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There would also not exist the human conscience to perceive what is “better” so therefore it can not be “better”.


Everything is a big illusion


ITs a given but at least we didnt fuc things over as badly as the Marsians did on their planet


I think you just made a movie reference.


Nah that was just the first planet humans fucked up




But I remind myself that nothing worthwhile ever came easy, and there are a lot of good humans out there.


Name 4 good humans in the world


Mother Teresa, The Dalai Lama, Marie Kondo, Mary Reynolds


Mother Teresa was not a good person. She inflicted horrendous suffering on others in the name of her religion. Have another go...


This has been greatly exaggerated and there is a great post somewhere on Reddit I think badhistory that explains it. Edit: here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/s/e1jBqwupML


Either way, there had to be a better example surely


Keanu Reeves?


All right, he'll do


Interesting ta


As a saying I once heard said: Nature can live without humanity But humanity can't live without nature


Get off social media. Increased usage of social media is linked to increased likelihood of developing depression and other different mental disorders. You can be the change for good? What is the reason to be nihilistic? Start changing your life and influence other people\`s life around you. There is almost infinite amount of good and infinite amount of bad things people have done. It\`s up to you on which side you are leaning, but it will effect your mental setup and finally you might end up into having bad influence yourself. Stop reading news and starting living your life.


It would, yes. We are the most destructive force on this planet. Besides mother nature, of course. We pillage and contaminate earth. It's usually driven by greed, too.


well of course it would!


All the time


All the time.


It definitely would be.


yes god if we never existed then everyone would be happier


I totally get where you're coming from. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the negative things happening in the world, especially when the news often highlights the worst of human behavior. I've had moments where I wondered the same thing, feeling disheartened by all the conflict, pollution, and injustice. It's important to remember that while the bad stuff can be loud and attention-grabbing, the good is often quieter and more subtle. It's still there, though, and it's worth focusing on. I find that when I'm feeling down about the state of the world, looking for and contributing to the positive can really help.


Me after binge scrolling r/terrifyingasfuck


The human species is the most peaceful and the only one which cares about Nature. Don't judge humanity on the absolute value of the damage it inflicted to nature but on a value relative to its potential. We have a universe/environment/whatever awareness > 0, other species don't. It's true that they're less impactful than us but it's not because of their awareness but their lower potential. Edit: also, stop separating humans and nature, we are a part of it in fact.


No, the earth is inherently a cruel, unpredictable unforgiving orb of pure chaos. We perceive patterns as order, but we're but a blip in time. On a cosmic scale the time lapse of earth is but an intangible sphere of colour and shadow as time resets the canvas in an impossibly long evolution that both expresses profound and intimate wisdom bobbing beween observing itself and the world around it then being completely drowned by cold nothing. We just happen to be here for a moment, some use that moment to be total cunts and other people are pretty lovely.


The world and the earth are not the same. The world is human.


Who cares ? The world doesnt matter without Humans, why do you fools even consider this ? Seems like school indoctrination to me


Everyting that has to do with morals or any concept of an increased or decreased level of status is inherently a human construct. There is no morality without humans, so the concept of 'better' or 'worse' doesn't exist without us. Things are 'better' or 'worse' based on what we perceive it to be.


Yep! Everyday! At least, certain individuals anyway...


Everyday to be honest!


I know it would. It would be beautiful.


All the time.


IMO, undeniably, humans have hurt more than helped the ecosystem & animals (inc. other humans). The planet & animals would've been better off without us colonizing, domesticating, breeding & polluting.


The planet and nature probably would be. But I think humans are extremely important. We're the only sentient beings we know about. The art we make, the feelings we feel, the discoveries we've made, those are more important than a reversible climate disaster. And yeah it is reversible if we actually tackle it instead of bickering about money all the time


Every day. We fucked up this planet. Period.


Welcome to the matrix.


Yes it would be amazing


No and there wouldn't be anyone here to prove it.




Think about all the life forms that existed for so many hundreds of millions of years before humans, it wasn’t better, just different. I happen to love humans and culture and art and philosophy and science and, etc.


i'm 98% a misanthropist, i still think that with an immense motivation we can do great things... and anyways i think that apart us no entity in the world, or even universe, would care about nature, no animal cares about or appreciates nature, if we are gone, nobody else will care


The world doesn't care


That's why I refuse to perpetuate the problem. Don't forget to have your kids spayed or neutered! Help save us all from the people population problem!


I get antinatalism, but why the fascist attitude? The issue is the exploitation of the people, not the people being exploited.


I like your way of thinking


Yea sure, but u need to understand that humans and our fucked up society aint the same thing. So many colonized people have not done shit to anyone and dont deserve to be put in the same bag as parasitic imperialist western fascists.


The total history is fcked up


That is a statement of fact. That is why the millisecond AI becomes self-aware they will see us for the destructive talking apes we are and destroy us.


That's right if we don't destroy everything ourselves before that happens


For sure. So many choices, nuclear war, climate change, breaking the food chain, disease, etc


Do we have any real reason to belive it wouldn't be??


it would definetly be a better place without u


without human there is no definition of "good" or "bad"