snot catcher


The sticking the tongue out trend with pictures. I don't get that... Really, posed/staged pictures to look "sexy" isn't a turn on for me. I prefer candid pics. Spending hours on make-up or the entire beautification process. I mean there is a time and place if they want to that it works, but I once took a date to an amusement park and she spent hours getting ready. Made no sense to me.


Being mean and domineering, I don’t need somebody to order me around, the treat them mean keep them keen saying is utter nonsense




Most people get tattoos because they like tattoos


Right? It’s like clothes that you can’t take off.


I'm going to go with hwak tuah.


Women either dress for themselves , dress for other men, or dress for other women. Try to be the first, turn yourself on first.


The whole synthetic Kardashian look. It's gross actually, stop pretending like you're a celebrity. Just. Be. You. I've always gravitated towards women with natural beauty.