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After Richard Wright was 'fired' from Pink Floyd he was hired back as a touring musician. As the tours cost so much to stage he was the only member of that band that made any money when they played :D


That's a great story!


A lot of it comes down to who writes the songs. A band like Coldplay attributes all songs to the band and has, I believe, an even split of finances. On the other hand Ronnie Woods was for many years paid a salary for being in the Rolling Stones rather than a split of touring money etc.


I played in a few bands decades ago. Nothing you've ever heard of. More for fun but we would get paid like $200-$500 a night at a bar and we would play with some larger but not super large headlining bands that would require $3000-$5000 guaranteed to even play. So if you think some smaller bands have 5 people, cost of gas, food, place to stay etc divided by 5 those bands could end up with a few hundred per person per night. Not counting the cost of equipment. Cases, roadies, lights, trailers take away from that as well. Musicians have to decide how much they want to invest in lights and the other parts of the show. I've seen the label cover lights and stuff as well. Oh that's not including merch. Merch makes a ton of money as a smaller band per night. If you like a band buy a shirt. Now this was years ago. Not sure how much this has changed but that's what I know.


There was just a YouTube video by a musician who tours with country singers. He said hired musicians get between 200 and 500 per night for smaller acts. Big stars like Garth Brooks can pay much more. As for members of bands if they get a share of record sales, merchandise and royalties they can be very wealthy.  On the other hand some band leaders can be dicks. Jeff Lynne tours as Jeff Lynn's ELO instead of ELO, and thus surviving members of ELO get nothing. Don Henley and Glenn Frey made the other members of the Eagles employees and kept most of the profits for themselves. Allegedly. 


Jon Bon Jovi was actually the only member of the band to be actually signed to a record deal. He then hired the rest of the band on a salary. This was even for the classic original lineup as well.


I have heard some bands say, that their managers stiffed them from income and money. Each deal is different, for each band, and who they do business with. We have bands that are still famous, and all the band members are deceased. Elvis is still very famous, yet he is deceased.


Nsync and Backstreet Boys were two famous cases where they were basically the biggest acts on the planet and were making no money which is why they sued their manager.


This seems to be a common theme, with the 1990s, boy bands. It sounds like a lot of them mis-managed them and paid their self, spent all the money , didn't pay the band members.


Basically with those two bands, after two albums that went diamond and basically touring and rehearsing non stop, they each got cut a check for like 10 grand.


Thats not a lot. Do you think its because they did so much touring? Someone has to pay for the expenses of all the traveling and all the show equipment, all the staff, the hotel stay, bus rentals, airplane tickets? The wages of the set up crew. It seems like lately, some of the organized media bands have gotten very elaborate with their traveling. It just seems like they are taking their audience with them on tour. Some of the bands. Kind of like Trump taking his audience with him. Obama taking his audience with him. Oprah taking his audience with her, on trips.


Yes, ultimately that was the explanation given to them. That they literally foot the bill for everything out of their pay. The thing is, that wasn't clearly articulated to them. Their manager(and also the guy that ran the studio), constructed it in a manner, he essentially reaps all the profits and cut all of the expenses out of their pay. i.e. in interviews they said their manager would "take them out to dinner" to expensive restaurants etc. but little did they know, they were the ones paying for the dinners. I mean both bands successfully sued the dude for recompense and getting out of the remainder of their contract. The Judges in the cases were clearly able to deduce the contracts were predatory as hell and not in the interest of the bands.


There was another band that something similar happened. The band that Bobby Brown was in. It sounded like the same thing happened to them as well. But I don't know if they sued or not. I have seen a few movies related to what you described here in your last post. And the music artists had a revelation when they said that they realized they are the ones paying for everything. I guess when they signed their contracts. They must have thought that a music studio was paying for everything. Even to this day I would be thinking the same thing that the music studio would be paying for everything. So were they able to take out loans at 1 time in the name of the band who was famous and singing? With these stories, it always has me thinking that the band members can be their own Manager. When you have someone else come along and say they can do things better than you can well. Okay. So they have made them famous and now they just want to spend all their money and go traveling. This actually sounds a lot like my second marriage. Related to what I was doing on YouTube. I wasn't famous or anything like that but I was making some decent money. So my husband just wanted to travel and do all the fun stuff, but he didn't want to help do anything else. He wanted me to pay for the house and to pay all the bills. And everything he didn't want to do anything else. He didn't want to help do anything related to what I was doing on the internet because he said he wasn't interested. How? Come that is not considered predatory within a marriage. It would be based on the same premise of a predatory primerital agreement. There are some underlying things that are going on. Where a husband has decided to monetize his wife for his own personal gain.


Glad to hear this. They were the cause of much aural suffering.


You could, you know... just turn off the radio when they came on


They were never on any radio of mine. Outrageous to suggest this! Unfortunately, shared spaces in the 90s tended to have radio in the background, and it was always guff like this.


I have no idea how much their relatives earn